
下面列出了org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils#EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: htmlunit   文件:
 * Sets the state as specified and invokes the state change handler if one has been set.
 * @param state the new state
 * @param context the context within which the state change handler is to be invoked;
 *     if {@code null}, the current thread's context is used
private void setState(final int state, Context context) {
    state_ = state;

    if (stateChangeHandler_ != null && !openedMultipleTimes_) {
        final Scriptable scope = stateChangeHandler_.getParentScope();
        final JavaScriptEngine jsEngine = (JavaScriptEngine) containingPage_.getWebClient().getJavaScriptEngine();

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Calling onreadystatechange handler for state " + state);
        final Object[] params = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;

        jsEngine.callFunction(containingPage_, stateChangeHandler_, scope, this, params);
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            if (context == null) {
                context = Context.getCurrentContext();
            LOG.debug("onreadystatechange handler: " + context.decompileFunction(stateChangeHandler_, 4));
            LOG.debug("Calling onreadystatechange handler for state " + state + ". Done.");
源代码2 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Returns new instance of <code>klazz</code> created using constructor
 * with signature <code>parameterTypes</code> and actual arguments
 * <code>args</code>.</p>
 * <p>The signatures should match exactly.</p>
 * @param cls the class to be constructed.
 * @param args actual argument array
 * @param parameterTypes parameter types array
 * @return new instance of <code>klazz</code>
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if matching constructor cannot be found
 * @throws IllegalAccessException thrown on the constructor's invocation
 * @throws InvocationTargetException thrown on the constructor's invocation
 * @throws InstantiationException thrown on the constructor's invocation
 * @see Constructor#newInstance
public static Object invokeExactConstructor(Class<?> cls, Object[] args,
        Class<?>[] parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException,
        IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
        InstantiationException {
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    if (parameterTypes == null) {
        parameterTypes = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
    Constructor<?> ctor = getAccessibleConstructor(cls, parameterTypes);
    if (null == ctor) {
        throw new NoSuchMethodException(
                "No such accessible constructor on object: "
                        + cls.getName());
    return ctor.newInstance(args);
源代码3 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Invokes a named method whose parameter type matches the object type.</p>
 * <p>This method delegates the method search to {@link #getMatchingAccessibleMethod(Class, String, Class[])}.</p>
 * <p>This method supports calls to methods taking primitive parameters 
 * via passing in wrapping classes. So, for example, a <code>Boolean</code> object
 * would match a <code>boolean</code> primitive.</p>
 * @param object invoke method on this object
 * @param methodName get method with this name
 * @param args use these arguments - treat null as empty array
 * @param parameterTypes match these parameters - treat null as empty array
 * @return The value returned by the invoked method
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if there is no such accessible method
 * @throws InvocationTargetException wraps an exception thrown by the method invoked
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if the requested method is not accessible via reflection
public static Object invokeMethod(Object object, String methodName,
        Object[] args, Class<?>[] parameterTypes)
        throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
        InvocationTargetException {
    if (parameterTypes == null) {
        parameterTypes = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    Method method = getMatchingAccessibleMethod(object.getClass(),
            methodName, parameterTypes);
    if (method == null) {
        throw new NoSuchMethodException("No such accessible method: "
                + methodName + "() on object: "
                + object.getClass().getName());
    return method.invoke(object, args);
源代码4 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Invokes a method whose parameter types match exactly the parameter
 * types given.</p>
 * <p>This uses reflection to invoke the method obtained from a call to
 * <code>getAccessibleMethod()</code>.</p>
 * @param object invoke method on this object
 * @param methodName get method with this name
 * @param args use these arguments - treat null as empty array
 * @param parameterTypes match these parameters - treat null as empty array
 * @return The value returned by the invoked method
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if there is no such accessible method
 * @throws InvocationTargetException wraps an exception thrown by the
 *  method invoked
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if the requested method is not accessible
 *  via reflection
public static Object invokeExactMethod(Object object, String methodName,
        Object[] args, Class<?>[] parameterTypes)
        throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
        InvocationTargetException {
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    if (parameterTypes == null) {
        parameterTypes = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
    Method method = getAccessibleMethod(object.getClass(), methodName,
    if (method == null) {
        throw new NoSuchMethodException("No such accessible method: "
                + methodName + "() on object: "
                + object.getClass().getName());
    return method.invoke(object, args);
源代码5 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Invoke a method whose parameter types match exactly the parameter
 * types given.</p>
 * <p>This uses reflection to invoke the method obtained from a call to
 * <code>getAccessibleMethod()</code>.</p>
