
下面列出了 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: MediaSDK   文件:
public int compareTo(PendingMessageInfo other) {
  if ((resolvedPeriodUid == null) != (other.resolvedPeriodUid == null)) {
    // PendingMessageInfos with a resolved period position are always smaller.
    return resolvedPeriodUid != null ? -1 : 1;
  if (resolvedPeriodUid == null) {
    // Don't sort message with unresolved positions.
    return 0;
  // Sort resolved media times by period index and then by period position.
  int comparePeriodIndex = resolvedPeriodIndex - other.resolvedPeriodIndex;
  if (comparePeriodIndex != 0) {
    return comparePeriodIndex;
  return Util.compareLong(resolvedPeriodTimeUs, other.resolvedPeriodTimeUs);
源代码2 项目: ExoPlayer-Offline   文件:
protected List<SampleGroup> doInBackground(String... uris) {
  List<SampleGroup> result = new ArrayList<>();
  Context context = getApplicationContext();
  String userAgent = Util.getUserAgent(context, "ExoPlayerDemo");
  DataSource dataSource = new DefaultDataSource(context, null, userAgent, false);
  for (String uri : uris) {
    DataSpec dataSpec = new DataSpec(Uri.parse(uri));
    InputStream inputStream = new DataSourceInputStream(dataSource, dataSpec);
    try {
      readSampleGroups(new JsonReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, "UTF-8")), result);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Log.e(TAG, "Error loading sample list: " + uri, e);
      sawError = true;
    } finally {
  return result;
源代码3 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件:
public int compareTo(@NonNull PendingMessageInfo other) {
  if ((resolvedPeriodUid == null) != (other.resolvedPeriodUid == null)) {
    // PendingMessageInfos with a resolved period position are always smaller.
    return resolvedPeriodUid != null ? -1 : 1;
  if (resolvedPeriodUid == null) {
    // Don't sort message with unresolved positions.
    return 0;
  // Sort resolved media times by period index and then by period position.
  int comparePeriodIndex = resolvedPeriodIndex - other.resolvedPeriodIndex;
  if (comparePeriodIndex != 0) {
    return comparePeriodIndex;
  return Util.compareLong(resolvedPeriodTimeUs, other.resolvedPeriodTimeUs);
源代码4 项目: Telegram-FOSS   文件:
private void processOutputFormat(MediaCodec codec, int width, int height) {
  currentWidth = width;
  currentHeight = height;
  currentPixelWidthHeightRatio = pendingPixelWidthHeightRatio;
  if (Util.SDK_INT >= 21) {
    // On API level 21 and above the decoder applies the rotation when rendering to the surface.
    // Hence currentUnappliedRotation should always be 0. For 90 and 270 degree rotations, we need
    // to flip the width, height and pixel aspect ratio to reflect the rotation that was applied.
    if (pendingRotationDegrees == 90 || pendingRotationDegrees == 270) {
      int rotatedHeight = currentWidth;
      currentWidth = currentHeight;
      currentHeight = rotatedHeight;
      currentPixelWidthHeightRatio = 1 / currentPixelWidthHeightRatio;
  } else {
    // On API level 20 and below the decoder does not apply the rotation.
    currentUnappliedRotationDegrees = pendingRotationDegrees;
  // Must be applied each time the output format changes.
源代码5 项目: Telegram   文件:
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
  if (this == obj) {
    return true;
