io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2FrameLogger #reactor.util.annotation.Nullable源码实例Demo

下面列出了 io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2FrameLogger #reactor.util.annotation.Nullable 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: cloud-spanner-r2dbc   文件:
public <T> T decode(Value value, Type spannerType, Class<? extends T> type) {
  Assert.requireNonNull(value, "value must not be null");
  Assert.requireNonNull(spannerType, "spannerType must not be null");
  Assert.requireNonNull(type, "type must not be null");

  for (Codec<?> codec : this.codecs) {
    if (codec.canDecode(spannerType, type)) {
      return ((Codec<T>) codec).decode(value, spannerType);

  throw new IllegalArgumentException(
      String.format("Cannot decode value of type %s to %s", spannerType, type.getName()));
源代码2 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
private static SyntheticMetadataMessage decodeInMetadata(ByteBuf buf, short header, ConnectionContext context, MetadataDecodeContext decodeContext) {
    ServerMessage message;

    if (EOF == header && EofMessage.isValidSize(buf.readableBytes())) {
        message = EofMessage.decode(buf);
    } else {
        message = DefinitionMetadataMessage.decode(buf, context);

    if (message instanceof ServerStatusMessage) {
        context.setServerStatuses(((ServerStatusMessage) message).getServerStatuses());

    return decodeContext.putPart(message);
源代码3 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
 * Visible for unit tests.
    Client client, ConnectionContext context, Codecs codecs, IsolationLevel level,
    @Nullable String product, @Nullable Predicate<String> prepare
) {
    this.client = client;
    this.context = context;
    this.deprecateEof = (this.context.getCapabilities() & Capabilities.DEPRECATE_EOF) != 0;
    this.sessionLevel = level;
    this.currentLevel = level;
    this.codecs = codecs;
    this.metadata = new MySqlConnectionMetadata(context.getServerVersion().toString(), product);
    this.batchSupported = (context.getCapabilities() & Capabilities.MULTI_STATEMENTS) != 0;
    this.prepare = prepare;

    if (this.batchSupported) {
        logger.debug("Batch is supported by server");
    } else {
        logger.warn("The MySQL server does not support batch executing, fallback to executing one-by-one");
源代码4 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
private static IsolationLevel convertIsolationLevel(@Nullable String name) {
    if (name == null) {
        logger.warn("Isolation level is null in current session, fallback to repeatable read");
        return IsolationLevel.REPEATABLE_READ;

    switch (name) {
        case "READ-UNCOMMITTED":
            return IsolationLevel.READ_UNCOMMITTED;
        case "READ-COMMITTED":
            return IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED;
        case "REPEATABLE-READ":
            return IsolationLevel.REPEATABLE_READ;
        case "SERIALIZABLE":
            return IsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE;
            logger.warn("Unknown isolation level {} in current session, fallback to repeatable read", name);
            return IsolationLevel.REPEATABLE_READ;
源代码5 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
static MySqlSslConfiguration create(
    SslMode sslMode, String[] tlsVersion, @Nullable String sslCa,
    @Nullable String sslKey, @Nullable CharSequence sslKeyPassword, @Nullable String sslCert,
    @Nullable Function<SslContextBuilder, SslContextBuilder> sslContextBuilderCustomizer
) {
    requireNonNull(sslMode, "sslMode must not be null");

    if (!sslMode.startSsl()) {
        return DISABLED;

    requireNonNull(tlsVersion, "tlsVersion must not be null");
    require(!sslMode.verifyCertificate() || sslCa != null, "sslCa must not be null when verifying mode has set");
    require((sslKey == null && sslCert == null) || (sslKey != null && sslCert != null), "sslKey and cert must be both null or both non-null");

