java.nio.CharBuffer#clear ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.nio.CharBuffer#clear ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: ph-commons   文件:
private void _verifyChunkedOutDecode (final int i, final ByteBuffer in, final String decoded)
  final CharBuffer out = CharBuffer.allocate (i);
  int decodeCount = 0;
  final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ();
  CoderResult result = CoderResult.OVERFLOW;
  while (decodeCount < decoded.length ())
    assertEquals ("at position: " + decodeCount, CoderResult.OVERFLOW, result);
    result = decoder.decode (in, out, true);
    assertTrue (out.position () > 0);
    decodeCount += out.position ();
    out.flip ();
    sb.append (out.toString ());
    out.clear ();
  assertEquals (decoded, sb.toString ());
  in.rewind ();
源代码2 项目: metrics   文件:
private String fileContents(String filename) throws IOException {
    final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    final FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(new File(dataDirectory, filename));
    try {
        final InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(input);
        final BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader);
        final CharBuffer buf = CharBuffer.allocate(1024);
        while ( != -1) {
    } finally {
    return builder.toString();
源代码3 项目: codebuff   文件:
 * Copies all characters between the {@link Readable} and {@link Appendable} objects. Does not
 * close or flush either object.
 * @param from the object to read from
 * @param to the object to write to
 * @return the number of characters copied
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs

public static long copy(Readable from, Appendable to) throws IOException {
  CharBuffer buf = createBuffer();
  long total = 0;
  while ( != -1) {
    total += buf.remaining();
  return total;
源代码4 项目: gflogger   文件:
public void testAppendInt() throws Exception {
	final CharBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(30).asCharBuffer();

	for (int i = Short.MIN_VALUE - 100; i < Short.MAX_VALUE + 100; i++) {
		BufferFormatter.append(buffer, i);
		assertEquals(Integer.toString(i), toString(buffer));

	final int[] numbers = new int[]{9123123, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE};
	for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
		BufferFormatter.append(buffer, numbers[i]);
		buffer.append(' ');
		assertEquals(Integer.toString(numbers[i]) + " ", toString(buffer));
		// check
源代码5 项目: staedi   文件:
static CharBuffer put(CharBuffer buffer, CharArraySequence data) {
    final int length = data.length();

    if (buffer == null || buffer.capacity() < length) {
        buffer = CharBuffer.allocate(length);


    if (length > 0) {


    return buffer;
源代码6 项目: codebuff   文件:
 * Copies all characters between the {@link Readable} and {@link Appendable} objects. Does not
 * close or flush either object.
 * @param from the object to read from
 * @param to the object to write to
 * @return the number of characters copied
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs

public static long copy(Readable from, Appendable to) throws IOException {
  CharBuffer buf = createBuffer();
  long total = 0;
  while ( != -1) {
    total += buf.remaining();
  return total;
源代码7 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
private static void test(CharBuffer cb, String exp) {
    if (!cb.toString().equals(exp))
        throw new RuntimeException("expect: '" + exp + "'; got: '"
                                   + cb.toString() + "'");
源代码8 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
private static void test(CharBuffer cb, String exp) {
    if (!cb.toString().equals(exp))
        throw new RuntimeException("expect: '" + exp + "'; got: '"
                                   + cb.toString() + "'");
源代码9 项目: codebuff   文件:
 * Reads and discards data from the given {@code Readable} until the end of the stream is
 * reached. Returns the total number of chars read. Does not close the stream.
 * @since 20.0

public static long exhaust(Readable readable) throws IOException {
  long total = 0;
  long read;
  CharBuffer buf = createBuffer();
  while ((read = != -1) {
    total += read;
  return total;
源代码10 项目: gridgo   文件:
private String extractPlaceholderValue(String schemePart, int i, CharBuffer buffer) {
    char c;

    if (i >= schemePart.length())
        return "";

