( )源码实例Demo

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private void doTest(JMXConnector connector) throws IOException,
MalformedObjectNameException, ReflectionException,
InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanRegistrationException,
MBeanException, NotCompliantMBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException, AttributeNotFoundException, InvalidAttributeValueException {
    MBeanServerConnection  mbsc = connector.getMBeanServerConnection();

    ObjectName objName = new ObjectName("com.redhat.test.jmx:type=NameMBean");
    System.out.println("DEBUG: Calling createMBean");
    mbsc.createMBean(Name.class.getName(), objName);

    System.out.println("DEBUG: Calling setAttributes");
    AttributeList attList = new AttributeList();
    attList.add(new Attribute("FirstName", ANY_NAME));
    attList.add(new Attribute("LastName", ANY_NAME));
    mbsc.setAttributes(objName, attList);
源代码2 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
protected int doCreateRequest(MBeanServerConnection mbsc,
                              ObjectName on,
                              boolean expectedException) {
    int errorCount = 0;

    try {
            "ClientSide::doCreateRequest: Create and register the MBean") ;

        mbsc.createMBean("Simple", on) ;

        if (expectedException) {
            System.out.println("ClientSide::doCreateRequest: " +
                "(ERROR) Create did not fail with expected SecurityException");
        } else {
            System.out.println("ClientSide::doCreateRequest: (OK) Create succeed") ;
    } catch(Exception e) {
        Utils.printThrowable(e, true) ;
        if (expectedException) {
            if (e instanceof java.lang.SecurityException) {
                System.out.println("ClientSide::doCreateRequest: " +
                    "(OK) Create failed with expected SecurityException") ;
            } else {
                System.out.println("ClientSide::doCreateRequest: " +
                    "(ERROR) Create failed with " +
                    e.getClass() + " instead of expected SecurityException");
        } else {
            System.out.println("ClientSide::doCreateRequest: " +
                "(ERROR) Create failed");
    return errorCount;
源代码3 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
private static void mbeanOp(MBeanServerConnection mserver, ObjectName name, boolean adding)
        throws Exception {
    if (adding) {
        mserver.createMBean("", name);
    } else {
private static void mbeanOp(MBeanServerConnection mserver, ObjectName name, boolean adding)
        throws Exception {
    if (adding) {
        mserver.createMBean("", name);
    } else {
源代码5 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件:
protected int doCreateRequest(MBeanServerConnection mbsc,
                              ObjectName on,
                              boolean expectedException) {
    int errorCount = 0;

    try {
            "ClientSide::doCreateRequest: Create and register the MBean") ;

        mbsc.createMBean("Simple", on) ;

        if (expectedException) {
            System.out.println("ClientSide::doCreateRequest: " +
                "(ERROR) Create did not fail with expected SecurityException");
        } else {
            System.out.println("ClientSide::doCreateRequest: (OK) Create succeed") ;
    } catch(Exception e) {
        Utils.printThrowable(e, true) ;
        if (expectedException) {
            if (e instanceof java.lang.SecurityException) {
                System.out.println("ClientSide::doCreateRequest: " +
                    "(OK) Create failed with expected SecurityException") ;
            } else {
                System.out.println("ClientSide::doCreateRequest: " +
                    "(ERROR) Create failed with " +
                    e.getClass() + " instead of expected SecurityException");
        } else {
            System.out.println("ClientSide::doCreateRequest: " +
                "(ERROR) Create failed");
    return errorCount;
private static void mbeanOp(MBeanServerConnection mserver, ObjectName name, boolean adding)
        throws Exception {
    if (adding) {
        mserver.createMBean("", name);
    } else {
源代码7 项目: cacheonix-core   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
   // The address of the connector server
   JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("rmi", "localhost", 0, "/jndi/jmx");

   // Create and connect the connector client
   JMXConnector cntor = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(url, null);

