org.json.simple.JSONArray#isEmpty ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.json.simple.JSONArray#isEmpty ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: netbeans   文件:
public List<DockerContainer> getContainers() {
    try {
        JSONArray value = (JSONArray) doGetRequest("/containers/json?all=1",
        List<DockerContainer> ret = new ArrayList<>(value.size());
        for (Object o : value) {
            JSONObject json = (JSONObject) o;
            String id = (String) json.get("Id");
            String image = (String) json.get("Image");
            String name = null;
            JSONArray names = (JSONArray) json.get("Names");
            if (names != null && !names.isEmpty()) {
                name = (String) names.get(0);
            DockerContainer.Status status = DockerUtils.getContainerStatus((String) json.get("Status"));
            ret.add(new DockerContainer(instance, id, image, name, status));
        return ret;
    } catch (DockerException ex) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, null, ex);
    return Collections.emptyList();
源代码2 项目: sepia-assist-server   文件:
 * Convert dynamoDB JSONObject list to java ArrayList&#60;Object&#62;.
 * @param item - map in JSONObject format to convert
 * @return
public static ArrayList<Object> jsonToList(JSONArray item){
	ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
	//populate list
	if (!item.isEmpty()){
		for (Object o : item){
			list.add(typeConversion((JSONObject) o));
		//item.forEach(p -> list.add(typeConversion((JSONObject) p)));
	return list;
public String userExists(String identifier, String idType) throws RuntimeException{
	String key = "";
	if (idType.equals(ID.Type.uid)){
	}else if (idType.equals({
	}else if (idType.equals({
		errorCode = 4;
		throw new RuntimeException("userExists(...) reports 'unsupported ID type' " + idType);
	//all primary user IDs need to be lowerCase in DB!!!
	identifier = ID.clean(identifier);
	//search parameters:
	JSONObject response = searchUserIndex(key, identifier);
	//System.out.println("RESPONSE: " + response.toJSONString());				//debug
	if (!Connectors.httpSuccess(response)){
		errorCode = 4;
		throw new RuntimeException("Authentication.userExists(...) reports 'DB query failed! Result unclear!'");
	JSONArray hits = JSON.getJArray(response, new String[]{"hits", "hits"});
	if (hits != null && !hits.isEmpty()){
		return JSON.getJObject((JSONObject) hits.get(0), "_source").get(ACCOUNT.GUUID).toString();
		errorCode = 4;
		return "";
源代码4 项目: sepia-assist-server   文件:
public static String userExists(String identifier, String idType) throws RuntimeException{
	String key = "";
	if (idType.equals(ID.Type.uid)){
	}else if (idType.equals({
	}else if (idType.equals({
		throw new RuntimeException("userExists(...) reports 'unsupported ID type' " + idType);
	//all primary user IDs need to be lowerCase in DB!!!
	identifier = ID.clean(identifier);
	//search parameters:
	JSONObject response = db.searchSimple(DB.USERS + "/all", key + ":" + identifier);
	//System.out.println("RESPONSE: " + response.toJSONString());				//debug
	if (!Connectors.httpSuccess(response)){
		throw new RuntimeException("Authentication.userExists(...) reports 'DB query failed! Result unclear!'");
	JSONArray hits = JSON.getJArray(response, new String[]{"hits", "hits"});
	if (hits != null && !hits.isEmpty()){
		return JSON.getJObject((JSONObject) hits.get(0), "_source").get(ACCOUNT.GUUID).toString();
		return "";
源代码5 项目: netbeans   文件:
private void addMethods(final ModelElementFactory factory, final JsObject toObject, final DeclarationScope scope, final JSONObject fromObject) {
    JSONArray methods = getJSONArrayProperty(fromObject, METHODS);
    if (methods != null) {
        for (Object methodO : methods) {
            if (methodO instanceof JSONObject) {
                JSONObject method = (JSONObject) methodO;
                String methodName = getJSONStringProperty(method, NAME);
                JSONArray signatures = getJSONArrayProperty(method, "signatures");
                String doc = getJSONStringProperty(method, DESCRIPTION);
                if (methodName != null && signatures != null) {
                    for (Object signature : signatures) {
                        JSONArray params = getJSONArrayProperty((JSONObject) signature, PARAMS);
                        List<String> paramNames = new ArrayList<String>();
                        if (params != null && !params.isEmpty()) {
                            for (Object param : params) {
                                String paramName = getJSONStringProperty((JSONObject) param, NAME);
                                if (paramName != null) {
                        JsObject object = factory.newFunction(scope, toObject, methodName, paramNames, NodeJsUtils.NODEJS_NAME);
                        object.setDocumentation(Documentation.create(doc, getDocumentationURL(methodName, paramNames)));
                        toObject.addProperty(object.getName(), object);
                        addProperties(factory, object, (DeclarationScope) object, method);
                        addMethods(factory, object, (DeclarationScope) object, method);
源代码6 项目: fiware-cygnus   文件:
 * Populates the resourceName-resource map of a given orgName with the package information from the CKAN response.
 * @param resources JSON vector from the CKAN response containing resource information
 * @param orgName Organization name
 * @param pkgName Package name
 * @param checkExistence If true, checks if the queried resource already exists in the cache
private void populateResourcesMap(JSONArray resources, String orgName, String pkgName, boolean checkExistence) {
    // this check is for debuging purposes
    if (resources == null || resources.isEmpty()) {
        LOGGER.debug("The resources list is empty, nothing to cache");
    } // if
    LOGGER.debug("Resources to be populated: " + resources.toJSONString() + "(orgName=" + orgName
            + ", pkgName=" + pkgName + ")");
    // iterate on the resources
    Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = resources.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        // get the resource name and id (resources cannot be in deleted state)
        JSONObject factObj = (JSONObject);
        String resourceName = (String) factObj.get("name");
        String resourceId = (String) factObj.get("id");