  if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
    return false;
  ChapterFrame other = (ChapterFrame) obj;
  return startTimeMs == other.startTimeMs
      && endTimeMs == other.endTimeMs
      && startOffset == other.startOffset
      && endOffset == other.endOffset
      && Util.areEqual(chapterId, other.chapterId)
      && Arrays.equals(subFrames, other.subFrames);
源代码6 项目: Telegram   文件:
private DefaultBandwidthMeter(
    @Nullable Context context,
    SparseArray<Long> initialBitrateEstimates,
    int maxWeight,
    Clock clock,
    boolean resetOnNetworkTypeChange) {
  this.context = context == null ? null : context.getApplicationContext();
  this.initialBitrateEstimates = initialBitrateEstimates;
  this.eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher<>();
  this.slidingPercentile = new SlidingPercentile(maxWeight);
  this.clock = clock;
  // Set the initial network type and bitrate estimate
  networkType = context == null ? C.NETWORK_TYPE_UNKNOWN : Util.getNetworkType(context);
  bitrateEstimate = getInitialBitrateEstimateForNetworkType(networkType);
  // Register to receive connectivity actions if possible.
  if (context != null && resetOnNetworkTypeChange) {
    ConnectivityActionReceiver connectivityActionReceiver =
    connectivityActionReceiver.register(/* bandwidthMeter= */ this);
源代码7 项目: Telegram-FOSS   文件:
 * Sets the {@link AudioTrack} to wrap. Subsequent method calls on this instance relate to this
 * track's position, until the next call to {@link #reset()}.
 * @param audioTrack The audio track to wrap.
 * @param outputEncoding The encoding of the audio track.
 * @param outputPcmFrameSize For PCM output encodings, the frame size. The value is ignored
 *     otherwise.
 * @param bufferSize The audio track buffer size in bytes.
public void setAudioTrack(
    AudioTrack audioTrack,
    @C.Encoding int outputEncoding,
    int outputPcmFrameSize,
    int bufferSize) {
  this.audioTrack = audioTrack;
  this.outputPcmFrameSize = outputPcmFrameSize;
  this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
  audioTimestampPoller = new AudioTimestampPoller(audioTrack);
  outputSampleRate = audioTrack.getSampleRate();
  needsPassthroughWorkarounds = needsPassthroughWorkarounds(outputEncoding);
  isOutputPcm = Util.isEncodingLinearPcm(outputEncoding);
  bufferSizeUs = isOutputPcm ? framesToDurationUs(bufferSize / outputPcmFrameSize) : C.TIME_UNSET;
  lastRawPlaybackHeadPosition = 0;
  rawPlaybackHeadWrapCount = 0;
  passthroughWorkaroundPauseOffset = 0;
  hasData = false;
  stopTimestampUs = C.TIME_UNSET;
  forceResetWorkaroundTimeMs = C.TIME_UNSET;
  latencyUs = 0;
源代码8 项目: MediaSDK   文件:
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
  if (this == obj) {
    return true;
  if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
    return false;
  IcyHeaders other = (IcyHeaders) obj;
  return bitrate == other.bitrate
      && Util.areEqual(genre, other.genre)
      && Util.areEqual(name,
      && Util.areEqual(url, other.url)
      && isPublic == other.isPublic
      && metadataInterval == other.metadataInterval;
源代码9 项目: ExoplayerExample   文件:
 * Prepares exoplayer for audio playback from a remote URL audiofile. Should work with most
 * popular audiofile types (.mp3, .m4a,...)
 * @param uri Provide a Uri in a form of Uri.parse("
private void prepareExoPlayerFromURL(Uri uri){

