org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGDocument#getElementById ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGDocument#getElementById ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: Knowage-Server   文件:
 * Merge map.
 * @param srcMap
 *            the src map
 * @param dstMap
 *            the dst map
 * @param srcId
 *            the src id
 * @param dstId
 *            the dst id
public static void mergeMap(SVGDocument srcMap, SVGDocument dstMap, String srcId, String dstId) {
	SVGElement srcMapRoot;
	Element srcElement;
	Element dstElement;

	srcMapRoot = srcMap.getRootElement();
	srcElement = (srcId == null ? srcMapRoot : srcMap.getElementById(srcId));

	dstElement = dstMap.getElementById(dstId);

	NodeList nodeList = srcElement.getChildNodes();
	for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) {
		Node node = nodeList.item(i);
		Node importedNode = dstMap.importNode(node, true);
源代码2 项目: Knowage-Server   文件:
 * Include scripts.
 * @param doc
 *            the doc
private void includeScripts(SVGDocument doc) {
	Element scriptInit = doc.getElementById("included_scripts");
	Node scriptText = scriptInit.getFirstChild();
	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
	includeScript(buffer, "helper_functions.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "timer.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "mapApp.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "timer.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "slider.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "button.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "Window.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "checkbox_and_radiobutton.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "navigation.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "tabgroup.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "colourPicker.js");

	includeScript(buffer, "custom/Utils.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "custom/BarChart.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "custom/NavigationWindow.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "custom/LayersWindow.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "custom/ThematicWindow.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "custom/DetailsWindow.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "custom/LegendWindow.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "custom/ColourPickerWindow.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "custom/ThresholdsFactory.js");
	includeScript(buffer, "custom/ColourRangesFactory.js");

源代码3 项目: Knowage-Server   文件:
private void importScipt(SVGDocument map, String scriptName) {
	Element script = map.createElement("script");
	script.setAttribute("type", "text/ecmascript");
	script.setAttribute("xlink:href", (String) getEnv().get(SvgViewerEngineConstants.ENV_CONTEXT_URL) + "/js/lib/svg-widgets/" + scriptName);
	Element importsBlock = map.getElementById("imported_scripts");
	Node lf = map.createTextNode("\n");
源代码4 项目: Knowage-Server   文件:
 * Sets the main map bkg rect dimension.
 * @param masterMap
 *            the master map
 * @param targetMap
 *            the target map
public void setMainMapBkgRectDimension(SVGDocument masterMap, SVGDocument targetMap) {
	String viewBox = targetMap.getRootElement().getAttribute("viewBox");
	String[] chunks = viewBox.split(" ");
	String x = chunks[0];
	String y = chunks[1];
	String width = chunks[2];
	String height = chunks[3];
	Element mapBackgroundRect = masterMap.getElementById("mapBackgroundRect");
	mapBackgroundRect.setAttribute("x", x);
	mapBackgroundRect.setAttribute("y", y);
	mapBackgroundRect.setAttribute("width", width);
	mapBackgroundRect.setAttribute("height", height);
源代码5 项目: Knowage-Server   文件:
 * Add label to the centroide
 * @param masterMap
 *            the svg content
 * @param centroide
 *            the centroide svg element
 * @param labelGroup
 *            the svg label group element
 * @param aRecord
 *            the record with values
 * @param labelField
 *            the label field
private void addLabels(SVGDocument masterMap, Element centroide, Element labelGroup, IRecord aRecord, IField labelField) {
	labelGroup.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + centroide.getAttribute("cx") + "," + centroide.getAttribute("cy") + ") scale(1)");
	labelGroup.setAttribute("display", "inherit");

