
下面列出了org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter#SHOW_ELEMENT 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: htmlunit   文件:
 * Given a {@link Node}, return the appropriate constant for whatToShow.
 * @param node the node
 * @return the whatToShow constant for the type of specified node
static int getFlagForNode(final Node node) {
    switch (node.getNodeType()) {
        case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT;
        case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_ATTRIBUTE;
        case Node.TEXT_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT;
        case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_CDATA_SECTION;
        case Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE;
        case Node.ENTITY_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_ENTITY;
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION;
        case Node.COMMENT_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT;
        case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_DOCUMENT;
        case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE;
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT;
        case Node.NOTATION_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_NOTATION;
            return 0;
源代码2 项目: HtmlUnit-Android   文件:
 * Given a {@link Node}, return the appropriate constant for whatToShow.
 * @param node the node
 * @return the whatToShow constant for the type of specified node
static int getFlagForNode(final Node node) {
    switch (node.getNodeType()) {
        case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT;
        case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_ATTRIBUTE;
        case Node.TEXT_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT;
        case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_CDATA_SECTION;
        case Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE;
        case Node.ENTITY_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_ENTITY;
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION;
        case Node.COMMENT_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT;
        case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_DOCUMENT;
        case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE;
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT;
        case Node.NOTATION_NODE:
            return NodeFilter.SHOW_NOTATION;
            return 0;
源代码3 项目: jStyleParser   文件:
 * Creates map of declarations assigned to each element of a DOM tree
 * @param doc
 *            DOM document
 * @param media
 *            Media type to be used for declarations
 * @param inherit
 *            Inheritance (cascade propagation of values)
 * @return Map of elements as keys and their declarations
protected DeclarationMap assingDeclarationsToDOM(Document doc, MediaSpec media, final boolean inherit) {

	// classify the rules
	// resulting map
	DeclarationMap declarations = new DeclarationMap();
       // if the holder is empty skip evaluation
       if(rules!=null && !rules.isEmpty()) {
   		Traversal<DeclarationMap> traversal = new Traversal<DeclarationMap>(
   				doc, (Object) rules, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT) {
   			protected void processNode(DeclarationMap result,
   					Node current, Object source) {
   				assignDeclarationsToElement(result, walker, (Element) current,
   						(Holder) source);
   		// list traversal will be enough
   		if (!inherit)
   		// we will do level traversal to economize blind returning
   		// in tree

	return declarations;
源代码4 项目: citrus-admin   文件:
public int getWhatToShow() {
    return NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT;
源代码5 项目: jStyleParser   文件:
 * This is the same as {@link CSSFactory#assignDOM(Document, String, URL, MediaSpec, boolean)} 
 * with the possibility of specifying a custom network processor for obtaining data from URL
 * resources.
 * @param doc
 *            DOM tree
 * @param encoding
 *            The default encoding used for the referenced style sheets
 * @param network
 *            Custom network processor
 * @param base
 *            Base URL against which all files are searched
 * @param media
 *            Current media specification used for evaluating the media queries
 * @param useInheritance
 *            Whether inheritance will be used to determine values
 * @param matchCond
 *            The match condition to match the against.
 * @return Map between DOM element nodes and data structure containing CSS
 *         information
public static final StyleMap assignDOM(Document doc, String encoding, NetworkProcessor network,
        URL base, MediaSpec media, boolean useInheritance, final MatchCondition matchCond) {

    SourceData pair = new SourceData(base, network, media);

    Traversal<StyleSheet> traversal = new CSSAssignTraversal(doc, encoding,
            pair, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT);

    StyleSheet style = (StyleSheet) getRuleFactory().createStyleSheet()

    Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(style);
    if (matchCond != null) {
    return analyzer.evaluateDOM(doc, media, useInheritance);
源代码6 项目: jStyleParser   文件:
 * Loads all the style sheets used from the specified DOM tree.
 * The following style specifications are evaluated:
 * <ul>
 * <li>The style sheets included using the <code>link</code> and <code>style</code> tags.
 * <li>Inline styles specified using the <code>style</code> element attribute.
 * <li><strong>Proprietary extension:</strong> Default styles defined using the <code>XDefaultStyle</code>
 *     element attribute. These styles behave the same way as the inline styles but they have the lowest priority
 *     (the values are used only when not redefined by any other way)
 *  </ul>   
 * @param doc
 *            DOM tree
 * @param encoding
 *            The default encoding used for the referenced style sheets
 * @param base
 *            Base URL against which all files are searched
 * @param media
 *            Selected media for style sheet
 * @return the rules of all the style sheets used in the document including the inline styles
public static final StyleSheet getUsedStyles(Document doc, String encoding, URL base, MediaSpec media, NetworkProcessor network)
    SourceData pair = new SourceData(base, network, media);

    Traversal<StyleSheet> traversal = new CSSAssignTraversal(doc, encoding,
            pair, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT);

    StyleSheet style = (StyleSheet) getRuleFactory().createStyleSheet().unlock();
    return style;