org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils#removeStart ( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: chassis   文件:
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
	// figure out the real path
	String pathInfo = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(req.getPathInfo());
	while (pathInfo.endsWith("/")) {
		pathInfo = StringUtils.removeEnd(pathInfo, "/");
	while (pathInfo.startsWith("/")) {
		pathInfo = StringUtils.removeStart(pathInfo, "/");

	if (StringUtils.isBlank(pathInfo)) {
		resp.sendRedirect(rootContextPath + "/" + welcomePage);
	} else {
		Resource resource = resourceLoader.getResource("classpath:" + classPathDirectory + req.getPathInfo());
		if (resource.exists()) {
			StreamUtils.copy(resource.getInputStream(), resp.getOutputStream());
		} else {
源代码2 项目: archiva   文件:
public void setCheckPath(String checkPath) {
    if (checkPath==null) {
    } else if (checkPath.startsWith("/")) {
        this.checkPath = StringUtils.removeStart(checkPath, "/");
        while(this.checkPath.startsWith("/")) {
            this.checkPath = StringUtils.removeStart(checkPath, "/");
    } else {
        this.checkPath = checkPath;
源代码3 项目: cyberduck   文件:
protected StringBuffer renderWrappedText(final StringBuffer sb, final int width, int nextLineTabStop, String text) {
    int pos = findWrapPos(text, width, 0);
    if(pos == -1) {

        return sb;
    sb.append(rtrim(text.substring(0, pos))).append(getNewLine());
    if(nextLineTabStop >= width) {
        // stops infinite loop happening
        nextLineTabStop = 1;
    // all following lines must be padded with nextLineTabStop space characters
    final String padding = createPadding(nextLineTabStop);
    while(true) {
        text = padding + StringUtils.removeStart(text.substring(pos), StringUtils.SPACE);
        pos = findWrapPos(text, width, 0);
        if(pos == -1) {
            return sb;
        if((text.length() > width) && (pos == nextLineTabStop - 1)) {
            pos = width;
        sb.append(rtrim(text.substring(0, pos))).append(getNewLine());
源代码4 项目: owltools   文件:
 * Create an instance for the given path
 * @param pFile path
 * @throws IOException
public PANTHERTree (File pFile) throws IOException {

	if( pFile == null ){ throw new Error("No file was specified..."); }

	String fileAsStr = FileUtils.readFileToString(pFile);
	String[] lines = StringUtils.split(fileAsStr, "\n");

	// The first line is the tree in Newick-ish form, the rest is the annotation info
	// that needs to be parsed later on.
	if( lines.length < 3 ){
		throw new Error("Does not look like a usable PANTHER tree file: " + pFile.getName());

		// The human tree name.
		//treeLabel = StringUtils.lowerCase(StringUtils.removeStart(lines[0], "NAME="));
		treeLabel = StringUtils.removeStart(lines[0], "NAME=");

		// The raw tree.
		treeStr = lines[1];

		// The raw annotations associated with the tree.
		treeAnns = Arrays.copyOfRange(lines, 2, lines.length);

		if( treeAnns == null || treeStr == null || treeLabel == null || treeStr.equals("") || treeLabel.equals("") || treeAnns.length < 1 ){
			throw new Error("It looks like a bad PANTHER tree file.");
			String filename = pFile.getName();
			treeID = StringUtils.substringBefore(filename, ".");

