org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils#replace ( )源码实例Demo

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 * Escapes the given property value. This method is called on saving the
 * configuration for each property value. It ensures a correct handling of
 * backslash characters and also takes care that list delimiter characters
 * in the value are escaped.
 * @param value the property value
 * @param inList a flag whether the value is part of a list
 * @param transformer the {@code ValueTransformer}
 * @return the escaped property value
protected String escapeValue(final Object value, final boolean inList,
        final ValueTransformer transformer)
    String escapedValue =
                    value, inList)));
    if (getDelimiter() != 0)
        escapedValue =
                        String.valueOf(getDelimiter()), ESCAPE
                                + getDelimiter());
    return escapedValue;
源代码2 项目: symja_android_library   文件:
public static String getMessage(String messageShortcut, final IAST listOfArgs, EvalEngine engine) {
	IExpr temp = F.General.evalMessage(messageShortcut);
	String message = null;
	if (temp.isPresent()) {
		message = temp.toString();
	if (message == null) {
		message = "Undefined message shortcut: " + messageShortcut;
		return message;
	for (int i = 1; i < listOfArgs.size(); i++) {
		message = StringUtils.replace(message, "`" + (i) + "`", listOfArgs.get(i).toString());
	return message;
private Event getEvent(String filename, long actionId, Map<String, String> placeholders) throws Exception {
    Path path = new File(TestUtils.findTestData(
            "/com/suse/manager/reactor/messaging/test/" + filename).getPath()).toPath();
    String eventString = Files.lines(path)
            .replaceAll("\"suma-action-id\": \\d+", "\"suma-action-id\": " + actionId);

    if (placeholders != null) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entries : placeholders.entrySet()) {
            String placeholder = entries.getKey();
            String value = entries.getValue();
            eventString = StringUtils.replace(eventString, placeholder, value);
    return eventParser.parse(eventString);
源代码4 项目: swagger2markup   文件:
public void updateQueryParameterValue(Parameter parameter, Object example) {
    if (example == null)

    if (query.contains(parameter.getName()))
        query = StringUtils.replace(
                '{' + parameter.getName() + '}',
源代码5 项目: sakai   文件:
public void encodeBegin(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent component)
		throws IOException {
	// If this is a currently sorted sort header, always give it the "currentSort" CSS style class
       if (component instanceof HtmlCommandSortHeader) {
           HtmlCommandSortHeader sortHeader = (HtmlCommandSortHeader)component;
           String styleClass = StringUtils.trimToNull(getStyleClass(facesContext, component));
           String newStyleClass;
           String unStyleClass;
           if (sortHeader.findParentDataTable().getSortColumn().equals(sortHeader.getColumnName())) {
           	newStyleClass = CURRENT_SORT_STYLE;
           	unStyleClass = NOT_CURRENT_SORT_STYLE;
           } else {
           	newStyleClass = NOT_CURRENT_SORT_STYLE;
           	unStyleClass = CURRENT_SORT_STYLE;
           if (StringUtils.indexOf(styleClass, newStyleClass) == -1) {
           	if (StringUtils.indexOf(styleClass, unStyleClass) != -1) {
           		styleClass = StringUtils.replace(styleClass, unStyleClass, newStyleClass);
           	} else if (styleClass != null) {
           		styleClass = (new StringBuilder(styleClass)).append(' ').append(newStyleClass).toString();
           	} else {
           		styleClass = newStyleClass;
		super.encodeBegin(facesContext, component); //check for NP
源代码6 项目: fingen   文件:
 * Return numeric value represented by the text field
 * @return numeric value
public double getNumericValue() {
    String original = getText().toString().replaceAll(mNumberFilterRegex, "");
    if (hasCustomDecimalSeparator) {
        // swap custom decimal separator with locale one to allow parsing
        original = StringUtils.replace(original,
                String.valueOf(mDecimalSeparator), String.valueOf(DECIMAL_SEPARATOR));

    try {
        return NumberFormat.getInstance().parse(original).doubleValue();
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        return Double.NaN;
源代码7 项目: cuba   文件:
public CustomCondition(AbstractConditionDescriptor descriptor, String where, String join, String entityAlias, boolean inExpr) {
    this.entityAlias = entityAlias;
    this.join = join;
    this.text = where;
    this.inExpr = inExpr;
    //re-create param because at this moment we have a correct value of inExpr
    param = AppBeans.get(ConditionParamBuilder.class).createParam(this);
    if (param != null)
        text = StringUtils.replace(text, "?", ":" + param.getName());
源代码8 项目: FunnyGuilds   文件:
private boolean sendMessageToAllGuilds(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event, String message, PluginConfiguration c, Player player, Guild guild) {
    String allGuildsPrefix = c.chatGlobal;
    int prefixLength = allGuildsPrefix.length();
    if (message.length() > prefixLength && message.substring(0, prefixLength).equals(allGuildsPrefix)) {
        String resultMessage = c.chatGlobalDesign;
        resultMessage = StringUtils.replace(resultMessage, "{PLAYER}", player.getName());
        resultMessage = StringUtils.replace(resultMessage, "{TAG}", guild.getTag());
        resultMessage = StringUtils.replace(resultMessage, "{POS}",
                StringUtils.replace(c.chatPosition, "{POS}", getPositionString(User.get(player), c)));

