org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils#replaceOnce ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils#replaceOnce ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: openemm   文件:
 * sqlStatementPartForData may not include the "select * from "-part (stripped sql select statement)
public int getNumberOfRecipients(@VelocityCheck int companyID, String statement, Object[] parameters) {
	String selectTotalRows;
	if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(statement, "SELECT * FROM")) {
		selectTotalRows = StringUtils.replaceOnce(statement, "SELECT * FROM", "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM");
	} else {
		selectTotalRows = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + statement;

	try {
		return selectRecipients(companyID, Integer.class, selectTotalRows, parameters);
	} catch (Exception e) {
		logger.error("Error occurred: " + e.getMessage(), e);

	return 0;
源代码2 项目: java8-explorer   文件:
private String createMemberView(MemberInfo memberInfo) {
    String panel =
            "<div class='panel panel-{{color}}'>\n" +
                    "    <div class='panel-heading'>\n" +
                    "        <h3 class='panel-title'>{{name}} <span class='text-muted'>{{type}}</span></h3>\n" +
                    "    </div>\n" +
                    "    <div class='panel-body'><code>{{declaration}}</code></div>\n" +

    panel = StringUtils.replaceOnce(panel, "{{name}}", memberInfo.getName());
    panel = StringUtils.replaceOnce(panel, "{{declaration}}", memberInfo.getDeclaration());
    panel = StringUtils.replaceOnce(panel, "{{type}}", memberInfo.getType().toString());
    panel = StringUtils.replaceOnce(panel, "{{color}}", memberInfo.getType().getColor());
    return panel;
private static Location fixLocation(IJavaElement element, Location location, IJavaProject javaProject) {
	if (location == null) {
		return null;
	if (!javaProject.equals(element.getJavaProject()) && element.getJavaProject().getProject().getName().equals(ProjectsManager.DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME)) {
		// see issue at: and
		// for jdk classes, jdt will reuse the java model by altering project to share the model between projects
		// so that sometimes the project for `element` is default project and the project is different from the project for `unit`
		// this fix is to replace the project name with non-default ones since default project should be transparent to users.
		if (location.getUri().contains(ProjectsManager.DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME)) {
			String patched = StringUtils.replaceOnce(location.getUri(), ProjectsManager.DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME, javaProject.getProject().getName());
			try {
				IClassFile cf = (IClassFile) JavaCore.create(JDTUtils.toURI(patched).getQuery());
				if (cf != null && cf.exists()) {
			} catch (Exception ex) {

	return location;
源代码4 项目: dolphin   文件:
protected void checkAndReplaceOutput(List<IntrospectedColumn> columns, TextElement te) {
    String sql = te.getContent();
		for(IntrospectedColumn column : columns){
				String columnStr = null;
					columnStr = "\""+column.getActualColumnName()+"\"";
					columnStr = column.getActualColumnName();
				sql = StringUtils.replaceOnce(sql, columnStr, "ST_AsText("+columnStr+") as " + columnStr);
				//sql = sql.replace(column.getActualColumnName(), "ST_AsText("+column.getActualColumnName()+")");
//				System.out.println();
//				System.out.println(sql);
    try {
      FieldUtils.writeDeclaredField(te, "content", sql, true);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
源代码5 项目: gecco   文件:
public void process(ProductList productList) {
	HttpRequest currRequest = productList.getRequest();
	int currPage = productList.getCurrPage();
	int nextPage = currPage + 1;
	int totalPage = productList.getTotalPage();
	if(nextPage <= totalPage) {
		String nextUrl = "";
		String currUrl = currRequest.getUrl();
		if(currUrl.indexOf("page=") != -1) {
			nextUrl = StringUtils.replaceOnce(currUrl, "page=" + currPage, "page=" + nextPage);
		} else {
			nextUrl = currUrl + "&" + "page=" + nextPage;
源代码6 项目: bisq-core   文件:
public String formatAccountAge(long durationMillis) {
    durationMillis = Math.max(0, durationMillis);
    String day = Res.get("").toLowerCase();
    String days = Res.get("time.days");
    String format = "d\' " + days + "\'";
    return StringUtils.replaceOnce(DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration(durationMillis, format), "1 " + days, "1 " + day);
源代码7 项目: java8-explorer   文件:
private String createDetailView(TypeInfo typeInfo) {
    String content = createClassView(typeInfo);

    for (MemberInfo memberInfo : typeInfo.getMembers()) {
        String panel = createMemberView(memberInfo);
        content += panel;

