
下面列出了 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: peer-os   文件:
@RolesAllowed( "System-Management|Update" )
public void setNetworkSettings( final String publicUrl, final String publicSecurePort, final boolean useRhIp )
        throws ConfigurationException
                .setPublicUrl( peerManager.getLocalPeer().getId(), publicUrl, Integer.parseInt( publicSecurePort ),
                        useRhIp );
    catch ( Exception e )
        throw new ConfigurationException( e );
源代码2 项目: development   文件:
SecurityInvocationHandler(SessionContext sessionContext, Method beanMethod) {
    this.sessionContext = sessionContext;
    RolesAllowed rolesAllowed = beanMethod

    // a somewhat nasty scenario: a bean is spied using Mockito, so the
    // roles allowed annotations have to be retrieved from the superclass...
    Class<?> declaringClass = beanMethod.getDeclaringClass();
    Class<?> superclass = declaringClass.getSuperclass();
    if (declaringClass.getName().contains("Mockito")
            && !superclass.equals(Object.class)) {
        try {
            Method method = superclass.getMethod(beanMethod.getName(),
            rolesAllowed = method.getAnnotation(RolesAllowed.class);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    if (rolesAllowed == null) {
        this.rolesAllowed = new String[0];
    } else {
        this.rolesAllowed = rolesAllowed.value();
源代码3 项目: peer-os   文件:
@RolesAllowed( { "Identity-Management|Write", "Identity-Management|Update" } )
public UserDelegate createUserDelegate( User user, String delegateUserId, boolean genKeyPair )
    String id = "";

    if ( StringUtils.isBlank( delegateUserId ) )
        id = user.getId() + "-" + UUID.randomUUID();

    UserDelegate userDelegate = new UserDelegateEntity();
    userDelegate.setId( id );
    userDelegate.setUserId( user.getId() );
    identityDataService.persistUserDelegate( userDelegate );

    if ( genKeyPair )
        generateKeyPair( id, SecurityKeyType.USER_KEY.getId() );

    return userDelegate;
源代码4 项目: mobi   文件:
 * Returns datatype IRIs in the imports closure for the ontology identified by the provided IDs.
 * @param context     the context of the request.
 * @param recordIdStr the String representing the record Resource id. NOTE: Assumes id represents an IRI unless
 *                    String begins with "_:".
 * @param branchIdStr the String representing the Branch Resource id. NOTE: Assumes id represents an IRI unless
 *                    String begins with "_:". NOTE: Optional param - if nothing is specified, it will get the
 *                    master Branch.
 * @param commitIdStr the String representing the Commit Resource id. NOTE: Assumes id represents an IRI unless
 *                    String begins with "_:". NOTE: Optional param - if nothing is specified, it will get the head
 *                    Commit. The provided commitId must be on the Branch identified by the provided branchId;
 *                    otherwise, nothing will be returned.
 * @return datatypes in the ontology identified by the provided IDs.
@ApiOperation("Gets the datatypes from the imported ontologies of the identified ontology.")
@ResourceId(type = ValueType.PATH, value = "recordId")
public Response getDatatypesInImportedOntologies(@Context ContainerRequestContext context,
                                                 @PathParam("recordId") String recordIdStr,
                                                 @QueryParam("branchId") String branchIdStr,
                                                 @QueryParam("commitId") String commitIdStr) {
    try {
        return doWithImportedOntologies(context, recordIdStr, branchIdStr, commitIdStr, this::getDatatypeIRIObject);
    } catch (MobiException e) {
        throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e, e.getMessage(), Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
public JsonObject verifyInjectedCustomString(@QueryParam("value") String value) {
    boolean pass = false;
    String msg;
    // iat
    String customValue = customString.getString();
    if(customValue == null || customValue.length() == 0) {
        msg = "customString value is null or empty, FAIL";
    else if(customValue.equals(value)) {
        msg = "customString PASS";
        pass = true;
    else {
        msg = String.format("customString: %s != %s", customValue, value);
    JsonObject result = Json.createObjectBuilder()
        .add("pass", pass)
        .add("msg", msg)
    return result;
源代码6 项目: hugegraph   文件:
@RolesAllowed({"admin", "$owner=$graph $action=vertex_delete"})
public void delete(@Context GraphManager manager,
                   @PathParam("graph") String graph,
                   @PathParam("id") String idValue) {
    LOG.debug("Graph [{}] remove vertex by id '{}'", graph, idValue);