 * @param object invoke method on this object
 * @param methodName get method with this name
 * @param args use these arguments - treat null as empty array
 * @param parameterTypes match these parameters - treat null as empty array
 * @return The value returned by the invoked method
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if there is no such accessible method
 * @throws InvocationTargetException wraps an exception thrown by the
 *  method invoked
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if the requested method is not accessible
 *  via reflection
public static Object invokeExactMethod(Object object, String methodName,
        Object[] args, Class<?>[] parameterTypes)
        throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
        InvocationTargetException {
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    if (parameterTypes == null) {
        parameterTypes = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
    Method method = getAccessibleMethod(object.getClass(), methodName,
    if (method == null) {
        throw new NoSuchMethodException("No such accessible method: "
                + methodName + "() on object: "
                + object.getClass().getName());
    return method.invoke(object, args);
源代码6 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Invoke a method whose parameter types match exactly the parameter
 * types given.</p>
 * <p>This uses reflection to invoke the method obtained from a call to
 * <code>getAccessibleMethod()</code>.</p>
 * @param object invoke method on this object
 * @param methodName get method with this name
 * @param args use these arguments - treat null as empty array
 * @param parameterTypes match these parameters - treat null as empty array
 * @return The value returned by the invoked method
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if there is no such accessible method
 * @throws InvocationTargetException wraps an exception thrown by the
 *  method invoked
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if the requested method is not accessible
 *  via reflection
public static Object invokeExactMethod(Object object, String methodName,
        Object[] args, Class<?>[] parameterTypes)
        throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
        InvocationTargetException {
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    if (parameterTypes == null) {
        parameterTypes = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
    Method method = getAccessibleMethod(object.getClass(), methodName,
    if (method == null) {
        throw new NoSuchMethodException("No such accessible method: "
                + methodName + "() on object: "
                + object.getClass().getName());
    return method.invoke(object, args);
源代码7 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Invokes a method whose parameter types match exactly the parameter
 * types given.</p>
 * <p>This uses reflection to invoke the method obtained from a call to
 * <code>getAccessibleMethod()</code>.</p>
 * @param object invoke method on this object
 * @param methodName get method with this name
 * @param args use these arguments - treat null as empty array
 * @param parameterTypes match these parameters - treat null as empty array
 * @return The value returned by the invoked method
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if there is no such accessible method
 * @throws InvocationTargetException wraps an exception thrown by the
 *  method invoked
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if the requested method is not accessible
 *  via reflection
public static Object invokeExactMethod(Object object, String methodName,
        Object[] args, Class<?>[] parameterTypes)
        throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
        InvocationTargetException {
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    if (parameterTypes == null) {
        parameterTypes = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
    Method method = getAccessibleMethod(object.getClass(), methodName,
    if (method == null) {
        throw new NoSuchMethodException("No such accessible method: "
                + methodName + "() on object: "
                + object.getClass().getName());
    return method.invoke(object, args);
源代码8 项目: ghidra   文件:
public Object[] toArray() {
	return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
源代码9 项目: fastquery   文件:
 * 如果这个bean已经包含主键的值,就以bean的主键值为准 <br>
 * [0]: 更新语句, [1]:参数值集合类型:List&lt;Object&gt; [2](是否存在第3个值取决于toSQL是否设置true): 根据主键查的sql语句
 * @param bean 待更新的实体
 * @param dbName 数据库名称,可以为null
 * @param toSQL 是否返回根据主键查的sql语句
 * @return 更新语句信息
public static Object[] toUpdateSQL(Object bean, String dbName, boolean toSQL) {
	List<Object> args = new ArrayList<>();
	Class<?> cls = bean.getClass();
	// 表名称
	String tableName = getTableName(dbName, cls);

	String keyFeild;
	Object key;
	Object[] objs = getKeyAndVal(bean, getFields(cls), null);
	keyFeild = (String) objs[0];
	key = objs[1];

	if (keyFeild == null || key == null) {
		throw new RepositoryException(cls + NOT_ID);

	// update UserInfo set name=?,age=? where id=?4
	StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(UPDATE);
	sb.append(" set");
	int len = sb.length();
	try {
		Field[] fields = getFields(cls);
		for (Field field : fields) {
			if (allowField(field)) {
				Object val = field.get(bean);
				Id id = field.getAnnotation(Id.class);
				if (val != null && id == null) {
					sb.append(' ');


		if (sb.length() == len) {
			LOG.warn("传递的实体,没有什么可以修改,{}", bean);
			return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
		} else {
			// 去掉sb最后的一个字符
			sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);
			Object[] updateinfo = new Object[3];
			updateinfo[0] = sb.toString();
			updateinfo[1] = args;
			if (toSQL) {
				updateinfo[2] = String.format("select * from %s where %s = %s", tableName, keyFeild, key.toString());
			return updateinfo;
	} catch (Exception e) {
		throw new RepositoryException(e);
源代码10 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Returns new instance of <code>klazz</code> created using constructor
 * with signature <code>parameterTypes</code> and actual arguments
 * <code>args</code>.</p>
 * <p>The signatures should be assignment compatible.</p>
 * @param cls the class to be constructed.