        // put the resource in the tree and in the resource map
        if (checkExistence) {
            if (tree.get(orgName).get(pkgName).contains(resourceName)) {
            } // if
        } // if
        this.setResId(orgName, pkgName, resourceName, resourceId);
        LOGGER.debug("Resource found in CKAN, now cached (orgName=" + orgName + " -> pkgName=" + pkgName
                + " -> " + "resourceName/resourceId=" + resourceName + "/" + resourceId + ")");
    } // while
源代码7 项目: fiware-cygnus   文件:
public void expirateRecordsCache(long expirationTime) throws CygnusRuntimeError, CygnusPersistenceError {
    // Iterate on the cached resource IDs
    while (cache.hasNextRes()) {
        // Get the next resource ID
        String resId = cache.getNextResId();
        // Create the filters for a datastore deletion
        String filters = "";

        // Get the record pages, some variables
        int offset = 0;
        boolean morePages = true;

        do {
            // Get the records within the current page
            JSONObject result = (JSONObject) getRecords(resId, null, offset, RECORDSPERPAGE).get("result");
            JSONArray records = (JSONArray) result.get("records");

            try {
                for (Object recordObj : records) {
                    JSONObject record = (JSONObject) recordObj;
                    long id = (Long) record.get("_id");
                    String recvTime = (String) record.get("recvTime");
                    long recordTime = CommonUtils.getMilliseconds(recvTime);
                    long currentTime = new Date().getTime();

                    if (recordTime < (currentTime - (expirationTime * 1000))) {
                        if (filters.isEmpty()) {
                            filters += "{\"_id\":[" + id;
                        } else {
                            filters += "," + id;
                        } // if else
                    } else {
                        // Since records are sorted by _id, once the first not expirated record is found the loop
                        // can finish
                        morePages = false;
                    } // if else
                } // for
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                throw new CygnusRuntimeError("Data expiration error", "ParseException", e.getMessage());
            } // try catch

            if (records.isEmpty()) {
                morePages = false;
            } else {
                offset += RECORDSPERPAGE;
            } // if else
        } while (morePages);
        if (filters.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.debug("No records to be deleted");
        } else {
            filters += "]}";
            LOGGER.debug("Records to be deleted, resId=" + resId + ", filters=" + filters);
            deleteRecords(resId, filters);
        } // if else
    } // while
源代码8 项目: sepia-assist-server   文件:
public Map<String, SmartHomeDevice> getDevices(){
	JSONObject response = httpGET( + "/rest/items");
	//System.out.println("openHAB REST response: " + response); 									//DEBUG
	if (Connectors.httpSuccess(response)){
		//use the chance to update the "names by type" buffer
		this.bufferedDevicesByType = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
		JSONArray devicesArray = null;
		if (response.containsKey("JSONARRAY")){
			devicesArray = JSON.getJArray(response, "JSONARRAY");		//this should usually be the one triggered
		}else if (response.containsKey("STRING")){
			String arrayAsString = JSON.getString(response, "STRING");
			if (arrayAsString.trim().startsWith("[")){
				devicesArray = JSON.parseStringToArrayOrFail(arrayAsString);
		if (devicesArray == null){
			return null;
		if (devicesArray.isEmpty()){
			//Fail with empty array
			Debugger.println("Service:OpenHAB - devices array was empty!", 1);
			return new HashMap<String, SmartHomeDevice>();
		//Build devices map
		Map<String, SmartHomeDevice> devices = new HashMap<>();
			for (Object o : devicesArray){
				JSONObject hubDevice = (JSONObject) o;
				//System.out.println("openHAB device JSON: " + hubDevice); 			//DEBUG
				//Build unified object for SEPIA
				SmartHomeDevice shd = buildDeviceFromResponse(hubDevice);
				if (shd != null){
					devices.put(shd.getMetaValueAsString("id"), shd);
					//fill buffer
					String deviceType = shd.getType();
					String deviceName = shd.getName();
					if (Is.notNullOrEmpty(deviceType) && Is.notNullOrEmpty(deviceName)){
						deviceName = SmartHomeDevice.getCleanedUpName(deviceName);		//NOTE: use "clean" name!
						if (!deviceName.isEmpty() && (boolean) shd.getMeta().get("namedBySepia")){
							Set<String> deviceNamesOfType = this.bufferedDevicesByType.get(deviceType);
							if (deviceNamesOfType == null){
								deviceNamesOfType = new HashSet<>();
								this.bufferedDevicesByType.put(deviceType, deviceNamesOfType);
			//store new buffer
			bufferedDevicesOfHostByType.put(, this.bufferedDevicesByType);
			return devices;
		}catch (Exception e){
			//Fail with faulty array
			Debugger.println("Service:OpenHAB - devices array seems to be broken! Msg.: " + e.getMessage(), 1);
			Debugger.printStackTrace(e, 3);
			return new HashMap<String, SmartHomeDevice>();
		//Fail with server contact error
		Debugger.println("Service:OpenHAB - failed to get devices from server!", 1);
		return null;
源代码9 项目: fiware-cygnus   文件:
 * Populates the package map of a given orgName with the package information from the CKAN response.
 * @param packages JSON vector from the CKAN response containing package information
 * @param orgName Organization name
 * @throws CygnusBadConfiguration
 * @throws CygnusRuntimeError
 * @throws CygnusPersistenceError
private void populatePackagesMap(JSONArray packages, String orgName)
    throws CygnusBadConfiguration, CygnusRuntimeError, CygnusPersistenceError {
    // this check is for debuging purposes
    if (packages == null || packages.isEmpty()) {
        LOGGER.debug("The pacakges list is empty, nothing to cache");
    } // if
    LOGGER.debug("Packages to be populated: " + packages.toJSONString() + "(orgName=" + orgName + ")");

