
下面列出了javax.annotation.Nonnegative#javax.validation.constraints.Max 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: snowcast   文件:
public SequencerDefinition(@Nonnull String sequencerName, @Nonnull SnowcastEpoch epoch,
                           @Min(128) @Max(8192) int maxLogicalNodeCount,
                           @Nonnegative @Max(Short.MAX_VALUE) short backupCount) {

    if (maxLogicalNodeCount < NODE_ID_LOWER_BOUND) {
        throw exception(SnowcastMaxLogicalNodeIdOutOfBoundsException::new, //
    if (maxLogicalNodeCount > NODE_ID_UPPER_BOUND) {
        throw exception(SnowcastMaxLogicalNodeIdOutOfBoundsException::new, //

    this.sequencerName = sequencerName;
    this.epoch = epoch;
    this.maxLogicalNodeCount = maxLogicalNodeCount;
    this.backupCount = backupCount;
    this.boundedMaxLogicalNodeCount = InternalSequencerUtils.calculateBoundedMaxLogicalNodeCount(maxLogicalNodeCount);
源代码2 项目: presto   文件:
public void testValidation()
            new OracleConfig()
            "must be greater than or equal to 0",

            new OracleConfig()
            "must be less than or equal to 38",
源代码3 项目: osiris   文件:
@ValidationRequired(processor = RestViolationProcessor.class)
@ApiOperation(value = "Get room according to indoor location", httpMethod="GET",response=RoomDTO.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
		@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Room belongs to location", response=RoomDTO.class),
		@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Invalid input parameter"),
		@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Room not found"),
		@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Problem in the system")})
public Response getRoomByLocation(@Auth BasicAuth principal,
		@ApiParam(value = "Application identifier", required = true) @NotBlank @NotNull @HeaderParam("api_key") String appIdentifier, 			
		@ApiParam(value="Longitude of location", required=true) @Min(-180) @Max(180) @NotNull @QueryParam("longitude") Double longitude,
		@ApiParam(value="Latitude of location", required=true) @Min(-90) @Max(90) @NotNull @QueryParam("latitude") Double latitude,
		@ApiParam(value = "Floor of location", required = true) @NotNull  @QueryParam("floor") Integer floor) throws AssemblyException, RoomNotFoundException{
	validations.checkMin(-180.0, longitude);
	validations.checkMax(180.0, longitude);
	validations.checkMin(-90.0, latitude);
	validations.checkMax(90.0, latitude);
	Feature room=searchManager.getRoomByLocation(appIdentifier, longitude, latitude, floor);			
	RoomDTO roomDTO=roomAssembler.createDataTransferObject(room);				
	return Response.ok(roomDTO).build();		
 * Determine a number type's maximum (inclusive) value.
 * @param member the field or method to check
 * @return specified inclusive maximum value (or null)
 * @see Max
 * @see DecimalMax#inclusive()
 * @see NegativeOrZero
protected BigDecimal resolveNumberInclusiveMaximum(MemberScope<?, ?> member) {
    Max maxAnnotation = this.getAnnotationFromFieldOrGetter(member, Max.class, Max::groups);
    if (maxAnnotation != null) {
        return new BigDecimal(maxAnnotation.value());
    DecimalMax decimalMaxAnnotation = this.getAnnotationFromFieldOrGetter(member, DecimalMax.class, DecimalMax::groups);
    if (decimalMaxAnnotation != null && decimalMaxAnnotation.inclusive()) {
        return new BigDecimal(decimalMaxAnnotation.value());
    NegativeOrZero negativeAnnotation = this.getAnnotationFromFieldOrGetter(member, NegativeOrZero.class, NegativeOrZero::groups);
    if (negativeAnnotation != null) {
        return BigDecimal.ZERO;
    return null;
源代码5 项目: ic   文件:
public ListenerFetchResult getEvents(
        @PathVariable String token,
        @RequestParam(required = false) String type,
        @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "") List<String> types,
        @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "100") int maxResults,
        @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean longPoll) {
    List<String> targetTypes = Lists.newArrayList(types);
    if(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(type)) {
    return listenerService.consumeEvents(token, targetTypes, maxResults, longPoll, getClientIp());
源代码6 项目: snowcast   文件:
void detachLogicalNode(@Nonnull Address address, @Min(128) @Max(8192) int logicalNodeId) {
    while (true) {
        Object[] assignmentTable = this.assignmentTable;
        Address addressOnSlot = (Address) assignmentTable[logicalNodeId];
        if (addressOnSlot == null) {