	Element label = masterMap.createElement("text");
	label.setAttribute("x", "0");
	label.setAttribute("y", "0");

	label.setAttribute("font-family", "Arial,Helvetica");
	label.setAttribute("font-size", "12px");
	label.setAttribute("font-style", "normal");
	label.setAttribute("fill", "black");
	// label.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle");
	// get text-anchor property:
	// 1. throught text-anchor property
	// 2. throught style property
	// 3. if it isn't found force 'middle' as default
	String anchor = "middle";
	String anchorProperty = centroide.getAttribute("text-anchor");
	if (anchorProperty != null && anchorProperty.equals("start") || anchorProperty.equals("middle") || anchorProperty.equals("end")) {
		anchor = anchorProperty;
	} else {
		String styleProperty = centroide.getAttribute("style");
		int anchorPropertyPosStart = styleProperty.indexOf("text-anchor:");
		int anchorPropertyPosEnd = styleProperty.indexOf(";", anchorPropertyPosStart);
		if (null != styleProperty && anchorPropertyPosStart >= 0) {
			anchorProperty = styleProperty.substring(anchorPropertyPosStart + 12, anchorPropertyPosEnd);
			anchor = anchorProperty;
			// clean the style from the anchor information
			styleProperty = styleProperty.replace(styleProperty.substring(anchorPropertyPosStart, anchorPropertyPosEnd + 1), "");
			centroide.setAttribute("style", styleProperty);
	label.setAttribute("text-anchor", anchor);
	Node labelText = masterMap.createTextNode((String) labelField.getValue());
	if (labelGroup != null) {
		// append labels to default layer "valori"
		Element valuesLayer = masterMap.getElementById("_labels_layer");

源代码6 项目: Knowage-Server   文件:
 * Show or hide elements through the specific column value
 * @param masterMap
 *            the svg content
 * @param geoIdField
 *            the element id field
 * @param visibilityIdField
 *            the visibility field
private void showElements(SVGDocument masterMap, IField geoIdField, IField visibilityIdField) {

	String id_element = (String) geoIdField.getValue();
	String elementVisibility = (String) visibilityIdField.getValue();
	try {
		Element element = masterMap.getElementById(id_element);
		if (element != null) {
			String displayStyle = "";
			String elementStyle = element.getAttribute("style");
			// clean style from ;;
			if (elementStyle.indexOf(";;") >= 0) {
				elementStyle = elementStyle.replaceAll(";;", ";");
			// get original display option if present
			int displayStyleStart = elementStyle.indexOf("display:");
			String displayStyleValue = "";

			// if (displayStyleStart >= 0) {
			// int displayStyleEnd = -1;
			// try {
			// displayStyleEnd = elementStyle.indexOf(";", displayStyleStart);
			// displayStyleValue = elementStyle.substring(displayStyleStart, displayStyleEnd + 1);
			// } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException se) {
			// logger.error("An error occured while getting style content of element with id [" + id_element
			// + "]. Please, check that ALL the style elements into the SVG have the final [;] char. Ex: [display:none;]");
			// throw se;
			// }
			// elementStyle = elementStyle.replace(displayStyleValue, ""); // clean old style
			// }

			// Manage 'display:none' or 'display:none;' properties
			if (displayStyleStart >= 0) {
				int displayStyleEnd = -1;
				String displayContent = "";
				try {
					// case with ; or other properties
					if (elementStyle.length() >= displayStyleStart + 13) {
						displayContent = elementStyle.substring(displayStyleStart, displayStyleStart + 13);
					} else {
						// case without ';'. Style value is : style="display:none"
						displayContent = elementStyle.substring(displayStyleStart, displayStyleStart + 12);
					displayContent = displayContent.trim();
					if (displayContent.indexOf("none") >= 0) {
						displayStyleEnd = displayStyleStart + 12;
						if (displayContent.indexOf(";") > 0)
							displayStyleEnd = displayStyleEnd + 1;
					displayStyleValue = elementStyle.substring(displayStyleStart, displayStyleEnd);
				} catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException se) {
					logger.error("An error occured while getting style content of element with id [" + id_element
							+ "]. Please, check that ALL the style elements into the SVG have the final [;] char. Ex: [display:none;]");
					throw se;
				elementStyle = elementStyle.replace(displayStyleValue, ""); // clean old style

			if (elementVisibility.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
				displayStyle = elementStyle + ";display:none;";
			} else {
				displayStyle = elementStyle;
			// sets new visibility style for the element
			element.setAttribute("style", displayStyle);
	} catch (Exception e) {
		logger.error("An error occured while managing show property for the element [" + id_element + "]");
		throw e;