org.w3c.dom.Text#getNodeValue ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.w3c.dom.Text#getNodeValue ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: mytracks   文件:
 * Gets the text data contained inside a tag.
 * @param parent the parent of the tag containing the text
 * @param elementName the name of the tag containing the text
 * @return the text contents
protected String getChildTextValue(Element parent, String elementName) {
  Element child = getChildElement(parent, elementName);
  NodeList children = child.getChildNodes();
  int length = children.getLength();
  assertTrue(length > 0);

  // The children may be a sucession of text elements, just concatenate them
  String result = "";
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    Text textNode = (Text) children.item(i);
    result += textNode.getNodeValue();
  return result;
源代码2 项目: netbeans   文件:
 * Extract nested text from an element.
 * Currently does not handle coalescing text nodes, CDATA sections, etc.
 * @param parent a parent element
 * @return the nested text, or null if none was found
static String findText(Element parent) {
    NodeList l = parent.getChildNodes();
    for (int i = 0; i < l.getLength(); i++) {
        if (l.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
            Text text = (Text)l.item(i);
            return text.getNodeValue();
    return null;
源代码3 项目: netbeans   文件:
 * Extract nested text from a node.
 * Currently does not handle coalescing text nodes, CDATA sections, etc.
 * @param parent a parent element
 * @return the nested text, or null if none was found
 * @since 8.4
public static String findText(Node parent) {
    NodeList l = parent.getChildNodes();
    for (int i = 0; i < l.getLength(); i++) {
        if (l.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
            Text text = (Text) l.item(i);
            return text.getNodeValue();
    return null;
public void testAddRuntimeAtEnd() {
  Document transformed = transform("/xslt/addJava8Runtime.xsl",
      "<appengine-web-app xmlns=\"\"><threadsafe>true</threadsafe></appengine-web-app>");
  Element runtime = getRuntimeElement(transformed);
  assertEquals("java8", runtime.getTextContent());
  Text previous = (Text) runtime.getPreviousSibling();
  Text next = (Text) runtime.getNextSibling();
  String s = next.getNodeValue();
  assertEquals("\n", s);
源代码5 项目: xmlunit   文件:
public void testText(Text text) {
    String fullText = text.getNodeValue();
    if (fullText.startsWith("bar")) {
        Assert.assertFalse("testText called", textCalled);
    if (!"barhelloxyzzy".equals(fullText)) {
        if (!textCalled) {
            Assert.assertEquals("bar", fullText);
        } else {
            Assert.assertEquals("helloxyzzy", fullText);
    } // else - parser didn't expand entity reference
    textCalled = true;
源代码6 项目: scipio-erp   文件:
 * Creates the GatewayResponse object by parsing an xml from a stream. Fills in
 * the fields of the object that are available through getters after this method
 * returns.
 * @param xmlstream
 *            the stream to parse the response from
 * @throws Exception
 *             if the xml contains a root element with a bad name or an unknown
 *             element, or if the xml is badly formatted
public GatewayResponse(InputStream xmlstream, GatewayRequest req) throws Exception {

    DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory
    DocumentBuilder builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document doc = builder.parse(xmlstream);

    // get the root node
    Node rootnode = doc.getDocumentElement();
    String root = rootnode.getNodeName();

    //if (root != "ewayResponse") { // SCIPIO: bad
    if (!"ewayResponse".equals(root)) {
        throw new Exception("Bad root element in response: " + root);

    // get all elements
    NodeList list = doc.getElementsByTagName("*");
    int length = list.getLength();
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        Node node = list.item(i);
        String name = node.getNodeName();
        //if (name == "ewayResponse") { // SCIPIO: bad
        if ("ewayResponse".equals(name)) {
        Text textnode = (Text) node.getFirstChild();
        String value = "";
        if (textnode != null) {
            value = textnode.getNodeValue();

        // SCIPIO: 2018-09-26: Added break statements missing from upstream
        switch(name) {
        case "ewayTrxnError":
            txTrxnError = value;
        case "ewayTrxnStatus":
            if ("true".equals(value.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()).trim())) {
                txTrxnStatus = true;
        case "ewayTrxnNumber":
            txTrxnNumber = value;
        case "ewayTrxnOption1":
            txTrxnOption1 = value;
        case "ewayTrxnOption2":
            txTrxnOption2 = value;
        case "ewayTrxnOption3":
            txTrxnOption3 = value;
        case "ewayReturnAmount":
            if (!value.equals("")) {
                txReturnAmount = Integer.parseInt(value);
        case "ewayAuthCode":
            txAuthCode = value;
        case "ewayTrxnReference":
            txTrxnReference = value;
        case "ewayBeagleScore": 
            if (!value.equals("")) {
                txBeagleScore = Double.parseDouble(value);
            throw new Exception("Unknown field in response: " + name);

    if (req.isTestMode()) {
        Debug.logInfo("[eWay Reply]\n" + this.toString(), module);
源代码7 项目: webstart   文件:
public static XMLNode convert( Node n )
    if ( n == null )
        return null;
    else if ( n instanceof Text )
        Text tn = (Text) n;
        return new XMLNode( tn.getNodeValue() );
    else if ( n instanceof Element )
        Element en = (Element) n;

        XMLAttribute xmlatts = null;
        NamedNodeMap attributes = en.getAttributes();
        for ( int i = attributes.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            Attr ar = (Attr) attributes.item( i );
            xmlatts = new XMLAttribute( ar.getName(), ar.getValue(), xmlatts );

        // Convert childern
        XMLNode thisNode = new XMLNode( en.getNodeName(), xmlatts, null, null );
        XMLNode last = null;
        Node nn = en.getFirstChild();
        while ( nn != null )
            if ( thisNode.getNested() == null )
                last = convert( nn );
                thisNode.setNested( last );
                XMLNode nnode = convert( nn );
                last.setNext( nnode );
                last = nnode;
            last.setParent( thisNode );
            nn = nn.getNextSibling();

        return thisNode;
    return null;