org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils#escapeJson ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils#escapeJson ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: SkaETL   文件:
public void process(K key, V value) {
    try {

        String v;

        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(template)) {
            v = TemplateUtils.getInstance().process(template, getMsg(value));
            v = "{\"text\":\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(v) + "\"}";
        } else
            v = "{\"text\":\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(buildMsg(value)) + "\"}";

        CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault();
        HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(uri);

        StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(v);
        httpPost.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        httpPost.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");

        CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(httpPost);

        int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
        String reason = response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase();

        if (code == 200)
            log.debug("Message sended to Slack key {} value {}", key, value);
            log.error("Error during Slack calls: code {} reason {}", code, reason);

    } catch (Exception ex) {
        log.error("Exception during Slack calls {}", ex.getMessage());
 * Handle request.
 * @param request the request
 * @param response the response
 * @return the model and view
 * @throws Exception the exception
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(
        final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response)
        throws Exception {

    final Map<String, Object> list = getBeans(this.applicationContext);
    LOGGER.debug("Found [{}] beans to report", list.size());

    final JsonSerializer<Object> serializer = new BeanObjectJsonSerializer();
    final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

    final Set<Map.Entry<String, Object>> entries = list.entrySet();
    final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> it = entries.iterator();

    while (it.hasNext()) {
        final Map.Entry<String, Object> entry =;
        final Object obj = entry.getValue();

        final StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        writer.append('\"' + entry.getKey() + "\":");
        serializer.toJson(writer, obj);

        if (it.hasNext()) {
    final ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView(VIEW_CONFIG);
    final String jsonData = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(builder.toString());

    mv.addObject("jsonData", jsonData);
    mv.addObject("properties", casProperties.entrySet());
    return mv;
源代码3 项目: crushpaper   文件:
/** Returns the value JSON encoded and quoted. */
static String quote(String value) {
	if (value == null) {
		return "null";

	return "\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(value) + "\"";
源代码4 项目: Discord4J   文件:
 * Sends a message to the specified channel.
 * @param content   The actual message to send
 * @param channelID The channel to send the message to
 * @return The message that was sent.
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws ParseException
public Message sendMessage(String content, String channelID) throws IOException, ParseException {
    if (null != ws) {

        content = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(content);
        try {
            String response = Requests.POST.makeRequest(DiscordEndpoints.CHANNELS + channelID + "/messages",
                    new StringEntity("{\"content\":\"" + content + "\",\"mentions\":[]}","UTF-8"),
                    new BasicNameValuePair("authorization", token),
                    new BasicNameValuePair("content-type", "application/json"));

            JSONObject object1 = (JSONObject) JSON_PARSER.parse(response);
            String time = (String) object1.get("timestamp");
            String messageID = (String) object1.get("id");

            Channel channel = getChannelByID(channelID);
            Message message = new Message(messageID, content, this.ourUser, channel, this.convertFromTimestamp(time));
            channel.addMessage(message); //Had to be moved here so that if a message is edited before the MESSAGE_CREATE event, it doesn't error
            DiscordClient.this.dispatcher.dispatch(new MessageSendEvent(message));
        return message;
        } catch (HTTP403Exception e) {
            Discord4J.logger.error("Received 403 error attempting to send message; is your login correct?");
            return null;

    } else {
        Discord4J.logger.error("Bot has not signed in yet!");
        return null;
源代码5 项目: Discord4J   文件:
 * Edits a specified message. Currently, Discord only allows you to edit your own message
 * @param content   The new content of the message
 * @param messageID The id of the message to edit
 * @param channelID The channel the message exists in
 * @throws ParseException
public void editMessage(String content, String messageID, String channelID) throws ParseException {
    if (null != ws) {

        content = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(content);
        Channel channel = getChannelByID(channelID);
        if (channel == null) {
            Discord4J.logger.error("Channel id " +  channelID + " doesn't exist!");
        Message oldMessage = channel.getMessageByID(messageID);
        try {
            String response = Requests.PATCH.makeRequest(DiscordEndpoints.CHANNELS + channelID + "/messages/" + messageID, 
                    new StringEntity("{\"content\":\"" + content + "\", \"mentions\":[]}", "UTF-8"), 
                    new BasicNameValuePair("authorization", token),
                    new BasicNameValuePair("content-type", "application/json"));