    // iterate on the packages
    Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = packages.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        // get the package name
        JSONObject pkg = (JSONObject);
        String pkgName = (String) pkg.get("name");

        // check if the package is in "deleted" state
        String pkgState = pkg.get("state").toString();

        if (pkgState.equals("deleted")) {
            throw new CygnusBadConfiguration("The package '" + pkgName + "' exists but it is in a deleted state");
        } // if
        // put the package in the tree and in the packages map
        String pkgId = pkg.get("id").toString();
        tree.get(orgName).put(pkgName, new ArrayList<String>());
        this.setPkgId(orgName, pkgName, pkgId);
        LOGGER.debug("Package found in CKAN, now cached (orgName=" + orgName + " -> pkgName/pkgId=" + pkgName
                + "/" + pkgId + ")");
        // from CKAN 2.4, the organization_show method does not return the per-package list of resources
        JSONArray resources = getResources(pkgName);

        // populate the resources map
        LOGGER.debug("Going to populate the resources cache (orgName=" + orgName + ", pkgName=" + pkgName
                + ")");
        populateResourcesMap(resources, orgName, pkgName, false);
    } // while
源代码10 项目: askyblock   文件:
 * Make a connection to the BukkitDev API and request the newest file's details.
 * @return true if successful.
private boolean read() {
    try {
        final URLConnection conn = this.url.openConnection();

        if (this.apiKey != null) {
            conn.addRequestProperty("X-API-Key", this.apiKey);
        conn.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", Updater.USER_AGENT);


        final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
        final String response = reader.readLine();

        final JSONArray array = (JSONArray) JSONValue.parse(response);

        if (array.isEmpty()) {
            this.plugin.getLogger().warning("The updater could not find any files for the project id " +;
            this.result = UpdateResult.FAIL_BADID;
            return false;

        JSONObject latestUpdate = (JSONObject) array.get(array.size() - 1);
        this.versionName = (String) latestUpdate.get(Updater.TITLE_VALUE);
        this.versionLink = (String) latestUpdate.get(Updater.LINK_VALUE);
        this.versionType = (String) latestUpdate.get(Updater.TYPE_VALUE);
        this.versionGameVersion = (String) latestUpdate.get(Updater.VERSION_VALUE);

