java.nio.ShortBuffer#get ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.nio.ShortBuffer#get ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
@Test(dataProvider = "shortViewProvider")
public void testShortGet(String desc, IntFunction<ByteBuffer> fbb,
                         Function<ByteBuffer, ShortBuffer> fbi) {
    ByteBuffer bb = allocate(fbb);
    ShortBuffer vb = fbi.apply(bb);
    int o = bb.position();

    for (int i = 0; i < vb.limit(); i++) {
        short fromBytes = getShortFromBytes(bb, o + i * 2);
        short fromMethodView = bb.getShort(o + i * 2);
        assertValues(i, fromBytes, fromMethodView, bb);

        short fromBufferView = vb.get(i);
        assertValues(i, fromMethodView, fromBufferView, bb, vb);

    for (int i = 0; i < vb.limit(); i++) {
        short v = getShortFromBytes(bb, o + i * 2);
        short a = bb.getShort();
        assertValues(i, v, a, bb);

        short b = vb.get();
        assertValues(i, a, b, bb, vb);

源代码2 项目: aion-germany   文件:
public void getTriangle(int index, Vector3f v1, Vector3f v2, Vector3f v3) {
	VertexBuffer pb = getBuffer(Type.Position);
	VertexBuffer ib = getBuffer(Type.Index);

	if (pb.getFormat() == Format.Float) {
		FloatBuffer fpb = (FloatBuffer) pb.getData();

		if (ib.getFormat() == Format.UnsignedShort) {
			// accepted format for buffers
			ShortBuffer sib = (ShortBuffer) ib.getData();

			// aquire triangle's vertex indices
			int vertIndex = index * 3;
			int vert1 = sib.get(vertIndex);
			int vert2 = sib.get(vertIndex + 1);
			int vert3 = sib.get(vertIndex + 2);

			BufferUtils.populateFromBuffer(v1, fpb, vert1);
			BufferUtils.populateFromBuffer(v2, fpb, vert2);
			BufferUtils.populateFromBuffer(v3, fpb, vert3);
源代码3 项目: MediaSDK   文件:
 * Queues remaining data from {@code buffer}, and advances its position by the number of bytes
 * consumed.
 * @param buffer A {@link ShortBuffer} containing input data between its position and limit.
public void queueInput(ShortBuffer buffer) {
  int framesToWrite = buffer.remaining() / channelCount;
  int bytesToWrite = framesToWrite * channelCount * 2;
  inputBuffer = ensureSpaceForAdditionalFrames(inputBuffer, inputFrameCount, framesToWrite);
  buffer.get(inputBuffer, inputFrameCount * channelCount, bytesToWrite / 2);
  inputFrameCount += framesToWrite;
源代码4 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
private void setStrikethroughMetrics(ByteBuffer os_2Table, int upem) {
    if (os_2Table == null || os_2Table.capacity() < 30 || upem < 0) {
        stSize = .05f;
        stPos = -.4f;
    ShortBuffer sb = os_2Table.asShortBuffer();
    stSize = sb.get(13) / (float)upem;
    stPos = -sb.get(14) / (float)upem;
源代码5 项目: lavaplayer   文件:
private void unapplyCurrentVolume(ShortBuffer buffer) {
  if (integerMultiplier == 0) {

  int endOffset = buffer.limit();

  for (int i = buffer.position(); i < endOffset; i++) {
    int value = buffer.get(i) * 10000 / integerMultiplier;
    buffer.put(i, (short) Math.max(-32767, Math.min(32767, value)));
源代码6 项目: lavaplayer   文件:
private void processMonoToStereo(ShortBuffer buffer) throws InterruptedException {
  while (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
    short sample = buffer.get();

    if (!outputBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
源代码7 项目: android-transcoder   文件:
public void remix(final ShortBuffer inSBuff, final ShortBuffer outSBuff) {
    // Up-mix mono to stereo
    final int inRemaining = inSBuff.remaining();
    final int outSpace = outSBuff.remaining() / 2;

    final int samplesToBeProcessed = Math.min(inRemaining, outSpace);
    for (int i = 0; i < samplesToBeProcessed; ++i) {
        final short inSample = inSBuff.get();
源代码8 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
protected void initAllNames(int requestedID, HashSet names) {

        byte[] name = new byte[256];
        ByteBuffer buffer = getTableBuffer(nameTag);

        if (buffer != null) {
            ShortBuffer sbuffer = buffer.asShortBuffer();
            sbuffer.get(); // format - not needed.
            short numRecords = sbuffer.get();

