org.json.simple.JSONArray#get ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.json.simple.JSONArray#get ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: zap-extensions   文件:
private ModifiedNameValuePair[] parseProjectJson(String json, boolean initialRefresh) throws ParseException{
	JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
	JSONObject obj = (JSONObject)parser.parse(json);
	JSONArray projects = (JSONArray)obj.get("projects");
	ModifiedNameValuePair[] projectArr = new ModifiedNameValuePair[projects.size()];
	for(int i = 0; i < projectArr.length; i++){
		JSONObject project = (JSONObject)projects.get(i);
		int id = ((Long)project.get("id")).intValue();
		String name = (String)project.get("name");
		projectArr[i] = new ModifiedNameValuePair(name,Integer.toString(id));
	if(projectArr.length > 0) {
		//set the project ids to visible if the names are the same
		for(int i = 0; i < projectArr.length-1; i++){
			if(projectArr[i].getName() != null && projectArr[i].getName().equals(projectArr[i+1].getName())){
	} else if (!initialRefresh)
	return projectArr;
源代码2 项目: opensim-gui   文件:
 * Whatever GUI operation resulting in Commands for visualizer, these need to be
 * propagated to the corresponding Path points that live in a separate part(s)
 * in the scene graph (e.g. on different bodies)
 * @param force that has GeometryPath
 * @param prop
 * @param commands 
public void propagateGeometryPathCommandsToPathPoints(Force force, AbstractProperty prop, JSONArray commands) {
    // if anything but show/hide, apply same to first pathpoint
    int lastIndex = commands.size()-1;
    JSONObject lastCommand = (JSONObject) commands.get(lastIndex);
    String commandName = (String) lastCommand.get("name");
    if (commandName.equalsIgnoreCase("SetVisible")){
        lastCommand.put("type", "SetValueCommandMuscle");
    else {
        JSONObject pathpointCommand = (JSONObject) lastCommand.clone();
        if (force.hasGeometryPath()){
            GeometryPath gPath = GeometryPath.safeDownCast(force.getPropertyByName("GeometryPath").getValueAsObject());

            pathpointCommand.put("objectUuid", getFirstPathPointUUID4GeometryPath(gPath).toString());
        else { // internal error, shouldn't be here propagating visualization changes to GeometryPath where none exists
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Trying to update GeometryPath of Force that has no GeometryPath:"+force.getName());
源代码3 项目: soltix   文件:
protected void processPragmaDirective(long id, AST ast, JSONObject attributes) throws Exception {
    JSONArray literals = (JSONArray)attributes.get("literals");
    if (literals == null) {
        throw new Exception("Pragma directive without literals attribute");
    if (literals.size() < 1) {
        throw new Exception("Pragma directive with empty literals list");
    String type = (String)literals.get(0);
    String args = null;
    if (literals.size() > 1) {
        args = "";
        for (int i = 1; i < literals.size(); ++i) {
            args += (String)literals.get(i);
    ast.addInnerNode(new ASTPragmaDirective(id, type, args));
源代码4 项目: netbeans   文件:
public String getDocForModule(final String moduleName) {
    Object jsonValue;
    JSONArray modules = getModules();
    if (modules != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < modules.size(); i++) {
            jsonValue = modules.get(i);
            if (jsonValue != null && jsonValue instanceof JSONObject) {
                JSONObject jsonModule = (JSONObject) jsonValue;
                jsonValue = jsonModule.get(NAME);
                if (jsonValue != null && jsonValue instanceof String && moduleName.equals(((String) jsonValue).toLowerCase())) {
                    jsonValue = jsonModule.get(DESCRIPTION);
                    if (jsonValue != null && jsonValue instanceof String) {
                        return (String) jsonValue;
    return null;
源代码5 项目: alfresco-remote-api   文件:
public static ListResponse<Favourite> parseFavourites(JSONObject jsonObject) throws ParseException
	List<Favourite> favourites = new ArrayList<Favourite>();

	JSONObject jsonList = (JSONObject)jsonObject.get("list");

	JSONArray jsonEntries = (JSONArray)jsonList.get("entries");

	for(int i = 0; i < jsonEntries.size(); i++)
		JSONObject jsonEntry = (JSONObject)jsonEntries.get(i);
		JSONObject entry = (JSONObject)jsonEntry.get("entry");