    Id id = checkAndParseVertexId(idValue);
    HugeGraph g = graph(manager, graph);
    // TODO: add removeVertex(id) to improve
    commit(g, () -> {
        Iterator<Vertex> iter = g.vertices(id);
        try {
                            "No such vertex with id: '%s'", idValue);
        } finally {
源代码7 项目: jweb-cms   文件:
public DirectoryAJAXResponse create(CreateDirectoryAJAXRequest createDirectoryAJAXRequest) {
    DirectoryResponse parentDirectory = directoryService.get(createDirectoryAJAXRequest.parentId);
    CreateDirectoryRequest instance = new CreateDirectoryRequest();
    instance.path = parentDirectory.path.substring(0, parentDirectory.path.length() - 1) + createDirectoryAJAXRequest.path;
    instance.parentId = createDirectoryAJAXRequest.parentId;
    instance.description = createDirectoryAJAXRequest.description;
    instance.ownerId = createDirectoryAJAXRequest.ownerId;
    instance.ownerRoles = createDirectoryAJAXRequest.ownerRoles;
    instance.groupId = createDirectoryAJAXRequest.groupId;
    instance.groupRoles = createDirectoryAJAXRequest.groupRoles;
    instance.othersRoles = createDirectoryAJAXRequest.othersRoles;
    instance.requestBy = userInfo.username();
    return response(directoryService.create(instance));
源代码8 项目: mobi   文件:
 * Returns annotation property IRIs in the ontology identified by the provided IDs.
 * @param context     the context of the request.
 * @param recordIdStr the String representing the record Resource id. NOTE: Assumes id represents an IRI unless
 *                    String begins with "_:".
 * @param branchIdStr the String representing the Branch Resource id. NOTE: Assumes id represents an IRI unless
 *                    String begins with "_:". NOTE: Optional param - if nothing is specified, it will get the
 *                    master Branch.
 * @param commitIdStr the String representing the Commit Resource id. NOTE: Assumes id represents an IRI unless
 *                    String begins with "_:". NOTE: Optional param - if nothing is specified, it will get the head
 *                    Commit. The provided commitId must be on the Branch identified by the provided branchId;
 *                    otherwise, nothing will be returned.
 * @return annotation properties in the ontology identified by the provided IDs.
@ApiOperation("Gets the annotations in the identified ontology.")
@ResourceId(type = ValueType.PATH, value = "recordId")
public Response getAnnotationsInOntology(@Context ContainerRequestContext context,
                                         @PathParam("recordId") String recordIdStr,
                                         @QueryParam("branchId") String branchIdStr,
                                         @QueryParam("commitId") String commitIdStr) {
    try {
        ObjectNode result = doWithOntology(context, recordIdStr, branchIdStr, commitIdStr,
                this::getAnnotationIRIObject, true);
        return Response.ok(result.toString()).build();
    } catch (MobiException e) {
        throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e, e.getMessage(), Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
源代码9 项目: eplmp   文件:
public ChangeOrder updateChangeOrder(int pId, String pWorkspaceId, String description, int milestoneId, ChangeItemPriority priority, String assignee, ChangeItemCategory category) throws UserNotFoundException, UserNotActiveException, WorkspaceNotFoundException, ChangeOrderNotFoundException, AccessRightException, WorkspaceNotEnabledException, AccountNotFoundException, NotAllowedException {
    User user = userManager.checkWorkspaceReadAccess(pWorkspaceId);
    ChangeOrder changeOrder = loadChangeOrder(pId);
    checkChangeItemWriteAccess(changeOrder, user);

    if (assignee != null && !assignee.isEmpty()) {
        if (!userManager.isUserEnabled(assignee, pWorkspaceId)) {
            throw new NotAllowedException("NotAllowedException71");
        changeOrder.setAssignee(em.find(User.class, new UserKey(pWorkspaceId, assignee)));
    } else {

    changeOrder.setMilestone(em.find(Milestone.class, milestoneId));
    return changeOrder;
源代码10 项目: datacollector   文件:
    value = "Disables DPM",
    authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basic")
@RolesAllowed({AuthzRole.ADMIN, AuthzRole.ADMIN_REMOTE})
public Response disableDPM(@Context HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
  // check if DPM enabled
  if (!runtimeInfo.isDPMEnabled()) {
    throw new RuntimeException("disableDPM is supported only when DPM is enabled");

   // 1. Get DPM user auth token from request cookie
  SSOPrincipal ssoPrincipal = (SSOPrincipal)request.getUserPrincipal();
  String userAuthToken = ssoPrincipal.getTokenStr();
  String organizationId = ssoPrincipal.getOrganizationId();