        return true;
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        if (e.getMessage().contains("HTTP response code: 403")) {
            this.plugin.getLogger().severe(" rejected the API key provided in plugins/Updater/config.yml");
            this.plugin.getLogger().severe("Please double-check your configuration to ensure it is correct.");
            this.result = UpdateResult.FAIL_APIKEY;
        } else {
            this.plugin.getLogger().severe("The updater could not contact for updating.");
            this.plugin.getLogger().severe("If you have not recently modified your configuration and this is the first time you are seeing this message, the site may be experiencing temporary downtime.");
            this.result = UpdateResult.FAIL_DBO;
        this.plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
        return false;
源代码11 项目: sepia-assist-server   文件:
public ServiceResult getResult(NluResult nluResult) {
	//initialize result
	ServiceBuilder api = new ServiceBuilder(nluResult, 
			getInfoFreshOrCache(nluResult.input, this.getClass().getCanonicalName()));
	//get interview parameters
	JSONObject sentenceJson = nluResult.getRequiredParameter(PARAMETERS.SENTENCES).getData();
	JSONArray sentencesArray = (JSONArray) sentenceJson.get(InterviewData.ARRAY);
	//get background parameters
	String reply = nluResult.getParameter(PARAMETERS.REPLY);	//a reply
	List<String> flexParameters = new ArrayList<>();			//flex parameters
	for (int i=0; i<VAR_N; i++){
		String var = nluResult.getParameter(VAR_BASE + (i+1));
		if (Is.notNullOrEmpty(var)){
	Debugger.println("cmd: sentence connect: " + sentencesArray, 2);		//debug
	if (sentencesArray == null || sentencesArray.isEmpty()){
		api.status = "fail";
		//Normalizer_Interface normalizer = Config.input_normalizers.get(api.language);
		int goodResults = 0;
		for (Object o : sentencesArray){
			String s = (String) o;
			//Replace flex parameters (variables)
			for (int i=0; i<flexParameters.size(); i++){
				String tag = "<" + VAR_BASE + (i+1) + ">";
				if (s.contains(tag)){
					s = s.replace(tag, flexParameters.get(i));
			//TODO: making a clean input would be better
			nluResult.input.inputType = "question";
			nluResult.input.text = s;
			nluResult.input.textRaw = s;
			//norm - we don't need this, its in the interpretation chain
			//nluResult.input.text = normalizer.normalize_text(s);
			NluResult thisRes = new InterpretationChain()
			//System.out.println("cmd_sum: " + thisRes.cmdSummary + " - in: " + thisRes.language);		//DEBUG
			//push - filter no_results and chained sentence_connect commands (to prevent endless loop)
			if (!thisRes.getCommand().equals(CMD.SENTENCE_CONNECT) 
				&& !thisRes.getCommand().equals(CMD.NO_RESULT) && !thisRes.getCommand().equals(CMD.RESULT_REDIRECT)
				//build action
				api.putActionInfo("info", "direct_cmd");
				api.putActionInfo("cmd", thisRes.cmdSummary);
				api.putActionInfo("lang", thisRes.language);
				api.putActionInfo("newReceiver", Config.assistantId);		//make sure this comes back to the assistant
				//api.actionInfo_put_info("options", JSON.make(ACTIONS.SKIP_TTS, true));
			//use new result for next command? TODO: I think we need some context handling here
			//nluResult = thisRes;
		//reply - silent or custom
		if (!reply.isEmpty()){
			reply = AnswerTools.handleUserAnswerSets(reply);
		if (goodResults == 0){
			api.status = "fail";
			api.status = "success";
	//finally build the API_Result
	ServiceResult result = api.buildResult();
	//return result.result_JSON.toJSONString();
	return result;
源代码12 项目: sepia-assist-server   文件:
private static HashMap<String, Object> graphhopper_get_coordinates(String address, String language){
	if (Is.nullOrEmpty(Config.graphhopper_key)){
		Debugger.println("GeoCoding - Graphhopper API-key is missing! Please add one via the config file to use the service.", 1);
		return null;
	HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
	try {
		String add_params = "&debug=false&limit=1&key=" + Config.graphhopper_key;
		String url = "" + URLEncoder.encode(address, "UTF-8") + "&locale=" + language + add_params;
		//System.out.println("gh-url: " + url); 	//debug
		long tic = System.currentTimeMillis();
		JSONObject response = Connectors.httpGET(url.trim());
		Statistics.addExternalApiHit("Graphhopper Geocoder");
		Statistics.addExternalApiTime("Graphhopper Geocoder", tic);
		JSONArray hits = (JSONArray) response.get("hits");
		if (!hits.isEmpty()){
			JSONObject points = (JSONObject) ((JSONObject) hits.get(0)).get("point");
			double latitude = (double) points.get("lat");
			double longitude = (double) points.get("lng");
			String osm_value = (String) ((JSONObject) hits.get(0)).get("osm_value");
			String country, state, city, street, postcode;
			if (osm_value.matches("country"))	country = (String) ((JSONObject) hits.get(0)).get("name");
			else								country = (String) ((JSONObject) hits.get(0)).get("country");
			if (osm_value.matches("state"))		state = (String) ((JSONObject) hits.get(0)).get("name");
			else 								state = (String) ((JSONObject) hits.get(0)).get("state");
			if (osm_value.matches("(city|town|village)"))	city = (String) ((JSONObject) hits.get(0)).get("name");
			else											city = (String) ((JSONObject) hits.get(0)).get("city");
			if (osm_value.matches("(residential|footway)"))	street = (String) ((JSONObject) hits.get(0)).get("name");
			else											street = (String) ((JSONObject) hits.get(0)).get("street");
			postcode = (String) ((JSONObject) hits.get(0)).get("postcode");
			//fill result
			result.put(LOCATION.LAT, latitude);		result.put(LOCATION.LNG, longitude);
			result.put(LOCATION.COUNTRY, country);	result.put(LOCATION.STATE, state);		result.put(LOCATION.POSTAL_CODE, postcode);			
			result.put(LOCATION.CITY, city);		result.put(LOCATION.STREET, street);		result.put(LOCATION.STREET_NBR, null);
	} catch (Exception e) {
		return null;
		result.put(LOCATION.LAT, null);			result.put(LOCATION.LNG, null);
		result.put(LOCATION.COUNTRY, null);		result.put(LOCATION.STATE, null);		result.put(LOCATION.POSTAL_CODE, null);			
		result.put(LOCATION.CITY, null);		result.put(LOCATION.STREET, null);		result.put(LOCATION.STREET_NBR, null);
	return result;
源代码13 项目: sepia-assist-server   文件:
private static HashMap<String, Object> google_get_address(String latitude, String longitude, String language) {
	if (Is.nullOrEmpty(Config.google_maps_key)){
		Debugger.println("GeoCoding - Google API-key is missing! Please add one via the config file to use Maps.", 1);
		return null;
	HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
	try {
		String add_key = "";
		if (!Config.google_maps_key.equals("test")){
			add_key = "&key=" + Config.google_maps_key;
		String add_region = "&region=" + language + "&language=" + language;		//TODO: split region and language?
		String url = "" 
				+ latitude + "," + longitude 
				+ add_region + add_key;
		//make the HTTP GET call to Google Geocode API
		long tic = System.currentTimeMillis();
		JSONObject response = Connectors.httpGET(url.trim());
		JSONArray results = (JSONArray) response.get("results");
		Statistics.addExternalApiHit("Google Geocoder (reverse)");
		Statistics.addExternalApiTime("Google Geocoder (reverse)", tic);
		//TODO: handle over_query_limit with a) 1s break b) 2s break c) possible quota end
		if (!results.isEmpty()){
			// get the city and country from formatted_address
			//String formatted_address = (String) ((JSONObject) results.get(0)).get("formatted_address"); // e.g. Faro District, Portugal
			//String[] parts = formatted_address.split(","); 
			//city = parts[parts.length - 2]; 
			//country = parts[parts.length - 1]; // in the last part of formatted_address is the country
			JSONArray address_components = (JSONArray) ((JSONObject) results.get(0)).get("address_components"); 
			String city = null, country = null, postcode = null, street = null, state = null, street_nbr = null;
			int i = 0;
			for (Object obj : address_components)
				String currentComponent = ((JSONObject) obj).get("types").toString();