   // The connection represent, on client-side, the remote MBeanServer
   MBeanServerConnection connection = cntor.getMBeanServerConnection();

   // The listener that will receive notifications from a remote MBean
   NotificationListener listener = new NotificationListener()
      public void handleNotification(Notification notification, Object handback)

   // The MBeanServerDelegate emits notifications about registration/unregistration of MBeans
   ObjectName delegateName = ObjectName.getInstance("JMImplementation:type=MBeanServerDelegate");

   connection.addNotificationListener(delegateName, listener, null, null);

   // Give chance to the notification machinery to setup

   // Now register a remote MBean, for example an MLet, so that the MBeanServerDelegate
   // will emit notifications for its registration
   ObjectName name = ObjectName.getInstance("examples:mbean=mlet");
   // First notification
   connection.createMBean(MLet.class.getName(), name, null);
   // Second notification
源代码8 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件:
protected int doCreateRequest(MBeanServerConnection mbsc,
                              ObjectName on,
                              boolean expectedException) {
    int errorCount = 0;

    try {
            "ClientSide::doCreateRequest: Create and register the MBean") ;

        mbsc.createMBean("Simple", on) ;

        if (expectedException) {
            System.out.println("ClientSide::doCreateRequest: " +
                "(ERROR) Create did not fail with expected SecurityException");
        } else {
            System.out.println("ClientSide::doCreateRequest: (OK) Create succeed") ;
    } catch(Exception e) {
        Utils.printThrowable(e, true) ;
        if (expectedException) {
            if (e instanceof java.lang.SecurityException) {
                System.out.println("ClientSide::doCreateRequest: " +
                    "(OK) Create failed with expected SecurityException") ;
            } else {
                System.out.println("ClientSide::doCreateRequest: " +
                    "(ERROR) Create failed with " +
                    e.getClass() + " instead of expected SecurityException");
        } else {
            System.out.println("ClientSide::doCreateRequest: " +
                "(ERROR) Create failed");
    return errorCount;
源代码9 项目: vjtools   文件:
protected static Object[] doBeans(final MBeanServerConnection mbsc, final ObjectName objName,
		final String[] command, final boolean oneBeanOnly) throws Exception {
	Object[] result = null;
	Set beans = mbsc.queryMBeans(objName, null);
	if (beans.isEmpty()) {
		// No bean found. Check if we are to create a bean?
		if (command.length == 1 && notEmpty(command[0]) && command[0].startsWith(CREATE_CMD_PREFIX)) {
			String className = command[0].substring(CREATE_CMD_PREFIX.length());
			mbsc.createMBean(className, objName);
		} else {
			// TODO: Is there a better JMX exception that RE for this
			// scenario?
			throw new RuntimeException(objName.getCanonicalName() + " not registered.");
	} else if (beans.size() == 1) {
		result = doBean(mbsc, (ObjectInstance) beans.iterator().next(), command);
	} else {
		if (oneBeanOnly) {
			throw new RuntimeException("Only supposed to be one bean " + "query result");
		// This is case of multiple beans in query results.
		// Print name of each into a StringBuffer. Return as one
		// result.
		StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
		for (Iterator i = beans.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
			Object obj =;
			if (obj instanceof ObjectName) {
				buffer.append((((ObjectName) obj).getCanonicalName()));
			} else if (obj instanceof ObjectInstance) {
				buffer.append((((ObjectInstance) obj).getObjectName().getCanonicalName()));
			} else {
				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected object type: " + obj);
		result = new String[] { buffer.toString() };
	return result;
源代码10 项目: vjtools   文件:
protected static Object[] doBeans(final MBeanServerConnection mbsc, final ObjectName objName,
		final String[] command, final boolean oneBeanOnly) throws Exception {
	Object[] result = null;
	Set beans = mbsc.queryMBeans(objName, null);
	if (beans.size() == 0) {
		// No bean found. Check if we are to create a bean?
		if (command.length == 1 && notEmpty(command[0]) && command[0].startsWith(CREATE_CMD_PREFIX)) {
			String className = command[0].substring(CREATE_CMD_PREFIX.length());
			mbsc.createMBean(className, objName);
		} else {
			// TODO: Is there a better JMX exception that RE for this
			// scenario?
			throw new RuntimeException(objName.getCanonicalName() + " not registered.");
	} else if (beans.size() == 1) {
		result = doBean(mbsc, (ObjectInstance) beans.iterator().next(), command);
	} else {
		if (oneBeanOnly) {
			throw new RuntimeException("Only supposed to be one bean " + "query result");
		// This is case of multiple beans in query results.
		// Print name of each into a StringBuffer. Return as one
		// result.
		StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
		for (Iterator i = beans.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
			Object obj =;
			if (obj instanceof ObjectName) {
				buffer.append((((ObjectName) obj).getCanonicalName()));
			} else if (obj instanceof ObjectInstance) {
				buffer.append((((ObjectInstance) obj).getObjectName().getCanonicalName()));
			} else {
				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected object type: " + obj);
		result = new String[] { buffer.toString() };
	return result;
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {

            int errorCount = 0 ;
            String msgTag = "ClientSide::main: ";

            try {

                // Get a connection to remote mbean server
                JMXServiceURL addr = new JMXServiceURL(args[0]);
                JMXConnector cc = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(addr);
                MBeanServerConnection mbsc = cc.getMBeanServerConnection();

                // ----
                System.out.println(msgTag + "Create and register the MBean");
                ObjectName objName = new ObjectName("sqe:type=Basic,protocol=rmi") ;
                mbsc.createMBean(BASIC_MXBEAN_CLASS_NAME, objName);
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Get attribute SqeParameterAtt on our MXBean");
                Object result = mbsc.getAttribute(objName, "SqeParameterAtt");
                System.out.println(msgTag +"(OK) Got result of class "
                        + result.getClass().getName());
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Received CompositeData is " + result);
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                // We use the value returned by getAttribute to perform the invoke.
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Call operation doWeird on our MXBean [1]");
                mbsc.invoke(objName, "doWeird",
                        new Object[]{result},
                        new String[]{""});
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                // We build the CompositeData ourselves that time.
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Call operation doWeird on our MXBean [2]");
                String typeName = "SqeParameter";
                String[] itemNames = new String[] {"glop"};
                OpenType<?>[] openTypes = new OpenType<?>[] {SimpleType.STRING};
                CompositeType rowType = new CompositeType(typeName, typeName,
                        itemNames, itemNames, openTypes);
                Object[] itemValues = {"HECTOR"};
                CompositeData data =
                        new CompositeDataSupport(rowType, itemNames, itemValues);
                TabularType tabType = new TabularType(typeName, typeName,
                        rowType, new String[]{"glop"});
                TabularDataSupport tds = new TabularDataSupport(tabType);
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Source CompositeData is " + data);
                mbsc.invoke(objName, "doWeird",
                        new Object[]{data},
                        new String[]{""});
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Unregister the MBean");
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // Terminate the JMX Client

            } catch(Exception e) {
                Utils.printThrowable(e, true) ;
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            } finally {
源代码12 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件:
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {

            int errorCount = 0 ;
            String msgTag = "ClientSide::main: ";

            try {

                // Get a connection to remote mbean server
                JMXServiceURL addr = new JMXServiceURL(args[0]);
                JMXConnector cc = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(addr);
                MBeanServerConnection mbsc = cc.getMBeanServerConnection();

