
下面列出了 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: sdn-rx   文件:
Map<String, Object> bindParameters(Neo4jParameterAccessor parameterAccessor) {

		final Parameters<?, ?> formalParameters = parameterAccessor.getParameters();
		Map<String, Object> resolvedParameters = new HashMap<>();

		// Values from the parameter accessor can only get converted after evaluation
		for (Map.Entry<String, Object> evaluatedParam : spelEvaluator.evaluate(parameterAccessor.getValues()).entrySet()) {
			resolvedParameters.put(evaluatedParam.getKey(), super.convertParameter(evaluatedParam.getValue()));
			.forEach(parameter -> {

				int parameterIndex = parameter.getIndex();
				Object parameterValue = super.convertParameter(parameterAccessor.getBindableValue(parameterIndex));

				// Add the parameter under its name when possible
					.ifPresent(parameterName -> resolvedParameters.put(parameterName, parameterValue));
				// Always add under its index.
				resolvedParameters.put(Integer.toString(parameterIndex), parameterValue);

		return resolvedParameters;
源代码2 项目: sdn-rx   文件:
Map<String, Object> bindParameters(Neo4jParameterAccessor parameterAccessor) {

		final Parameters<?, ?> formalParameters = parameterAccessor.getParameters();
		Map<String, Object> resolvedParameters = new HashMap<>();

		// Values from the parameter accessor can only get converted after evaluation
		for (Map.Entry<String, Object> evaluatedParam : spelEvaluator.evaluate(parameterAccessor.getValues()).entrySet()) {
			resolvedParameters.put(evaluatedParam.getKey(), super.convertParameter(evaluatedParam.getValue()));
			.forEach(parameter -> {

				int parameterIndex = parameter.getIndex();
				Object parameterValue = super.convertParameter(parameterAccessor.getBindableValue(parameterIndex));

				// Add the parameter under its name when possible
					.ifPresent(parameterName -> resolvedParameters.put(parameterName, parameterValue));
				// Always add under its index.
				resolvedParameters.put(Integer.toString(parameterIndex), parameterValue);

		return resolvedParameters;
源代码3 项目: spring-cloud-gcp   文件:
private void setOriginalParamTags() {
	this.originalParamTags = new ArrayList<>();
	Set<String> seen = new HashSet<>();
	Parameters parameters = getQueryMethod().getParameters();
	for (int i = 0; i < parameters.getNumberOfParameters(); i++) {
		Parameter param = parameters.getParameter(i);
		if (Pageable.class.isAssignableFrom(param.getType()) || Sort.class.isAssignableFrom(param.getType())) {
		Optional<String> paramName = param.getName();
		if (!paramName.isPresent()) {
			throw new DatastoreDataException(
					"Query method has a parameter without a valid name: "
							+ getQueryMethod().getName());
		String name = paramName.get();
		if (seen.contains(name)) {
			throw new DatastoreDataException(
					"More than one param has the same name: " + name);
private QueryMethodEvaluationContextProvider delegateContextProvider(
		QueryMethodEvaluationContextProvider evaluationContextProvider) {
	return new QueryMethodEvaluationContextProvider() {
		public <T extends Parameters<?, ?>> EvaluationContext getEvaluationContext(
				T parameters, Object[] parameterValues) {
			StandardEvaluationContext evaluationContext = (StandardEvaluationContext)
					.getEvaluationContext(parameters, parameterValues);
			evaluationContext.addPropertyAccessor(new BeanFactoryAccessor());
			evaluationContext.setBeanResolver(new BeanFactoryResolver(
			return evaluationContext;
源代码5 项目: spring-cloud-gcp   文件:
private Parameters buildParameters(Object[] params, String[] paramNames) {
	Parameters parameters = mock(Parameters.class);


	when(parameters.getParameter(anyInt())).thenAnswer((invocation) -> {
		int index = invocation.getArgument(0);
		Parameter param = mock(Parameter.class);
				.thenReturn(paramNames[index] == null ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(paramNames[index]));


