org.apache.http.client.fluent.Request#Get ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.apache.http.client.fluent.Request#Get ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: 07kit   文件:
public PriceInfo load(String id) throws Exception {
	String path = id.startsWith("name-") ? "name/" : "id/";
	Request request = Request.Get(API_URL + path +
			(id.startsWith("name-") ?
			id.substring(id.indexOf('-') + 1)
			: id.replace("name-", "")));
	request.addHeader(AUTH_HEADER_KEY, "Bearer " + Session.get().getApiToken());

	HttpResponse response = Executor.newInstance(HttpUtil.getClient()).execute(request).returnResponse();
	if (response != null) {
		if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
			byte[] bytes = EntityUtils.toByteArray(response.getEntity());
			return GSON.fromJson(new String(bytes), PriceInfo.class);
	return null;
源代码2 项目: 07kit   文件:
public static List<PriceInfo> search(String term, int limit) {
	try {
		Request request = Request.Get(API_URL + "search?term=" + URLEncoder.encode(term, "UTF-8") + "&limit=" + limit);
		request.addHeader(AUTH_HEADER_KEY, "Bearer " + Session.get().getApiToken());

		HttpResponse response = Executor.newInstance(HttpUtil.getClient()).execute(request).returnResponse();
		if (response != null) {
			if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
				byte[] bytes = EntityUtils.toByteArray(response.getEntity());
				return GSON.fromJson(new String(bytes), PRICE_INFO_LIST_TYPE);
		return new ArrayList<>();
	} catch (IOException | CacheLoader.InvalidCacheLoadException e) {
		return new ArrayList<>();
源代码3 项目: kiqr   文件:
private <U> U execute(URISupplier<URI> uriSupplier, MappingFunction<byte[], U> responseMapper, Supplier<U> notFoundMapper) {
    try {
        URI uri = uriSupplier.get();
        Request request = Request.Get(uri);
        HttpResponse response = request.execute().returnResponse();

        if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {
            byte[] returnJson = EntityUtils.toByteArray(response.getEntity());

            return responseMapper.apply(returnJson);

        } else if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 404) {
            return notFoundMapper.get();
        } else if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad Request");
        } else {
            throw new QueryExecutionException("Something went wrong, status code: " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());

    } catch (URISyntaxException | IOException e) {
        throw new ConnectionException("Error creating connection", e);

public void shouldRespondWithNotImplemented() throws Exception {

    Request request = Request.Get("http://localhost:8082/test/my_team");

    // A little bit of reflection to set an unknown HTTP method since the fluent API does not allow it.
    Field requestField = request.getClass().getDeclaredField("request");
    Field methodField = requestField.get(request).getClass().getDeclaredField("method");
    methodField.set(requestField.get(request), "unkown-method");

    Response response = request.execute();
    HttpResponse returnResponse = response.returnResponse();

    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, returnResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());

public void call_weighted_lb_multiple_endpoints() throws Exception {

    Request request = Request.Get("http://localhost:8082/api");

    int calls = 10;

    for(int i = 0 ; i < calls ; i++) {
        Response response = request.execute();
        HttpResponse returnResponse = response.returnResponse();

        assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, returnResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());

    wireMockRule.verify(3, getRequestedFor(urlPathEqualTo("/api1")));
    wireMockRule.verify(7, getRequestedFor(urlPathEqualTo("/api2")));
public void call_round_robin_lb_multiple_endpoints() throws Exception {

    Request request = Request.Get("http://localhost:8082/api");

    int calls = 20;

    for(int i = 0 ; i < calls ; i++) {
        HttpResponse response = request.execute().returnResponse();

        assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
        wireMockRule.verify((i / 2) + 1, getRequestedFor(urlEqualTo("/api" + (i%2 + 1))));

    wireMockRule.verify(calls / 2, getRequestedFor(urlPathEqualTo("/api1")));
    wireMockRule.verify(calls / 2, getRequestedFor(urlPathEqualTo("/api2")));
public void call_round_robin_lb_single_endpoint() throws Exception {

    Request request = Request.Get("http://localhost:8082/api");

    // Set the first endpoint with down status

    int calls = 20;

    for(int i = 0 ; i < calls ; i++) {
        HttpResponse response = request.execute().returnResponse();

        assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());

    wireMockRule.verify(0, getRequestedFor(urlPathEqualTo("/api1")));
    wireMockRule.verify(calls, getRequestedFor(urlPathEqualTo("/api2")));
源代码8 项目: AthenaServing   文件:
private String executeGet(String url, String hostName, Integer port, String schemeName, Map<String, String> paramMap) {
    Args.notNull(url, "url");

    url = buildGetParam(url, paramMap);
    Request request = Request.Get(url);
    request = buildProxy(request, hostName, port, schemeName);
    try {
        return request.execute().returnContent().asString(Consts.UTF_8);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e.toString());
    return null;
源代码9 项目: adaptive-alerting   文件:
 * Makes an HTTP GET call with headers to the given URI and returns the result.
 * @param uri URI
 * @return Call result
 * @throws IOException if there's a problem making the call
public Content get(String uri, Map<String, String> headers) throws IOException {
    if (headers.isEmpty()) {
        return get(uri);
    val getRequest = Request.Get(uri);
    return buildRequestWithHeaders(getRequest, headers)
源代码10 项目: dcos-commons   文件:
 * List all secrets paths for given path.
 * @param path location to list
 * @return list of nested paths
 * @throws IOException if the list operation failed to complete
public Collection<String> list(String path) throws IOException {
  Request httpRequest = Request.Get(uriForPath(String.format("%s?list=true", path)));
  String responseContent = new ContentResponseHandler()
      .handleEntity(query("list", path, httpRequest, HttpStatus.SC_OK).getEntity())
  JSONObject data = new JSONObject(responseContent);