        String subMessage = event.getMessage().substring(prefixLength).trim();
        resultMessage = StringUtils.replace(resultMessage, "{MESSAGE}", subMessage);

        this.spy(player, subMessage);

        for (Guild g : GuildUtils.getGuilds()) {
            this.sendMessageToGuild(g, player, resultMessage);
        return true;
    return false;
 * Create JSXGraph sliders.
 * @param ast
 *            from position 2 to size()-1 there maybe some <code>Manipulate</code> sliders defined
 * @param js
 *            the JSXGraph JavaScript template
 * @param boundingbox
 *            an array of double values (length 4) which describes the bounding box
 *            <code>[xMin, yMAx, xMax, yMin]</code>
 * @param toJS
 *            the Symja to JavaScript converter factory
 * @return
private static String jsxgraphSlidersFromList(final IAST ast, String js, double[] boundingbox,
		JavaScriptFormFactory toJS) {
	if (ast.size() >= 3) {
		if (ast.arg2().isList()) {
			double xDelta = (boundingbox[2] - boundingbox[0]) / 10;
			double yDelta = (boundingbox[1] - boundingbox[3]) / 10;
			double xPos1Slider = boundingbox[0] + xDelta;
			double xPos2Slider = boundingbox[2] - xDelta;
			double yPosSlider = boundingbox[1] - yDelta;
			StringBuilder slider = new StringBuilder();
			for (int i = 2; i < ast.size(); i++) {
				if (ast.get(i).isList()) {
					if (!jsxgraphSingleSlider((IAST) ast.getAST(i), slider, xPos1Slider, xPos2Slider, yPosSlider,
							toJS)) {
						return null;
					yPosSlider -= yDelta;
				} else {
			js = StringUtils.replace(js, "`1`", slider.toString());
	} else {
		js = StringUtils.replace(js, "`1`", "");
	return js;
源代码10 项目: ontopia   文件:
public String generate(ContextTag contextTag, TopicMapReferenceIF tmRefObj,
                       String template) {
  String link = template;
  // replace topicmap id placeholder with real value
  String topicmapId = tmRefObj.getId();
  link = StringUtils.replace(link, LINK_TOPICMAP_KEY, topicmapId);

  return link;
源代码11 项目: HtmlUnit-Android   文件:
 * Reduce the whitespace and do some more cleanup.
 * @param text the text to clean up
 * @return the new text
protected String cleanUp(String text) {
    // ignore <br/> at the end of a block
    text = reduceWhitespace(text);
    text = StringUtils.replace(text, AS_TEXT_BLANK, " ");
    final String ls = System.lineSeparator();
    text = StringUtils.replace(text, AS_TEXT_NEW_LINE, ls);
    text = StringUtils.replace(text, AS_TEXT_BLOCK_SEPARATOR, ls);
    text = StringUtils.replace(text, AS_TEXT_TAB, "\t");

    return text;
源代码12 项目: bbs   文件:
 * IP归属地格式化
 * @param ipAddress
 * @return
private static String format(String ipAddress){
	if(ipAddress != null && !"".equals(ipAddress.trim())){
		ipAddress = StringUtils.replace(ipAddress, "|0", " ");//0替换成空串
		ipAddress = StringUtils.replace(ipAddress, "|", " ");//竖线替换成空格
	return ipAddress;
源代码13 项目: analysis-model   文件:
private String splitFileName(final String fileName) {
    Matcher matcher = PACKAGE_PATTERN.matcher(fileName);
    if (matcher.find()) {
        String main =;
        String subclassed =;
        String module = SEPARATOR + main;
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(subclassed)) {
            module += StringUtils.replace(subclassed, "/", SEPARATOR);
        return module;
    return StringUtils.EMPTY;
源代码14 项目: archiva   文件:
public ItemSelector toProjectSelector( String path )
    throws RepositoryMetadataException
    if ( !path.endsWith( "/" + MAVEN_METADATA ) )
        throw new RepositoryMetadataException( "Cannot convert to versioned reference, not a metadata file. " );

    ArchivaItemSelector.Builder builder = ArchivaItemSelector.builder( );

    String normalizedPath = StringUtils.replace( path, "\\", "/" );
    String pathParts[] = StringUtils.split( normalizedPath, '/' );

    // Assume last part of the path is the version.

    int artifactIdOffset = pathParts.length - 2;
    int groupIdEnd = artifactIdOffset - 1;

    builder.withArtifactId( pathParts[artifactIdOffset] );
    builder.withProjectId( pathParts[artifactIdOffset] );