	ExpectedPaging paging = ExpectedPaging.parsePagination(jsonList);
	return new ListResponse<Favourite>(paging, favourites);
源代码6 项目: fiware-cygnus   文件:
public boolean isEmpty(String schema, String tableName) throws Exception {
    // Set the appropiate schema depending on the account type
    schema = (isPersonalAccount ? "public" : schema);
    // Do the check
    String query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + schema + "." + tableName;
    String encodedQuery = URLEncoder.encode(query, "UTF-8");
    String relativeURL = BASE_URL + encodedQuery + "&api_key=" + apiKey;
    JsonResponse response = doRequest("GET", relativeURL, true, null, null);

    // check the status
    if (response.getStatusCode() != 200) {
        throw new CygnusPersistenceError("The query '" + query + "' could not be executed. CartoDB response: "
                + response.getStatusCode() + " " + response.getReasonPhrase());
    } // if
    JSONArray rows = (JSONArray) response.getJsonObject().get("rows");
    JSONObject countRow = (JSONObject) rows.get(0);
    Long count = (Long) countRow.get("count");
    return (count == 0);
源代码7 项目: AIDR   文件:
private String[] getQuestion(ClientAppAnswer clientAppAnswer, JSONParser parser) throws ParseException {
    String answerKey =   clientAppAnswer.getAnswer();
    System.out.println("getQuestion : " + answerKey);
    JSONArray questionArrary =   (JSONArray) parser.parse(answerKey) ;
    int questionSize =  questionArrary.size();
    String[] questions = new String[questionSize];

    for(int i=0; i< questionSize; i++){
        JSONObject obj = (JSONObject)questionArrary.get(i);
        questions[i] =   (String)obj.get("qa");

    return questions;
源代码8 项目: netbeans   文件:
 * Parse one part of REST server message from JSON response.
 * @param json JSON response.
 * @return One part of REST server message from JSON response.
private MessagePart parseMessagePart(JSONObject json) {
    MessagePart mp = new MessagePart();
    JSONArray children = (JSONArray)json.get("children");
    if (children != null) {
        mp.children = new ArrayList<>(children.size());
        for (int i = 0 ; i < children.size() ; i++) {
            JSONObject child = (JSONObject)children.get(i);
    return mp;
源代码9 项目: io   文件:
 * EntityTypeからNP経由でAssociationEndを登録できること.
 * @throws ParseException パースエラー
public final void EntityTypeからNP経由でAssociationEndを登録できること() throws ParseException {
    String entityType1 = "AssociationEndTestEntity1";

    String assocEntity1of1 = "AssociationEndTestEntity1-1";

    try {
        // EntityType作成
        EntityTypeUtils.create(Setup.TEST_CELL1, MASTER_TOKEN_NAME, Setup.TEST_BOX1, Setup.TEST_ODATA,
                entityType1, HttpStatus.SC_CREATED);

        // AssociationEnd NP経由登録
                MASTER_TOKEN_NAME, Setup.TEST_CELL1, Setup.TEST_BOX1, Setup.TEST_ODATA,
                assocEntity1of1, "*", entityType1, HttpStatus.SC_CREATED);

        // AssociationEndの EntityTypeからのNP経由一覧取得
        TResponse res = AssociationEndUtils.listViaAssociationEndNP(MASTER_TOKEN_NAME, Setup.TEST_CELL1,
                Setup.TEST_BOX1, Setup.TEST_ODATA, "EntityType", entityType1, HttpStatus.SC_OK);
        JSONArray results = (JSONArray) ((JSONObject) res.bodyAsJson().get("d")).get("results");
        assertEquals(1, results.size());
        JSONObject body = (JSONObject) results.get(0);
        assertEquals(assocEntity1of1, body.get("Name"));

    } finally {
        // AssociationEndの削除
        AssociationEndUtils.delete(AbstractCase.MASTER_TOKEN_NAME, Setup.TEST_CELL1, Setup.TEST_ODATA, entityType1,
                Setup.TEST_BOX1, assocEntity1of1, -1);

        // EntityTypeの削除
        EntityTypeUtils.delete(Setup.TEST_ODATA, MASTER_TOKEN_NAME, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
                entityType1, Setup.TEST_BOX1, Setup.TEST_CELL1, -1);
源代码10 项目: fiware-cygnus   文件:
 * @param bodyJSON
 * @return
public List<Entity> createEntities(JSONArray jsonArray, String service, String servicePath) {
    LOGGER.debug("init createEntities(jsonArray --> " + jsonArray + ")");
    List<Entity> listEntity = new ArrayList<Entity>();

    for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) {
        JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonArray.get(i);
        listEntity.add(createEntity(jsonObject, service, servicePath));
    } // for
    LOGGER.debug("listEntity--> " + listEntity);
    return listEntity;

源代码11 项目: gcm   文件:
private void assertRequestJsonBody(String...expectedRegIds) throws Exception {
  ArgumentCaptor<String> capturedBody = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
  // parse body
  String body = capturedBody.getValue();
  JSONObject json = (JSONObject) jsonParser.parse(body);
  assertEquals(ttl, ((Long) json.get("time_to_live")).intValue());
  assertEquals(collapseKey, json.get("collapse_key"));
  assertEquals(delayWhileIdle, json.get("delay_while_idle"));
  assertEquals(dryRun, json.get("dry_run"));
  assertEquals(restrictedPackageName, json.get("restricted_package_name"));
  Map<String, Object> payload = (Map<String, Object>) json.get("data");
  assertNotNull("no payload", payload);
  assertEquals("wrong payload size", 5, payload.size());
  assertEquals("v0", payload.get("null"));
  assertEquals("v1", payload.get("k1"));
  assertEquals("v2", payload.get("k2"));
  assertEquals("v3", payload.get("k3"));
  JSONArray actualRegIds = (JSONArray) json.get("registration_ids");
  assertEquals("Wrong number of regIds",
      expectedRegIds.length, actualRegIds.size());
  for (int i = 0; i < expectedRegIds.length; i++) {
    String expectedRegId = expectedRegIds[i];
    String actualRegId = (String) actualRegIds.get(i);
    assertEquals("invalid regId at index " + i, expectedRegId, actualRegId);
源代码12 项目: SeaCloudsPlatform   文件:
private void parseVersion(String name, JSONObject service, Offering offering) {
    JSONArray versions = (JSONArray) service.get("versions");

    if (versions != null && versions.size() > 0) {
        String version = (String) versions.get(versions.size() - 1);

        if (version.indexOf('*') == -1) {
            if (name.equals("java")) { // per java la versione da prendere non è 1.x, ma 6,7,8..
                version = version.substring(2);

            offering.addProperty(name + "_version", version);
源代码13 项目: AIDR   文件:
public void publicTaskTranslationTaskPublishForm(String inputData, ClientApp clientApp, int indexStart, int indexEnd) throws Exception{
        List<TaskTranslation> outputFormatData = new ArrayList<TaskTranslation>();
        JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
        Object obj = parser.parse(inputData);

        JSONArray jsonObject = (JSONArray) obj;

        for(int i = indexStart; i < indexEnd; i++){
            JSONObject featureJsonObj = (JSONObject)jsonObject.get(i);
            JSONObject data = (JSONObject) parser.parse((String) featureJsonObj.get("data"));

            Long documentID =  (Long)featureJsonObj.get("documentID");
            JSONObject usr =  (JSONObject)data.get("user");
            String userName = (String)usr.get("name");
            String tweetTxt = (String)data.get("text");
            String tweetID =  String.valueOf(data.get("id"));

            TaskTranslation task = new TaskTranslation(clientApp.getClientAppID(),documentID, tweetID, userName, tweetTxt, TaskTranslation.STATUS_NEW);

    catch(Exception e){
        System.out.println("publicTaskTranslationTaskPublishForm : " + e);

   // return outputFormatData;
源代码14 项目: stratio-cassandra   文件:
 * Tests CASSANDRA-6892 (key aliases being used improperly for validation)
public void testColumnNameEqualToDefaultKeyAlias() throws IOException, ParseException
    File tempSS = tempSSTableFile("Keyspace1", "UUIDKeys");
    ColumnFamily cfamily = ArrayBackedSortedColumns.factory.create("Keyspace1", "UUIDKeys");
    SSTableWriter writer = new SSTableWriter(tempSS.getPath(), 2, ActiveRepairService.UNREPAIRED_SSTABLE);

    // Add a row
    cfamily.addColumn(column(CFMetaData.DEFAULT_KEY_ALIAS, "not a uuid", 1L));
    writer.append(, cfamily);