		return param;
	return parameters;
源代码6 项目: spring-cloud-gcp   文件:
private List<String> getParamTags() {
	List<String> tags = new ArrayList<>();
	Set<String> seen = new HashSet<>();
	Parameters<?, ?> parameters = getQueryMethod().getParameters();
	for (int i = 0; i < parameters.getNumberOfParameters(); i++) {
		Parameter param = parameters.getParameter(i);
		if (isPageableOrSort(param.getType())) {
		Optional<String> paramName = param.getName();
		if (!paramName.isPresent()) {
			throw new SpannerDataException(
					"Query method has a parameter without a valid name: "
							+ getQueryMethod().getName());
		String name = paramName.get();
		if (seen.contains(name)) {
			throw new SpannerDataException(
					"More than one param has the same name: " + name);
	return tags;
private QueryMethodEvaluationContextProvider delegateContextProvider(
		QueryMethodEvaluationContextProvider evaluationContextProvider) {
	return new QueryMethodEvaluationContextProvider() {
		public <T extends Parameters<?, ?>> EvaluationContext getEvaluationContext(
				T parameters, Object[] parameterValues) {
			StandardEvaluationContext evaluationContext = (StandardEvaluationContext) evaluationContextProvider
					.getEvaluationContext(parameters, parameterValues);
			evaluationContext.addPropertyAccessor(new BeanFactoryAccessor());
			evaluationContext.setBeanResolver(new BeanFactoryResolver(
			return evaluationContext;
源代码8 项目: spring-data-ebean   文件:
 * Creates a new {@link NativeEbeanUpdate} encapsulating the query annotated on the given {@link EbeanQueryMethod}.
 * @param method                    must not be {@literal null}.
 * @param ebeanServer               must not be {@literal null}.
 * @param queryString               must not be {@literal null} or empty.
 * @param evaluationContextProvider
public NativeEbeanUpdate(EbeanQueryMethod method, EbeanServer ebeanServer, String queryString,
                         QueryMethodEvaluationContextProvider evaluationContextProvider, SpelExpressionParser parser) {

    super(method, ebeanServer, queryString, evaluationContextProvider, parser);

    Parameters<?, ?> parameters = method.getParameters();
    boolean hasPagingOrSortingParameter = parameters.hasPageableParameter() || parameters.hasSortParameter();
    boolean containsPageableOrSortInQueryExpression = queryString.contains("#pageable")
            || queryString.contains("#sort");

    if (hasPagingOrSortingParameter && !containsPageableOrSortInQueryExpression) {
        throw new InvalidEbeanQueryMethodException(
                "Cannot use native queries with dynamic sorting and/or pagination in method " + method);
源代码9 项目: spring-data-mybatis   文件:
 * Creates a new {@link QueryMethod} from the given parameters. Looks up the correct
 * query to use for following invocations of the method given.
 * @param method must not be {@literal null}.
 * @param metadata must not be {@literal null}.
 * @param factory must not be {@literal null}.
public MybatisQueryMethod(Method method, RepositoryMetadata metadata,
		ProjectionFactory factory) {

	super(method, metadata, factory);

	Assert.notNull(method, "Method must not be null!");

	this.method = method;

	Assert.isTrue(!(isModifyingQuery() && getParameters().hasSpecialParameter()),
			String.format("Modifying method must not contain %s!", Parameters.TYPES));

	this.metadata = metadata;
	String namespace = getAnnotationValue("namespace", String.class);
	String statementName = getAnnotationValue("statement", String.class);
	this.namespace = StringUtils.hasText(namespace) ? namespace
			: metadata.getRepositoryInterface().getName();
	this.statementName = StringUtils.hasText(statementName) ? statementName
			: (method.getName() + UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", ""));

源代码10 项目: spring-data-simpledb   文件:
static String buildQuery(final String rawQuery, Parameters parameters,
		Object... parameterValues) {
	String replacedRawQuery = rawQuery;
	for (Iterator<Parameter> iterator = parameters.iterator(); iterator
			.hasNext();) {