				// "types" : [ "street_number" ]
				if (currentComponent.contains("\"street_number\""))
					street_nbr = (String) ((JSONObject) address_components.get(i)).get("long_name"); 		
				// "types" : [ "route" ]
				else if (currentComponent.contains("\"route\""))
					street = (String) ((JSONObject) address_components.get(i)).get("long_name"); 		
				// search for GoogleOutput:		"types" : [ "locality", "political" ]
				else if (currentComponent.contains("\"locality\""))
					city = (String) ((JSONObject) address_components.get(i)).get("long_name"); 		
				// "types" : [ "sublocality", "political" ] -- best replacement for city ???
				else if (currentComponent.contains("\"sublocality\""))
					if (city == null)
						city = (String) ((JSONObject) address_components.get(i)).get("long_name"); 		
				// "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ] -- it should be the state 
				else if (currentComponent.contains("\"administrative_area_level_1\""))
					state = (String) ((JSONObject) address_components.get(i)).get("long_name"); 		
				// search for GoogleOutput:		"types" : [ "country", "political" ]
				else if (currentComponent.contains("\"country\""))
					country = (String) ((JSONObject) address_components.get(i)).get("long_name"); 
				// search for GoogleOutput:		"types" : [ "postal_code" ]
				else if (currentComponent.contains("\"postal_code\""))
					postcode = (String) ((JSONObject) address_components.get(i)).get("long_name"); 
			String formatted_address = (String) ((JSONObject) results.get(0)).get("formatted_address");
			//fill result
			result.put(LOCATION.NAME, formatted_address.replaceFirst(",.*?$", "").trim());
			result.put(LOCATION.LAT, latitude);		result.put(LOCATION.LNG, longitude);
			result.put(LOCATION.COUNTRY, country);	result.put(LOCATION.STATE, state);		result.put(LOCATION.POSTAL_CODE, postcode);			
			result.put(LOCATION.CITY, city);		result.put(LOCATION.STREET, street);		result.put(LOCATION.STREET_NBR, street_nbr);
	}catch (Exception e) {
		return null;
		result.put(LOCATION.LAT, null);			result.put(LOCATION.LNG, null);
		result.put(LOCATION.COUNTRY, null);		result.put(LOCATION.STATE, null);		result.put(LOCATION.POSTAL_CODE, null);			
		result.put(LOCATION.CITY, null);		result.put(LOCATION.STREET, null);		result.put(LOCATION.STREET_NBR, null);
	return result;		
源代码14 项目: sepia-assist-server   文件:
private static JSONArray google_get_POI(String search, String latitude, String longitude, String language, String types) {
	if (Is.nullOrEmpty(Config.google_maps_key)){
		Debugger.println("GeoCoding - Google API-key is missing! Please add one via the config file to use Maps.", 1);
		return new JSONArray();
	JSONArray places = new JSONArray();
	int N = 8; //max results 		
	try {
		//use GPS and radius?
		String addGPS = "";
		if (!latitude.isEmpty() && !longitude.isEmpty()){
			addGPS = "&location=" + latitude + "," + longitude;
			addGPS += "&radius=" + String.valueOf(15000);
		//use types?
		String addTypes = "";
		if (types != null){
			addTypes = types;
		String addKey = "";
		if (!Config.google_maps_key.equals("test")){
			addKey = "&key=" + Config.google_maps_key;
		String url = URLBuilder.getString("",
				"?query=", search,
				"&language=", language,
				"&types=", addTypes
				//"&opennow=", true,
		url += addKey;
		url += addGPS;
		//System.out.println("google_get_POI - search: " + search);							//debug
		//System.out.println("google_get_POI - URL: " + url); 								//debug
		//make the HTTP GET call to Google Geocode API
		long tic = System.currentTimeMillis();
		JSONObject response = Connectors.httpGET(url.trim());
		Statistics.addExternalApiHit("Google Places");
		Statistics.addExternalApiTime("Google Places", tic);
		//System.out.println("google_get_POI - Result: " + response.toJSONString()); 		//debug
		//TODO: handle over_query_limit with a) 1s break b) 2s break c) possible quota end
		JSONArray results = (JSONArray) response.get("results");
		if (results != null && !results.isEmpty()){
			int i = 0;
			for (Object obj : results)
				JSONObject placeJSON = new JSONObject();
				JSONObject resJSON = (JSONObject) obj;
				"formatted_address" : "Wattenscheider Str. 39, 45307 Essen, Deutschland"
				"geometry" : { "location" : { "lat" : 51.4621956, "lng" : 7.0873221 } }
				"icon" : ""
				"name" : "Krayer Hof"
				"types" : [ "restaurant", "food", "point_of_interest", "establishment" ]
				JSON.add(placeJSON, LOCATION.ADDRESS_TEXT, resJSON.get("formatted_address"));
				JSON.add(placeJSON, LOCATION.IMAGE, resJSON.get("icon"));
				JSON.add(placeJSON, "types", resJSON.get("types"));
				JSON.add(placeJSON, LOCATION.NAME, resJSON.get("name"));
				JSON.add(placeJSON, LOCATION.LAT, ((JSONObject)((JSONObject) resJSON.get("geometry")).get("location")).get("lat"));
				JSON.add(placeJSON, LOCATION.LNG, ((JSONObject)((JSONObject) resJSON.get("geometry")).get("location")).get("lng"));
				JSON.add(places, placeJSON);
				if (i > N){
	}catch (Exception e) {
		Debugger.println("google_get_POI - failed due to: " + e.getMessage(), 1);
		Debugger.printStackTrace(e, 5);
		return new JSONArray();
	return places;
源代码15 项目: AntiVPN   文件:
public boolean getResult(String ip) throws APIException {
    if (ip == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("ip cannot be null.");
    if (!ValidationUtil.isValidIp(ip)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("ip is invalid.");