    boolean insideBracket = schemePart.charAt(i) == '[';
    if (insideBracket) {
    while (i < schemePart.length() && isPlaceholder(c = schemePart.charAt(i), insideBracket)) {
    if (insideBracket) {
        if (schemePart.charAt(i) != ']') {
            throw new MalformedEndpointException(
                    String.format("Malformed endpoint, invalid token at %d, expected ']', actualy '%c': %s", i,
                            schemePart.charAt(i), schemePart));

    return buffer.toString();
源代码11 项目: gemfirexd-oss   文件:
protected CharBuffer getFirstLineBuffer() {
  CharBuffer buffer = firstLineBuffer.get();
  if (buffer == null) {
    buffer = CharBuffer.allocate(256);
  return buffer;
源代码12 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
public void stringIdentity() {
    final int MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 4096;
    ByteBuffer bytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 6); // it takes 6 bytes to encode string length of Integer.MAX_VALUE
    CharBuffer chars = CharBuffer.allocate(MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
    StringReader reader = new StringReader();
    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    for (int len = 0; len <= MAX_STRING_LENGTH; len++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
            // not so much "test in isolation", I know... we're testing .reset() as well

            byte[] b = new byte[len];

            String expected = new String(b, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1); // reference string

            boolean written = writer
                    .configure(CharBuffer.wrap(expected), 0, expected.length(), false)

            if (!written) {
                fail("please increase 'bytes' size");
  , chars);
            assertEquals(chars.toString(), expected);
源代码13 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
protected CoderResult decodeLoop(ByteBuffer src, CharBuffer dst) {
    if (detectedDecoder == null) {
        copyLeadingASCII(src, dst);

        // All ASCII?
        if (! src.hasRemaining())
            return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;
        // Overflow only if there is still ascii but no out buffer.
        if (!dst.hasRemaining() &&
            return CoderResult.OVERFLOW;

        // We need to perform double, not float, arithmetic; otherwise
        // we lose low order bits when src is larger than 2**24.
        int cbufsiz = (int)(src.limit() * (double)maxCharsPerByte());
        CharBuffer sandbox = CharBuffer.allocate(cbufsiz);

        // First try ISO-2022-JP, since there is no ambiguity
        Charset cs2022 = Charset.forName("ISO-2022-JP");
        DelegatableDecoder dd2022
            = (DelegatableDecoder) cs2022.newDecoder();
        ByteBuffer src2022 = src.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        CoderResult res2022 = dd2022.decodeLoop(src2022, sandbox);
        if (! res2022.isError())
            return decodeLoop(dd2022, src, dst);

        // We must choose between EUC and SJIS
        Charset csEUCJ = Charset.forName(EUCJPName);
        Charset csSJIS = Charset.forName(SJISName);

        DelegatableDecoder ddEUCJ
            = (DelegatableDecoder) csEUCJ.newDecoder();
        DelegatableDecoder ddSJIS
            = (DelegatableDecoder) csSJIS.newDecoder();

        ByteBuffer srcEUCJ = src.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        CoderResult resEUCJ = ddEUCJ.decodeLoop(srcEUCJ, sandbox);
        // If EUC decoding fails, must be SJIS
        if (resEUCJ.isError())
            return decodeLoop(ddSJIS, src, dst);
        ByteBuffer srcSJIS = src.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        CharBuffer sandboxSJIS = CharBuffer.allocate(cbufsiz);
        CoderResult resSJIS = ddSJIS.decodeLoop(srcSJIS, sandboxSJIS);
        // If SJIS decoding fails, must be EUC
        if (resSJIS.isError())
            return decodeLoop(ddEUCJ, src, dst);

        // From here on, we have some ambiguity, and must guess.