        if (!address.equals(addressOnSlot)) {
            throw exception(SnowcastIllegalStateException::new, ILLEGAL_DETACH_ATTEMPT);

        long offset = offset(logicalNodeId);
        if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(assignmentTable, offset, addressOnSlot, null)) {
public ResponseEntity<Result<List<Collection>>> queryUserCollection(@PathVariable Integer userId, @RequestHeader(value = "Authorization", required = false) String token, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer page, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "10") @Max(15) Integer pageSize, @RequestParam(required = false) Integer isPublic) {
    Map<String, Object> context = AppContext.get();
    Integer isSelf = 0;
    if (context != null && context.get(AuthConstant.USER_ID) != null) {
        if ((int) context.get(AuthConstant.USER_ID) == userId) {
            isSelf = 1;
        } else {
            if (isPublic == null || isPublic == 0) {
                throw new BusinessException(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN, "禁止查看他人非公开画作");
    } else {
        if (isPublic == null || isPublic == 0) {
            throw new BusinessException(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN, "禁止查看他人非公开画作");
    return ResponseEntity.ok().body(new Result<>("获取用户画集成功", collectionService.queryCollectionSummary(userId, isPublic), collectionService.queryUserCollection(userId, isSelf, isPublic, page, pageSize)));
public String query2(@RequestParam(name = "e", required = false) int e,
    @RequestParam(name = "a", defaultValue = "20") int a,
    @RequestParam(name = "b", defaultValue = "bobo") String b,
    @RequestParam(name = "c", defaultValue = "40") Integer c,
    @Min(value = 20) @Max(value = 30) @RequestParam(name = "d", required = false) int d) {
  return "Hello " + a + b + c + d + e;
源代码9 项目: backstopper   文件:
 * Makes sure that the Reflections helper stuff is working properly and capturing all annotation possibilities (class type, constructor, constructor param, method, method param, and field).
public void verifyThatTheReflectionsConfigurationIsCapturingAllAnnotationPossibilities() {
    List<Pair<Annotation, AnnotatedElement>> annotationOptionsClassAnnotations = getSubAnnotationListForElementsOfOwnerClass(TROLLER.allConstraintAnnotationsMasterList,
    assertThat(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations.size(), is(10));
    assertThat(getSubAnnotationListForAnnotationsOfClassType(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations, SomeClassLevelJsr303Annotation.class).size(), is(2));
    assertThat(getSubAnnotationListForAnnotationsOfClassType(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations, OtherClassLevelJsr303Annotation.class).size(), is(1));
    assertThat(getSubAnnotationListForAnnotationsOfClassType(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations, AssertTrue.class).size(), is(1));
    assertThat(getSubAnnotationListForAnnotationsOfClassType(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations, AssertFalse.class).size(), is(1));
    assertThat(getSubAnnotationListForAnnotationsOfClassType(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations, NotNull.class).size(), is(2));
    assertThat(getSubAnnotationListForAnnotationsOfClassType(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations, Min.class).size(), is(2));
    assertThat(getSubAnnotationListForAnnotationsOfClassType(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations, Max.class).size(), is(1));
源代码10 项目: spring-openapi   文件:
protected void applyAnnotationDetailsOnParameter(AbstractSerializableParameter schema, Annotation annotation) {
	if (annotation instanceof DecimalMin) {
		schema.setMinimum(new BigDecimal(((DecimalMin) annotation).value()));
	} else if (annotation instanceof DecimalMax) {
		schema.setMaximum(new BigDecimal(((DecimalMax) annotation).value()));
	} else if (annotation instanceof Min) {
		schema.setMinimum(BigDecimal.valueOf(((Min) annotation).value()));
	} else if (annotation instanceof Max) {
		schema.setMaximum(BigDecimal.valueOf(((Max) annotation).value()));
	if (annotation instanceof Pattern) {
		schema.setPattern(((Pattern) annotation).regexp());
	} else if (annotation instanceof Size) {
		schema.setMinLength(((Size) annotation).min());
		schema.setMaxLength(((Size) annotation).max());
	} else if (annotation instanceof Deprecated) {
		schema.setVendorExtension("x-deprecated", true);
源代码11 项目: springdoc-openapi   文件:
@Operation(description = "searches inventory", operationId = "searchInventory", summary = "By passing in the appropriate options, you can search for available inventory in the system ", tags = {
		"developers", }, parameters = {
		@Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory", name = "searchString") })
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "search results matching criteria"),
		@ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "bad input parameter") })
@GetMapping(value = "/inventory", produces = { "application/json" })
ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory(
		@Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString,
		@Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip,
		@Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit);
源代码12 项目: springdoc-openapi   文件:
public ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>> searchInventory(
		@Parameter(description = "pass an optional search string for looking up inventory") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "searchString", required = false) String searchString,
		@Min(0) @Parameter(description = "number of records to skip for pagination") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "skip", required = true) Integer skip,
		@Min(0) @Max(50) @Parameter(description = "maximum number of records to return") @Valid @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = true) Integer limit) {
	String accept = request.getHeader("Accept");
	return new ResponseEntity<List<InventoryItem>>(HttpStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
源代码13 项目: snowcast   文件:
public static long generateSequenceId(@Nonnegative long timestamp, @Min(128) @Max(8192) int logicalNodeID,
                                      @Nonnegative int nextId, @Nonnegative int nodeIdShiftFactor) {