  SchAdmin.disableDPM(userAuthToken, organizationId, new SchAdmin.Context(runtimeInfo, config));

  return Response.ok().build();
源代码11 项目: datacollector   文件:
@ApiOperation(value = "Validates given detached stage and performs any necessary upgrade.",
  response = DetachedStageConfigurationJson.class,
  authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basic")
    AuthzRole.CREATOR, AuthzRole.ADMIN, AuthzRole.CREATOR_REMOTE, AuthzRole.ADMIN_REMOTE
public Response validateDetachedStage(
    @ApiParam(name="stage", required = true) DetachedStageConfigurationJson detachedStage
) {
  DetachedStageConfiguration stageConf = detachedStage.getDetachedStageConfiguration();
  DetachedStageValidator validator = new DetachedStageValidator(stageLibrary, stageConf);
  return Response.ok().entity(new DetachedStageConfigurationJson(validator.validate())).build();
源代码12 项目: datacollector   文件:
@ApiOperation(value = "Return Committed Offsets. Note: Returned offset format will change between releases.",
    response = SourceOffsetJson.class,
    authorizations = @Authorization(value = "basic"))
public Response getCommittedOffsets(
    @PathParam("pipelineId") String pipelineId,
    @QueryParam("rev") @DefaultValue("0") String rev
) throws PipelineException {
  PipelineInfo pipelineInfo = store.getInfo(pipelineId);
  RestAPIUtils.injectPipelineInMDC(pipelineInfo.getTitle(), pipelineInfo.getPipelineId());
  Runner runner = manager.getRunner(pipelineId, rev);
  return Response.ok()
源代码13 项目: dropwizard-java8   文件:
public void configure(ResourceInfo resourceInfo, FeatureContext context) {
    final AnnotatedMethod am = new AnnotatedMethod(resourceInfo.getResourceMethod());
    final Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = am.getParameterAnnotations();
    if (am.isAnnotationPresent(RolesAllowed.class) || am.isAnnotationPresent(DenyAll.class) ||
        am.isAnnotationPresent(PermitAll.class)) {
    } else {
        for (Annotation[] annotations : parameterAnnotations) {
            for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {
                if (annotation instanceof Auth) {
源代码14 项目: development   文件:
public boolean handleRemovingCurrentUserFromGroup() {
    if (!userGroupService.handleRemovingCurrentUserFromGroup()) {
        return false;
    PlatformUser currentUser = dm.getCurrentUser();
    if (currentUser.hasSubscriptionOwnerRole()) {
        return true;
    List<Subscription> subscriptions = slsl
    for (Subscription subscription : subscriptions) {
    return true;

源代码15 项目: mobi   文件:
 * Returns the SKOS concept hierarchy for the ontology identified by the provided IDs as a JSON object with keys for
 * a map of parent concept IRIs to arrays of children concept IRIs and a map of child concept IRIs to arrays of
 * parent concept IRIs. Optionally can also have a key for a nested JSON-LD representation of the hierarchy.
 * @param context     the context of the request.
 * @param recordIdStr the String representing the record Resource id. NOTE: Assumes id represents an IRI unless
 *                    String begins with "_:".
 * @param branchIdStr the String representing the Branch Resource id. NOTE: Assumes id represents an IRI unless
 *                    String begins with "_:". NOTE: Optional param - if nothing is specified, it will get the
 *                    master Branch.
 * @param commitIdStr the String representing the Commit Resource id. NOTE: Assumes id represents an IRI unless
 *                    String begins with "_:". NOTE: Optional param - if nothing is specified, it will get the head
 *                    Commit. The provided commitId must be on the Branch identified by the provided branchId;
 *                    otherwise, nothing will be returned.
 * @param nested      Whether to return the nested JSON-LD version of the hierarchy.
 * @return A JSON object that represents the SKOS concept hierarchy for the ontology identified by the provided IDs.
@ApiOperation("Gets the concept hierarchies for the identified ontology.")
@ResourceId(type = ValueType.PATH, value = "recordId")
public Response getConceptHierarchy(@Context ContainerRequestContext context,
                                    @PathParam("recordId") String recordIdStr,
                                    @QueryParam("branchId") String branchIdStr,
                                    @QueryParam("commitId") String commitIdStr,
                                    @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("nested") boolean nested) {
    try {
        Ontology ontology = getOntology(context, recordIdStr, branchIdStr, commitIdStr, true).orElseThrow(() ->
                ErrorUtils.sendError("The ontology could not be found.", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST));
        Hierarchy hierarchy = ontology.getConceptRelationships(valueFactory, modelFactory);
        return Response.ok(getHierarchyStream(hierarchy, nested, getConceptIRIs(ontology))).build();
    } catch (MobiException e) {
        throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e, e.getMessage(), Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
源代码16 项目: dremio-oss   文件:
@RolesAllowed({"admin", "user"})
public UserUI updateUser(UserForm userForm, @PathParam("userName") UserName userName)
  throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, NamespaceException, UserNotFoundException, DACUnauthorizedException {
  checkUser(userName, "update");