    ConfigurationNode sourceConfigNode = getSourceConfigNode();

    String key = sourceConfigNode.getNode("key").getString();
    if (key == null || key.isEmpty()) {
        throw new APIException(true, "Key is not defined for " + getName());

    JSONObject json;
    try {
        json = JSONWebUtil.getJSONObject(new URL("" + ip + "?key=" + key), "GET", (int) getCachedConfig().getTimeout(), "egg82/AntiVPN");
    } catch (IOException | ParseException | ClassCastException ex) {
        throw new APIException(false, "Could not get result from " + getName());
    if (json == null) {
        throw new APIException(false, "Could not get result from " + getName());

    JSONArray tags = (JSONArray) json.get("tags");
    if (tags == null) {
        throw new APIException(false, "Could not get result from " + getName());

    if (tags.isEmpty()) {
        return false;
    for (Object tag : tags) {
        String t = (String) tag;
        if (t.equalsIgnoreCase("proxy") || t.equalsIgnoreCase("vpn")) {
            return true;

    return false;
源代码16 项目: fiware-cygnus   文件:
 * Checks if the resource is cached. If not cached, CKAN is queried in order to update the cache.
 * This method assumes the given organization and package exist and they are cached.
 * @param orgName Organization name
 * @param pkgName Package name
 * @param resName Resource name
 * @return True if the organization was cached, false otherwise
 * @throws CygnusBadConfiguration
 * @throws CygnusRuntimeError
 * @throws CygnusPersistenceError
public boolean isCachedRes(String orgName, String pkgName, String resName)
    throws CygnusBadConfiguration, CygnusRuntimeError, CygnusPersistenceError {
    // check if the resource has already been cached
    if (tree.get(orgName).get(pkgName).contains(resName)) {
        LOGGER.debug("Resource found in the cache (orgName=" + orgName + ", pkgName=" + pkgName + ", resName="
                + resName + ")");
        return true;
    } // if
    LOGGER.debug("Resource not found in the cache, querying CKAN for the whole package containing it "
            + "(orgName=" + orgName + ", pkgName=" + pkgName + ", resName=" + resName + ")");
    // reached this point, we need to query CKAN about the resource, in order to know if it exists in CKAN
    // nevertheless, the CKAN API allows us to query for a certain resource by id, not by name...
    // the only solution seems to query for the whole package and check again
    // query CKAN for the organization information
    String ckanURL = "/api/3/action/package_show?id=" + pkgName;
    ArrayList<Header> headers = new ArrayList<>();
    headers.add(new BasicHeader("Authorization", apiKey));
    JsonResponse res = doRequest("GET", ckanURL, true, headers, null);