    SSTableReader reader = writer.closeAndOpenReader();
    // Export to JSON and verify
    File tempJson = File.createTempFile("CFWithColumnNameEqualToDefaultKeyAlias", ".json");
    SSTableExport.export(reader, new PrintStream(tempJson.getPath()), new String[0],
            CFMetaData.sparseCFMetaData("Keyspace1", "UUIDKeys", BytesType.instance));

    JSONArray json = (JSONArray)JSONValue.parseWithException(new FileReader(tempJson));
    assertEquals(1, json.size());

    JSONObject row = (JSONObject)json.get(0);
    JSONArray cols = (JSONArray) row.get("cells");
    assertEquals(1, cols.size());

    // check column name and value
    JSONArray col = (JSONArray) cols.get(0);
    assertEquals(CFMetaData.DEFAULT_KEY_ALIAS, ByteBufferUtil.string(hexToBytes((String) col.get(0))));
    assertEquals("not a uuid", ByteBufferUtil.string(hexToBytes((String) col.get(1))));
源代码15 项目: AntiVPN   文件:
private static String nameExpensive(UUID uuid) throws IOException {
    // Currently-online lookup
    ProxiedPlayer player = ProxyServer.getInstance().getPlayer(uuid);
    if (player != null) {
        nameCache.put(player.getName(), uuid);
        return player.getName();

    // Network lookup
    HttpURLConnection conn = JSONWebUtil.getConnection(new URL("" + uuid.toString().replace("-", "") + "/names"), "GET", 5000, "egg82/PlayerInfo", headers);;
    int status = conn.getResponseCode();

    if (status == 204) {
        // No data exists
        return null;
    } else if (status == 200) {
        try {
            JSONArray json = getJSONArray(conn, status);
            JSONObject last = (JSONObject) json.get(json.size() - 1);
            String name = (String) last.get("name");
            nameCache.put(name, uuid);
            return name;
        } catch (ParseException | ClassCastException ex) {
            throw new IOException(ex.getMessage(), ex);

    throw new IOException("Could not load player data from Mojang (rate-limited?)");
List<Object> convertJSONArrayToList(JSONArray ja) throws JSONException
    List<Object> model = new ArrayList<Object>();
    for (int i = 0; i < ja.size(); i++)
        Object o = ja.get(i);
        if (o instanceof JSONArray)
        else if (o instanceof JSONObject)
        else if (o == null)
            if ((o instanceof String) && autoConvertISO8601 && (matcherISO8601.matcher((String)o).matches()))
                o = ISO8601DateFormat.parse((String)o);
    return model;
源代码17 项目: sakai   文件:
 * {@inheritDoc}
public DateManagerValidation validateAssessments(String siteId, JSONArray assessments) throws Exception {
	DateManagerValidation assessmentValidate = new DateManagerValidation();
	List<DateManagerError> errors = new ArrayList<>();
	List<Object> updates = new ArrayList<>();
	String toolTitle = toolManager.getTool(DateManagerConstants.COMMON_ID_ASSESSMENTS).getTitle();
	for (int i = 0; i < assessments.size(); i++) {
		JSONObject jsonAssessment = (JSONObject)assessments.get(i);
		Long assessmentId = Long.parseLong(jsonAssessment.get("id").toString());
		int idx = Integer.parseInt(jsonAssessment.get("idx").toString());

		try {


			Instant openDate = userTimeService.parseISODateInUserTimezone((String)jsonAssessment.get("open_date")).toInstant();
			Instant dueDate = userTimeService.parseISODateInUserTimezone((String)jsonAssessment.get("due_date")).toInstant();
			Instant acceptUntil = userTimeService.parseISODateInUserTimezone((String)jsonAssessment.get("accept_until")).toInstant();
			boolean isDraft = Boolean.parseBoolean(jsonAssessment.get("is_draft").toString());