            JSONObject object1 = (JSONObject) JSON_PARSER.parse(response);

            Message newMessage = new Message((String) object1.get("id"), content, this.ourUser, getChannelByID(channelID), 
            //Event dispatched here because otherwise there'll be an NPE as for some reason when the bot edits a message,
            // the event chain goes like this:
            //Original message edited to null, then the null message edited to the new content
            DiscordClient.this.dispatcher.dispatch(new MessageUpdateEvent(oldMessage, newMessage));
        } catch (HTTP403Exception e) {
            Discord4J.logger.error("Received 403 error attempting to send message; is your login correct?");

    } else {
        Discord4J.logger.error("Bot has not signed in yet!");
源代码6 项目: actframework   文件:
private String jsonContent(ErrorResult error, Integer errorCode, String errorMsg) {
    Object payload = error.attachment();
    if (null != payload) {
    errorMsg = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(errorMsg);
    if (null == errorCode) {
        return S.concat("{\"ts\":", $.ms(),  ",\"message\":\"", errorMsg, "\"}");
    } else {
        return S.concat("{\"ts\":", $.ms(), ",\"code\":", S.string(errorCode), ",\"message\":\"", errorMsg, "\"}");
源代码7 项目: systemds   文件:
public static String metaDataToString(ValueType vt, ValueType[] schema, DataType dt, DataCharacteristics dc,
		OutputInfo outinfo, FileFormatProperties formatProperties) throws JSONException, DMLRuntimeException
	OrderedJSONObject mtd = new OrderedJSONObject(); // maintain order in output file

	//handle data type and value types (incl schema for frames)
	mtd.put(DataExpression.DATATYPEPARAM, dt.toString().toLowerCase());
	if (schema == null) {
		mtd.put(DataExpression.VALUETYPEPARAM, vt.toExternalString().toLowerCase());
	else {
		StringBuffer schemaSB = new StringBuffer();
		for(int i=0; i < schema.length; i++) {
			if( schema[i] == ValueType.UNKNOWN )
		mtd.put(DataExpression.SCHEMAPARAM, schemaSB.toString());
	//handle output dimensions
	if( !dt.isScalar() ) {
		mtd.put(DataExpression.READROWPARAM, dc.getRows());
		mtd.put(DataExpression.READCOLPARAM, dc.getCols());
		// handle output nnz and binary block configuration
		if( dt.isMatrix() ) {
			if (outinfo == OutputInfo.BinaryBlockOutputInfo ) {
				mtd.put(DataExpression.ROWBLOCKCOUNTPARAM, dc.getBlocksize());
				mtd.put(DataExpression.COLUMNBLOCKCOUNTPARAM, dc.getBlocksize());
			mtd.put(DataExpression.READNNZPARAM, dc.getNonZeros());
	//handle format type and additional arguments	
	mtd.put(DataExpression.FORMAT_TYPE, OutputInfo.outputInfoToStringExternal(outinfo));
	if (formatProperties != null) {
		String description = formatProperties.getDescription();
		if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(description)) {
			String jsonDescription = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(description);
			mtd.put(DataExpression.DESCRIPTIONPARAM, jsonDescription);

	String userName = System.getProperty("");
	if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(userName)) {
		mtd.put(DataExpression.AUTHORPARAM, userName);
	} else {
		mtd.put(DataExpression.AUTHORPARAM, "SystemDS");

	SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z");
	mtd.put(DataExpression.CREATEDPARAM, sdf.format(new Date()));

	return mtd.toString(4); // indent with 4 spaces	
源代码8 项目: sofa-lookout   文件:
private String formatString(String str) {
    return StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(str);
源代码9 项目: atlas   文件:
public static String escapeJsonString(String inputStr) {
    ParamChecker.notNull(inputStr, "Input String cannot be null");
    return StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(inputStr);
源代码10 项目: dremio-oss   文件:
public String getPlanText() {
  return StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(profile.getPlan());
源代码11 项目: incubator-atlas   文件:
public static String escapeJsonString(String inputStr) {
    ParamChecker.notNull(inputStr, "Input String cannot be null");
    return StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(inputStr);
源代码12 项目: datacollector   文件:
private String escapeValue(String value, String contentType) {
  if (APPLICATION_JSON.equals(contentType)) {
    return StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(value);
  return value;
源代码13 项目: systemds   文件:
public static String metaDataToString(ValueType vt, ValueType[] schema, DataType dt, DataCharacteristics dc,
		FileFormat fmt, FileFormatProperties formatProperties, PrivacyConstraint privacyConstraint) throws JSONException, DMLRuntimeException
	OrderedJSONObject mtd = new OrderedJSONObject(); // maintain order in output file

	//handle data type and value types (incl schema for frames)
	mtd.put(DataExpression.DATATYPEPARAM, dt.toString().toLowerCase());
	if (schema == null) {
		mtd.put(DataExpression.VALUETYPEPARAM, vt.toExternalString().toLowerCase());
	else {
		StringBuffer schemaSB = new StringBuffer();
		for(int i=0; i < schema.length; i++) {
			if( schema[i] == ValueType.UNKNOWN )
		mtd.put(DataExpression.SCHEMAPARAM, schemaSB.toString());
	//handle output dimensions
	if( !dt.isScalar() ) {
		mtd.put(DataExpression.READROWPARAM, dc.getRows());
		mtd.put(DataExpression.READCOLPARAM, dc.getCols());
		// handle output nnz and binary block configuration
		if( dt.isMatrix() ) {
			if (fmt == FileFormat.BINARY) {
				mtd.put(DataExpression.ROWBLOCKCOUNTPARAM, dc.getBlocksize());
				mtd.put(DataExpression.COLUMNBLOCKCOUNTPARAM, dc.getBlocksize());
			mtd.put(DataExpression.READNNZPARAM, dc.getNonZeros());
	//handle format type and additional arguments
	mtd.put(DataExpression.FORMAT_TYPE, fmt.toString());
	if (formatProperties != null) {
		String description = formatProperties.getDescription();
		if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(description)) {
			String jsonDescription = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(description);
			mtd.put(DataExpression.DESCRIPTIONPARAM, jsonDescription);

	//add privacy constraints
	if ( privacyConstraint != null ){
		mtd.put(DataExpression.PRIVACY, privacyConstraint.getPrivacyLevel().name());

	//add username and time
	String userName = System.getProperty("");
	if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(userName)) {
		mtd.put(DataExpression.AUTHORPARAM, userName);
	} else {
		mtd.put(DataExpression.AUTHORPARAM, "SystemDS");

	SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z");
	mtd.put(DataExpression.CREATEDPARAM, sdf.format(new Date()));

	return mtd.toString(4); // indent with 4 spaces	
源代码14 项目: jinjava   文件:
public Object filter(Object var, JinjavaInterpreter interpreter, String... args) {
  return StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(Objects.toString(var));
源代码15 项目: sofa-lookout   文件:
 * 非数值或者String类型的对象进行,Json化处理(包括转义);
 * @param value
 * @param <T>
 * @return
public static <T> Object printValue(T value) {
    return value == null ? value : (value instanceof String || value instanceof Number ? value
        : StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(JSON.toJSONString(value)));
源代码16 项目: core   文件:
 * Adds a row element with a string value. The string value is quoted.
 * @param value
 *            The value of the element to be added to the row
public void addRowElement(String value) {
	String escapedValue = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(value);
	String rowElement = "{\"v\": \"" + escapedValue + "\"}";