
下面列出了javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy#NEVER 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: oim-fx   文件:
private boolean determineHorizontalSBVisible() {
	final ScrollPane sp = getSkinnable();

		return (tempVisibility && (nodeWidth > contentWidth));
	} else {
		// RT-17395: ScrollBarPolicy might be null. If so, treat it as
		// "AS_NEEDED", which is the default
		ScrollBarPolicy hbarPolicy = sp.getHbarPolicy();
		return (ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER == hbarPolicy) ? false
				: ((ScrollBarPolicy.ALWAYS == hbarPolicy) ? true : ((sp.isFitToWidth() && scrollNode != null ? scrollNode.isResizable() : false) ? (nodeWidth > contentWidth && scrollNode.minWidth(-1) > contentWidth) : (nodeWidth > contentWidth)));
源代码2 项目: oim-fx   文件:
private boolean determineVerticalSBVisible() {
	final ScrollPane sp = getSkinnable();

		return (tempVisibility && (nodeHeight > contentHeight));
	} else {
		// RT-17395: ScrollBarPolicy might be null. If so, treat it as
		// "AS_NEEDED", which is the default
		ScrollBarPolicy vbarPolicy = sp.getVbarPolicy();
		return (ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER == vbarPolicy) ? false
				: ((ScrollBarPolicy.ALWAYS == vbarPolicy) ? true : ((sp.isFitToHeight() && scrollNode != null ? scrollNode.isResizable() : false) ? (nodeHeight > contentHeight && scrollNode.minHeight(-1) > contentHeight) : (nodeHeight > contentHeight)));
源代码3 项目: constellation   文件:
 * A JavaFxTopComponent will have a ScrollPane by default, as it cannot know
 * the expected layout of the given pane. If you wish to remove the
 * horizontal scroll bar, you can override this method to return
 * ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER.
 * @return a {@link ScrollBarPolicy} representing the desired horizontal
 * scroll bar policy.
protected ScrollBarPolicy getHorizontalScrollPolicy() {
    return ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER;
源代码4 项目: constellation   文件:
 * A JavaFxTopComponent will have a ScrollPane by default, as it cannot know
 * the expected layout of the given pane. If you wish to remove the vertical
 * scroll bar, you can override this method to return ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER.
 * @return a {@link ScrollBarPolicy} representing the desired vertical
 * scroll bar policy.
protected ScrollBarPolicy getVerticalScrollPolicy() {
    return ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER;