( )源码实例Demo

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protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Serializable msg, ByteBuf out) throws Exception {
    Attribute<ObjectOutputStream> oosAttr = ctx.attr(OOS);
    ObjectOutputStream oos = oosAttr.get();
    if (oos == null) {
        oos = newObjectOutputStream(new ByteBufOutputStream(out));
        ObjectOutputStream newOos = oosAttr.setIfAbsent(oos);
        if (newOos != null) {
            oos = newOos;

    synchronized (oos) {
        if (resetInterval != 0) {
            // Resetting will prevent OOM on the receiving side.
            writtenObjects ++;
            if (writtenObjects % resetInterval == 0) {

源代码2 项目: karyon   文件:
public static QueryStringDecoder getOrCreateQueryStringDecoder(HttpServerRequest<?> request,
                                                               ChannelHandlerContext channelHandlerContext) {
    if (null == request) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Request can not be null.");

    String uri = request.getUri();
    if (null == uri) {
        return null;

    Attribute<QueryStringDecoder> queryDecoderAttr = channelHandlerContext.attr(queryDecoderKey);

    QueryStringDecoder _queryStringDecoder = queryDecoderAttr.get();

    if (null == _queryStringDecoder) {
        _queryStringDecoder = new QueryStringDecoder(uri);
    return _queryStringDecoder;
源代码3 项目: arcusplatform   文件:
public void put(UUID recId, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
   if(ctx == null) {
   Attribute<UUID> recIdAttr = ctx.attr(REC_KEY);
   if(!recIdAttr.compareAndSet(null, recId)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("attempt to set existing non-null ctx recId [" + recIdAttr.get() + "] to [" + recId + "]");
   sessions.put(recIdAttr.get(), ctx);
源代码4 项目: arcusplatform   文件:
public ChannelHandlerContext remove(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
   if(ctx == null) {
      return null;
   Attribute<UUID> recIdAttr = ctx.attr(REC_KEY);
   if(recIdAttr != null && recIdAttr.get() != null) {
      return remove(recIdAttr.get());
   return null;
public HttpsOriginalHostCaptureFilter(HttpRequest originalRequest, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
    super(originalRequest, ctx);

    // if this is an HTTP CONNECT, set the isHttps attribute on the ChannelHandlerConect and capture the hostname from the original request.
    // capturing the original host (and the remapped/modified host in clientToProxyRequest() below) guarantees that we will
    // have the "true" host, rather than relying on the Host header in subsequent requests (which may be absent or spoofed by malicious clients).
    if (ProxyUtils.isCONNECT(originalRequest)) {
        Attribute<String> originalHostAttr = ctx.attr(AttributeKey.<String>valueOf(HttpsAwareFiltersAdapter.ORIGINAL_HOST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME));
        String hostAndPort = originalRequest.getUri();

        Attribute<Boolean> isHttpsAttr = ctx.attr(AttributeKey.<Boolean>valueOf(HttpsAwareFiltersAdapter.IS_HTTPS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME));
public HttpsOriginalHostCaptureFilter(HttpRequest originalRequest, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
    super(originalRequest, ctx);

    // if this is an HTTP CONNECT, set the isHttps attribute on the ChannelHandlerConect and capture the hostname from the original request.
    // capturing the original host (and the remapped/modified host in clientToProxyRequest() below) guarantees that we will
    // have the "true" host, rather than relying on the Host header in subsequent requests (which may be absent or spoofed by malicious clients).
    if (ProxyUtils.isCONNECT(originalRequest)) {
        Attribute<String> originalHostAttr = ctx.attr(AttributeKey.<String>valueOf(HttpsAwareFiltersAdapter.ORIGINAL_HOST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME));
        String hostAndPort = originalRequest.getUri();

        Attribute<Boolean> isHttpsAttr = ctx.attr(AttributeKey.<Boolean>valueOf(HttpsAwareFiltersAdapter.IS_HTTPS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME));
public HttpsOriginalHostCaptureFilter(HttpRequest originalRequest, ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
    super(originalRequest, ctx);

    // if this is an HTTP CONNECT, set the isHttps attribute on the ChannelHandlerConect and capture the hostname from the original request.
    // capturing the original host (and the remapped/modified host in clientToProxyRequest() below) guarantees that we will
    // have the "true" host, rather than relying on the Host header in subsequent requests (which may be absent or spoofed by malicious clients).
    if (ProxyUtils.isCONNECT(originalRequest)) {
        Attribute<String> originalHostAttr = ctx.attr(AttributeKey.<String>valueOf(HttpsAwareFiltersAdapter.ORIGINAL_HOST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME));
        String hostAndPort = originalRequest.getUri();

        Attribute<Boolean> isHttpsAttr = ctx.attr(AttributeKey.<Boolean>valueOf(HttpsAwareFiltersAdapter.IS_HTTPS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME));
public Unmarshaller getUnmarshaller(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
    Attribute<Unmarshaller> attr = ctx.attr(UNMARSHALLER);
    Unmarshaller unmarshaller = attr.get();
    if (unmarshaller == null) {
        unmarshaller = super.getUnmarshaller(ctx);
    return unmarshaller;
源代码9 项目: p2p   文件:
static Attribute<Connection> getSessionAttribute(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
    return ctx.attr(AttributeKey.<Connection>valueOf(SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_KEY));