 * @param args actual argument array
 * @param parameterTypes parameter types array
 * @return new instance of <code>klazz</code>
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if matching constructor cannot be found
 * @throws IllegalAccessException thrown on the constructor's invocation
 * @throws InvocationTargetException thrown on the constructor's invocation
 * @throws InstantiationException thrown on the constructor's invocation
 * @see Constructor#newInstance
public static <T> T invokeConstructor(Class<T> cls, Object[] args, Class<?>[] parameterTypes)
        throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
        InstantiationException {
    if (parameterTypes == null) {
        parameterTypes = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    Constructor<T> ctor = getMatchingAccessibleConstructor(cls, parameterTypes);
    if (null == ctor) {
        throw new NoSuchMethodException("No such accessible constructor on object: "
                + cls.getName());
    return ctor.newInstance(args);
源代码11 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Invoke a named static method whose parameter type matches the object type.</p>
 * <p>This method delegates the method search to {@link #getMatchingAccessibleMethod(Class, String, Class[])}.</p>
 * <p>This method supports calls to methods taking primitive parameters 
 * via passing in wrapping classes. So, for example, a <code>Boolean</code> class
 * would match a <code>boolean</code> primitive.</p>
 * @param cls invoke static method on this class
 * @param methodName get method with this name
 * @param args use these arguments - treat null as empty array
 * @param parameterTypes match these parameters - treat null as empty array
 * @return The value returned by the invoked method
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if there is no such accessible method
 * @throws InvocationTargetException wraps an exception thrown by the
 *  method invoked
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if the requested method is not accessible
 *  via reflection
public static Object invokeStaticMethod(Class<?> cls, String methodName,
        Object[] args, Class<?>[] parameterTypes)
        throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
        InvocationTargetException {
    if (parameterTypes == null) {
        parameterTypes = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    Method method = getMatchingAccessibleMethod(cls, methodName,
    if (method == null) {
        throw new NoSuchMethodException("No such accessible method: "
                + methodName + "() on class: " + cls.getName());
    return method.invoke(null, args);
源代码12 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Returns a new instance of the specified class choosing the right constructor
 * from the list of parameter types.</p>
 * <p>This locates and calls a constructor.