    switch (res.getStatusCode()) {
        case 200:
            // the package exists in CKAN
            LOGGER.debug("Package found in CKAN, going to update the cached resources (orgName=" + orgName
                    + ", pkgName=" + pkgName + ")");
            // there is no need to check if the package is in "deleted" state...
            // there is no need to put the package in the tree nor put it in the package map...
            // get the resource and populate the resource map
            JSONObject result = (JSONObject) res.getJsonObject().get("result");
            JSONArray resources = (JSONArray) result.get("resources");
            if (resources.isEmpty()) {
                return false;
            } else {
                LOGGER.debug("Going to populate the resources cache (orgName=" + orgName + ", pkgName=" + pkgName
                        + ")");
                populateResourcesMap(resources, orgName, pkgName, true);
                // check if the resource is within the resources cache, once populated
                if (tree.get(orgName).get(pkgName).contains(resName)) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Resource found in the cache, once queried CKAN " + "(orgName=" + orgName
                            + ", pkgName=" + pkgName + ", resName=" + resName + ")");
                    return true;
                } else {
                    LOGGER.debug("Resource not found in the cache, once queried CKAN " + "(orgName=" + orgName
                            + ", pkgName=" + pkgName + ", resName=" + resName + ")");
                    return false;
                } // if else
            } // if else
        case 404:
            return false;
            throw new CygnusPersistenceError("Could not check if the resource exists ("
                    + "orgName=" + orgName + ", pkgName=" + pkgName + ", resName=" + resName
                    + ", statusCode=" + res.getStatusCode() + ")");
    } // switch
源代码17 项目: netbeans   文件:
public DockerContainerDetail getDetail(DockerContainer container) throws DockerException {
    JSONObject value = getRawDetails(DockerEntityType.Container, container.getId());
    String name = (String) value.get("Name");
    DockerContainer.Status status = DockerContainer.Status.STOPPED;
    JSONObject state = (JSONObject) value.get("State");
    if (state != null) {
        boolean paused = (Boolean) getOrDefault(state, "Paused", false);
        if (paused) {
            status = DockerContainer.Status.PAUSED;
        } else {
            boolean running = (Boolean) getOrDefault(state, "Running", false);
            if (running) {
                status = DockerContainer.Status.RUNNING;

    boolean tty = false;
    boolean stdin = false;
    JSONObject config = (JSONObject) value.get("Config");
    if (config != null) {
        tty = (boolean) getOrDefault(config, "Tty", false);
        stdin = (boolean) getOrDefault(config, "OpenStdin", false);
    JSONObject ports = (JSONObject) ((JSONObject) value.get("NetworkSettings")).get("Ports");
    if (ports == null || ports.isEmpty()) {
        return new DockerContainerDetail(name, status, stdin, tty);
    } else {
        List<PortMapping> portMapping = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String containerPortData : (Set<String>) ports.keySet()) {
            JSONArray hostPortsArray = (JSONArray) ports.get(containerPortData);
            if (hostPortsArray != null && !hostPortsArray.isEmpty()) {
                Matcher m = PORT_PATTERN.matcher(containerPortData);
                if (m.matches()) {
                    int containerPort = Integer.parseInt(;
                    String type =;
                    int hostPort = Integer.parseInt((String) ((JSONObject) hostPortsArray.get(0)).get("HostPort"));
                    String hostIp = (String) ((JSONObject) hostPortsArray.get(0)).get("HostIp");
                    portMapping.add(new PortMapping(ExposedPort.Type.valueOf(type), containerPort, hostPort, hostIp));
                } else {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Unparsable port: {0}", containerPortData);
        return new DockerContainerDetail(name, status, stdin, tty, portMapping);
源代码18 项目: Pixie   文件:
 * Read the list of objects from the file containing the ground truth for
 * the current file.
 * @param filePath the name of the file containing the ground truth.
 * @param frameInfo the frame info
 * @param objectList the object list
public void readFile(String filePath, FrameInfo frameInfo, List<Objects> objectList) {
    // add the file extension
    String jsonFilePath = filePath + "_GT.json";

    File file = new File(jsonFilePath);
    if ((!file.exists()) || (file.length() == 0)) {

    try (FileReader fileRead = new FileReader(jsonFilePath);) {
        // convert Object to JSONObject
        JSONObject jsonDataList = (JSONObject) jsonParser.parse(fileRead);

        // reading the frame specific information
        readFrameInformation(jsonDataList, frameInfo);

        // reading the array of objects, json format
        JSONArray jsonObjList = (JSONArray) jsonDataList.get("Objects List");

        // go over the list of objects from the json file and convert them to Objects format
        for (Object jsonObj : jsonObjList) {

            JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonObj;
            Objects obj = null;

            long objectId = (long) jsonObject.get("object_id");
            String segmentationType = (String) jsonObject.get("segmentation_type");