    int maxCounter = calculateMaxMillisCounter(nodeIdShiftFactor);
    if (maxCounter < nextId) {

    long id = timestamp << SHIFT_TIMESTAMP;
    id |= logicalNodeID << nodeIdShiftFactor;
    id |= nextId;
    return id;
源代码14 项目: micronaut-data   文件:
public Meal(
        UUID mid,
        @NotNull @Max(999) int currentBloodGlucose,
        Date createdOn,
        Date updatedOn,
        @Nullable Set<Food> foods) {
    this.mid = mid;
    this.currentBloodGlucose = currentBloodGlucose;
    this.createdOn = createdOn;
    this.updatedOn = updatedOn;
    this.foods = foods;
源代码15 项目: smallrye-open-api   文件:
@Parameter(in = ParameterIn.PATH, name = "resourceA", style = ParameterStyle.MATRIX)
public Widget get(@MatrixParam("m1") @DefaultValue("default-m1") int m1,
        @MatrixParam("m2") @DefaultValue("100") @Max(200) int m2) {
    return null;
public String queryPackages(HttpServletRequest httpRequest,
    @Max(value = 2147483647L) @Min(value = -1L) @NotNull @QueryParam("pageNo") Integer pageNo,
    @Max(value = 2147483647L) @Min(value = -1L) @NotNull @QueryParam("pageSize") Integer pageSize,
    @Size(max = 64, min = 0) @QueryParam("packageName") String packageName,
    @Max(value = 127L) @Min(value = 0L) @QueryParam("packageType") Integer packageType,
    @Max(value = 2147483647L) @Min(value = 1L) @QueryParam("roleID") Integer roleID,
    @Max(value = 2147483647L) @Min(value = 1L) @QueryParam("categoryID") Integer categoryID,
    @Max(value = 127L) @Min(value = 0L) @QueryParam("appType") @DefaultValue("1") Integer appType,
    @Max(value = 2L) @Min(value = 1L) @QueryParam("packageScope") Integer packageScope) {
  return "" + appType;
源代码17 项目: snowcast   文件:
protected void doDetachLogicalNode(@Nonnull SequencerDefinition definition, @Min(128) @Max(8192) int logicalNodeId) {
    TRACER.trace("doDetachLogicalNode begin");
    try {
        clientCodec.detachLogicalNode(getSequencerName(), definition, logicalNodeId);
    } finally {
        TRACER.trace("doDetachLogicalNode end");
源代码18 项目: snowcast   文件:
void detachSequencer(@Nonnull SequencerDefinition definition, @Min(128) @Max(8192) int logicalNodeId) {
    IPartitionService partitionService = nodeEngine.getPartitionService();
    int partitionId = partitionService.getPartitionId(definition.getSequencerName());

    DetachLogicalNodeOperation operation = new DetachLogicalNodeOperation(definition, logicalNodeId);
    OperationService operationService = nodeEngine.getOperationService();

    InvocationBuilder invocationBuilder = operationService.createInvocationBuilder(SERVICE_NAME, operation, partitionId);
源代码19 项目: blog-tutorials   文件:
public List<String> getMessages(@RequestParam("size") @Positive @Max(6) Integer size) {
  return List.of("Hello", "World", "Foo", "Bar", "Duke", "Spring")