		Parameter eachParameter =;
		if (Pageable.class.isAssignableFrom(eachParameter.getType())
				|| Sort.class.isAssignableFrom(eachParameter.getType())) {

		replacedRawQuery = replaceOneParameterInQuery(replacedRawQuery,
				eachParameter, parameterValues[eachParameter.getIndex()]);

	return replacedRawQuery.trim();
public void buildQueryConditionsWithParameters_should_work_with_the_same_placeholder_values_as_fieldkeys()
		throws Exception {
	// @Query(select = {"item_id", "sampleAttribute"}, where =
	// "sampleAttribute<=:sampleAttribute and item_id = :item_id")

	final String expectedQuery = "select item_id, sampleAttribute from `testDB.sampleEntity` where sampleAttribute<='3' and item_id = '5'";

	SimpleDbQueryMethod repositoryMethod = prepareQueryMethodToTest("selectWithEqualPlaceholders",
	final String toProcessRawQuery = repositoryMethod.getAnnotatedQuery();

	final Parameters parameters = getMockParameters(new String[]{":sampleAttribute", ":item_id"}, new Class[]{String.class, String.class});

	String resultedQuery = QueryUtils.buildQuery(toProcessRawQuery, parameters, "3", "5");

	assertThat(resultedQuery, is(expectedQuery));
public void buildQueryConditionsWithParameters_should_work_with_different_placeholder_values_as_fieldkeys()
		throws Exception {
	// @Query(select = {"item_id", "sampleAttribute"}, where = "sampleAttribute<=:attribute and item_id = :item")

	final String expectedQuery = "select item_id, sampleAttribute from `testDB.sampleEntity` where sampleAttribute<='3' and item_id = '5'";

	SimpleDbQueryMethod repositoryMethod = prepareQueryMethodToTest("selectWithDifferentPlaceholders",
	final String toProcessRawQuery = repositoryMethod.getAnnotatedQuery();

	final Parameters parameters = getMockParameters(new String[]{":attribute", ":item"}, new Class[]{String.class, String.class});

	String resultedQuery = QueryUtils.buildQuery(toProcessRawQuery, parameters, "3", "5");

	assertThat(resultedQuery, is(expectedQuery));
public void buildQueryConditionsWithParameters_should_work_with_primitive_type_parameter_values() throws Exception {
	// @Query(select = {"item_id", "sampleAttribute"}, where = "sampleAttribute<=:attribute and item_id = :item")

	final int age = 5;
	final String convertedAge = SimpleDBAttributeConverter.encode(age);

	final String expectedQuery = "select item_id, sampleAttribute from `testDB.sampleEntity` where sampleAttribute<='3' and item_id = '"
			+ convertedAge + "'";

	SimpleDbQueryMethod repositoryMethod = prepareQueryMethodToTest("selectWithDifferentPlaceholders",
	final String toProcessRawQuery = repositoryMethod.getAnnotatedQuery();

	final Parameters parameters = getMockParameters(new String[]{":attribute", ":item"}, new Class[]{String.class, int.class});

	String resultedQuery = QueryUtils.buildQuery(toProcessRawQuery, parameters, "3", 5);

	assertThat(resultedQuery, is(expectedQuery));
public void buildQueryConditionsWithParameters_should_construct_correct_query_with_converted_parameter_values() {
	final String bind_query = "select * from customer_all WHERE age = :age and email = :email and balance = :balance";

	final int age = 23;
	final String email = "[email protected]";
	final float balance = 12.1f;

	final String convertedAge = SimpleDBAttributeConverter.encode(age);
	final String convertedBalance = SimpleDBAttributeConverter.encode(balance);

	String expectedQuery = "select * from customer_all WHERE age = '" + convertedAge + "' and email = '" + email
			+ "' and balance = '" + convertedBalance + "'";

	final Parameters parameters = getMockParameters(new String[]{":age", ":email", ":balance"}, new Class[]{int.class, String.class, float.class});