        // We prefer input that does not appear to end mid-character.
        if (srcEUCJ.position() > srcSJIS.position())
            return decodeLoop(ddEUCJ, src, dst);

        if (srcEUCJ.position() < srcSJIS.position())
            return decodeLoop(ddSJIS, src, dst);

        // end-of-input is after the first byte of the first char?
        if (src.position() == srcEUCJ.position())
            return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;

        // Use heuristic knowledge of typical Japanese text
        return decodeLoop(looksLikeJapanese(sandbox) ? ddEUCJ : ddSJIS,
                          src, dst);

    return detectedDecoder.decodeLoop(src, dst);
源代码14 项目: lams   文件:
public <T> T decodeDecimal(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, ValueFactory<T> vf) {
    try {
        CodedInputStream inputStream = CodedInputStream.newInstance(bytes, offset, length);
        // packed BCD format (c.f. wikipedia)
        // TODO: optimization possibilities include using int/long if the digits is < X and scale = 0
        byte scale = inputStream.readRawByte();
        // we allocate an extra char for the sign
        CharBuffer unscaledString = CharBuffer.allocate(2 * inputStream.getBytesUntilLimit());
        byte sign = 0;
        // read until we encounter the sign bit
        while (true) {
            int b = 0xFF & inputStream.readRawByte();
            if ((b >> 4) > 9) {
                sign = (byte) (b >> 4);
            unscaledString.append((char) ((b >> 4) + '0'));
            if ((b & 0x0f) > 9) {
                sign = (byte) (b & 0x0f);
            unscaledString.append((char) ((b & 0x0f) + '0'));
        if (inputStream.getBytesUntilLimit() > 0) {
            throw AssertionFailedException
                    .shouldNotHappen("Did not read all bytes while decoding decimal. Bytes left: " + inputStream.getBytesUntilLimit());
        switch (sign) {
            case 0xa:
            case 0xc:
            case 0xe:
            case 0xf:
                unscaledString.put(0, '+');
            case 0xb:
            case 0xd:
                unscaledString.put(0, '-');
        // may have filled the CharBuffer or one remaining. need to remove it before toString()
        int characters = unscaledString.position();
        unscaledString.clear(); // reset position
        BigInteger unscaled = new BigInteger(unscaledString.subSequence(0, characters).toString());
        return vf.createFromBigDecimal(new BigDecimal(unscaled, scale));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new DataReadException(e);
源代码15 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件:
protected CoderResult decodeLoop(ByteBuffer src, CharBuffer dst) {
    if (detectedDecoder == null) {
        copyLeadingASCII(src, dst);

        // All ASCII?
        if (! src.hasRemaining())
            return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;
        if (! dst.hasRemaining())
            return CoderResult.OVERFLOW;

        // We need to perform double, not float, arithmetic; otherwise
        // we lose low order bits when src is larger than 2**24.
        int cbufsiz = (int)(src.limit() * (double)maxCharsPerByte());
        CharBuffer sandbox = CharBuffer.allocate(cbufsiz);

        // First try ISO-2022-JP, since there is no ambiguity
        Charset cs2022 = Charset.forName("ISO-2022-JP");
        DelegatableDecoder dd2022
            = (DelegatableDecoder) cs2022.newDecoder();
        ByteBuffer src2022 = src.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        CoderResult res2022 = dd2022.decodeLoop(src2022, sandbox);
        if (! res2022.isError())
            return decodeLoop(cs2022, src, dst);

        // We must choose between EUC and SJIS
        Charset csEUCJ = Charset.forName(EUCJPName);
        Charset csSJIS = Charset.forName(SJISName);

        DelegatableDecoder ddEUCJ
            = (DelegatableDecoder) csEUCJ.newDecoder();
        ByteBuffer srcEUCJ = src.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        CoderResult resEUCJ = ddEUCJ.decodeLoop(srcEUCJ, sandbox);
        // If EUC decoding fails, must be SJIS
        if (resEUCJ.isError())
            return decodeLoop(csSJIS, src, dst);

        DelegatableDecoder ddSJIS
            = (DelegatableDecoder) csSJIS.newDecoder();
        ByteBuffer srcSJIS = src.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        CharBuffer sandboxSJIS = CharBuffer.allocate(cbufsiz);
        CoderResult resSJIS = ddSJIS.decodeLoop(srcSJIS, sandboxSJIS);
        // If SJIS decoding fails, must be EUC
        if (resSJIS.isError())
            return decodeLoop(csEUCJ, src, dst);

        // From here on, we have some ambiguity, and must guess.