                // ----
                System.out.println(msgTag + "Create and register the MBean");
                ObjectName objName = new ObjectName("sqe:type=Basic,protocol=rmi") ;
                mbsc.createMBean(BASIC_MXBEAN_CLASS_NAME, objName);
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Get attribute SqeParameterAtt on our MXBean");
                Object result = mbsc.getAttribute(objName, "SqeParameterAtt");
                System.out.println(msgTag +"(OK) Got result of class "
                        + result.getClass().getName());
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Received CompositeData is " + result);
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                // We use the value returned by getAttribute to perform the invoke.
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Call operation doWeird on our MXBean [1]");
                mbsc.invoke(objName, "doWeird",
                        new Object[]{result},
                        new String[]{""});
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                // We build the CompositeData ourselves that time.
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Call operation doWeird on our MXBean [2]");
                String typeName = "SqeParameter";
                String[] itemNames = new String[] {"glop"};
                OpenType<?>[] openTypes = new OpenType<?>[] {SimpleType.STRING};
                CompositeType rowType = new CompositeType(typeName, typeName,
                        itemNames, itemNames, openTypes);
                Object[] itemValues = {"HECTOR"};
                CompositeData data =
                        new CompositeDataSupport(rowType, itemNames, itemValues);
                TabularType tabType = new TabularType(typeName, typeName,
                        rowType, new String[]{"glop"});
                TabularDataSupport tds = new TabularDataSupport(tabType);
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Source CompositeData is " + data);
                mbsc.invoke(objName, "doWeird",
                        new Object[]{data},
                        new String[]{""});
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Unregister the MBean");
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // Terminate the JMX Client

            } catch(Exception e) {
                Utils.printThrowable(e, true) ;
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            } finally {
源代码13 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {

            int errorCount = 0 ;
            String msgTag = "ClientSide::main: ";

            try {

                // Get a connection to remote mbean server
                JMXServiceURL addr = new JMXServiceURL(args[0]);
                JMXConnector cc = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(addr);
                MBeanServerConnection mbsc = cc.getMBeanServerConnection();

                // ----
                System.out.println(msgTag + "Create and register the MBean");
                ObjectName objName = new ObjectName("sqe:type=Basic,protocol=rmi") ;
                mbsc.createMBean(BASIC_MXBEAN_CLASS_NAME, objName);
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Get attribute SqeParameterAtt on our MXBean");
                Object result = mbsc.getAttribute(objName, "SqeParameterAtt");
                System.out.println(msgTag +"(OK) Got result of class "
                        + result.getClass().getName());
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Received CompositeData is " + result);
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                // We use the value returned by getAttribute to perform the invoke.
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Call operation doWeird on our MXBean [1]");
                mbsc.invoke(objName, "doWeird",
                        new Object[]{result},
                        new String[]{""});
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                // We build the CompositeData ourselves that time.
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Call operation doWeird on our MXBean [2]");
                String typeName = "SqeParameter";
                String[] itemNames = new String[] {"glop"};
                OpenType<?>[] openTypes = new OpenType<?>[] {SimpleType.STRING};
                CompositeType rowType = new CompositeType(typeName, typeName,
                        itemNames, itemNames, openTypes);
                Object[] itemValues = {"HECTOR"};
                CompositeData data =
                        new CompositeDataSupport(rowType, itemNames, itemValues);
                TabularType tabType = new TabularType(typeName, typeName,
                        rowType, new String[]{"glop"});
                TabularDataSupport tds = new TabularDataSupport(tabType);
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Source CompositeData is " + data);
                mbsc.invoke(objName, "doWeird",
                        new Object[]{data},
                        new String[]{""});
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Unregister the MBean");
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // Terminate the JMX Client