    TrackSelector trackSelector = new DefaultTrackSelector();

    LoadControl loadControl = new DefaultLoadControl();

    exoPlayer = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(this, trackSelector, loadControl);

    DefaultDataSourceFactory dataSourceFactory = new DefaultDataSourceFactory(this, Util.getUserAgent(this, "exoplayer2example"), null);
    ExtractorsFactory extractorsFactory = new DefaultExtractorsFactory();
    MediaSource audioSource = new ExtractorMediaSource(uri, dataSourceFactory, extractorsFactory, null, null);

源代码10 项目: Telegram-FOSS   文件:
public void setAudioAttributes(AudioAttributes audioAttributes, boolean handleAudioFocus) {
  if (!Util.areEqual(this.audioAttributes, audioAttributes)) {
    this.audioAttributes = audioAttributes;
    for (Renderer renderer : renderers) {
      if (renderer.getTrackType() == C.TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO) {
    for (AudioListener audioListener : audioListeners) {

  int playerCommand =
          handleAudioFocus ? audioAttributes : null, getPlayWhenReady(), getPlaybackState());
  updatePlayWhenReady(getPlayWhenReady(), playerCommand);
源代码11 项目: Telegram   文件:
 * Returns the framework {@link MediaFormat} that can be used to configure a {@link MediaCodec}
 * for decoding the given {@link Format} for playback.
 * @param format The format of the media.
 * @param codecMimeType The MIME type handled by the codec.
 * @param codecMaxInputSize The maximum input size supported by the codec.
 * @param codecOperatingRate The codec operating rate, or {@link #CODEC_OPERATING_RATE_UNSET} if
 *     no codec operating rate should be set.
 * @return The framework media format.
protected MediaFormat getMediaFormat(
    Format format, String codecMimeType, int codecMaxInputSize, float codecOperatingRate) {
  MediaFormat mediaFormat = new MediaFormat();
  // Set format parameters that should always be set.
  mediaFormat.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, codecMimeType);
  mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT, format.channelCount);
  mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE, format.sampleRate);
  MediaFormatUtil.setCsdBuffers(mediaFormat, format.initializationData);
  // Set codec max values.
  MediaFormatUtil.maybeSetInteger(mediaFormat, MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE, codecMaxInputSize);
  // Set codec configuration values.
  if (Util.SDK_INT >= 23) {
    mediaFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_PRIORITY, 0 /* realtime priority */);
    if (codecOperatingRate != CODEC_OPERATING_RATE_UNSET && !deviceDoesntSupportOperatingRate()) {
      mediaFormat.setFloat(MediaFormat.KEY_OPERATING_RATE, codecOperatingRate);
  if (Util.SDK_INT <= 28 && MimeTypes.AUDIO_AC4.equals(format.sampleMimeType)) {
    // On some older builds, the AC-4 decoder expects to receive samples formatted as raw frames
    // not sync frames. Set a format key to override this.
    mediaFormat.setInteger("ac4-is-sync", 1);
  return mediaFormat;
源代码12 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件:
private void parsePaletteSection(ParsableByteArray buffer, int sectionLength) {
  if ((sectionLength % 5) != 2) {
    // Section must be two bytes followed by a whole number of (index, y, cb, cr, a) entries.