			Object assessment;
			AssessmentAccessControlIfc control;
			if (isDraft) {
				assessment = assessmentServiceQueries.getAssessment(assessmentId);
				control = ((AssessmentFacade) assessment).getAssessmentAccessControl();
			} else {
				assessment = pubAssessmentServiceQueries.getPublishedAssessment(assessmentId);
				control = ((PublishedAssessmentFacade) assessment).getAssessmentAccessControl();
			boolean lateHandling = control.getLateHandling() != null && control.getLateHandling() == AssessmentAccessControlIfc.ACCEPT_LATE_SUBMISSION;

			if (assessment == null) {
				errors.add(new DateManagerError("assessment", rb.getFormattedMessage("error.item.not.found", new Object[]{rb.getString("")}), "assessments", toolTitle, idx));
			boolean errored = false;

			if (openDate == null) {
				errors.add(new DateManagerError("open_date", rb.getString(""), "assessments", toolTitle, idx));
				errored = true;
			if (dueDate == null) {
				errors.add(new DateManagerError("due_date", rb.getString(""), "assessments", toolTitle, idx));
				errored = true;
			if (acceptUntil == null && lateHandling) {
				errors.add(new DateManagerError("accept_until", rb.getString("error.accept.until.not.found"), "assessments", toolTitle, i));
				errored = true;

			if (errored) {

			log.debug("Open {} ; Due {} ; Until {}", jsonAssessment.get("open_date_label"), jsonAssessment.get("due_date_label"), jsonAssessment.get("accept_until_label"));
			if(StringUtils.isBlank((String)jsonAssessment.get("due_date_label"))) {
				dueDate = null;
			if(StringUtils.isBlank((String)jsonAssessment.get("accept_until_label"))) {
				acceptUntil = null;

			DateManagerUpdate update = new DateManagerUpdate(assessment, openDate, dueDate, acceptUntil);

			if (dueDate != null && !update.openDate.isBefore(update.dueDate)) {
				errors.add(new DateManagerError("open_date", rb.getString(""), "assessments", toolTitle, idx));

			if (lateHandling && dueDate != null && acceptUntil != null && update.dueDate.isAfter(update.acceptUntilDate)) {
				errors.add(new DateManagerError("due_date", rb.getString(""), "assessments", toolTitle, idx));


		} catch (Exception ex) {
			errors.add(new DateManagerError("open_date", rb.getString("error.uncaught"), "assessments", toolTitle, idx));
			log.error("Error trying to validate Tests & Quizzes {}", ex);

	return assessmentValidate;
源代码18 项目: NLIWOD   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
HAWK hawk = new HAWK();
SINA sina = new SINA();
QAKIS qakis = new QAKIS();
YODA yoda = new YODA();

 * For multilable classification:

ArrayList<String> fvhawk = new ArrayList<String>();
Attribute hawkatt = new Attribute("hawk", fvhawk);

ArrayList<String> fvqakis = new ArrayList<String>();
Attribute qakisatt = new Attribute("qakis", fvqakis);

ArrayList<String> fvyoda = new ArrayList<String>();
Attribute yodaatt = new Attribute("yoda", fvyoda);

ArrayList<String> fvsina = new ArrayList<String>();
Attribute sinaatt = new Attribute("sina", fvsina);


// 1. Learn on the training data for each system a classifier to find
// out which system can answer which question

// 1.1 load the questions and how good each system answers
log.debug("Load the questions and how good each system answers");
List<IQuestion> trainQuestions = LoaderController.load(Dataset.QALD6_Train_Multilingual);
List<ASystem> systems = Lists.newArrayList(hawk, sina, qakis, yoda);
JSONArray traindata = RunProducer.loadRunData(Dataset.QALD6_Train_Multilingual);

// 1.2 calculate the features per question and system
log.debug("Calculate the features per question and system");
Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer();
ArrayList<Attribute> fvfinal = analyzer.fvWekaAttributes;

fvfinal.add(0, hawkatt);
fvfinal.add(0, yodaatt);
fvfinal.add(0, sinaatt);

Instances trainingSet = new Instances("training_classifier: -C 4" , fvfinal, trainQuestions.size());
log.debug("Start collection of training data for each system");

for (int i = 0; i < traindata.size(); i++) {
	JSONObject questiondata = (JSONObject) traindata.get(i);
	JSONObject allsystemsdata = (JSONObject) questiondata.get("answers");
	String question = (String) questiondata.get("question");
	Instance tmp = analyzer.analyze(question);

	tmp.setValue(hawkatt, 0);
	tmp.setValue(yodaatt, 0);
	tmp.setValue(sinaatt, 0);
	tmp.setValue(qakisatt, 0);