            } catch(Exception e) {
                Utils.printThrowable(e, true) ;
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            } finally {
源代码14 项目: Tomcat7.0.67   文件:
 * create new Mbean and when set from ClassLoader Objectname
 * @param jmxServerConnection
 * @param name
 * @return The value of the given named attribute
 * @throws Exception
protected String jmxCreate(MBeanServerConnection jmxServerConnection,
        String name) throws Exception {
    String error = null;
    Object argsA[] = null;
    String sigA[] = null;
    if (args != null) {
       argsA = new Object[ args.size()];
       sigA = new String[args.size()];
       for( int i=0; i<args.size(); i++ ) {
           Arg arg=args.get(i);
           if (arg.getType() == null) {
           } else {
    if (classLoader != null && !"".equals(classLoader)) {
        if (isEcho()) {
            handleOutput("create MBean " + name + " from class "
                    + className + " with classLoader " + classLoader);
        if(args == null)
            jmxServerConnection.createMBean(className, new ObjectName(name), new ObjectName(classLoader));
            jmxServerConnection.createMBean(className, new ObjectName(name), new ObjectName(classLoader),argsA,sigA);
    } else {
        if (isEcho()) {
            handleOutput("create MBean " + name + " from class "
                    + className);
        if(args == null)
            jmxServerConnection.createMBean(className, new ObjectName(name));
            jmxServerConnection.createMBean(className, new ObjectName(name),argsA,sigA);
    return error;
源代码15 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {

            int errorCount = 0 ;
            String msgTag = "ClientSide::main: ";

            try {

                // Get a connection to remote mbean server
                JMXServiceURL addr = new JMXServiceURL(args[0]);
                JMXConnector cc = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(addr);
                MBeanServerConnection mbsc = cc.getMBeanServerConnection();

                // ----
                System.out.println(msgTag + "Create and register the MBean");
                ObjectName objName = new ObjectName("sqe:type=Basic,protocol=rmi") ;
                mbsc.createMBean(BASIC_MXBEAN_CLASS_NAME, objName);
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Get attribute SqeParameterAtt on our MXBean");
                Object result = mbsc.getAttribute(objName, "SqeParameterAtt");
                System.out.println(msgTag +"(OK) Got result of class "
                        + result.getClass().getName());
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Received CompositeData is " + result);
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                // We use the value returned by getAttribute to perform the invoke.
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Call operation doWeird on our MXBean [1]");
                mbsc.invoke(objName, "doWeird",
                        new Object[]{result},
                        new String[]{""});
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                // We build the CompositeData ourselves that time.
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Call operation doWeird on our MXBean [2]");
                String typeName = "SqeParameter";
                String[] itemNames = new String[] {"glop"};
                OpenType<?>[] openTypes = new OpenType<?>[] {SimpleType.STRING};
                CompositeType rowType = new CompositeType(typeName, typeName,
                        itemNames, itemNames, openTypes);
                Object[] itemValues = {"HECTOR"};
                CompositeData data =
                        new CompositeDataSupport(rowType, itemNames, itemValues);
                TabularType tabType = new TabularType(typeName, typeName,
                        rowType, new String[]{"glop"});
                TabularDataSupport tds = new TabularDataSupport(tabType);
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Source CompositeData is " + data);
                mbsc.invoke(objName, "doWeird",
                        new Object[]{data},
                        new String[]{""});
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // ----
                System.out.println(msgTag +"Unregister the MBean");
                System.out.println(msgTag +"---- OK\n") ;

                // Terminate the JMX Client

            } catch(Exception e) {
                Utils.printThrowable(e, true) ;
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            } finally {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        final MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();

        final JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi://");

        JMXConnectorServer server = JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(url, null, mbs);

        JMXConnector client = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(server.getAddress(), null);

        final MBeanServerConnection mbsc = client.getMBeanServerConnection();

        final ObjectName mbean = ObjectName.getInstance(":type=Simple");
        mbsc.createMBean(Simple.class.getName(), mbean);

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: add a listener ...");
        final Listener li = new Listener();
        mbsc.addNotificationListener(mbean, li, null, null);

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: ask to send a notif ...");
        mbsc.invoke(mbean, "emitNotification", null, null);

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: waiting notif...");
        final long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 2000;
        synchronized(li) {
            long toWait = stopTime - System.currentTimeMillis();

            while (li.received < 1 && toWait > 0) {

                toWait = stopTime - System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (li.received < 1) {
            throw new RuntimeException("No notif received!");
        } else if (li.received > 1) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Wait one notif but got: "+li.received);