            // create the object based on the segmentation type
            if (segmentationType.equalsIgnoreCase(ConstantsLabeling.LABEL_SCRIBBLE)) {
                obj = new ObjectScribble();

                // reading the array of objects
                JSONArray jsonCropList = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("Crops List");

                if (!jsonCropList.isEmpty()) {
                    // add the crops to the scribble object
                    for (Object jsonCropObj : jsonCropList) {
                        // parse the JSON crop objects
                        JSONObject jsonCrop = (JSONObject) jsonCropObj;

                        // create a new crop object and fill in the needed data: position, scribble map
                        CropObject cropObj = new CropObject();
                        cropObj.setPositionOrig(new Rectangle((int) ((long) jsonCrop.get(POSITION_X)), (int) ((long) jsonCrop.get(POSITION_Y)),
                                (int) ((long) jsonCrop.get(WIDTH)), (int) ((long) jsonCrop.get(HEIGHT))));
                        cropObj.setScribbleList(getScribbleList((String) jsonCrop.get("scribble_map_path")));
                        cropObj.setObjectMap(new byte[(int) ((long) jsonCrop.get(WIDTH))][(int) ((long) jsonCrop.get(HEIGHT))]);

                        // add the crop to the object list of crops
                        ((ObjectScribble) obj).addToCropList(cropObj);

            } else if (segmentationType.equalsIgnoreCase(ConstantsLabeling.LABEL_2D_BOUNDING_BOX)) {
                obj = new ObjectBBox();
            } else if (segmentationType.equalsIgnoreCase(ConstantsLabeling.LABEL_POLYGON)) {
                obj = new ObjectPolygon();
                // load the saved polygon object
                String objectMapPath = (String) jsonObject.get(OUTPUT_MAP_PATH);
                ((ObjectPolygon) obj).setPolygon(getPolygon(objectMapPath));

            // fill in the common data of the object 
            if (obj != null) {
                obj.setObjectType(Utils.capitalize((String) jsonObject.get("type")));
                obj.setObjectClass(Utils.capitalize((String) jsonObject.get("class")));
                obj.setObjectValue(Utils.capitalize((String) jsonObject.get("value")));
                obj.setOccluded((String) jsonObject.get("occluded"));
                obj.setOuterBBox(new Rectangle((int) ((long) jsonObject.get(POSITION_X)), (int) ((long) jsonObject.get(POSITION_Y)),
                        (int) ((long) jsonObject.get(WIDTH)), (int) ((long) jsonObject.get(HEIGHT))));

                // add the object in the object list if it does not exist yet
                if (!isObjInObjList(obj, objectList)) {
                    // add the object in the list

        // printing all the values
        log.trace("Frame: {}", frameInfo);

        log.trace("Objects:"); -> log.trace("\t {}", obj));
    } catch (IOException | ParseException ex) {
        log.error("Read objects from the json file error");
        log.debug("Read objects from the json file error {}", ex);
源代码19 项目: BedwarsRel   文件:
 * Make a connection to the BukkitDev API and request the newest file's details.
 * @return true if successful.
private boolean read() {
  try {
    final URLConnection conn = this.url.openConnection();

    if (this.apiKey != null) {
      conn.addRequestProperty("X-API-Key", this.apiKey);
    conn.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", PluginUpdater.USER_AGENT);

    final BufferedReader reader =
        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
    final String response = reader.readLine();

    final JSONArray array = (JSONArray) JSONValue.parse(response);

    if (array.isEmpty()) {
          .warning("The updater could not find any files for the project id " +;
      this.result = UpdateResult.FAIL_BADID;
      return false;

    JSONObject latestUpdate = (JSONObject) array.get(array.size() - 1);
    this.versionName = (String) latestUpdate.get(PluginUpdater.TITLE_VALUE);
    this.versionLink = (String) latestUpdate.get(PluginUpdater.LINK_VALUE);
    this.versionType = (String) latestUpdate.get(PluginUpdater.TYPE_VALUE);
    this.versionGameVersion = (String) latestUpdate.get(PluginUpdater.VERSION_VALUE);
    this.versionCustom = this.getCustomVersion();

    return true;
  } catch (final IOException e) {
    if (e.getMessage().contains("HTTP response code: 403")) {
          .severe(" rejected the API key provided in plugins/updater/config.yml");
          .severe("Please double-check your configuration to ensure it is correct.");
      this.result = UpdateResult.FAIL_APIKEY;
    } else {
          .severe("The updater could not contact for updating.");
          "If you have not recently modified your configuration and this is the first time you are seeing this message, the site may be experiencing temporary downtime.");
      this.result = UpdateResult.FAIL_DBO;
    this.plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
    return false;
源代码20 项目: carbon-apimgt   文件:
 * This method is used to check for PII Categories for a particular consent management purpose
 * @param purpose The consent purpose
 * @return Boolean if there are PII Categories for the purpose
private static boolean hasPIICategories(JSONObject purpose) {
    JSONArray piiCategories = (JSONArray) purpose.get(PII_CATEGORIES);
    return !piiCategories.isEmpty();