  Arrays.fill(colors, 0);
  int entryCount = sectionLength / 5;
  for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) {
    int index = buffer.readUnsignedByte();
    int y = buffer.readUnsignedByte();
    int cr = buffer.readUnsignedByte();
    int cb = buffer.readUnsignedByte();
    int a = buffer.readUnsignedByte();
    int r = (int) (y + (1.40200 * (cr - 128)));
    int g = (int) (y - (0.34414 * (cb - 128)) - (0.71414 * (cr - 128)));
    int b = (int) (y + (1.77200 * (cb - 128)));
    colors[index] =
        (a << 24)
            | (Util.constrainValue(r, 0, 255) << 16)
            | (Util.constrainValue(g, 0, 255) << 8)
            | Util.constrainValue(b, 0, 255);
  colorsSet = true;
源代码13 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件:
 * Parses the number of channels from the value attribute of an AudioElementConfiguration with
 * schemeIdUri ",2014:dash:audio_channel_configuration:2011", as defined by table E.5
 * in ETSI TS 102 366.
 * @param xpp The parser from which to read.
 * @return The parsed number of channels, or {@link Format#NO_VALUE} if the channel count could
 *     not be parsed.
protected static int parseDolbyChannelConfiguration(XmlPullParser xpp) {
  String value = Util.toLowerInvariant(xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "value"));
  if (value == null) {
    return Format.NO_VALUE;
  switch (value) {
    case "4000":
      return 1;
    case "a000":
      return 2;
    case "f801":
      return 6;
    case "fa01":
      return 8;
      return Format.NO_VALUE;
源代码14 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件:
 * Returns the extent to which a renderer supports adaptation between specified tracks within a
 * {@link TrackGroup}.
 * @param rendererIndex The renderer index.
 * @param groupIndex The index of the track group.
 * @return One of {@link RendererCapabilities#ADAPTIVE_SEAMLESS}, {@link
 *     RendererCapabilities#ADAPTIVE_NOT_SEAMLESS} and {@link
 *     RendererCapabilities#ADAPTIVE_NOT_SUPPORTED}.
public int getAdaptiveSupport(int rendererIndex, int groupIndex, int[] trackIndices) {
  int handledTrackCount = 0;
  int adaptiveSupport = RendererCapabilities.ADAPTIVE_SEAMLESS;
  boolean multipleMimeTypes = false;
  String firstSampleMimeType = null;
  for (int i = 0; i < trackIndices.length; i++) {
    int trackIndex = trackIndices[i];
    String sampleMimeType =
    if (handledTrackCount++ == 0) {
      firstSampleMimeType = sampleMimeType;
    } else {
      multipleMimeTypes |= !Util.areEqual(firstSampleMimeType, sampleMimeType);
    adaptiveSupport =
                & RendererCapabilities.ADAPTIVE_SUPPORT_MASK);
  return multipleMimeTypes
      ? Math.min(adaptiveSupport, rendererMixedMimeTypeAdaptiveSupports[rendererIndex])
      : adaptiveSupport;
源代码15 项目: MediaSDK   文件:
private void removePublicMediaSources(
    int fromIndex,
    int toIndex,
    @Nullable Handler handler,
    @Nullable Runnable onCompletionAction) {
  Assertions.checkArgument((handler == null) == (onCompletionAction == null));
  Handler playbackThreadHandler = this.playbackThreadHandler;
  Util.removeRange(mediaSourcesPublic, fromIndex, toIndex);
  if (playbackThreadHandler != null) {
    HandlerAndRunnable callbackAction = createOnCompletionAction(handler, onCompletionAction);
        .obtainMessage(MSG_REMOVE, new MessageData<>(fromIndex, toIndex, callbackAction))
  } else if (onCompletionAction != null && handler != null) {;
源代码16 项目: DKVideoPlayer   文件:
public void initPlayer() {
    mInternalPlayer = new SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(
            mRenderersFactory == null ? mRenderersFactory = new DefaultRenderersFactory(mAppContext) : mRenderersFactory,
            mTrackSelector == null ? mTrackSelector = new DefaultTrackSelector(mAppContext) : mTrackSelector,
            mLoadControl == null ? mLoadControl = new DefaultLoadControl() : mLoadControl,
            new AnalyticsCollector(Clock.DEFAULT),
            /* useLazyPreparation= */ true,

    if (VideoViewManager.getConfig().mIsEnableLog && mTrackSelector instanceof MappingTrackSelector) {
        mInternalPlayer.addAnalyticsListener(new EventLogger((MappingTrackSelector) mTrackSelector, "ExoPlayer"));

源代码17 项目: alltv   文件:
public void onPause() {
    if (Util.SDK_INT <= 23) {
源代码18 项目: Telegram   文件:
 * Returns the tag name for the given tag contents.
 * @param tagExpression Characters between &amp;lt: and &amp;gt; of a start or end tag.
 * @return The name of tag.
private static String getTagName(String tagExpression) {
  tagExpression = tagExpression.trim();
  if (tagExpression.isEmpty()) {
    return null;
  return Util.splitAtFirst(tagExpression, "[ \\.]")[0];
源代码19 项目: Telegram   文件:
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
  Util.writeBoolean(dest, hdrStaticInfo != null);
  if (hdrStaticInfo != null) {
源代码20 项目: ExoPlayer-Offline   文件:
public void testWidevineH265Fixed() throws DecoderQueryException {
  if (Util.SDK_INT < 23) {
    // Pass.
  String streamName = "test_widevine_h265_fixed";
  testDashPlayback(getActivity(), streamName, WIDEVINE_H265_MANIFEST_PREFIX,
源代码21 项目: Telegram-FOSS   文件:
private static ApicFrame decodeApicFrame(ParsableByteArray id3Data, int frameSize,
    int majorVersion) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
  int encoding = id3Data.readUnsignedByte();
  String charset = getCharsetName(encoding);