	String resultedQuery = QueryUtils.buildQuery(bind_query, parameters, age, email,

	assertThat(resultedQuery, is(expectedQuery));
public void bindIndexPositionParameters_should_construct_correct_query_from_annotated_query_clauses()
		throws Exception {
	final int age = 23;
	final String email = "[email protected]";
	final String convertedAge = SimpleDBAttributeConverter.encode(age);

	final SimpleDbQueryMethod queryMethod = prepareQueryMethodToTest("selectOrderedParameters", SampleEntity.class);
	final String toProcessParsedQuery = queryMethod.getAnnotatedQuery();

	// @Query(select = {"item_id", "sampleAttribute"}, where = "sampleAttribute<=? and item_id = ? ")
	final String expectedQuery = "select item_id, sampleAttribute from `testDB.sampleEntity` where `sampleAttribute`<='"
			+ convertedAge + "' and item_id = '" + email + "'";

       final Parameters parameters = getMockParameters(new String[]{"?","?"}, new Class[]{int.class, String.class, String.class});
	final String resultedQuery = QueryUtils.buildQuery(toProcessParsedQuery, parameters, age, email);

	assertThat(resultedQuery, is(expectedQuery));
public void bindIndexPositionParameters_should_construct_correct_query_with_converted_parameter_values() {
	final int age = 23;
	final String email = "[email protected]";
	final float balance = 12.1f;

	final String convertedAge = SimpleDBAttributeConverter.encode(age);
	final String convertedBalance = SimpleDBAttributeConverter.encode(balance);

	String expectedQuery = "select * from customer_all WHERE age = '" + convertedAge + "' and email = '" + email
			+ "' and balance = '" + convertedBalance + "'";
       final Parameters parameters = getMockParameters(new String[]{"?","?","?"}, new Class[]{int.class, String.class, float.class});

	String resultedQuery = QueryUtils.buildQuery(BIND_QUERY, parameters, age, email, balance);

	assertThat(resultedQuery, is(expectedQuery));
public void buildQueryConditionsWithParameters_should_construct_correct_bind_query_for_in_operator() {
	final String bind_query = "select * from customer_all WHERE age in ?";

	final long firstAge = 23;
	final long secondAge = 25;
	final String convertedFirstAge = SimpleDBAttributeConverter.encode(firstAge);
	final String convertedSecondAge = SimpleDBAttributeConverter.encode(secondAge);

	String expectedQuery = "select * from customer_all WHERE age in ('" + convertedFirstAge + "','"
			+ convertedSecondAge + "')";

	final Parameters parameters = getMockParameters(new String[] { "?" }, new Class[] { long[].class });
	String resultedQuery = QueryUtils.buildQuery(bind_query, parameters, new long[] { firstAge, secondAge });

	assertThat(resultedQuery, is(expectedQuery));
 * This test shows that if a named param or an index param is used to replace a field name, this will generate an
 * invalid query because quotes are added surrounding the field name
public void buildQueryConditionsWithParameters_should_construct_The_trickiest_query_for_in_operator() {
	final String bind_query = "select * from customer_all WHERE ?=?";

	final long firstAge = 23;
	final String convertedFirstAge = SimpleDBAttributeConverter.encode(firstAge);

	String expectedQuery = "select * from customer_all WHERE name = '" + convertedFirstAge + "'";

	final Parameters parameters = getMockParameters("?", "?");
	String resultedQuery = QueryUtils.buildQuery(bind_query, parameters, "name", firstAge);

	assertThat(resultedQuery, is(expectedQuery));
源代码19 项目: spring-data-simpledb   文件:
public void buildQueryConditionsWithParameters_should_construct_correct_named_query_for_in_operator() {
	final String bind_query = "select * from customer_all WHERE age in :age and x= :name";

	final int firstAge = 23;
       final int secondAge = 25;
	final String convertedFirstAge = SimpleDBAttributeConverter.encode(firstAge);
       final String convertedSecondAge = SimpleDBAttributeConverter.encode(secondAge);

	String expectedQuery = "select * from customer_all WHERE age in ('" + convertedFirstAge + "','"+convertedSecondAge+"') and x= 'name'";
	final Parameters parameters = getMockParameters(new String[]{":name", ":age"}, new Class[]{String.class, int[].class});