    String html = "<div id='{{id}}' class='detail-view' data-name='{{name}}'>{{content}}</div>";
    html = StringUtils.replaceOnce(html, "{{id}}", typeInfo.getId());
    html = StringUtils.replaceOnce(html, "{{name}}", typeInfo.getName());
    html = StringUtils.replaceOnce(html, "{{content}}", content);
    return html;
源代码8 项目: hdfs-shell   文件:
private String getShortCwd() {
    String currentDir = contextCommands.getCurrentDir();
    if (currentDir.startsWith("/user/")) {
        final String userHome = "/user/" + this.getWhoami();//call getWhoami later
        if (currentDir.startsWith(userHome)) {
            currentDir = StringUtils.replaceOnce(currentDir, userHome, "~");
    return currentDir;
源代码9 项目: syndesis   文件:
String buildSchema(Path file) throws IOException {
    String specification;
    try (InputStream fileIn = Files.newInputStream(file)) {
        specification = IOUtils.toString(fileIn, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

    final Path parent = file.getParent();
    if (parent == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(file + " needs to be within a directory");

    String fhirBaseTemplate;
    try (InputStream baseIn = Files.newInputStream(parent.resolve("fhir-base-template.xml"))) {
        fhirBaseTemplate = IOUtils.toString(baseIn, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    String fhirCommonTemplate;
    try (InputStream commonIn = Files.newInputStream(parent.resolve("fhir-common-template.xml"))) {
        fhirCommonTemplate = IOUtils.toString(commonIn, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("<xs:element name=\"(\\w+)\" type=\"(\\w+)\">");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(specification);
    String type =;

    String resourceContainer = "<xs:complexType name=\"ResourceContainer\"><xs:choice><xs:element ref=\"" + type + "\"/></xs:choice></xs:complexType>";
    fhirBaseTemplate = StringUtils.replaceOnce(fhirBaseTemplate, "<!-- RESOURCE CONTAINER PLACEHOLDER -->", resourceContainer);

    fhirBaseTemplate += fhirCommonTemplate;
    specification = StringUtils.replaceOnce(specification, "<xs:include schemaLocation=\"fhir-base.xsd\"/>", fhirBaseTemplate);
    return specification;
源代码10 项目: jvm-sandbox   文件:
private static String[] replaceWithSysPropUserHome(final String[] pathArray) {
    if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(pathArray)) {
        return pathArray;
    final String SYS_PROP_USER_HOME = System.getProperty("user.home");
    for (int index = 0; index < pathArray.length; index++) {
        if (StringUtils.startsWith(pathArray[index], "~")) {
            pathArray[index] = StringUtils.replaceOnce(pathArray[index], "~", SYS_PROP_USER_HOME);
    return pathArray;
源代码11 项目: bamboobsc   文件:
public static String getScriptFunctionNameForXhrMain(String functionName) {
	if (StringUtils.isBlank(functionName)) {
		return "";
	functionName = functionName.trim();
	if (functionName.indexOf(";")>-1) {
		functionName = StringUtils.replaceOnce(functionName, ";", "");
	if (functionName.indexOf(")")==-1) {
		functionName = functionName + "()";
	return functionName;
源代码12 项目: bamboobsc   文件:
private Grid handler() {
	this.width = this.width.toLowerCase();
	if (this.width.endsWith("px")) {
		this.width = StringUtils.replaceOnce(this.width, "px", "");
	Grid grid = new Grid();
	return grid;
源代码13 项目: bbs   文件:
 * 根据用户名称删除用户下的所有问题文件
 * @param userName 用户名称
 * @param isStaff 是否为员工
public void deleteQuestionFile(String userName, boolean isStaff){
	int firstIndex = 0;//起始页
	int maxResult = 100;// 每页显示记录数
	String fileNumber = questionManage.generateFileNumber(userName, isStaff);
		List<Question> questionContentList = questionService.findQuestionContentByPage(firstIndex, maxResult,userName,isStaff);
		if(questionContentList == null || questionContentList.size() == 0){
		firstIndex = firstIndex+maxResult;
		for (Question question :questionContentList) { 
			Long questionId = question.getId();
			String questionContent = question.getContent();
			String _appendContent = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(question.getAppendContent(), ",");//从右往左截取到相等的字符,保留左边的

