org.springframework.http.HttpStatus#is4xxClientError ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.springframework.http.HttpStatus#is4xxClientError ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: EasyEE   文件:
public ModelAndView resolveErrorView(HttpServletRequest request, HttpStatus status, Map<String, Object> model) {
	// Use the request or status to optionally return a ModelAndView
	// System.out.println(status.value());
	// System.out.println(status.is5xxServerError());
	// System.out.println(model);
		logger.error("View error! ["+status.value()+", "+status.getReasonPhrase()+"]");
	ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView();
	return mav;
源代码2 项目: EasyEE   文件:
public ModelAndView resolveErrorView(HttpServletRequest request, HttpStatus status, Map<String, Object> model) {
	// Use the request or status to optionally return a ModelAndView
	// System.out.println(status.value());
	// System.out.println(status.is5xxServerError());
	// System.out.println(model);
		logger.error("View error! ["+status.value()+", "+status.getReasonPhrase()+"]");
	ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView();
	return mav;
源代码3 项目: jakduk-api   文件:
    public ResponseEntity<RestErrorResponse> serviceException(ServiceException ex) {
        ServiceError serviceError = ex.getServiceError();
        HttpStatus httpStatus = HttpStatus.valueOf(serviceError.getHttpStatus());

        RestErrorResponse restErrorResponse = new RestErrorResponse(serviceError, ex.getLocalizedMessage());

        String logMessage;

        try {
            logMessage = ObjectMapperUtils.writeValueAsString(restErrorResponse);
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            logMessage = "code : " + ex.getServiceError().getCode() + ", message : " + ex.getLocalizedMessage();

        if (serviceError.equals(ServiceError.ANONYMOUS)) {
//  ;
        } else if (httpStatus.is4xxClientError()) {
            log.warn(logMessage, ex);
        } else if (httpStatus.is5xxServerError()) {
            log.error(logMessage, ex);

        return new ResponseEntity<>(restErrorResponse, HttpStatus.valueOf(serviceError.getHttpStatus()));
void logForwardingResult(HttpStatus responseStatus, HttpMethod originalRequestMethod, HttpMethod forwardedRequestMethod, URI originalRequestUri, URI forwardedRequestUri, String mappingName) {
    String logMessage = "Forwarding: {} {} -> '{}' -> {} {} {}";
    if (responseStatus.is5xxServerError()) {
        log(serverErrorLogLevel, logMessage, originalRequestMethod, originalRequestUri, mappingName, forwardedRequestMethod, forwardedRequestUri, responseStatus.value());
    } else if (responseStatus.is4xxClientError()) {
        log(clientErrorLogLevel, logMessage, originalRequestMethod, originalRequestUri, mappingName, forwardedRequestMethod, forwardedRequestUri, responseStatus.value());
    } else {
        log(successLogLevel, logMessage, originalRequestMethod, originalRequestUri, mappingName, forwardedRequestMethod, forwardedRequestUri, responseStatus.value());
void logForwardingResult(HttpStatus responseStatus, String mappingName) {
    String logMessage = "Asynchronous execution of '{}' request mapping resulted in {} response status";
    if (responseStatus.is5xxServerError()) {
        log.error(logMessage, mappingName, responseStatus.value());
    } else if (responseStatus.is4xxClientError()) {, mappingName, responseStatus.value());
    } else {
        log.debug(logMessage, mappingName, responseStatus.value());
源代码6 项目: dhis2-core   文件:
public void send( WebMessage webMessage, HttpServletResponse response, HttpServletRequest request )
    String type = request.getHeader( "Accept" );
    type = !StringUtils.isEmpty( type ) ? type : request.getContentType();
    type = !StringUtils.isEmpty( type ) ? type : MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE;
    HttpStatus httpStatus = HttpStatus.valueOf( webMessage.getHttpStatusCode() );

    if ( httpStatus.is4xxClientError() || httpStatus.is5xxServerError() )
        response.setHeader( "Cache-Control", CacheControl.noCache().cachePrivate().getHeaderValue() );

    // allow type to be overridden by path extension
    if ( request.getPathInfo().endsWith( ".json" ) )
        type = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE;
    else if ( request.getPathInfo().endsWith( ".xml" ) )
        type = MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE;

    if ( isCompatibleWith( type, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON ) )
        sendJson( webMessage, response );
    else if ( isCompatibleWith( type, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML ) )
        sendXml( webMessage, response );
        sendJson( webMessage, response ); // default to json
源代码7 项目: problem-spring-web   文件:
public static void log(
        final Throwable throwable,
        final HttpStatus status) {
    if (status.is4xxClientError()) {
        LOG.warn("{}: {}", status.getReasonPhrase(), throwable.getMessage());
    } else if (status.is5xxServerError()) {
        LOG.error(status.getReasonPhrase(), throwable);
protected boolean hasError(HttpStatus statusCode) {
	 * When the Eureka server restarts and a client tries to sent a heartbeat the
	 * server will respond with a 404. By default RestTemplate will throw an
	 * exception in this case. What we want is to return the 404 to the upstream
	 * code so it will send another registration request to the server.
	if (statusCode.is4xxClientError()) {
		return false;
	return super.hasError(statusCode);
源代码9 项目: jakduk-api   文件:
@ExceptionHandler({ ServiceException.class })
public ModelAndView handleServiceException(HttpServletRequest request, ServiceException exception) {

    ServiceError serviceError = exception.getServiceError();
    HttpStatus httpStatus = HttpStatus.valueOf(serviceError.getHttpStatus());

    RestErrorResponse restErrorResponse = new RestErrorResponse(serviceError, exception.getLocalizedMessage());

    String logMessage;

    try {
        logMessage = ObjectMapperUtils.writeValueAsString(restErrorResponse);
    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        logMessage = "code : " + exception.getServiceError().getCode() + ", message : " + exception.getLocalizedMessage();

    ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();

    if (httpStatus.is4xxClientError()) {
        log.warn(logMessage, exception);

    } else if (httpStatus.is5xxServerError()) {
        modelAndView.setViewName("error/" + httpStatus.toString());
        log.error(logMessage, exception);

    Map<String, Object> map = getErrorAttributes(request, false);
    modelAndView.addObject("status", httpStatus.value());

    return modelAndView;
源代码10 项目: molgenis   文件:
private void logException(Exception exception, HttpStatus httpStatus) {
  if (httpStatus.is4xxClientError()) {
    LOG.warn("", exception);
  } else {
    LOG.error("", exception);
public boolean hasError(ClientHttpResponse clientHttpResponse) throws IOException {
    HttpStatus status = clientHttpResponse.getStatusCode();
    return status.is4xxClientError() || status.is5xxServerError();