	String resultedQuery = QueryUtils.buildQuery(bind_query, parameters, "name", new int[]{firstAge, secondAge});

	assertThat(resultedQuery, is(expectedQuery));
源代码20 项目: spring-data-simpledb   文件:
public void buildQueryConditionsWithParameters_should_construct_correct_named_query_for_in_operator_with_no_space() {
    final String bind_query = "select * from customer_all WHERE age in:age";

    final int firstAge = 23;
    final int secondAge = 25;
    final String convertedFirstAge = SimpleDBAttributeConverter.encode(firstAge);
    final String convertedSecondAge = SimpleDBAttributeConverter.encode(secondAge);

    String expectedQuery = "select * from customer_all WHERE age in('" + convertedFirstAge + "','"+convertedSecondAge+"')";
    final Parameters parameters = getMockParameters(new String[]{":age"}, new Class[]{String.class});

    String resultedQuery = QueryUtils.buildQuery(bind_query, parameters, new int[]{firstAge, secondAge});

    assertThat(resultedQuery, is(expectedQuery));
public void resolveSqlQueryTest() {
	String queryName = "fakeNamedQueryName";
	String query = "fake query";
	Query queryAnnotation = mock(Query.class);
	NamedQueries namedQueries = mock(NamedQueries.class);

	Parameters parameters = mock(Parameters.class);


	when(parameters.getParameter(anyInt())).thenAnswer((invocation) -> {
		Parameter param = mock(Parameter.class);
		return param;


	this.datastoreQueryLookupStrategy.resolveQuery(null, null, null, namedQueries);

	verify(this.datastoreQueryLookupStrategy, times(1)).createGqlDatastoreQuery(
			eq(Object.class), same(this.queryMethod), eq(query));
public void resolveSqlQueryTest() {
	String queryName = "fakeNamedQueryName";
	String query = "fake query";
	NamedQueries namedQueries = mock(NamedQueries.class);

	Parameters parameters = mock(Parameters.class);

	// @formatter:off
	// @formatter:off

	when(parameters.getParameter(anyInt())).thenAnswer((invocation) -> {
		Parameter param = mock(Parameter.class);
		// @formatter:off
		// @formatter:on
		return param;


	this.spannerQueryLookupStrategy.resolveQuery(null, null, null, namedQueries);

	verify(this.spannerQueryLookupStrategy, times(1)).createSqlSpannerQuery(
			eq(Object.class), same(this.queryMethod), eq(query), eq(false));
源代码23 项目: spring-cloud-gcp   文件:
public void dmlTest() throws NoSuchMethodException {
	String sql = "dml statement here";

	TransactionContext context = mock(TransactionContext.class);
	TransactionRunner transactionRunner = mock(TransactionRunner.class);

	when( -> {
		TransactionRunner.TransactionCallable transactionCallable = invocation.getArgument(0);

	Method method = QueryHolder.class.getMethod("noParamMethod");

			.thenReturn(new DefaultParameters(method));

	SqlSpannerQuery sqlSpannerQuery = spy(createQuery(sql, Trade.class, true));


	sqlSpannerQuery.execute(new Object[] {});

	verify(this.spannerTemplate, times(1)).executeDmlStatement(any());
private PartTreeFirestoreQuery setUpPartTreeFirestoreQuery(String methodName) {
	Parameters parametersMock = mock(Parameters.class);

	ReturnedType returnedType = mock(ReturnedType.class);
	when(returnedType.getDomainType()).thenAnswer(invocation -> User.class);
	ResultProcessor resultProcessor = mock(ResultProcessor.class);

	return new PartTreeFirestoreQuery(this.queryMethod,
			this.firestoreTemplate, new FirestoreMappingContext(), this.classMapper);
 * Creates a new {@link ParameterMetadataProvider} from the given {@link Iterable} of all
 * bindable parameter values.
 * @param bindableParameterValues may be {@literal null}.
 * @param parameters              must not be {@literal null}.
private ParameterMetadataProvider(Iterator<Object> bindableParameterValues,
                                  Parameters<?, ?> parameters) {
    Assert.notNull(parameters, "Parameters must not be null!");