  User userConfig = userForm.getUserConfig();
  if (userConfig != null && userConfig.getUserName() != null && !userConfig.getUserName().equals(userName.getName())) {
    final UserName newUserName = new UserName(userForm.getUserConfig().getUserName());
    userConfig = userService.updateUserName(userName.getName(),
      userConfig, userForm.getPassword());
    // TODO: rename home space and all uploaded files along with it
    // new username
    return new UserUI(new UserResourcePath(newUserName), newUserName, userConfig);
  } else {
    User newUser = SimpleUser.newBuilder(userForm.getUserConfig()).setUserName(userName.getName()).build();
    newUser = userService.updateUser(newUser, userForm.getPassword());
    return new UserUI(new UserResourcePath(userName), userName, newUser);
源代码17 项目: eplmp   文件:
public DocumentRevision[] getDocumentRevisionsWithOpenedTasksForGivenUser(String pWorkspaceId, String assignedUserLogin)
        throws WorkspaceNotFoundException, UserNotFoundException, UserNotActiveException, WorkspaceNotEnabledException {
    User user = userManager.checkWorkspaceReadAccess(pWorkspaceId);
    List<DocumentRevision> docRs = documentRevisionDAO.findDocsWithOpenedTasksForGivenUser(pWorkspaceId, assignedUserLogin);

    ListIterator<DocumentRevision> ite = docRs.listIterator();
    while (ite.hasNext()) {
        DocumentRevision docR =;
        if (!hasDocumentRevisionReadAccess(user, docR)) {
        } else if (isCheckoutByAnotherUser(user, docR)) {

    return docRs.toArray(new DocumentRevision[docRs.size()]);
源代码18 项目: development   文件:
public List<VOOrganization> getMyCustomersOptimization() {
    List<VOOrganization> result = new ArrayList<>();

    PlatformUser user = dm.getCurrentUser();
    Organization seller = user.getOrganization();

    List<Organization> list = getCustomersOptimization(seller);

    for (Organization customer : list) {
        result.add(OrganizationAssembler.toVOOrganization(customer, false,
                null, PerformanceHint.ONLY_FIELDS_FOR_LISTINGS));

    return result;
源代码19 项目: development   文件:
public void deleteTriggerDefinitionInt(long triggerDefinitionKey)
        throws ObjectNotFoundException, DeletionConstraintException,
        OperationNotPermittedException {

    TriggerDefinition triggerDefinition = dm.getReference(
            TriggerDefinition.class, triggerDefinitionKey);


    // check if there are trigger processes exist for current trigger
    // definition.
    // excepts the triggerDefinition can not be deleted
    Query query = dm
    List<TriggerProcess> triggerProcessList = ParameterizedTypes.list(
            query.getResultList(), TriggerProcess.class);
    if (triggerProcessList.size() > 0) {
        DeletionConstraintException sdce = new DeletionConstraintException(
        logger.logWarn(Log4jLogger.SYSTEM_LOG, sdce,
        throw sdce;

源代码20 项目: quarkus   文件:
public String getPrincipalSecured(@Context SecurityContext sec) {
    if (principal == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("No injected principal");
    String name = principal.getName();
    return name;
源代码21 项目: openhab-core   文件:
@RolesAllowed({ Role.USER, Role.ADMIN })
@ApiOperation(value = "Get all available things.", response = EnrichedThingDTO.class, responseContainer = "Set")
@ApiResponses(value = {
        @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = EnrichedThingDTO.class, responseContainer = "Set") })
public Response getAll(
        @HeaderParam(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE) @ApiParam(value = "language") @Nullable String language) {
    final Locale locale = localeService.getLocale(language);