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: Got the expected notif!");

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: remove the listener.");
        mbsc.removeNotificationListener(mbean, li);

        // clean

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: Bye.");
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        final MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();

        final JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi://");

        JMXConnectorServer server = JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(url, null, mbs);

        JMXConnector client = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(server.getAddress(), null);

        final MBeanServerConnection mbsc = client.getMBeanServerConnection();

        final ObjectName mbean = ObjectName.getInstance(":type=Simple");
        mbsc.createMBean(Simple.class.getName(), mbean);

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: add a listener ...");
        final Listener li = new Listener();
        mbsc.addNotificationListener(mbean, li, null, null);

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: ask to send a notif ...");
        mbsc.invoke(mbean, "emitNotification", null, null);

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: waiting notif...");
        final long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 2000;
        synchronized(li) {
            long toWait = stopTime - System.currentTimeMillis();

            while (li.received < 1 && toWait > 0) {

                toWait = stopTime - System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (li.received < 1) {
            throw new RuntimeException("No notif received!");
        } else if (li.received > 1) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Wait one notif but got: "+li.received);

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: Got the expected notif!");

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: remove the listener.");
        mbsc.removeNotificationListener(mbean, li);

        // clean

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: Bye.");
源代码18 项目: openjdk-8   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        final MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();

        final JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi://");

        JMXConnectorServer server = JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(url, null, mbs);

        JMXConnector client = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(server.getAddress(), null);

        final MBeanServerConnection mbsc = client.getMBeanServerConnection();

        final ObjectName mbean = ObjectName.getInstance(":type=Simple");
        mbsc.createMBean(Simple.class.getName(), mbean);

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: add a listener ...");
        final Listener li = new Listener();
        mbsc.addNotificationListener(mbean, li, null, null);

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: ask to send a notif ...");
        mbsc.invoke(mbean, "emitNotification", null, null);

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: waiting notif...");
        final long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 2000;
        synchronized(li) {
            long toWait = stopTime - System.currentTimeMillis();

            while (li.received < 1 && toWait > 0) {

                toWait = stopTime - System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (li.received < 1) {
            throw new RuntimeException("No notif received!");
        } else if (li.received > 1) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Wait one notif but got: "+li.received);

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: Got the expected notif!");

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: remove the listener.");
        mbsc.removeNotificationListener(mbean, li);

        // clean

        System.out.println("EmptyDomainNotificationTest-main: Bye.");
源代码19 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
 * Create and register a new singleton instance of the ScanManager
 * MBean in the given {@link MBeanServerConnection}.
 * @param mbs The MBeanServer in which the new singleton instance
 *         should be created.
 * @throws JMException The MBeanServer connection raised an exception
 *         while trying to instantiate and register the singleton MBean
 *         instance.
 * @throws IOException There was a connection problem while trying to
 *         communicate with the underlying MBeanServer.
 * @return A proxy for the registered MBean.
public static ScanManagerMXBean register(MBeanServerConnection mbs)
    throws IOException, JMException {
    final ObjectInstance moi =
    final ScanManagerMXBean proxy =
    return proxy;
源代码20 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件:
 * Create and register a new singleton instance of the ScanManager
 * MBean in the given {@link MBeanServerConnection}.
 * @param mbs The MBeanServer in which the new singleton instance
 *         should be created.
 * @throws JMException The MBeanServer connection raised an exception
 *         while trying to instantiate and register the singleton MBean
 *         instance.
 * @throws IOException There was a connection problem while trying to
 *         communicate with the underlying MBeanServer.
 * @return A proxy for the registered MBean.
public static ScanManagerMXBean register(MBeanServerConnection mbs)
    throws IOException, JMException {
    final ObjectInstance moi =
    final ScanManagerMXBean proxy =
    return proxy;