	for(ASystem system: systems){
		JSONObject systemdata = (JSONObject) allsystemsdata.get(;
		if(new Double(systemdata.get("fmeasure").toString()) > 0)
			switch ({
			case "hawk": tmp.setValue(hawkatt, 1); break;
			case "yoda": tmp.setValue(yodaatt, 1); break;
			case "sina": tmp.setValue(sinaatt, 1); break;
			case "qakis": tmp.setValue(qakisatt, 1); break;


try (FileWriter file = new FileWriter("./src/main/resources/old/Train.arff")) {
} catch (IOException e) {
源代码19 项目: sqoop-on-spark   文件:
public void testLinkSerialization() {
  Date created = new Date();
  Date updated = new Date();
  MLink link = BeanTestUtil.createLink("ahoj", "link1", 22L, created, updated);

  // Fill some data at the beginning
  MStringInput input = (MStringInput) link.getConnectorLinkConfig().getConfigs().get(0)
  input.setValue("Hi there!");

  // Serialize it to JSON object
  LinkBean linkBean = new LinkBean(link);
  JSONObject json = linkBean.extract(false);

  // Check for sensitivity
  JSONObject linkObj = (JSONObject) json.get(LinkBean.LINK);
  JSONArray linkConfigs = (JSONArray) linkObj.get(LinkBean.LINK_CONFIG_VALUES);
  JSONObject linkConfig = (JSONObject) linkConfigs.get(0);
  JSONArray inputs = (JSONArray) linkConfig.get(ConfigInputConstants.CONFIG_INPUTS);
  for (Object in : inputs) {
    assertTrue(((JSONObject) in).containsKey(ConfigInputConstants.CONFIG_INPUT_SENSITIVE));

  // "Move" it across network in text form
  String linkJsonString = json.toJSONString();

  // Retrieved transferred object
  JSONObject parsedLinkJson = JSONUtils.parse(linkJsonString);
  LinkBean retrievedBean = new LinkBean();
  MLink retrievedLink = retrievedBean.getLinks().get(0);

  // Check id and name
  assertEquals(22L, retrievedLink.getPersistenceId());
  assertEquals("link1", retrievedLink.getName());
  assertEquals("admin", retrievedLink.getCreationUser());
  assertEquals(created, retrievedLink.getCreationDate());
  assertEquals("user", retrievedLink.getLastUpdateUser());
  assertEquals(updated, retrievedLink.getLastUpdateDate());
  assertEquals(false, retrievedLink.getEnabled());

  // Test that value was correctly moved
  MStringInput retrievedLinkInput = (MStringInput) retrievedLink.getConnectorLinkConfig().getConfigs().get(0)
  assertEquals("Hi there!", retrievedLinkInput.getValue());
源代码20 项目: askyblock   文件:
 * Make a connection to the BukkitDev API and request the newest file's details.
 * @return true if successful.
private boolean read() {
    try {
        final URLConnection conn = this.url.openConnection();

        if (this.apiKey != null) {
            conn.addRequestProperty("X-API-Key", this.apiKey);
        conn.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", Updater.USER_AGENT);


        final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
        final String response = reader.readLine();

        final JSONArray array = (JSONArray) JSONValue.parse(response);

        if (array.isEmpty()) {
            this.plugin.getLogger().warning("The updater could not find any files for the project id " +;
            this.result = UpdateResult.FAIL_BADID;
            return false;

        JSONObject latestUpdate = (JSONObject) array.get(array.size() - 1);
        this.versionName = (String) latestUpdate.get(Updater.TITLE_VALUE);
        this.versionLink = (String) latestUpdate.get(Updater.LINK_VALUE);
        this.versionType = (String) latestUpdate.get(Updater.TYPE_VALUE);
        this.versionGameVersion = (String) latestUpdate.get(Updater.VERSION_VALUE);

        return true;
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        if (e.getMessage().contains("HTTP response code: 403")) {
            this.plugin.getLogger().severe(" rejected the API key provided in plugins/Updater/config.yml");
            this.plugin.getLogger().severe("Please double-check your configuration to ensure it is correct.");
            this.result = UpdateResult.FAIL_APIKEY;
        } else {
            this.plugin.getLogger().severe("The updater could not contact for updating.");
            this.plugin.getLogger().severe("If you have not recently modified your configuration and this is the first time you are seeing this message, the site may be experiencing temporary downtime.");
            this.result = UpdateResult.FAIL_DBO;
        this.plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
        return false;