        // We prefer input that does not appear to end mid-character.
        if (srcEUCJ.position() > srcSJIS.position())
            return decodeLoop(csEUCJ, src, dst);

        if (srcEUCJ.position() < srcSJIS.position())
            return decodeLoop(csSJIS, src, dst);

        // end-of-input is after the first byte of the first char?
        if (src.position() == srcEUCJ.position())
            return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;

        // Use heuristic knowledge of typical Japanese text
        Charset guess = looksLikeJapanese(sandbox) ? csEUCJ : csSJIS;
        return decodeLoop(guess, src, dst);

    return detectedDecoder.decodeLoop(src, dst);
源代码16 项目: netbeans   文件:
 * Compute lenght of this sequence - quite expensive operation, indeed.
public int length() {
    if (length != -1) {
        return length;
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    int charactersRead = 0;
    long bytesRead = 0;
    MappedByteBuffer mappedByteBuffer = null;
    CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(SIZE_LIMIT);
    CharsetDecoder decoder = prepareDecoder(charset);

    try {
        while (bytesRead < fileSize) {
            mappedByteBuffer =
                    FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, bytesRead,
                    Math.min(SIZE_LIMIT, fileSize - bytesRead));
            CoderResult result;
            do {
                result = decoder.decode(
                        mappedByteBuffer, charBuffer,
                        bytesRead + SIZE_LIMIT >= fileSize);
                if (result.isUnmappable() || result.isMalformed()
                        || result.isError()) {
                    throw new IOException("Error decoding file: "
                            + result.toString() + " ");
                if (bytesRead + SIZE_LIMIT >= fileSize) {
          "Coding end");
                charactersRead += charBuffer.position();
            } while (result.isOverflow());

            int readNow = mappedByteBuffer.position();
            bytesRead += readNow;
        boolean repeat;
        do {
            repeat = decoder.flush(charBuffer).isOverflow();
            charactersRead += charBuffer.position();
        } while (repeat);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        if (mappedByteBuffer != null) {
    length = charactersRead;
    LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Length computed in {0} ms.", //NOI18N
            System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
    return length;
源代码17 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件:
protected CoderResult decodeLoop(ByteBuffer src, CharBuffer dst) {
    if (detectedDecoder == null) {
        copyLeadingASCII(src, dst);

        // All ASCII?
        if (! src.hasRemaining())
            return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;
        if (! dst.hasRemaining())
            return CoderResult.OVERFLOW;

        // We need to perform double, not float, arithmetic; otherwise
        // we lose low order bits when src is larger than 2**24.
        int cbufsiz = (int)(src.limit() * (double)maxCharsPerByte());
        CharBuffer sandbox = CharBuffer.allocate(cbufsiz);

        // First try ISO-2022-JP, since there is no ambiguity
        Charset cs2022 = Charset.forName("ISO-2022-JP");
        DelegatableDecoder dd2022
            = (DelegatableDecoder) cs2022.newDecoder();
        ByteBuffer src2022 = src.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        CoderResult res2022 = dd2022.decodeLoop(src2022, sandbox);
        if (! res2022.isError())
            return decodeLoop(cs2022, src, dst);

        // We must choose between EUC and SJIS
        Charset csEUCJ = Charset.forName(EUCJPName);
        Charset csSJIS = Charset.forName(SJISName);