源代码20 项目: Ardulink-2   文件:
public ValidationInfo getValidationInfo() {
	if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(Primitives.wrap(getType()))) {
		Annotation[] annotations = attribute.getAnnotations();
		return newNumberValidationInfo(find(annotations, Min.class)
				find(annotations, Max.class).or(maxValueProvider)
	return ValidationInfo.NULL;
public ResponseEntity<Result<List<Illustration>>> queryBookmark(@PathVariable Integer userId, @PathVariable String type, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") @Max(300) int page, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "30") @Max(30) int pageSize, @RequestHeader(value = "Authorization", required = false) String token) {
    List<Illustration> illustrations = businessService.queryBookmarked(userId, type, (page - 1) * pageSize, pageSize);
   /* int userIdFromAppContext;
    if (token != null) {
        userIdFromAppContext = (int) AppContext.get().get(AuthConstant.USER_ID);
        businessService.dealIfFollowedInfo(illustrations, userIdFromAppContext);
    return ResponseEntity.ok().body(new Result<>("获取收藏画作成功", illustrations));
源代码22 项目: snowcast   文件:
ClientSnowcast(@Nonnull HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance, @Nonnegative @Max(Short.MAX_VALUE) short backupCount) {
    this.backupCount = backupCount;
    HazelcastClientInstanceImpl client = getHazelcastClient(hazelcastInstance);
    ClientInvocator clientInvocator = buildClientInvocator(client);
    ClientCodec clientCodec = new ClientCodec(client, clientInvocator);
    ProxyManager proxyManager = client.getProxyManager();
    this.sequencerService = new ClientSequencerService(proxyManager, clientCodec);
源代码23 项目: spring-auto-restdocs   文件:
 * Searches for item based on lookup parameters.
 * <p>
 * An example of using Pageable, Page and customized translation for paging text.
 * @param descMatch Lookup on description field.
 * @param hint      Lookup hint.
 * @return response
 * @see <a href="">paging documentation</a>
public Page<ItemResponse> searchItem(
        @RequestParam("desc") @NotBlank @Size(max = 255) String descMatch,
        @RequestParam(required = false) @Min(10) @Max(100) Integer hint,
        Pageable page) {
    if (ITEM.getDescription().contains(descMatch)) {
        return new PageImpl<>(singletonList(ITEM), page, 1);
    } else {
        return new PageImpl<>(Collections.<ItemResponse>emptyList(), page, 0);
public ResponseEntity<Result<List<Illustration>>> queryIllustrationsByArtistId(@PathVariable Integer artistId, @PathVariable String type, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") @Max(333) int page, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "30") int pageSize, @RequestHeader(value = "Authorization", required = false) String token) throws InterruptedException {
    List<Illustration> illustrationList = artistBizService.queryIllustrationsByArtistId(artistId, type, (page - 1) * pageSize, pageSize);
    return ResponseEntity.ok().body(new Result<>("获取画师画作列表成功", illustrationList));
public ResponseEntity<Result<List<Illustration>>> queryByDateAndMode(@RequestParam String date, @RequestParam String mode, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") @Max(30) int page, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "30") int pageSize, @RequestHeader(value = "Authorization", required = false) String token) {
    List<Illustration> rank = rankService.queryByDateAndMode(date, mode, page, pageSize);
    return ResponseEntity.ok().body(new Result<>("获取排行成功", rank));
 * Implementation of <a href="">DeviceHive RESTful
 * API: DeviceCommand: poll</a>
 * @param deviceId  Device unique identifier.
 * @param namesString Command names
 * @param timestamp   Timestamp of the last received command (UTC). If not specified, the server's timestamp is taken
 *                    instead.
 * @param timeout     Waiting timeout in seconds (default: 30 seconds, maximum: 60 seconds). Specify 0 to disable
 *                    waiting.
 * @param limit       Limit number of commands
@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated() and hasPermission(#deviceId, 'GET_DEVICE_COMMAND')")
@ApiOperation(value = "Polls the server to get commands.",
        notes = "This method returns all device commands that were created after specified timestamp.\n" +
                "In the case when no commands were found, the method blocks until new command is received. If no commands are received within the waitTimeout period, the server returns an empty response. In this case, to continue polling, the client should repeat the call with the same timestamp value.",
        response = DeviceCommand.class,
        responseContainer = "List")
        @ApiImplicitParam(name = "Authorization", value = "Authorization token", required = true, dataType = "string", paramType = "header")
void poll(
        @ApiParam(name = "deviceId", value = "Device ID", required = true)
        String deviceId,
        @ApiParam(name = "names", value = "Command names")
        String namesString,
        @ApiParam(name = "timestamp", value = "Timestamp to start from")
        String timestamp,
        @ApiParam(name = RETURN_UPDATED_COMMANDS, value = "Checks if updated commands should be returned", defaultValue = "false")
        boolean returnUpdatedCommands,
        @ApiParam(name = "waitTimeout", value = "Wait timeout in seconds", defaultValue = Constants.DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
        @Min(value = Constants.MIN_WAIT_TIMEOUT, message = "Timeout can't be less than " + Constants.MIN_WAIT_TIMEOUT + " seconds. ")
        @Max(value = Constants.MAX_WAIT_TIMEOUT, message = "Timeout can't be more than " + Constants.MAX_WAIT_TIMEOUT + " seconds. ")
        long timeout,
        @ApiParam(name = "limit", value = "Limit number of commands", defaultValue = Constants.DEFAULT_TAKE_STR)
        @Min(value = 0L, message = "Limit can't be less than " + 0L + ".")
        int limit,
        @Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse) throws Exception;
public ResponseEntity<Result<List<Illustration>>> queryIllustHistory(@PathVariable Integer userId, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") @Max(30) int page, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "30") int pageSize, @RequestHeader(value = "Authorization", required = false) String token) {
    List<Illustration> illustrations = illustHistoryService.pullFromRedis((int) AppContext.get().get(AuthConstant.USER_ID), page, pageSize);
    return ResponseEntity.ok(new Result<>("获取近期历史记录成功", illustrations));
源代码28 项目: para   文件:
 * Creates a new map representing a {@link Max} validation constraint.
 * @param max the maximum value
 * @return a map
static Map<String, Object> maxPayload(final Object max) {
	if (max == null) {
		return null;
	Map<String, Object> payload = new LinkedHashMap<>();
	payload.put("value", max);
	payload.put("message", MSG_PREFIX + VALIDATORS.get(Max.class));
	return payload;
源代码29 项目: proteus   文件:
public ServerResponse<ByteBuffer> maxValue(ServerRequest request, @QueryParam("param") @Max(100) Integer param ) throws Exception
	return response().body(param.toString());