  byte[] data = new byte[frameSize - 1];
  id3Data.readBytes(data, 0, frameSize - 1);

  String mimeType;
  int mimeTypeEndIndex;
  if (majorVersion == 2) {
    mimeTypeEndIndex = 2;
    mimeType = "image/" + Util.toLowerInvariant(new String(data, 0, 3, "ISO-8859-1"));
    if ("image/jpg".equals(mimeType)) {
      mimeType = "image/jpeg";
  } else {
    mimeTypeEndIndex = indexOfZeroByte(data, 0);
    mimeType = Util.toLowerInvariant(new String(data, 0, mimeTypeEndIndex, "ISO-8859-1"));
    if (mimeType.indexOf('/') == -1) {
      mimeType = "image/" + mimeType;

  int pictureType = data[mimeTypeEndIndex + 1] & 0xFF;

  int descriptionStartIndex = mimeTypeEndIndex + 2;
  int descriptionEndIndex = indexOfEos(data, descriptionStartIndex, encoding);
  String description = new String(data, descriptionStartIndex,
      descriptionEndIndex - descriptionStartIndex, charset);

  int pictureDataStartIndex = descriptionEndIndex + delimiterLength(encoding);
  byte[] pictureData = copyOfRangeIfValid(data, pictureDataStartIndex, data.length);