        DelegatableDecoder ddEUCJ
            = (DelegatableDecoder) csEUCJ.newDecoder();
        ByteBuffer srcEUCJ = src.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        CoderResult resEUCJ = ddEUCJ.decodeLoop(srcEUCJ, sandbox);
        // If EUC decoding fails, must be SJIS
        if (resEUCJ.isError())
            return decodeLoop(csSJIS, src, dst);

        DelegatableDecoder ddSJIS
            = (DelegatableDecoder) csSJIS.newDecoder();
        ByteBuffer srcSJIS = src.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        CharBuffer sandboxSJIS = CharBuffer.allocate(cbufsiz);
        CoderResult resSJIS = ddSJIS.decodeLoop(srcSJIS, sandboxSJIS);
        // If SJIS decoding fails, must be EUC
        if (resSJIS.isError())
            return decodeLoop(csEUCJ, src, dst);

        // From here on, we have some ambiguity, and must guess.

        // We prefer input that does not appear to end mid-character.
        if (srcEUCJ.position() > srcSJIS.position())
            return decodeLoop(csEUCJ, src, dst);

        if (srcEUCJ.position() < srcSJIS.position())
            return decodeLoop(csSJIS, src, dst);

        // end-of-input is after the first byte of the first char?
        if (src.position() == srcEUCJ.position())
            return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;

        // Use heuristic knowledge of typical Japanese text
        Charset guess = looksLikeJapanese(sandbox) ? csEUCJ : csSJIS;
        return decodeLoop(guess, src, dst);

    return detectedDecoder.decodeLoop(src, dst);
源代码18 项目: openjdk-8   文件:
protected CoderResult decodeLoop(ByteBuffer src, CharBuffer dst) {
    if (detectedDecoder == null) {
        copyLeadingASCII(src, dst);

        // All ASCII?
        if (! src.hasRemaining())
            return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;
        if (! dst.hasRemaining())
            return CoderResult.OVERFLOW;

        // We need to perform double, not float, arithmetic; otherwise
        // we lose low order bits when src is larger than 2**24.
        int cbufsiz = (int)(src.limit() * (double)maxCharsPerByte());
        CharBuffer sandbox = CharBuffer.allocate(cbufsiz);

        // First try ISO-2022-JP, since there is no ambiguity
        Charset cs2022 = Charset.forName("ISO-2022-JP");
        DelegatableDecoder dd2022
            = (DelegatableDecoder) cs2022.newDecoder();
        ByteBuffer src2022 = src.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        CoderResult res2022 = dd2022.decodeLoop(src2022, sandbox);
        if (! res2022.isError())
            return decodeLoop(cs2022, src, dst);

        // We must choose between EUC and SJIS
        Charset csEUCJ = Charset.forName(EUCJPName);
        Charset csSJIS = Charset.forName(SJISName);

        DelegatableDecoder ddEUCJ
            = (DelegatableDecoder) csEUCJ.newDecoder();
        ByteBuffer srcEUCJ = src.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        CoderResult resEUCJ = ddEUCJ.decodeLoop(srcEUCJ, sandbox);
        // If EUC decoding fails, must be SJIS
        if (resEUCJ.isError())
            return decodeLoop(csSJIS, src, dst);

        DelegatableDecoder ddSJIS
            = (DelegatableDecoder) csSJIS.newDecoder();
        ByteBuffer srcSJIS = src.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        CharBuffer sandboxSJIS = CharBuffer.allocate(cbufsiz);
        CoderResult resSJIS = ddSJIS.decodeLoop(srcSJIS, sandboxSJIS);
        // If SJIS decoding fails, must be EUC
        if (resSJIS.isError())
            return decodeLoop(csEUCJ, src, dst);

        // From here on, we have some ambiguity, and must guess.