 * The constructor signature must match the parameter types exactly.</p>
 * @param <T> the type to be constructed
 * @param cls  the class to be constructed, not null
 * @param args  the array of arguments, null treated as empty
 * @param parameterTypes  the array of parameter types, null treated as empty
 * @return new instance of <code>cls</code>, not null
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if a matching constructor cannot be found
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if invocation is not permitted by security
 * @throws InvocationTargetException if an error occurs on invocation
 * @throws InstantiationException if an error occurs on instantiation
 * @see Constructor#newInstance
public static <T> T invokeExactConstructor(Class<T> cls, Object[] args,
        Class<?>[] parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
        InvocationTargetException, InstantiationException {
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    if (parameterTypes == null) {
        parameterTypes = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
    Constructor<T> ctor = getAccessibleConstructor(cls, parameterTypes);
    if (ctor == null) {
        throw new NoSuchMethodException(
            "No such accessible constructor on object: "+ cls.getName());
    return ctor.newInstance(args);
源代码13 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Invokes a named static method whose parameter type matches the object type.</p>
 * <p>This method delegates the method search to {@link #getMatchingAccessibleMethod(Class, String, Class[])}.</p>
 * <p>This method supports calls to methods taking primitive parameters 
 * via passing in wrapping classes. So, for example, a <code>Boolean</code> class
 * would match a <code>boolean</code> primitive.</p>
 * @param cls invoke static method on this class
 * @param methodName get method with this name
 * @param args use these arguments - treat null as empty array
 * @param parameterTypes match these parameters - treat null as empty array
 * @return The value returned by the invoked method
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if there is no such accessible method
 * @throws InvocationTargetException wraps an exception thrown by the
 *  method invoked
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if the requested method is not accessible
 *  via reflection
public static Object invokeStaticMethod(Class<?> cls, String methodName,
        Object[] args, Class<?>[] parameterTypes)
        throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
        InvocationTargetException {
    if (parameterTypes == null) {
        parameterTypes = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    Method method = getMatchingAccessibleMethod(cls, methodName,
    if (method == null) {
        throw new NoSuchMethodException("No such accessible method: "
                + methodName + "() on class: " + cls.getName());
    return method.invoke(null, args);
源代码14 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Invokes a static method whose parameter types match exactly the parameter
 * types given.</p>
 * <p>This uses reflection to invoke the method obtained from a call to
 * {@link #getAccessibleMethod(Class, String, Class[])}.</p>
 * @param cls invoke static method on this class
 * @param methodName get method with this name
 * @param args use these arguments - treat null as empty array
 * @param parameterTypes match these parameters - treat null as empty array
 * @return The value returned by the invoked method
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if there is no such accessible method
 * @throws InvocationTargetException wraps an exception thrown by the
 *  method invoked
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if the requested method is not accessible
 *  via reflection
public static Object invokeExactStaticMethod(final Class<?> cls, final String methodName,
        Object[] args, Class<?>[] parameterTypes)
        throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
        InvocationTargetException {
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    if (parameterTypes == null) {
        parameterTypes = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
    final Method method = getAccessibleMethod(cls, methodName, parameterTypes);
    if (method == null) {
        throw new NoSuchMethodException("No such accessible method: "
                + methodName + "() on class: " + cls.getName());
    return method.invoke(null, args);
源代码15 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Returns a new instance of the specified class inferring the right constructor
 * from the types of the arguments.</p>
 * <p>This locates and calls a constructor.
 * The constructor signature must match the argument types by assignment compatibility.</p>
 * @param <T> the type to be constructed
 * @param cls  the class to be constructed, not null
 * @param args  the array of arguments, null treated as empty
 * @return new instance of <code>cls</code>, not null
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if a matching constructor cannot be found
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if invocation is not permitted by security
 * @throws InvocationTargetException if an error occurs on invocation
 * @throws InstantiationException if an error occurs on instantiation
 * @see #invokeConstructor(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Object[], java.lang.Class[])
public static <T> T invokeConstructor(Class<T> cls, Object... args)
        throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
        InstantiationException {
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    Class<?> parameterTypes[] = ClassUtils.toClass(args);
    return invokeConstructor(cls, args, parameterTypes);
源代码16 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Invoke a named method whose parameter type matches the object type.</p>
 * <p>This method delegates the method search to {@link #getMatchingAccessibleMethod(Class, String, Class[])}.</p>
 * <p>This method supports calls to methods taking primitive parameters 
 * via passing in wrapping classes. So, for example, a <code>Boolean</code> object
 * would match a <code>boolean</code> primitive.</p>
 * <p> This is a convenient wrapper for
 * {@link #invokeMethod(Object object,String methodName, Object[] args, Class[] parameterTypes)}.
