org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils#indexOfIgnoreCase ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils#indexOfIgnoreCase ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: XS2A-Sandbox   文件:
private String cookie(String cookieStringIn, String name) {
	String cookieString = cookieStringIn;
	if(cookieString==null) {
		return null;

	String cookieParamName=name+"=";

	// Fix Java: rfc2965 want cookie to be separated by comma.
	// SOmehow i am receiving some semicolon separated cookies.
	// Quick Fix: First strip the preceeding cookies if not the first.
	if(!StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(cookieString, cookieParamName)) {
		int indexOfIgnoreCase = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(cookieString, cookieParamName);
		cookieString = cookieString.substring(indexOfIgnoreCase);
	// The proce
	List<HttpCookie> cookies = HttpCookie.parse(cookieString);
	for (HttpCookie httpCookie : cookies) {
		if(StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(httpCookie.getName(), name)){
			return httpCookie.getValue();
	return null;
源代码2 项目: ghidra   文件:
private static String combingToolTipTextWithKeyBinding(String toolTipText,
		String keyBindingText) {
	StringBuilder buffy = new StringBuilder(toolTipText);
	if (StringUtilities.startsWithIgnoreCase(toolTipText, "<HTML>")) {
		String endHTMLTag = "</HTML>";
		int closeTagIndex = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(toolTipText, endHTMLTag);
		if (closeTagIndex < 0) {
			// no closing tag, which is acceptable
		else {
			// remove the closing tag, put on our text, and then put the tag back on
			buffy.delete(closeTagIndex, closeTagIndex + endHTMLTag.length() + 1);
		return buffy.toString();

	// plain text (not HTML)
	return toolTipText + " (" + keyBindingText + ")";
源代码3 项目: localization_nifi   文件:
 * Extracts the username from the specified DN. If the username cannot be extracted because the CN is in an unrecognized format, the entire CN is returned. If the CN cannot be extracted because
 * the DN is in an unrecognized format, the entire DN is returned.
 * @param dn the dn to extract the username from
 * @return the exatracted username
public static String extractUsername(String dn) {
    String username = dn;

    // ensure the dn is specified
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dn)) {
        // determine the separate
        final String separator = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(dn, "/cn=") > 0 ? "/" : ",";

        // attempt to locate the cd
        final String cnPattern = "cn=";
        final int cnIndex = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(dn, cnPattern);
        if (cnIndex >= 0) {
            int separatorIndex = StringUtils.indexOf(dn, separator, cnIndex);
            if (separatorIndex > 0) {
                username = StringUtils.substring(dn, cnIndex + cnPattern.length(), separatorIndex);
            } else {
                username = StringUtils.substring(dn, cnIndex + cnPattern.length());

    return username;
源代码4 项目: nifi-registry   文件:
 * Extracts the username from the specified DN. If the username cannot be extracted because the CN is in an unrecognized format, the entire CN is returned. If the CN cannot be extracted because
 * the DN is in an unrecognized format, the entire DN is returned.
 * @param dn the dn to extract the username from
 * @return the exatracted username
public static String extractUsername(String dn) {
    String username = dn;

    // ensure the dn is specified
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dn)) {
        // determine the separate
        final String separator = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(dn, "/cn=") > 0 ? "/" : ",";

        // attempt to locate the cd
        final String cnPattern = "cn=";
        final int cnIndex = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(dn, cnPattern);
        if (cnIndex >= 0) {
            int separatorIndex = StringUtils.indexOf(dn, separator, cnIndex);
            if (separatorIndex > 0) {
                username = StringUtils.substring(dn, cnIndex + cnPattern.length(), separatorIndex);
            } else {
                username = StringUtils.substring(dn, cnIndex + cnPattern.length());

    return username;
源代码5 项目: nifi   文件:
 * Extracts the username from the specified DN. If the username cannot be extracted because the CN is in an unrecognized format, the entire CN is returned. If the CN cannot be extracted because
 * the DN is in an unrecognized format, the entire DN is returned.
 * @param dn the dn to extract the username from
 * @return the exatracted username
public static String extractUsername(String dn) {
    String username = dn;

    // ensure the dn is specified
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dn)) {
        // determine the separate
        final String separator = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(dn, "/cn=") > 0 ? "/" : ",";