  return new ApicFrame(mimeType, description, pictureType, pictureData);
源代码22 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件:
private ByteBuffer getInputBuffer(int inputIndex) {
  if (Util.SDK_INT >= 21) {
    return codec.getInputBuffer(inputIndex);
  } else {
    return inputBuffers[inputIndex];
源代码23 项目: ExoPlayer-Offline   文件:
public void testWidevine24FpsH264Fixed() throws DecoderQueryException {
  if (Util.SDK_INT < 23) {
    // Pass.
  String streamName = "test_widevine_24fps_h264_fixed";
  testDashPlayback(getActivity(), streamName, WIDEVINE_H264_24_MANIFEST_PREFIX,
源代码24 项目: MediaSDK   文件:
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
  if (this == obj) {
    return true;
  if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
    return false;
  IcyInfo other = (IcyInfo) obj;
  // title & url are derived from rawMetadata, so no need to include them in the comparison.
  return Util.areEqual(rawMetadata, other.rawMetadata);
源代码25 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件:
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
  if (this == obj) {
    return true;
  if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
    return false;
  ApicFrame other = (ApicFrame) obj;
  return pictureType == other.pictureType && Util.areEqual(mimeType, other.mimeType)
      && Util.areEqual(description, other.description)
      && Arrays.equals(pictureData, other.pictureData);
源代码26 项目: Telegram-FOSS   文件:
private static Point alignVideoSizeV21(VideoCapabilities capabilities, int width, int height) {
  int widthAlignment = capabilities.getWidthAlignment();
  int heightAlignment = capabilities.getHeightAlignment();
  return new Point(
      Util.ceilDivide(width, widthAlignment) * widthAlignment,
      Util.ceilDivide(height, heightAlignment) * heightAlignment);
源代码27 项目: Telegram   文件:
 * Returns the media sequence number of the segment to load next in {@code mediaPlaylist}.
 * @param previous The last (at least partially) loaded segment.
 * @param switchingTrack Whether the segment to load is not preceded by a segment in the same
 *     track.
 * @param mediaPlaylist The media playlist to which the segment to load belongs.
 * @param startOfPlaylistInPeriodUs The start of {@code mediaPlaylist} relative to the period
 *     start in microseconds.
 * @param loadPositionUs The current load position relative to the period start in microseconds.
 * @return The media sequence of the segment to load.
private long getChunkMediaSequence(
    @Nullable HlsMediaChunk previous,
    boolean switchingTrack,
    HlsMediaPlaylist mediaPlaylist,
    long startOfPlaylistInPeriodUs,
    long loadPositionUs) {
  if (previous == null || switchingTrack) {
    long endOfPlaylistInPeriodUs = startOfPlaylistInPeriodUs + mediaPlaylist.durationUs;
    long targetPositionInPeriodUs =
        (previous == null || independentSegments) ? loadPositionUs : previous.startTimeUs;
    if (!mediaPlaylist.hasEndTag && targetPositionInPeriodUs >= endOfPlaylistInPeriodUs) {
      // If the playlist is too old to contain the chunk, we need to refresh it.
      return mediaPlaylist.mediaSequence + mediaPlaylist.segments.size();
    long targetPositionInPlaylistUs = targetPositionInPeriodUs - startOfPlaylistInPeriodUs;
    return Util.binarySearchFloor(
            /* value= */ targetPositionInPlaylistUs,
            /* inclusive= */ true,
            /* stayInBounds= */ !playlistTracker.isLive() || previous == null)
        + mediaPlaylist.mediaSequence;
  // We ignore the case of previous not having loaded completely, in which case we load the next
  // segment.
  return previous.getNextChunkIndex();
源代码28 项目: Telegram   文件:
 * Seeks to the specified position in microseconds.
 * @param positionUs The seek position in microseconds.
public void seekToUs(long positionUs) {
  currentIndex =
          eventTimesUs, positionUs, /* inclusive= */ true, /* stayInBounds= */ false);
  boolean isPendingSeek = eventStreamAppendable && currentIndex == eventTimesUs.length;
  pendingSeekPositionUs = isPendingSeek ? positionUs : C.TIME_UNSET;
源代码29 项目: Telegram-FOSS   文件:
public final void load() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  DataSpec loadDataSpec = dataSpec.subrange(nextLoadPosition);
  try {
    // Create and open the input.
    ExtractorInput input = new DefaultExtractorInput(dataSource,
    if (nextLoadPosition == 0) {
      // Configure the output and set it as the target for the extractor wrapper.
      BaseMediaChunkOutput output = getOutput();
          clippedStartTimeUs == C.TIME_UNSET
              ? C.TIME_UNSET
              : (clippedStartTimeUs - sampleOffsetUs),
          clippedEndTimeUs == C.TIME_UNSET ? C.TIME_UNSET : (clippedEndTimeUs - sampleOffsetUs));
    // Load and decode the sample data.
    try {
      Extractor extractor = extractorWrapper.extractor;
      int result = Extractor.RESULT_CONTINUE;
      while (result == Extractor.RESULT_CONTINUE && !loadCanceled) {
        result =, DUMMY_POSITION_HOLDER);
      Assertions.checkState(result != Extractor.RESULT_SEEK);
    } finally {
      nextLoadPosition = input.getPosition() - dataSpec.absoluteStreamPosition;
  } finally {
  loadCompleted = true;
源代码30 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件:
public boolean shouldStartPlayback(
    long bufferedDurationUs, float playbackSpeed, boolean rebuffering) {
  bufferedDurationUs = Util.getPlayoutDurationForMediaDuration(bufferedDurationUs, playbackSpeed);
  long minBufferDurationUs = rebuffering ? bufferForPlaybackAfterRebufferUs : bufferForPlaybackUs;
  return minBufferDurationUs <= 0
      || bufferedDurationUs >= minBufferDurationUs
      || (!prioritizeTimeOverSizeThresholds
          && allocator.getTotalBytesAllocated() >= targetBufferSize);