 * </p>
 * @param object invoke method on this object
 * @param methodName get method with this name
 * @param args use these arguments - treat null as empty array
 * @return The value returned by the invoked method
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if there is no such accessible method
 * @throws InvocationTargetException wraps an exception thrown by the method invoked
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if the requested method is not accessible via reflection
public static Object invokeMethod(Object object, String methodName,
        Object[] args) throws NoSuchMethodException,
        IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    int arguments = args.length;
    Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class[arguments];
    for (int i = 0; i < arguments; i++) {
        parameterTypes[i] = args[i].getClass();
    return invokeMethod(object, methodName, args, parameterTypes);
源代码17 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Invoke a named static method whose parameter type matches the object type.</p>
 * <p>This method delegates the method search to {@link #getMatchingAccessibleMethod(Class, String, Class[])}.</p>
 * <p>This method supports calls to methods taking primitive parameters 
 * via passing in wrapping classes. So, for example, a <code>Boolean</code> class
 * would match a <code>boolean</code> primitive.</p>
 * <p> This is a convenient wrapper for
 * {@link #invokeStaticMethod(Class objectClass,String methodName,Object [] args,Class[] parameterTypes)}.
 * </p>
 * @param cls invoke static method on this class
 * @param methodName get method with this name
 * @param args use these arguments - treat null as empty array
 * @return The value returned by the invoked method
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if there is no such accessible method
 * @throws InvocationTargetException wraps an exception thrown by the
 *  method invoked
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if the requested method is not accessible
 *  via reflection
public static Object invokeStaticMethod(Class<?> cls, String methodName,
        Object... args) throws NoSuchMethodException,
        IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    int arguments = args.length;
    Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class[arguments];
    for (int i = 0; i < arguments; i++) {
        parameterTypes[i] = args[i].getClass();
    return invokeStaticMethod(cls, methodName, args, parameterTypes);
源代码18 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Returns a new instance of the specified class inferring the right constructor
 * from the types of the arguments.</p>
 * <p>This locates and calls a constructor.
 * The constructor signature must match the argument types by assignment compatibility.</p>
 * @param <T> the type to be constructed
 * @param cls  the class to be constructed, not null
 * @param args  the array of arguments, null treated as empty
 * @return new instance of <code>cls</code>, not null
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if a matching constructor cannot be found
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if invocation is not permitted by security
 * @throws InvocationTargetException if an error occurs on invocation
 * @throws InstantiationException if an error occurs on instantiation
 * @see #invokeConstructor(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Object[], java.lang.Class[])
public static <T> T invokeConstructor(final Class<T> cls, Object... args)
        throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
        InstantiationException {
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    final Class<?> parameterTypes[] = ClassUtils.toClass(args);
    return invokeConstructor(cls, args, parameterTypes);
源代码19 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Returns a new instance of the specified class inferring the right constructor
 * from the types of the arguments.</p>
 * <p>This locates and calls a constructor.
 * The constructor signature must match the argument types by assignment compatibility.</p>
 * @param <T> the type to be constructed
 * @param cls  the class to be constructed, not null
 * @param args  the array of arguments, null treated as empty
 * @return new instance of <code>cls</code>, not null
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if a matching constructor cannot be found
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if invocation is not permitted by security
 * @throws InvocationTargetException if an error occurs on invocation
 * @throws InstantiationException if an error occurs on instantiation
 * @see #invokeConstructor(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Object[], java.lang.Class[])
public static <T> T invokeConstructor(Class<T> cls, Object... args)
        throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
        InstantiationException {
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    Class<?> parameterTypes[] = ClassUtils.toClass(args);
    return invokeConstructor(cls, args, parameterTypes);
源代码20 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Returns a new instance of the specified class inferring the right constructor
 * from the types of the arguments.</p>
 * <p>This locates and calls a constructor.
 * The constructor signature must match the argument types exactly.</p>
 * @param <T> the type to be constructed
 * @param cls  the class to be constructed, not null
 * @param args  the array of arguments, null treated as empty
 * @return new instance of <code>cls</code>, not null
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException if a matching constructor cannot be found
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if invocation is not permitted by security
 * @throws InvocationTargetException if an error occurs on invocation
 * @throws InstantiationException if an error occurs on instantiation
 * @see #invokeExactConstructor(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Object[], java.lang.Class[])
public static <T> T invokeExactConstructor(Class<T> cls, Object... args)
        throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
        InstantiationException {
    if (args == null) {
        args = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY;
    Class<?> parameterTypes[] = ClassUtils.toClass(args);
    return invokeExactConstructor(cls, args, parameterTypes);