			List<AppendQuestionItem> appendQuestionItemList = JsonUtils.toGenericObject(_appendContent+"]", new TypeReference< List<AppendQuestionItem> >(){});
			if(appendQuestionItemList != null && appendQuestionItemList.size() >0){
				for(AppendQuestionItem appendQuestionItem : appendQuestionItemList){
					questionContent += appendQuestionItem.getContent();
			if(questionContent != null && !"".equals(questionContent.trim())){
				Object[] obj = textFilterManage.readPathName(questionContent,"question");
				if(obj != null && obj.length >0){
					List<String> filePathList = new ArrayList<String>();
					List<String> imageNameList = (List<String>)obj[0];		
					for(String imageName :imageNameList){
					List<String> flashNameList = (List<String>)obj[1];		
					for(String flashName :flashNameList){
					List<String> mediaNameList = (List<String>)obj[2];		
					for(String mediaName :mediaNameList){
					List<String> fileNameList = (List<String>)obj[3];		
					for(String fileName :fileNameList){
					for(String filePath :filePathList){
						filePath = FileUtil.toRelativePath(filePath);
						filePath = FileUtil.toSystemPath(filePath);
						Boolean state = fileManage.deleteFile(filePath);
						if(state != null && state == false){
							filePath = StringUtils.replaceOnce(filePath, "file"+File.separator+"question"+File.separator, "");
			Boolean state_ = fileManage.removeDirectory("file"+File.separator+"answer"+File.separator+questionId+File.separator);
			if(state_ != null && state_ == false){
源代码14 项目: aws-mock   文件:
 * @param obj
 *            object to be serialized and built into xml
 * @param localPartQName
 *            local part of the QName
 * @param requestVersion
 *            the version of EC2 API used by client (aws-sdk, cmd-line tools or other third-party client tools)
 * @return xml representation bound to the given object
public static String marshall(final Object obj, final String localPartQName,
        final String requestVersion) {

    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

    try {
         *  call jaxbMarshaller.marshal() synchronized (fixes the issue of
         *  java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
         *  at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.util.CollisionCheckStack.pushNocheck(
         *  in case of jaxbMarshaller.marshal() is called concurrently
        synchronized (jaxbMarshaller) {

            jaxbMarshaller.marshal(new JAXBElement<Object>(new QName(
                    localPartQName), Object.class, obj), writer);
    } catch (JAXBException e) {
        String errMsg = "failed to marshall object to xml, localPartQName="
                + localPartQName + ", requestVersion="
                + requestVersion;
        log.error("{}, exception message: {}", errMsg, e.getMessage());
        throw new AwsMockException(errMsg, e);

    String ret = writer.toString();

    /*- If elasticfox.compatible set to true, we replace the version number in the xml
     * to match the version of elasticfox so that it could successfully accept the xml as reponse.
    if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(PropertiesUtils
            && null != requestVersion
            && requestVersion.equals(PropertiesUtils
                    .getProperty(Constants.PROP_NAME_EC2_API_VERSION_ELASTICFOX))) {
        ret = StringUtils
                .replaceOnce(ret, PropertiesUtils

    return ret;

源代码15 项目: owltools   文件:
 * Experimental method for trying out the loading of complex_annotation doc type.
 * Works with --read-ca-list <file>.
 * @param opts
 * @throws Exception
public void loadComplexAnnotationSolr(Opts opts) throws Exception {