    return new MySqlSslConfiguration(sslMode, tlsVersion, sslCa, sslKey, sslKeyPassword, sslCert, sslContextBuilderCustomizer);
private MySqlConnectionConfiguration(
    boolean isHost, String domain, int port, @Nullable MySqlSslConfiguration ssl,
    @Nullable Duration connectTimeout, ZeroDateOption zeroDateOption, @Nullable ZoneId serverZoneId,
    String user, @Nullable CharSequence password, @Nullable String database,
    @Nullable Predicate<String> preferPrepareStatement, Extensions extensions
) {
    this.isHost = isHost;
    this.domain = domain;
    this.port = port;
    this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout;
    this.ssl = requireNonNull(ssl, "ssl must not be null");
    this.serverZoneId = serverZoneId;
    this.zeroDateOption = requireNonNull(zeroDateOption, "zeroDateOption must not be null");
    this.user = requireNonNull(user, "user must not be null");
    this.password = password;
    this.database = database == null || database.isEmpty() ? "" : database;
    this.preferPrepareStatement = preferPrepareStatement;
    this.extensions = requireNonNull(extensions, "extensions must not be null");
源代码7 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
private static LocalDateTime decodeBinary(ByteBuf buf) {
    int bytes = buf.readableBytes();
    LocalDate date = LocalDateCodec.readDateBinary(buf, bytes);

    if (date == null) {
        return null;

    if (bytes < DateTimes.DATETIME_SIZE) {
        return LocalDateTime.of(date, LocalTime.MIDNIGHT);

    byte hour = buf.readByte();
    byte minute = buf.readByte();
    byte second = buf.readByte();

    if (bytes < DateTimes.MICRO_DATETIME_SIZE) {
        return LocalDateTime.of(date, LocalTime.of(hour, minute, second));

    int nano = (int) (buf.readUnsignedIntLE() * DateTimes.NANOS_OF_MICRO);
    return LocalDateTime.of(date, LocalTime.of(hour, minute, second, nano));
源代码8 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
static LocalDate readDateBinary(ByteBuf buf, int bytes) {
    if (bytes < DateTimes.DATE_SIZE) {
        return null;

    short year = buf.readShortLE();
    byte month = buf.readByte();
    byte day = buf.readByte();

    if (month == 0 || day == 0) {
        return null;

    return LocalDate.of(year, month, day);
源代码9 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
static JdbcTemplate jdbc(MySqlConnectionConfiguration configuration, @Nullable String timezone) {
    HikariDataSource source = new HikariDataSource();

    source.setJdbcUrl(String.format("jdbc:mysql://%s:%d/%s", configuration.getDomain(), configuration.getPort(), configuration.getDatabase()));

    if (timezone != null) {
        source.addDataSourceProperty("serverTimezone", timezone);

    return new JdbcTemplate(source);
源代码10 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
private static R2dbcException mappingSqlState(String errorMessage, String sqlState, int errorCode, @Nullable String sql) {
    if (sqlState.startsWith(SYNTAX_ERROR_PREFIX)) {
        return new R2dbcBadGrammarException(errorMessage, sqlState, errorCode, sql);
    } else if (sqlState.startsWith(CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION_PREFIX)) {
        return new R2dbcDataIntegrityViolationException(errorMessage, sqlState, errorCode);
    } else if (sqlState.startsWith(TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_PREFIX)) {
        return new R2dbcRollbackException(errorMessage, sqlState, errorCode);

    // Uncertain SQL state, all exceptions mismatch, fallback.
    return new R2dbcNonTransientResourceException(errorMessage, null, errorCode);
源代码11 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
public ParameterWriter append(@Nullable CharSequence csq, int start, int end) {
    CharSequence s = csq == null ? "null" : csq;

    if (start < 0 || start > s.length() || end < start || end > s.length()) {
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("start: " + start + ", end: " + end + ", str length: " + s.length());

    return append0(s, start, end);
源代码12 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
public void write(@Nullable String str, int off, int len) {
    String s = str == null ? "null" : str;

    if (off < 0 || off > s.length() || len < 0 || off + len > s.length() || off + len < 0) {
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("off: " + off + ", len: " + len + ", str length: " + s.length());

    write0(s, off, len);
源代码13 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
public void write(@Nullable char[] c) {
    if (c == null) {
        write((String) null);

    write0(c, 0, c.length);
源代码14 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
public void write(@Nullable char[] c, int off, int len) {
    if (c == null) {
        write((String) null, off, len);

    if (off < 0 || off > c.length || len < 0 || off + len > c.length || off + len < 0) {
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("off: " + off + ", len: " + len + ", chars length: " + c.length);

    write0(c, off, len);
源代码15 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
private static ServerMessage decodeMessage(List<ByteBuf> buffers, ConnectionContext context, DecodeContext decodeContext) {
    if (decodeContext instanceof ResultDecodeContext) {
        // Maybe very large.
        return decodeResult(buffers, context, (ResultDecodeContext) decodeContext);
    } else if (decodeContext instanceof FetchDecodeContext) {
        // Maybe very large.
        return decodeFetch(buffers, context);