    this.parameters = parameters.getBindableParameters().iterator();
    this.expressions = new ArrayList<ParameterMetadata<?>>();
    this.bindableParameterValues = bindableParameterValues;
TemplateBasedQueryParameterSetterFactory(ExpressionParser parser,
                                         EvaluationContextProvider evaluationContextProvider, Parameters<?, ?> parameters) {
    Assert.notNull(evaluationContextProvider, "EvaluationContextProvider must not be null!");
    Assert.notNull(parser, "ExpressionParser must not be null!");
    Assert.notNull(parameters, "Parameters must not be null!");

    this.evaluationContextProvider = evaluationContextProvider;
    this.parser = parser;
    this.parameters = parameters;
源代码27 项目: ignite   文件:
 * @param evaluationCtxProvider Evaluation context provider.
 * @param parameters            Parameters.
 * @param extractor             Extractor.
public SpelEvaluator(EvaluationContextProvider evaluationCtxProvider,
    Parameters<?, ?> parameters,
    SpelExtractor extractor) {
    this.evaluationCtxProvider = evaluationCtxProvider;
    this.parameters = parameters;
    this.extractor = extractor;
 * <p>
 * Determine if the arguments to the method need reordered.
 * </P>
 * <p>
 * For searches such as {@code findBySomethingNotNull} there may be more parts than parameters needed to be bound to
 * them.
 * </P>
 * @param partTree           Query parts
 * @param bindableParameters Parameters expected
private void prepareRearrange(final PartTree partTree, final Parameters<?, ?> bindableParameters) {

    this.isRearrangeRequired = false;
    if (partTree == null || bindableParameters == null) {

    List<String> queryParams = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> methodParams = new ArrayList<>();

    for (Part part : partTree.getParts()) {

    Iterator<Parameter> bindableParameterIterator = (Iterator<Parameter>) bindableParameters.iterator();
    while (bindableParameterIterator.hasNext()) {
        Parameter parameter =;

    this.rearrangeIndex = new int[queryParams.size()];

    String[] paramsExpected = queryParams.toArray(new String[0]);
    String[] paramsProvided = methodParams.toArray(new String[0]);

    for (int i = 0; i < this.rearrangeIndex.length; i++) {
        this.rearrangeIndex[i] = i;

        for (int j = 0; j < paramsProvided.length; j++) {
            if (paramsProvided[j] != null && paramsProvided[j].equals(paramsExpected[i])) {
                this.rearrangeIndex[i] = j;
                this.isRearrangeRequired = true;
源代码29 项目: es   文件:
 * Creates a new {@link SimpleJpaQuery} that encapsulates a simple query string.
SimpleJpaQuery(JpaQueryMethod method, EntityManager em, String queryString) {

    super(method, em);

    this.method = method;
    this.query = new StringQuery(queryString);
    this.countQuery = new StringQuery(method.getCountQuery() == null ? QueryUtils.createCountQueryFor(queryString)
            : method.getCountQuery());

    Parameters parameters = method.getParameters();
    boolean hasPagingOrSortingParameter = parameters.hasPageableParameter() || parameters.hasSortParameter();

    if (method.isNativeQuery() && hasPagingOrSortingParameter) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use native queries with dynamic sorting and/or pagination!");

    EntityManager target = null;
    // Try to create a Query object already to fail fast
    if (!method.isNativeQuery()) {
        try {
            target = em.getEntityManagerFactory().createEntityManager();
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            // Needed as there's ambiguities in how an invalid query string shall be expressed by the persistence provider
            throw e instanceof IllegalArgumentException ? e : new IllegalArgumentException(e);
        } finally {
源代码30 项目: spring-data-simpledb   文件:
public static String bindQueryParameters(SimpleDbQueryMethod queryMethod,
		Object... parameterValues) {
	final String rawQuery = queryMethod.getAnnotatedQuery();

	if (hasNamedParameter(queryMethod) || hasBindParameter(rawQuery)) {
		final Parameters parameters = queryMethod.getParameters();
		return buildQuery(rawQuery, parameters, parameterValues);


	return rawQuery;