        // attempt to locate the cd
        final String cnPattern = "cn=";
        final int cnIndex = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(dn, cnPattern);
        if (cnIndex >= 0) {
            int separatorIndex = StringUtils.indexOf(dn, separator, cnIndex);
            if (separatorIndex > 0) {
                username = StringUtils.substring(dn, cnIndex + cnPattern.length(), separatorIndex);
            } else {
                username = StringUtils.substring(dn, cnIndex + cnPattern.length());

    return username;
源代码6 项目: jadx   文件:
private int searchNext(FlowableEmitter<CodeNode> emitter, String text, JavaNode javaClass, String code,
		int startPos, boolean ignoreCase) {
	int pos;
	if (ignoreCase) {
		pos = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(code, text, startPos);
	} else {
		pos = code.indexOf(text, startPos);
	if (pos == -1) {
		return -1;
	int lineStart = 1 + code.lastIndexOf(CodeWriter.NL, pos);
	int lineEnd = code.indexOf(CodeWriter.NL, pos + text.length());
	StringRef line = StringRef.subString(code, lineStart, lineEnd == -1 ? code.length() : lineEnd);
	emitter.onNext(new CodeNode(nodeCache.makeFrom(javaClass), -pos, line.trim()));
	return lineEnd;
源代码7 项目: arcusplatform   文件:
public static Optional<String> extractTokenFromBearer(FullHttpRequest req) {
   String header = req.headers().get(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION);
   if(StringUtils.isBlank(header) || !StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(header, OAuthUtil.AUTH_BEARER)) {
      return Optional.empty();
   int idx = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(header, OAuthUtil.AUTH_BEARER);
   return Optional.of(header.substring(idx + OAuthUtil.AUTH_BEARER.length()).trim());
源代码8 项目: Asqatasun   文件:
protected void doCheck(
         SSPHandler sspHandler, 
         Elements elements, 
         TestSolutionHandler testSolutionHandler) {
     SSP ssp = sspHandler.getSSP();
     // if the page doesn't have any doctype declaration, the test is 
     // not applicable
     if (StringUtils.isBlank(ssp.getDoctype())) {
     String sourcePage = ssp.getAdaptedContent();
     int indexOfDoctype = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(sourcePage,DOCTYPE_KEY);
     int indexOfHtmlTag = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(sourcePage,HTML_ELEMENT_KEY);
     if (indexOfHtmlTag < indexOfDoctype || 
             StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(sourcePage,DOCTYPE_KEY, indexOfHtmlTag) != -1) {
         addProcessRemark(getFailureSolution(), BAD_DOCTYPE_LOCATION_MSG);
     } else {
源代码9 项目: lutece-core   文件:
 * Check if the value contains terms used for XML External Entity Injection
 * @param strValue
 *            The value
 * @return true if
public static boolean containsXmlExternalEntityInjectionTerms( String strValue )
    for ( String strTerm : XXE_TERMS )
        if ( StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase( strValue, strTerm ) >= 0 )
            Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( LOGGER_NAME );
            logger.warn( "SECURITY WARNING : XXE TERMS DETECTED : " + dumpRequest( LocalVariables.getRequest( ) ) );
            return true;
    return false;
源代码10 项目: ghidra   文件:
private static int indexOf(String source, String search, int offset) {
	return StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(source, search, offset);
Highlight[] getHighlights(String text, Object object,
		Class<? extends FieldFactory> fieldFactoryClass, Color highlightColor) {

	Address currentAddress = getAddressForHighlightObject(object);
	if (!isInAddresses(currentAddress)) {

	if (MnemonicFieldFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldFactoryClass) &&
		(object instanceof Data)) {

		// Not sure if we should ever highlight the mnemonic.  It would only be for data.
		// But, we are always looking for the field of a type, then mnemonic will only hold
		// the parent's name and not the field's name.
	else if (LabelFieldFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldFactoryClass)) {
		// It would be nice to highlight the label that points into data structures.  
		// However, the label is on the parent address, which is not in our list of matches
		// when we are offcut.  Further, using the program to lookup each address that 
		// comes in to see if it is our paren't address seems too expensive, as highlighting
		// code is called for every paint operation.
		// We could add the parent match to the list of known addresses and then use that 
		// to lookup in real-time later.  To do this we would need the current list of
		// reference addresses and a new list of parent data addresses.  That seems a bit
		// involved just for highlighting a label.
	else if (OperandFieldFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldFactoryClass)) {

		// Not sure how to get the correct part of the text.  This is a hack for now.
		int offset = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(text, typeAndFieldName, 0);
		if (offset != -1) {
			return new Highlight[] {
				new Highlight(offset, offset + typeAndFieldName.length() - 1, highlightColor) };
	else if (FieldNameFieldFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldFactoryClass)) {

		if (text.equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) {
			return new Highlight[] { new Highlight(0, text.length(), highlightColor) };

		String typeName = getDataTypeName();
		if (text.equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) {
			return new Highlight[] { new Highlight(0, text.length(), highlightColor) };

源代码12 项目: vscrawler   文件:
protected int handleIndex(CharSequence str, CharSequence searchStr, int startPos) {
    return StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(str, searchStr, startPos);
源代码13 项目: markdown-writer-fx   文件:
private void findAll(String text, String find, boolean selectActiveHit) {

	if (find.isEmpty()) {

	boolean matchCase = matchCaseButton.isSelected();
	boolean regex = regexButton.isSelected();