    ByteBuf joined = JOINER.join(buffers);

    try {
        if (decodeContext instanceof CommandDecodeContext) {
            return decodeCommandMessage(joined, context);
        } else if (decodeContext instanceof PreparedMetadataDecodeContext) {
            return decodePreparedMetadata(joined, context, (PreparedMetadataDecodeContext) decodeContext);
        } else if (decodeContext instanceof PrepareQueryDecodeContext) {
            return decodePrepareQuery(joined);
        } else if (decodeContext instanceof ConnectionDecodeContext) {
            return decodeConnectionMessage(joined, context);
    } finally {

    throw new IllegalStateException("unknown decode context type: " + decodeContext.getClass());
源代码16 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
 * @param isBinary rows is binary.
 * @param messages must include complete signal.
MySqlResult(boolean isBinary, Codecs codecs, ConnectionContext context, @Nullable String generatedKeyName, Flux<ServerMessage> messages) {
    this.isBinary = isBinary;
    this.codecs = requireNonNull(codecs, "codecs must not be null");
    this.context = requireNonNull(context, "context must not be null");
    this.generatedKeyName = generatedKeyName;
    this.messages = new AtomicReference<>(requireNonNull(messages, "messages must not be null"));
源代码17 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
static MySqlConnectionConfiguration configuration(boolean autodetectExtensions, @Nullable ZoneId serverZoneId, @Nullable Predicate<String> preferPrepared) {
    String password = System.getProperty("test.mysql.password");

    assertThat(password).withFailMessage("Property test.mysql.password must exists and not be empty")

    MySqlConnectionConfiguration.Builder builder = MySqlConnectionConfiguration.builder()

    if (serverZoneId != null) {

    if (preferPrepared == null) {
    } else {

private static MySqlConnectionConfiguration hostedSslMode(SslMode sslMode, @Nullable String sslCa) {
    return MySqlConnectionConfiguration.builder()
源代码19 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
 * @param client  must be logged-in
 * @param codecs  built-in {@link Codecs}
 * @param context capabilities must be initialized
 * @param prepare judging for prefer use prepare statement to execute simple query
static Mono<MySqlConnection> create(Client client, Codecs codecs, ConnectionContext context, @Nullable Predicate<String> prepare) {
    requireNonNull(client, "client must not be null");
    requireNonNull(codecs, "codecs must not be null");
    requireNonNull(context, "context must not be null");

    ServerVersion version = context.getServerVersion();
    StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(128);

    // Maybe create a InitFlow for data initialization after login?
    if (version.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(TRAN_LEVEL_8X) || (version.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(TRAN_LEVEL_5X) && version.isLessThan(TX_LEVEL_8X))) {
        query.append("SELECT @@transaction_isolation AS i, @@version_comment AS v");
    } else {
        query.append("SELECT @@tx_isolation AS i, @@version_comment AS v");

    Function<MySqlResult, Publisher<InitData>> handler;

    if (context.shouldSetServerZoneId()) {
        handler = FULL_INIT_HANDLER;
        query.append(", @@system_time_zone AS s, @@time_zone AS t");
    } else {
        handler = INIT_HANDLER;

    return new TextSimpleStatement(client, codecs, context, query.toString())
        .map(data -> {
            ZoneId serverZoneId = data.serverZoneId;
            if (serverZoneId != null) {
                logger.debug("Set server time zone to {} from init query", serverZoneId);

            return new MySqlConnection(client, context, codecs, data.level, data.product, prepare);
源代码20 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
 * @param index the column index starting at 0
 * @param type  must be {@link ParameterizedType} linked {@code T}
 * @param <T>   generic type, like {@code Set<String>}, {@code List<String>} or JSON-Serializable type when JSON serializer valid.
 * @return {@code type} specified generic instance.
public <T> T get(int index, ParameterizedType type) {
    requireNonNull(type, "type must not be null");