            /* The name table uses unsigned shorts. Many of these
             * are known small values that fit in a short.
             * The values that are sizes or offsets into the table could be
             * greater than 32767, so read and store those as ints
            int stringPtr = ((int) sbuffer.get()) & 0xffff;
            for (int i=0; i<numRecords; i++) {
                short platformID = sbuffer.get();
                if (platformID != MS_PLATFORM_ID) {
                    continue; // skip over this record.
                short encodingID = sbuffer.get();
                short langID     = sbuffer.get();
                short nameID     = sbuffer.get();
                int   nameLen    = ((int) sbuffer.get()) & 0xffff;
                int   namePtr    = (((int) sbuffer.get()) & 0xffff) + stringPtr;

                if (nameID == requestedID) {
                    buffer.get(name, 0, nameLen);
                    names.add(makeString(name, nameLen, encodingID));
源代码9 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件:
 * Queues remaining data from {@code buffer}, and advances its position by the number of bytes
 * consumed.
 * @param buffer A {@link ShortBuffer} containing input data between its position and limit.
public void queueInput(ShortBuffer buffer) {
  int framesToWrite = buffer.remaining() / channelCount;
  int bytesToWrite = framesToWrite * channelCount * 2;
  inputBuffer = ensureSpaceForAdditionalFrames(inputBuffer, inputFrameCount, framesToWrite);
  buffer.get(inputBuffer, inputFrameCount * channelCount, bytesToWrite / 2);
  inputFrameCount += framesToWrite;
源代码10 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
private void setUnderlineMetrics(ByteBuffer postTable, int upem) {
    if (postTable == null || postTable.capacity() < 12 || upem < 0) {
        ulSize = .05f;
        ulPos = .1f;
    ShortBuffer sb = postTable.asShortBuffer();
    ulSize = sb.get(5) / (float)upem;
    ulPos = -sb.get(4) / (float)upem;
源代码11 项目: jhdf   文件:
private static void fillData(Object data, int[] dims, ShortBuffer buffer) {
	if (dims.length > 1) {
		for (int i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
			Object newArray = Array.get(data, i);
			fillData(newArray, stripLeadingIndex(dims), buffer);
	} else {
		buffer.get((short[]) data);
源代码12 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
public void getStyleMetrics(float pointSize, float[] metrics, int offset) {

    if (ulSize == 0f && ulPos == 0f) {

        ByteBuffer head_Table = getTableBuffer(headTag);
        int upem = -1;
        if (head_Table != null && head_Table.capacity() >= 18) {
            ShortBuffer sb = head_Table.asShortBuffer();
            upem = sb.get(9) & 0xffff;
            if (upem < 16 || upem > 16384) {
                upem = 2048;

        ByteBuffer os2_Table = getTableBuffer(os_2Tag);
        setStrikethroughMetrics(os2_Table, upem);

        ByteBuffer post_Table = getTableBuffer(postTag);
        setUnderlineMetrics(post_Table, upem);

    metrics[offset] = stPos * pointSize;
    metrics[offset+1] = stSize * pointSize;

    metrics[offset+2] = ulPos * pointSize;
    metrics[offset+3] = ulSize * pointSize;
源代码13 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件:
public void getStyleMetrics(float pointSize, float[] metrics, int offset) {

    if (ulSize == 0f && ulPos == 0f) {

        ByteBuffer head_Table = getTableBuffer(headTag);
        int upem = -1;
        if (head_Table != null && head_Table.capacity() >= 18) {
            ShortBuffer sb = head_Table.asShortBuffer();
            upem = sb.get(9) & 0xffff;
            if (upem < 16 || upem > 16384) {
                upem = 2048;

        ByteBuffer os2_Table = getTableBuffer(os_2Tag);
        setStrikethroughMetrics(os2_Table, upem);

        ByteBuffer post_Table = getTableBuffer(postTag);
        setUnderlineMetrics(post_Table, upem);

    metrics[offset] = stPos * pointSize;
    metrics[offset+1] = stSize * pointSize;

    metrics[offset+2] = ulPos * pointSize;
    metrics[offset+3] = ulSize * pointSize;
源代码14 项目: jhdf   文件:
private static void fillData(Object data, int[] dims, ShortBuffer buffer) {
    if (dims.length > 1) {
        for (int i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
            Object newArray = Array.get(data, i);
            fillData(newArray, stripLeadingIndex(dims), buffer);
    } else {
        float[] floatData = (float[]) data;
        for (int i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
            short element = buffer.get();
            floatData[i] = toFloat(element);
源代码15 项目: phoenix   文件:
public void remix(final ShortBuffer inSBuff, final ShortBuffer outSBuff) {
    // Down-mix stereo to mono
    // Viktor Toth's algorithm -
    // See:
    final int inRemaining = inSBuff.remaining() / 2;
    final int outSpace = outSBuff.remaining();