源代码30 项目: easy-random   文件:
public Randomizer<?> getRandomizer(Field field) {
    Class<?> fieldType = field.getType();
    Max maxAnnotation = ReflectionUtils
            .getAnnotation(field, Max.class);
    Min minAnnotation = ReflectionUtils
            .getAnnotation(field, Min.class);

    Long maxValue = null;
    Long minValue = null;

    if (maxAnnotation != null) {
        maxValue = maxAnnotation.value();

    if (minAnnotation != null) {
        minValue = minAnnotation.value();

    if (fieldType.equals(Byte.TYPE) || fieldType.equals(Byte.class)) {
        return new ByteRangeRandomizer(
                minValue == null ? null : minValue.byteValue(),
                maxValue == null ? null : maxValue.byteValue(),
    if (fieldType.equals(Short.TYPE) || fieldType.equals(Short.class)) {
        return new ShortRangeRandomizer(
                minValue == null ? null : minValue.shortValue(),
                maxValue == null ? null : maxValue.shortValue(),
    if (fieldType.equals(Integer.TYPE) || fieldType.equals(Integer.class)) {
        return new IntegerRangeRandomizer(
                minValue == null ? null : minValue.intValue(),
                maxValue == null ? null : maxValue.intValue(),
    if (fieldType.equals(Long.TYPE) || fieldType.equals(Long.class)) {
        return new LongRangeRandomizer(
                minValue == null ? null : minValue,
                maxValue == null ? null : maxValue,
    if (fieldType.equals(BigInteger.class)) {
        return new BigIntegerRangeRandomizer(
                minValue == null ? null : minValue.intValue(),
                maxValue == null ? null : maxValue.intValue(),
    if (fieldType.equals(BigDecimal.class)) {
        return new BigDecimalRangeRandomizer(
                minValue == null ? null : minValue.doubleValue(),
                maxValue == null ? null : maxValue.doubleValue(),
    return null;