        // We prefer input that does not appear to end mid-character.
        if (srcEUCJ.position() > srcSJIS.position())
            return decodeLoop(csEUCJ, src, dst);

        if (srcEUCJ.position() < srcSJIS.position())
            return decodeLoop(csSJIS, src, dst);

        // end-of-input is after the first byte of the first char?
        if (src.position() == srcEUCJ.position())
            return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;

        // Use heuristic knowledge of typical Japanese text
        Charset guess = looksLikeJapanese(sandbox) ? csEUCJ : csSJIS;
        return decodeLoop(guess, src, dst);

    return detectedDecoder.decodeLoop(src, dst);
源代码19 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件:
protected CoderResult decodeLoop(ByteBuffer src, CharBuffer dst) {
    if (detectedDecoder == null) {
        copyLeadingASCII(src, dst);

        // All ASCII?
        if (! src.hasRemaining())
            return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;
        if (! dst.hasRemaining())
            return CoderResult.OVERFLOW;

        // We need to perform double, not float, arithmetic; otherwise
        // we lose low order bits when src is larger than 2**24.
        int cbufsiz = (int)(src.limit() * (double)maxCharsPerByte());
        CharBuffer sandbox = CharBuffer.allocate(cbufsiz);

        // First try ISO-2022-JP, since there is no ambiguity
        Charset cs2022 = Charset.forName("ISO-2022-JP");
        DelegatableDecoder dd2022
            = (DelegatableDecoder) cs2022.newDecoder();
        ByteBuffer src2022 = src.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        CoderResult res2022 = dd2022.decodeLoop(src2022, sandbox);
        if (! res2022.isError())
            return decodeLoop(cs2022, src, dst);

        // We must choose between EUC and SJIS
        Charset csEUCJ = Charset.forName(EUCJPName);
        Charset csSJIS = Charset.forName(SJISName);

        DelegatableDecoder ddEUCJ
            = (DelegatableDecoder) csEUCJ.newDecoder();
        ByteBuffer srcEUCJ = src.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        CoderResult resEUCJ = ddEUCJ.decodeLoop(srcEUCJ, sandbox);
        // If EUC decoding fails, must be SJIS
        if (resEUCJ.isError())
            return decodeLoop(csSJIS, src, dst);

        DelegatableDecoder ddSJIS
            = (DelegatableDecoder) csSJIS.newDecoder();
        ByteBuffer srcSJIS = src.asReadOnlyBuffer();
        CharBuffer sandboxSJIS = CharBuffer.allocate(cbufsiz);
        CoderResult resSJIS = ddSJIS.decodeLoop(srcSJIS, sandboxSJIS);
        // If SJIS decoding fails, must be EUC
        if (resSJIS.isError())
            return decodeLoop(csEUCJ, src, dst);

        // From here on, we have some ambiguity, and must guess.

        // We prefer input that does not appear to end mid-character.
        if (srcEUCJ.position() > srcSJIS.position())
            return decodeLoop(csEUCJ, src, dst);

        if (srcEUCJ.position() < srcSJIS.position())
            return decodeLoop(csSJIS, src, dst);

        // end-of-input is after the first byte of the first char?
        if (src.position() == srcEUCJ.position())
            return CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;

        // Use heuristic knowledge of typical Japanese text
        Charset guess = looksLikeJapanese(sandbox) ? csEUCJ : csSJIS;
        return decodeLoop(guess, src, dst);

    return detectedDecoder.decodeLoop(src, dst);
源代码20 项目: morfologik-stemming   文件:
 * Ensure the buffer's capacity is large enough to hold a given number
 * of elements. If the input buffer is not large enough, a new buffer is allocated
 * and returned.
 * @param elements The required number of elements to be appended to the buffer.
 * @param buffer
 *          The buffer to check or <code>null</code> if a new buffer should be
 *          allocated.
 * @return Returns the same buffer or a new buffer with the given capacity. 
public static CharBuffer clearAndEnsureCapacity(CharBuffer buffer, int elements) {
  if (buffer == null || buffer.capacity() < elements) {
    buffer = CharBuffer.allocate(elements);
  } else {
  return buffer;