
下面列出了com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIdentityInfo#com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIdentityReference 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: dhis2-core   文件:
@JacksonXmlElementWrapper( localName = "organisationUnits", namespace = DxfNamespaces.DXF_2_0 )
@JacksonXmlProperty( localName = "organisationUnit", namespace = DxfNamespaces.DXF_2_0 )
@JsonIdentityInfo(generator=ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator.class, property="id")
public Set<OrganisationUnit> getOrganisationUnits()
    return organisationUnits;
源代码2 项目: gwt-jackson   文件:
private static void processBeanAnnotation( TreeLogger logger, JacksonTypeOracle typeOracle, RebindConfiguration configuration, JType
        type, PropertyAccessors propertyAccessors, PropertyInfoBuilder builder ) throws UnableToCompleteException {

    // identity
    Optional<JsonIdentityInfo> jsonIdentityInfo = propertyAccessors.getAnnotation( JsonIdentityInfo.class );
    Optional<JsonIdentityReference> jsonIdentityReference = propertyAccessors.getAnnotation( JsonIdentityReference.class );

    // type info
    Optional<JsonTypeInfo> jsonTypeInfo = propertyAccessors.getAnnotation( JsonTypeInfo.class );
    Optional<JsonSubTypes> propertySubTypes = propertyAccessors.getAnnotation( JsonSubTypes.class );

    // if no annotation is present that overrides bean processing, we just stop now
    if ( !jsonIdentityInfo.isPresent() && !jsonIdentityReference.isPresent() && !jsonTypeInfo.isPresent() && !propertySubTypes
            .isPresent() ) {
        // no override on field

    // we need to find the bean to apply annotation on
    Optional<JClassType> beanType = extractBeanType( logger, typeOracle, type, builder.getPropertyName() );

    if ( beanType.isPresent() ) {
        if ( jsonIdentityInfo.isPresent() || jsonIdentityReference.isPresent() ) {
            builder.setIdentityInfo( BeanProcessor.processIdentity( logger, typeOracle, configuration, beanType
                    .get(), jsonIdentityInfo, jsonIdentityReference ) );

        if ( jsonTypeInfo.isPresent() || propertySubTypes.isPresent() ) {
            builder.setTypeInfo( BeanProcessor.processType( logger, typeOracle, configuration, beanType
                    .get(), jsonTypeInfo, propertySubTypes ) );
    } else {
        logger.log( Type.WARN, "Annotation present on property " + builder.getPropertyName() + " but no valid bean has been found." );
源代码3 项目: typescript-generator   文件:
private Type processIdentity(Type propertyType, BeanPropertyWriter propertyWriter) {

        final Class<?> clsT = Utils.getRawClassOrNull(propertyType);
        final Class<?> clsW = propertyWriter.getType().getRawClass();
        final Class<?> cls = clsT != null ? clsT : clsW;

        if (cls != null) {
            final JsonIdentityInfo identityInfoC = cls.getAnnotation(JsonIdentityInfo.class);
            final JsonIdentityInfo identityInfoP = propertyWriter.getAnnotation(JsonIdentityInfo.class);
            final JsonIdentityInfo identityInfo = identityInfoP != null ? identityInfoP : identityInfoC;
            if (identityInfo == null) {
                return null;
            final JsonIdentityReference identityReferenceC = cls.getAnnotation(JsonIdentityReference.class);
            final JsonIdentityReference identityReferenceP = propertyWriter.getAnnotation(JsonIdentityReference.class);
            final JsonIdentityReference identityReference = identityReferenceP != null ? identityReferenceP : identityReferenceC;
            final boolean alwaysAsId = identityReference != null && identityReference.alwaysAsId();

            final Type idType;
            if (identityInfo.generator() == ObjectIdGenerators.None.class) {
                return null;
            } else if (identityInfo.generator() == ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator.class) {
                final BeanHelper beanHelper = getBeanHelper(cls);
                if (beanHelper == null) {
                    return null;
                final BeanPropertyWriter[] properties = beanHelper.getProperties();
                final Optional<BeanPropertyWriter> idProperty = Stream.of(properties)
                        .filter(p -> p.getName().equals(
                if (idProperty.isPresent()) {
                    final BeanPropertyWriter idPropertyWriter = idProperty.get();
                    final Member idMember = idPropertyWriter.getMember().getMember();
                    final PropertyMember idPropertyMember = wrapMember(settings.getTypeParser(), idMember, idPropertyWriter::getAnnotation, idPropertyWriter.getName(), cls);
                    idType = idPropertyMember.getType();
                } else {
                    return null;
            } else if (identityInfo.generator() == ObjectIdGenerators.IntSequenceGenerator.class) {
                idType = Integer.class;
            } else if (identityInfo.generator() == ObjectIdGenerators.UUIDGenerator.class) {
                idType = String.class;
            } else if (identityInfo.generator() == ObjectIdGenerators.StringIdGenerator.class) {
                idType = String.class;
            } else {
                idType = Object.class;
            return alwaysAsId
                    ? idType
                    : new JUnionType(propertyType, idType);
        return null;
源代码4 项目: gwt-jackson   文件:
private static Optional<BeanIdentityInfo> processIdentity( TreeLogger logger, JacksonTypeOracle typeOracle, RebindConfiguration
        configuration, JClassType type ) throws UnableToCompleteException {
    return processIdentity( logger, typeOracle, configuration, type, Optional.<JsonIdentityInfo>absent(), Optional
            .<JsonIdentityReference>absent() );
源代码5 项目: gwt-jackson   文件:
@JsonProperty( "owner" )
void setOwner( Owner owner ) {
    this.owner = owner;
源代码6 项目: immutables   文件:
@JsonIdentityReference(alwaysAsId = true)
    resolver = ByidInstanceResolver.class,
    generator = ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator.class,
    property = "id")
Byid b();