    StringBuilder gid = new StringBuilder();
    for ( int i = 0; i <= groupIdEnd; i++ )
        if ( i > 0 )
            gid.append( "." );
        gid.append( pathParts[i] );

    builder.withNamespace( gid.toString( ) );
源代码15 项目: carina   文件:
public String encryptByPattern(String content, Pattern pattern) {
    if (isEncrypted(content, pattern)) {
        String wildcard = pattern.pattern().substring(pattern.pattern().indexOf("{") + 1,
        if (content != null && content.contains(wildcard)) {
            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content);
            while (matcher.find()) {
                String group =;
                String crypt = StringUtils.removeStart(group, "{" + wildcard + ":").replace("}", "");
                content = StringUtils.replace(content, group, encrypt(crypt));
    return content;
源代码16 项目: ratel   文件:
public String getName() {
    return StringUtils.replace(mName, "\"", "q");
源代码17 项目: FunnyGuilds   文件:
public void execute(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
    Player player = (Player) sender;
    PluginConfiguration config = FunnyGuilds.getInstance().getPluginConfiguration();

    List<ItemStack> guiItems = config.guiItems;
    String title = config.guiItemsTitle;

    if (!config.useCommonGUI && player.hasPermission("")) {
        guiItems = config.guiItemsVip;
        title = config.guiItemsVipTitle;

    GuiWindow gui = new GuiWindow(title, guiItems.size() / 9 + (guiItems.size() % 9 != 0 ? 1 : 0));
    gui.setCloseEvent(close -> gui.unregister());

    for (ItemStack item : guiItems) {
        item = item.clone();

        if (config.addLoreLines && (config.createItems.contains(item) || config.createItemsVip.contains(item))) {
            ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
            List<String> lore = meta.hasLore() ? meta.getLore() : new ArrayList<>();

            int reqAmount = item.getAmount();
            int pinvAmount = ItemUtils.getItemAmount(item, player.getInventory());
            int ecAmount = ItemUtils.getItemAmount(item, player.getEnderChest());

            for (String line : config.guiItemsLore) {
                line = StringUtils.replace(line, "{REQ-AMOUNT}", Integer.toString(reqAmount));
                line = StringUtils.replace(line, "{PINV-AMOUNT}", Integer.toString(pinvAmount));
                line = StringUtils.replace(line, "{PINV-PERCENT}", ChatUtils.getPercent(pinvAmount, reqAmount));
                line = StringUtils.replace(line, "{EC-AMOUNT}", Integer.toString(ecAmount));
                line = StringUtils.replace(line, "{EC-PERCENT}", ChatUtils.getPercent(ecAmount, reqAmount));
                line = StringUtils.replace(line, "{ALL-AMOUNT}", Integer.toString(pinvAmount + ecAmount));
                line = StringUtils.replace(line, "{ALL-PERCENT}", ChatUtils.getPercent(pinvAmount + ecAmount, reqAmount));



        gui.setToNextFree(new GuiItem(item));
源代码18 项目: stratio-cassandra   文件:
private static String escape(String name)
    return StringUtils.replace(name, "'", "''");
源代码19 项目: textuml   文件:
public static String escapeForDot(String labelText) {
	return StringUtils.replace(labelText, "\"", "\\\"");
源代码20 项目: dhis2-core   文件:
public void receive( IncomingSms sms )
    String message = sms.getText();

    SMSCommand smsCommand = smsCommandService.getSMSCommand( SmsUtils.getCommandString( sms ),
        ParserType.J2ME_PARSER );

    String token[] = message.split( "!" );
    Map<String, String> parsedMessage = this.parse( token[1], smsCommand );

    String senderPhoneNumber = StringUtils.replace( sms.getOriginator(), "+", "" );
    Collection<OrganisationUnit> orgUnits = getOrganisationUnits( sms );

    if ( orgUnits == null || orgUnits.size() == 0 )
        if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( smsCommand.getNoUserMessage() ) )
            throw new SMSParserException( SMSCommand.NO_USER_MESSAGE );
            throw new SMSParserException( smsCommand.getNoUserMessage() );

    OrganisationUnit orgUnit = SmsUtils.selectOrganisationUnit( orgUnits, parsedMessage, smsCommand );
    Period period = this.getPeriod( token[0].trim(), smsCommand.getDataset().getPeriodType() );
    boolean valueStored = false;

    for ( SMSCode code : smsCommand.getCodes() )
        if ( parsedMessage.containsKey( code.getCode() ) )
            storeDataValue( sms, orgUnit, parsedMessage, code, smsCommand, period );
            valueStored = true;

    if ( parsedMessage.isEmpty() || !valueStored )
        if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( smsCommand.getDefaultMessage() ) )
            throw new SMSParserException( "No values reported for command '" + smsCommand.getName() + "'" );
            throw new SMSParserException( smsCommand.getDefaultMessage() );

    this.registerCompleteDataSet( smsCommand.getDataset(), period, orgUnit, "mobile" );

    this.sendSuccessFeedback( senderPhoneNumber, smsCommand, parsedMessage, period, orgUnit );