  ArrayList<String> secrets = new ArrayList<>();
      .forEachRemaining(secret -> secrets.add((String) secret));

  return secrets;
源代码11 项目: gravitee-gateway   文件:
public void shouldNotFollowRedirect() throws Exception {
    wireMockRule.stubFor(get("/redirect").willReturn(permanentRedirect("http://localhost:" + wireMockRule.port() + "/final")));

    HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().disableRedirectHandling().build();

    Request request = Request.Get("http://localhost:8082/api/redirect");
    Response response = Executor.newInstance(client).execute(request);
    HttpResponse returnResponse = response.returnResponse();

    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY, returnResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());

    wireMockRule.verify(1, getRequestedFor(urlPathEqualTo("/redirect")));
    wireMockRule.verify(0, getRequestedFor(urlPathEqualTo("/final")));
源代码12 项目: james-project   文件:
@Then("^\"([^\"]*)\" should be able to retrieve the content$")
public void contentShouldBeRetrievable(String username) throws Exception {
    AccessToken accessToken = userStepdefs.authenticate(username);
    DocumentContext jsonPath = JsonPath.parse(response.getEntity().getContent());
    Request request = Request.Get(baseUri(mainStepdefs.jmapServer).setPath("/download/" + jsonPath.<String>read("blobId")).build());
    if (accessToken != null) {
        request.addHeader("Authorization", accessToken.asString());
    response = request.execute().returnResponse();
源代码13 项目: james-project   文件:
private Request authenticatedDownloadRequest(URIBuilder uriBuilder, String blobId, String username) throws URISyntaxException {
    AccessToken accessToken = userStepdefs.authenticate(username);
    AttachmentAccessTokenKey key = new AttachmentAccessTokenKey(username, blobId);
    if (attachmentAccessTokens.containsKey(key)) {
        uriBuilder.addParameter("access_token", attachmentAccessTokens.get(key).serialize());
    Request request = Request.Get(;
    if (accessToken != null) {
        request.addHeader("Authorization", accessToken.asString());
    return request;
源代码14 项目: sword-lang   文件:
 * 下载文件
 * @param url   URL
 * @return      文件的二进制流,客户端使用outputStream输出为文件
public static byte[] getFile(String url){
	try {
		Request request = Request.Get(url);
		HttpEntity resEntity = request.execute().returnResponse().getEntity();
		return EntityUtils.toByteArray(resEntity);
	} catch (Exception e) {
		logger.error("postFile请求异常," + e.getMessage() + "\n post url:" + url);
	return null;
源代码15 项目: 07kit   文件:
private PircBotX createBot(int attempt) {
    try {
        lastOAuthToken = twitchOAuthToken;
        Request request = Request.Get(OAUTH_USER_INFO_URL + twitchOAuthToken.substring(twitchOAuthToken.contains(":") ?
                twitchOAuthToken.indexOf(':') + 1 : 0));

        HttpResponse response = Executor.newInstance(HttpUtil.getClient()).execute(request).returnResponse();
        if (response != null) {
            if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
                byte[] bytes = EntityUtils.toByteArray(response.getEntity());
                userInfo = GSON.fromJson(new String(bytes), TwitchUserInfo.class);

        if (userInfo != null && userInfo.isIdentified()) {
            String channelToJoin = "#" + userInfo.getToken().getUsername();
            Configuration configuration = new Configuration.Builder()
                    .addListener(new TwitchChatMessageHandler())

            PircBotX bot = new PircBotX(configuration);
  "Connecting to Twitch Chat for " + userInfo.getToken().getUsername());
        } else {
            NotificationsUtil.showNotification("Error", "Unable to start Twitch Chat Client, OAuth Token is invalid.");

    } catch (IOException | IrcException e) {//TODO report failure back to user better
        logger.error("Error starting up Twitch Chat Client", e);
        if (attempt < MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS) {
            NotificationsUtil.showNotification("Error", "Unable to start Twitch Chat Client, retrying...");
            int next = attempt + 1;
            return createBot(next);
        } else {
            NotificationsUtil.showNotification("Error", "Unable to start Twitch Chat Client, giving up.");

    return bot;
源代码16 项目: james-project   文件:
private Request queryParameterDownloadRequest(URIBuilder uriBuilder, String blobId, String username) throws URISyntaxException {
    AccessToken accessToken = userStepdefs.authenticate(username);
    AttachmentAccessTokenKey key = new AttachmentAccessTokenKey(username, blobId);
    uriBuilder.addParameter("access_token", attachmentAccessTokens.get(key).serialize());
    return Request.Get(;
源代码17 项目: smockin   文件:
HttpClientResponseDTO get(final HttpClientCallDTO reqDto) throws IOException {

        final Request request = Request.Get(reqDto.getUrl());

        return executeRequest(request, reqDto.getHeaders(), isHttps(reqDto.getUrl()));
源代码18 项目: smockin   文件:
public static HttpClientResponseDTO get(final HttpClientCallDTO reqDto) throws IOException {

        final Request request = Request.Get(reqDto.getUrl());

        return executeRequest(request, reqDto.getHeaders());