    Stream<EnrichedThingDTO> thingStream = -> convertToEnrichedThingDTO(t, locale))
    return Response.ok(new Stream2JSONInputStream(thingStream)).build();
源代码22 项目: peer-os   文件:
@RolesAllowed( "Identity-Management|Delete" )
public void removeRole( long roleId )
    //******Cannot remove Internal Role *************
    Role role = identityDataService.getRole( roleId );

    if ( role.getType() == UserType.SYSTEM.getId() )
        throw new AccessControlException( "Internal Role cannot be removed" );

    identityDataService.removeRole( roleId );
源代码23 项目: development   文件:
 * Updates TriggerProcessParameters of given TriggerProcess object key.
 * @param actionKey
 *            - key of TriggerProcess to update
 * @param parameters
 *            - list with updated values of TriggerProcessParameter
 * @throws ObjectNotFoundException
 * @throws OperationNotPermittedException
 * @throws TriggerProcessStatusException
 * @throws ValidationException
public void updateActionParameters(long actionKey,
    List<VOTriggerProcessParameter> parameters)
    throws ObjectNotFoundException, OperationNotPermittedException,
    TriggerProcessStatusException, ValidationException {

    if (parameters == null) {
        throw new org.oscm.internal.types.exception.IllegalArgumentException(
            "Parameter parameters must not be null.");

    TriggerProcess triggerProcess = getTriggerProcess(actionKey);

    validateConfiguredParameters(parameters, triggerProcess);

    updateTriggerProcessParameters(triggerProcess, parameters);
public String echoInput(@Context SecurityContext sec, @QueryParam("input") String input) {
    Principal user = sec.getUserPrincipal();
    return input + ", user="+user.getName();
源代码25 项目: jweb-cms   文件:
public PageAJAXResponse create(CreatePageAJAXRequest createPageAJAXRequest) {
    CreatePageRequest createPageRequest = new CreatePageRequest();
    createPageRequest.userId =;
    createPageRequest.path = createPageAJAXRequest.path;
    createPageRequest.title = createPageAJAXRequest.title;
    createPageRequest.tags = createPageAJAXRequest.tags;
    createPageRequest.description = createPageAJAXRequest.description;
    createPageRequest.sections = createPageAJAXRequest.sections;
    createPageRequest.requestBy = userInfo.username();

    PageResponse page = pageDraftWebService.create(createPageRequest);
    return response(page);
源代码26 项目: pnc   文件:
public void activateMaintenanceMode(String reason) {"Activating Maintenance mode, with reason: '{}'", reason);
    GenericSetting maintenanceMode = createGenericParameterIfNotFound(MAINTENANCE_MODE);


源代码27 项目: eplmp   文件:
public List<PathToPathLink> getPathToPathLinks(String workspaceId, String configurationItemId, String serialNumber) throws UserNotFoundException, UserNotActiveException, WorkspaceNotFoundException, ProductInstanceMasterNotFoundException, AccessRightException, WorkspaceNotEnabledException {
    User user = userManager.checkWorkspaceReadAccess(workspaceId);
    ProductInstanceMaster prodInstM = productInstanceMasterDAO.loadProductInstanceMaster(new ProductInstanceMasterKey(serialNumber, workspaceId, configurationItemId));
    checkProductInstanceReadAccess(workspaceId, prodInstM, user);
    return pathToPathLinkDAO.getDistinctPathToPathLink(prodInstM.getLastIteration());
源代码28 项目: cxf   文件:
@RolesAllowed({"ROLE_USER", "ROLE_ADMIN" })
public Book getBookFromFormParams(MultivaluedMap<String, String> map,
    @FormParam("name") String name, @FormParam("id") long id) {
    if (name == null || id == 0 || map.getFirst("name") == null
        || Integer.valueOf(map.getFirst("id")) == 0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("FormParams are not set");
    return new Book(name, id);
源代码29 项目: rest-schemagen   文件:
public ObjectWithSchema<Something> getSomething(@PathParam("id") String id) {
	Optional<Link> link = linkMetaFactory.createFactoryFor(ResourceClass.class).forCall(Rel.SELF,
			r -> r.getSomething(id));

	return ObjectWithSchema.create(new Something(), JsonHyperSchema.from(link));
源代码30 项目: development   文件:
public void deleteReviewByMarketplaceOwner(POServiceReview poReview,
        String reason) throws OperationNotPermittedException,
        ObjectNotFoundException {
    ArgumentValidator.notNull("poReview", poReview);
    ArgumentValidator.notEmptyString("reason", reason);
            Long.valueOf(poReview.getKey()), reason);