	//"Processing: " + getTreeName() + " with " + lines.length + " lines.");
	annotationSet = new HashSet<String>();
	generateGraph(); // this must come before annotation processing
源代码5 项目: camel-kafka-connector   文件:
private void addHeader(Map<String, Object> map, Header singleHeader) {
    String camelHeaderKey = StringUtils.removeStart(singleHeader.key(), HEADER_CAMEL_PREFIX);
    Schema schema = singleHeader.schema();
    if (schema.type().getName().equals(Schema.STRING_SCHEMA.type().getName())) {
        map.put(camelHeaderKey, (String)singleHeader.value());
    } else if (schema.type().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Schema.BOOLEAN_SCHEMA.type().getName())) {
        map.put(camelHeaderKey, (Boolean)singleHeader.value());
    } else if (schema.type().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Schema.INT32_SCHEMA.type().getName())) {
        map.put(camelHeaderKey, singleHeader.value());
    } else if (schema.type().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Schema.BYTES_SCHEMA.type().getName())) {
        map.put(camelHeaderKey, (byte[])singleHeader.value());
    } else if (schema.type().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Schema.FLOAT32_SCHEMA.type().getName())) {
        map.put(camelHeaderKey, (float)singleHeader.value());
    } else if (schema.type().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Schema.FLOAT64_SCHEMA.type().getName())) {
        map.put(camelHeaderKey, (double)singleHeader.value());
    } else if (schema.type().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Schema.INT16_SCHEMA.type().getName())) {
        map.put(camelHeaderKey, (short)singleHeader.value());
    } else if (schema.type().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Schema.INT64_SCHEMA.type().getName())) {
        map.put(camelHeaderKey, (long)singleHeader.value());
    } else if (schema.type().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Schema.INT8_SCHEMA.type().getName())) {
        map.put(camelHeaderKey, (byte)singleHeader.value());
    } else if (schema.type().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(, Schema.STRING_SCHEMA).type().getName())) {
        map.put(camelHeaderKey, (Map<?, ?>)singleHeader.value());
    } else if (schema.type().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(SchemaBuilder.array(Schema.STRING_SCHEMA).type().getName())) {
        map.put(camelHeaderKey, (List<?>)singleHeader.value());
源代码6 项目: scoold   文件:
private ParaObject checkApiAuth(HttpServletRequest req) {
	if (req.getRequestURI().equals(CONTEXT_PATH + "/api")) {
		return null;
	String apiKeyJWT = StringUtils.removeStart(req.getHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION), "Bearer ");
	if (req.getRequestURI().equals(CONTEXT_PATH + "/api/stats") && isValidJWToken(apiKeyJWT)) {
		return API_USER;
	} else if (!isApiEnabled() || StringUtils.isBlank(apiKeyJWT) || !isValidJWToken(apiKeyJWT)) {
		throw new WebApplicationException(401);
	return API_USER;
源代码7 项目: hbase   文件:
public void setUp() throws Exception {
  Configuration c = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
  c.setBoolean("", true);
  table = TEST_UTIL.createMultiRegionTable(TABLE_NAME, FAMILY);
  TEST_UTIL.loadTable(table, FAMILY);

  // setup the hdfssnapshots
  client = new DFSClient(TEST_UTIL.getDFSCluster().getURI(), TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration());
  String fullUrIPath = TEST_UTIL.getDefaultRootDirPath().toString();
  String uriString = TEST_UTIL.getTestFileSystem().getUri().toString();
  baseDir = StringUtils.removeStart(fullUrIPath, uriString);
源代码8 项目: WeBASE-Front   文件:
 * remove fist string.
public static String removeFirstStr(String constant, String target) {
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(constant) || StringUtils.isBlank(target)) {
        return constant;
    if (constant.startsWith(target)) {
        constant = StringUtils.removeStart(constant, target);
    return constant;
源代码9 项目: openemm   文件:
private static Tuple<String, String> createHostProperty(Entry<String, String> propertyEntry) {
	String hostFunction = StringUtils.removeStart(propertyEntry.getKey(), "hostname-");
	String hostName = propertyEntry.getValue();
	String propertyName = String.format("", hostFunction, hostName);
	String reachable = "ERROR";
	try {
		InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(hostName);
		reachable = address.isReachable(1000) ? "OK" : "ERROR";
	} catch (IOException e) {
		logger.error("Cannot reach to host " + hostName, e);
	return new Tuple<>(propertyName, reachable);
源代码10 项目: JsoupXpath   文件:
public XValue exprStr(){
    this.isExprStr = true;
    String str = StringUtils.removeStart(String.valueOf(this.value),"'");
    str = StringUtils.removeStart(str,"\"");
    str = StringUtils.removeEnd(str,"'");
    this.value = StringUtils.removeEnd(str,"\"");
    return this;
源代码11 项目: symbol-sdk-java   文件:
protected ObservableSource<NetworkCurrency> getNetworkCurrency(String mosaicIdHex) {
    MosaicId mosaicId = new MosaicId(
        StringUtils.removeStart(mosaicIdHex.replace("'", "").substring(2), "0x"));
    return createMosaicRepository().getMosaic(mosaicId)
        .map(mosaicInfo -> new NetworkCurrencyBuilder(mosaicInfo.getMosaicId(),
        .flatMap(builder -> createNamespaceRepository()
                names -> -> n.getMosaicId().equals(mosaicId))
                    .map(name -> builder.withNamespaceId(getNamespaceId(names)).build())
源代码12 项目: bird-java   文件:
public static String getDbFieldName(Field field) {
    TableField tableField = field.getAnnotation(TableField.class);
    String dbFieldName = tableField == null ? field.getName() : tableField.value();

    if (StringUtils.startsWith(dbFieldName, "{") && StringUtils.endsWith(dbFieldName, "}")) {
        dbFieldName = StringUtils.removeStart(dbFieldName, "{");
        dbFieldName = StringUtils.removeEnd(dbFieldName, "}");
    } else {
        dbFieldName = StringUtils.wrapIfMissing(dbFieldName, '`');
    return dbFieldName;
源代码13 项目: circus-train   文件:
private void initialiseCopyJobsFromListing(
    AmazonS3URI sourceS3Uri,
    final AmazonS3URI targetS3Uri,
    ListObjectsRequest request,
    ObjectListing listing) {
      .debug("Found objects to copy {}, for request {}/{}", listing.getObjectSummaries(), request.getBucketName(),
  List<S3ObjectSummary> objectSummaries = listing.getObjectSummaries();
  for (final S3ObjectSummary s3ObjectSummary : objectSummaries) {
    totalBytesToReplicate += s3ObjectSummary.getSize();
    String fileName = StringUtils.removeStart(s3ObjectSummary.getKey(), sourceS3Uri.getKey());
    final String targetKey = Strings.nullToEmpty(targetS3Uri.getKey()) + fileName;
    CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest = new CopyObjectRequest(s3ObjectSummary.getBucketName(),
        s3ObjectSummary.getKey(), targetS3Uri.getBucket(), targetKey);

    if (s3s3CopierOptions.getCannedAcl() != null) {


    TransferStateChangeListener stateChangeListener = new BytesTransferStateChangeListener(s3ObjectSummary,
        targetS3Uri, targetKey);
    copyJobRequests.add(new CopyJobRequest(copyObjectRequest, stateChangeListener));
源代码14 项目: sqlg   文件:
private String fromExpression() {
    if (this.fromToIn != null && this.parentPartitionTree.partitionType.isRange()) {
        String tmp = this.fromToIn.substring("FOR VALUES FROM (".length());
        String fromTo[] = tmp.split(" TO ");
        String from = fromTo[0].trim();
        from = StringUtils.removeStart(from, "(");
        from = StringUtils.removeEnd(from, ")");
        return from;
    } else {
        return null;
源代码15 项目: jackdaw   文件:
public final String apply(final String input) {
    final String name = StringUtils.removeStart(StringUtils.removeEnd(input, MODEL), ABSTRACT);
    return StringUtils.equals(name, input) ? input + BEAN : name;
源代码16 项目: synopsys-detect   文件:
private String removeWrappingQuotes(String s) {
    return StringUtils.removeStart(StringUtils.removeEnd(s.trim(), "\""), "\"");
源代码17 项目: DCMonitor   文件:
MetricFetcher(String name) { = StringUtils.removeStart(StringUtils.removeEnd(name, "/"), "/");
  this.accpetMetrics = Collections.singletonList(name);
private String getRelativePath(final String fullUrl, final String remote) {
  return StringUtils.removeStart(fullUrl, remote);
源代码19 项目: cloudsync   文件:
public static String trim(String text, final String character)
	text = StringUtils.removeStart(text, character);
	text = StringUtils.removeEnd(text, character);
	return text;
源代码20 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件:
 * {@link SlaEventKeys} have a prefix of {@link SlaEventKeys#EVENT_GOBBLIN_STATE_PREFIX} to keep properties organized
 * in state. This method removes the prefix before submitting an Sla event.
private String withoutPropertiesPrefix(String key) {
  return StringUtils.removeStart(key, SlaEventKeys.EVENT_GOBBLIN_STATE_PREFIX);