	// find
	if (regex) {
		String pattern = matchCase ? find : ("(?i)" + find);
		try {
			Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(text);
			while (matcher.find())
				hits.add(new Range(matcher.start(), matcher.end()));
		} catch (PatternSyntaxException ex) {
	} else {
		int fromIndex = 0;
		int hitIndex;
		while ((hitIndex = matchCase
				? text.indexOf(find, fromIndex)
				: StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(text, find, fromIndex)) >= 0)
			hits.add(new Range(hitIndex, hitIndex + find.length()));
			fromIndex = hitIndex + find.length();

	if (hits.isEmpty()) {
		setActiveHitIndex(-1, selectActiveHit);

	// find active hit index after current selection
	int anchor = textArea.getAnchor();
	int index = Collections.binarySearch(hits, new Range(anchor, anchor), (r1, r2) -> {
		return r1.end - r2.start;
	if (index < 0) {
		index = -index - 1;
		if (index >= hits.size())
			index = 0; // wrap
	setActiveHitIndex(index, selectActiveHit);
源代码14 项目: sakai   文件:
 * Attempts to find the HTML head and body in the document and return them back.
 * @param responseStr The HTML to be parse
 * @param debug If <code>true</code> then log where we found the head and body.
 * @return <code>null</code> if we failed to parse the page or a PageParts object.
PageParts parseHtmlParts(String responseStr, boolean debug) {
	// We can't lowercase the string and search in it as then the offsets don't match when a character is a
	// different length in upper and lower case
	int headStart = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(responseStr, "<head");
	headStart = findEndOfTag(responseStr, headStart);
	int headEnd = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(responseStr, "</head");
	int bodyStart = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(responseStr, "<body");
	bodyStart = findEndOfTag(responseStr, bodyStart);

	// Some tools (Blogger for example) have multiple
	// head-body pairs - browsers seem to not care much about
	// this so we will do the same - so that we can be
	// somewhat clean - we search for the "last" end
	// body tag - for the normal case there will only be one
	int bodyEnd = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(responseStr, "</body");
	// If there is no body end at all or it is before the body
	// start tag we simply - take the rest of the response
	if ( bodyEnd < bodyStart ) bodyEnd = responseStr.length() - 1;

	if(debug)"Frameless HS="+headStart+" HE="+headEnd+" BS="+bodyStart+" BE="+bodyEnd);

	if (bodyEnd > bodyStart && bodyStart > headEnd && headEnd > headStart
			&& headStart > 1) {
		PageParts pp = new PageParts();
		pp.head = responseStr.substring(headStart + 1, headEnd);

		// SAK-29908
		// Titles come twice to view and tool title overwrites main title because
		// it is printed before.

		int titleStart = pp.head.indexOf("<title");
		int titleEnd = pp.head.indexOf("</title");
		titleEnd = findEndOfTag(pp.head, titleEnd);

		pp.head = (titleStart != -1 && titleEnd != -1) ? pp.head.substring(0, titleStart) + pp.head.substring(titleEnd + 1) : pp.head;
		// End SAK-29908

		pp.body = responseStr.substring(bodyStart + 1, bodyEnd);
		return pp;
	return null;
源代码15 项目: sakai   文件:
 * Attempts to find the HTML head and body in the document and return them back.
 * @param responseStr The HTML to be parse
 * @param debug If <code>true</code> then log where we found the head and body.
 * @return <code>null</code> if we failed to parse the page or a PageParts object.
PageParts parseHtmlParts(String responseStr, boolean debug) {
	// We can't lowercase the string and search in it as then the offsets don't match when a character is a
	// different length in upper and lower case
	int headStart = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(responseStr, "<head");
	headStart = findEndOfTag(responseStr, headStart);
	int headEnd = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(responseStr, "</head");
	int bodyStart = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(responseStr, "<body");
	bodyStart = findEndOfTag(responseStr, bodyStart);

	// Some tools (Blogger for example) have multiple
	// head-body pairs - browsers seem to not care much about
	// this so we will do the same - so that we can be
	// somewhat clean - we search for the "last" end
	// body tag - for the normal case there will only be one
	int bodyEnd = StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(responseStr, "</body");
	// If there is no body end at all or it is before the body
	// start tag we simply - take the rest of the response
	if ( bodyEnd < bodyStart ) bodyEnd = responseStr.length() - 1;

	if(debug)"Frameless HS="+headStart+" HE="+headEnd+" BS="+bodyStart+" BE="+bodyEnd);

	if (bodyEnd > bodyStart && bodyStart > headEnd && headEnd > headStart
			&& headStart > 1) {
		PageParts pp = new PageParts();
		pp.head = responseStr.substring(headStart + 1, headEnd);

		// SAK-29908
		// Titles come twice to view and tool title overwrites main title because
		// it is printed before.

		int titleStart = pp.head.indexOf("<title");
		int titleEnd = pp.head.indexOf("</title");
		titleEnd = findEndOfTag(pp.head, titleEnd);

		pp.head = (titleStart != -1 && titleEnd != -1) ? pp.head.substring(0, titleStart) + pp.head.substring(titleEnd + 1) : pp.head;
		// End SAK-29908

		pp.body = responseStr.substring(bodyStart + 1, bodyEnd);
		return pp;
	return null;