	// Check to see if the global url has been set.
	String url = sortOutSolrURL(globalSolrURL);				

	// Only proceed if our environment was well-defined.
	if( caFiles == null || caFiles.isEmpty() ){
		LOG.warn("LEGO environment not well defined--will skip loading LEGO/CA.");

		// NOTE: These two lines are remainders from old code, and I'm not sure of their place in this world of ours.
		// I wish there was an arcitecture diagram somehwere...
		OWLOntologyManager manager = pw.getManager();
		OWLReasonerFactory reasonerFactory = new ElkReasonerFactory();

		// Actual loading--iterate over our list and load individually.
		for( String fname : caFiles ){
			OWLReasoner currentReasoner = null;
			OWLOntology ontology = null;

			// TODO: Temp cover for missing group labels and IDs.
			//String agID = legoFile.getCanonicalPath();
			String pretmp = StringUtils.removeEnd(fname, ".owl");
			String[] bits = StringUtils.split(pretmp, "/");
			String agID = bits[bits.length -1];
			String agLabel = new String(StringUtils.replaceOnce(agID, ":", "_"));

			try {
				ontology = pw.parseOWL(IRI.create(fname));
				currentReasoner = reasonerFactory.createReasoner(ontology);

				// Some sanity checks--some of the genereated ones are problematic.
				boolean consistent = currentReasoner.isConsistent();
				if( consistent == false ){"Skip since inconsistent: " + fname);
				Set<OWLClass> unsatisfiable = currentReasoner.getUnsatisfiableClasses().getEntitiesMinusBottom();
				if (unsatisfiable.isEmpty() == false) {"Skip since unsatisfiable: " + fname);

				Set<OWLNamedIndividual> individuals = ontology.getIndividualsInSignature();
				Set<OWLAnnotation> modelAnnotations = ontology.getAnnotations();
				OWLGraphWrapper currentGraph = new OWLGraphWrapper(ontology);						
				try {"Trying complex annotation load of: " + fname);
					ComplexAnnotationSolrDocumentLoader loader =
							new ComplexAnnotationSolrDocumentLoader(url, currentGraph, currentReasoner, individuals, modelAnnotations, agID, agLabel, fname);
				} catch (SolrServerException e) {"Complex annotation load of " + fname + " at " + url + " failed!");
			} finally {
				// Cleanup reasoner and ontology.
				if (currentReasoner != null) {
				if (ontology != null) {
源代码16 项目: bbs   文件:
 * 根据用户名称删除用户下的所有评论文件
 * @param userName 用户名称
 * @param isStaff 是否为员工
public void deleteCommentFile(String userName, boolean isStaff){
	int firstIndex = 0;//起始页
	int maxResult = 100;// 每页显示记录数
	String fileNumber = topicManage.generateFileNumber(userName, isStaff);
		List<String> topicContentList = commentService.findCommentContentByPage(firstIndex, maxResult,userName,isStaff);
		if(topicContentList == null || topicContentList.size() == 0){
		firstIndex = firstIndex+maxResult;
		for (String topicContent: topicContentList) { 
			if(topicContent != null && !"".equals(topicContent.trim())){
				List<String> imageNameList = textFilterManage.readImageName(topicContent,"comment");
				if(imageNameList != null && imageNameList.size() >0){
					for(String imagePath : imageNameList){
						imagePath = FileUtil.toRelativePath(imagePath);
						imagePath  = FileUtil.toSystemPath(imagePath);
						Boolean state = fileManage.deleteFile(imagePath);
						if(state != null && state == false){	
							imagePath = StringUtils.replaceOnce(imagePath, "file"+File.separator+"comment"+File.separator, "");
源代码17 项目: htmlunit   文件:
 * Generates an instrumented HTML file in the temporary dir to easily make a manual test in a real browser.
 * The file is generated only if the system property {@link #PROPERTY_GENERATE_TESTPAGES} is set.
 * @param content the content of the HTML page
 * @param expectedAlerts the expected alerts
 * @throws IOException if writing file fails
protected void createTestPageForRealBrowserIfNeeded(final String content, final List<String> expectedAlerts)
    throws IOException {

    // save the information to create a test for WebDriver
    generateTest_content_ = content;
    generateTest_expectedAlerts_ = expectedAlerts;
    final Method testMethod = findRunningJUnitTestMethod();
    generateTest_testName_ = testMethod.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName() + "_" + testMethod.getName() + ".html";

    if (System.getProperty(PROPERTY_GENERATE_TESTPAGES) != null) {
        // should be optimized....

        // calls to alert() should be replaced by call to custom function
        String newContent = StringUtils.replace(content, "alert(", "htmlunitReserved_caughtAlert(");

        final String instrumentationJS = createInstrumentationScript(expectedAlerts);

        // first version, we assume that there is a <head> and a </body> or a </frameset>
        if (newContent.indexOf("<head>") > -1) {
            newContent = StringUtils.replaceOnce(newContent, "<head>", "<head>" + instrumentationJS);
        else {
            newContent = StringUtils.replaceOnce(newContent, "<html>",
                    "<html>\n<head>\n" + instrumentationJS + "\n</head>\n");
        final String endScript = "\n<script>htmlunitReserved_addSummaryAfterOnload();</script>\n";
        if (newContent.contains("</body>")) {
            newContent = StringUtils.replaceOnce(newContent, "</body>", endScript + "</body>");
        else {
  "No test generated: currently only content with a <head> and a </body> is supported");

        final File f = File.createTempFile("TEST" + '_', ".html");
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile(f, newContent, "ISO-8859-1");"Test file written: " + f.getAbsolutePath());
    else {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("System property \"" + PROPERTY_GENERATE_TESTPAGES
                + "\" not set, don't generate test HTML page for real browser");
源代码18 项目: sonar-gerrit-plugin   文件:
private String trimResponse(@NotNull String response) {
    return StringUtils.replaceOnce(response, JSON_RESPONSE_PREFIX, "");
源代码19 项目: aws-mock   文件:
 * @param obj
 *            DescribeAlarmsResponse to be serialized and built into xml
 * @param localPartQName
 *            local part of the QName
 * @param requestVersion
 *            the version of CloudWatch API used by client (aws-sdk, cmd-line tools or other
 *            third-party client tools)
 * @return xml representation bound to the given object
public static String marshall(final DescribeAlarmsResponse obj,
        final String localPartQName, final String requestVersion) {

    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

    try {
         *  call jaxbMarshaller.marshal() synchronized (fixes the issue of
         *  java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
         *  at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.util.CollisionCheckStack.pushNocheck(
         *  in case of jaxbMarshaller.marshal() is called concurrently
        synchronized (jaxbMarshaller) {

            JAXBElement<DescribeAlarmsResponse> jAXBElement = new JAXBElement<DescribeAlarmsResponse>(
                    new QName(PropertiesUtils
                    DescribeAlarmsResponse.class, obj);

            jaxbMarshaller.marshal(jAXBElement, writer);
    } catch (JAXBException e) {
        String errMsg = "failed to marshall object to xml, localPartQName="
                + localPartQName + ", requestVersion="
                + requestVersion;
        log.error("{}, exception message: {}", errMsg, e.getLinkedException());
        throw new AwsMockException(errMsg, e);

    String ret = writer.toString();

    /*- If elasticfox.compatible set to true, we replace the version number in the xml
     * to match the version of elasticfox so that it could successfully accept the xml as reponse.
    if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(PropertiesUtils
            && null != requestVersion
            && requestVersion.equals(PropertiesUtils
                    .getProperty(Constants.PROP_NAME_EC2_API_VERSION_ELASTICFOX))) {
        ret = StringUtils
                .replaceOnce(ret, PropertiesUtils

    return ret;

源代码20 项目: vscrawler   文件:
protected String handle(String input, String second, String third) {
    return StringUtils.replaceOnce(input, second, third);