    final int samplesToBeProcessed = Math.min(inRemaining, outSpace);
    for (int i = 0; i < samplesToBeProcessed; ++i) {
        // Convert to unsigned
        final int a = inSBuff.get() + SIGNED_SHORT_LIMIT;
        final int b = inSBuff.get() + SIGNED_SHORT_LIMIT;
        int m;
        // Pick the equation
        if ((a < SIGNED_SHORT_LIMIT) || (b < SIGNED_SHORT_LIMIT)) {
            // Viktor's first equation when both sources are "quiet"
            // (i.e. less than middle of the dynamic range)
            m = a * b / SIGNED_SHORT_LIMIT;
        } else {
            // Viktor's second equation when one or both sources are loud
            m = 2 * (a + b) - (a * b) / SIGNED_SHORT_LIMIT - UNSIGNED_SHORT_MAX;
        // Convert output back to signed short
        if (m == UNSIGNED_SHORT_MAX + 1) m = UNSIGNED_SHORT_MAX;
        outSBuff.put((short) (m - SIGNED_SHORT_LIMIT));
源代码16 项目: Telegram   文件:
 * Queues remaining data from {@code buffer}, and advances its position by the number of bytes
 * consumed.
 * @param buffer A {@link ShortBuffer} containing input data between its position and limit.
public void queueInput(ShortBuffer buffer) {
  int framesToWrite = buffer.remaining() / channelCount;
  int bytesToWrite = framesToWrite * channelCount * 2;
  inputBuffer = ensureSpaceForAdditionalFrames(inputBuffer, inputFrameCount, framesToWrite);
  buffer.get(inputBuffer, inputFrameCount * channelCount, bytesToWrite / 2);
  inputFrameCount += framesToWrite;
源代码17 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件:
private void setUnderlineMetrics(ByteBuffer postTable, int upem) {
    if (postTable == null || postTable.capacity() < 12 || upem < 0) {
        ulSize = .05f;
        ulPos = .1f;
    ShortBuffer sb = postTable.asShortBuffer();
    ulSize = sb.get(5) / (float)upem;
    ulPos = -sb.get(4) / (float)upem;
源代码18 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件:
public void getStyleMetrics(float pointSize, float[] metrics, int offset) {

    if (ulSize == 0f && ulPos == 0f) {

        ByteBuffer head_Table = getTableBuffer(headTag);
        int upem = -1;
        if (head_Table != null && head_Table.capacity() >= 18) {
            ShortBuffer sb = head_Table.asShortBuffer();
            upem = sb.get(9) & 0xffff;
            if (upem < 16 || upem > 16384) {
                upem = 2048;

        ByteBuffer os2_Table = getTableBuffer(os_2Tag);
        setStrikethroughMetrics(os2_Table, upem);

        ByteBuffer post_Table = getTableBuffer(postTag);
        setUnderlineMetrics(post_Table, upem);

    metrics[offset] = stPos * pointSize;
    metrics[offset+1] = stSize * pointSize;

    metrics[offset+2] = ulPos * pointSize;
    metrics[offset+3] = ulSize * pointSize;
源代码19 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
protected String lookupName(short findLocaleID, int findNameID) {
    String foundName = null;
    byte[] name = new byte[1024];

    ByteBuffer buffer = getTableBuffer(nameTag);
    if (buffer != null) {
        ShortBuffer sbuffer = buffer.asShortBuffer();
        sbuffer.get(); // format - not needed.
        short numRecords = sbuffer.get();

        /* The name table uses unsigned shorts. Many of these
         * are known small values that fit in a short.
         * The values that are sizes or offsets into the table could be
         * greater than 32767, so read and store those as ints
        int stringPtr = ((int) sbuffer.get()) & 0xffff;

        for (int i=0; i<numRecords; i++) {
            short platformID = sbuffer.get();
            if (platformID != MS_PLATFORM_ID) {
                continue; // skip over this record.
            short encodingID = sbuffer.get();
            short langID     = sbuffer.get();
            short nameID     = sbuffer.get();
            int   nameLen    = ((int) sbuffer.get()) & 0xffff;
            int   namePtr    = (((int) sbuffer.get()) & 0xffff) + stringPtr;
            if (nameID == findNameID &&
                ((foundName == null && langID == ENGLISH_LOCALE_ID)
                 || langID == findLocaleID)) {
                buffer.get(name, 0, nameLen);
                foundName = makeString(name, nameLen, encodingID);
                if (langID == findLocaleID) {
                    return foundName;
    return foundName;
源代码20 项目: Bytecoder   文件:
protected String lookupName(short findLocaleID, int findNameID) {
    String foundName = null;
    byte[] name = new byte[1024];

    ByteBuffer buffer = getTableBuffer(nameTag);
    if (buffer != null) {
        ShortBuffer sbuffer = buffer.asShortBuffer();
        sbuffer.get(); // format - not needed.
        short numRecords = sbuffer.get();

        /* The name table uses unsigned shorts. Many of these
         * are known small values that fit in a short.
         * The values that are sizes or offsets into the table could be
         * greater than 32767, so read and store those as ints
        int stringPtr = ((int) sbuffer.get()) & 0xffff;

        for (int i=0; i<numRecords; i++) {
            short platformID = sbuffer.get();
            if (platformID != MS_PLATFORM_ID) {
                continue; // skip over this record.
            short encodingID = sbuffer.get();
            short langID     = sbuffer.get();
            short nameID     = sbuffer.get();
            int   nameLen    = ((int) sbuffer.get()) & 0xffff;
            int   namePtr    = (((int) sbuffer.get()) & 0xffff) + stringPtr;
            if (nameID == findNameID &&
                ((foundName == null && langID == ENGLISH_LOCALE_ID)
                 || langID == findLocaleID)) {
                buffer.get(name, 0, nameLen);
                foundName = makeString(name, nameLen, platformID, encodingID);
                if (langID == findLocaleID) {
                    return foundName;
    return foundName;