    MySqlColumnMetadata info = rowMetadata.getColumnMetadata(index);
    return codecs.decode(fields[index], info, type, binary, context);
源代码21 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
public <T> T get(String name, ParameterizedType type) {
    requireNonNull(type, "type must not be null");

    MySqlColumnMetadata info = rowMetadata.getColumnMetadata(name);
    return codecs.decode(fields[info.getIndex()], info, type, binary, context);
源代码22 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
 * SHA1(password) all bytes xor SHA1( "random data from MySQL server" + SHA1(SHA1(password)) )
 * <p>
 * {@inheritDoc}
public byte[] authentication(@Nullable CharSequence password, @Nullable byte[] salt, CharCollation collation) {
    if (password == null || password.length() <= 0) {
        return EMPTY_BYTES;

    requireNonNull(salt, "salt must not be null when password exists");
    requireNonNull(collation, "collation must not be null when password exists");

    return AuthUtils.generalHash(ALGORITHM, IS_LEFT_SALT, password, salt, collation);
源代码23 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
public byte[] authentication(@Nullable CharSequence password, @Nullable byte[] salt, CharCollation collation) {
    if (password == null || password.length() <= 0) {
        return new byte[]{TERMINAL};

    requireNonNull(collation, "collation must not be null when password exists");

    return AuthUtils.encodeTerminal(CharBuffer.wrap(password), collation.getCharset());
源代码24 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
 * SHA256(password) `all bytes xor` SHA256( SHA256( ~SHA256(password) ) + "random data from MySQL server" )
 * <p>
 * {@inheritDoc}
public byte[] authentication(@Nullable CharSequence password, @Nullable byte[] salt, CharCollation collation) {
    if (password == null || password.length() <= 0) {
        return new byte[]{TERMINAL};

    requireNonNull(salt, "salt must not be null when password exists");
    requireNonNull(collation, "collation must not be null when password exists");

    return AuthUtils.generalHash(ALGORITHM, IS_LEFT_SALT, password, salt, collation);
源代码25 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
public byte[] authentication(@Nullable CharSequence password, @Nullable byte[] salt, CharCollation collation) {
    if (password == null || password.length() <= 0) {
        return new byte[]{TERMINAL};

    requireNonNull(collation, "collation must not be null when password exists");

    return AuthUtils.encodeTerminal(CharBuffer.wrap(password), collation.getCharset());
源代码26 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
private static Integer determineSubjectType(Object type) {
    if (type instanceof Integer) {
        return (Integer) type;
    } else {
        try {
            return Integer.parseInt(type.toString());
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            return null;
源代码27 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
static Mono<Client> connect(SocketAddress address, MySqlSslConfiguration ssl, ConnectionContext context, @Nullable Duration connectTimeout) {
    requireNonNull(address, "address must not be null");
    requireNonNull(ssl, "ssl must not be null");
    requireNonNull(context, "context must not be null");

    TcpClient tcpClient = TcpClient.newConnection();

    if (connectTimeout != null) {
        tcpClient = tcpClient.option(ChannelOption.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, Math.toIntExact(connectTimeout.toMillis()));

    return tcpClient.remoteAddress(() -> address).connect()
        .map(conn -> new ReactorNettyClient(conn, ssl, context));
源代码28 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
static WriteSubscriber create(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelPromise promise, @Nullable SequenceIdProvider provider) {
    if (provider == null) {
        // Used by this message ByteBuf stream only, can be unsafe.
        provider = SequenceIdProvider.unsafe();

    return new WriteSubscriber(ctx, promise, provider);
源代码29 项目: r2dbc-mysql   文件:
private MySqlSslConfiguration(
    SslMode sslMode, String[] tlsVersion, @Nullable String sslCa,
    @Nullable String sslKey, @Nullable CharSequence sslKeyPassword, @Nullable String sslCert,
    @Nullable Function<SslContextBuilder, SslContextBuilder> sslContextBuilderCustomizer
) {
    this.sslMode = sslMode;
    this.tlsVersion = tlsVersion;
    this.sslCa = sslCa;
    this.sslKey = sslKey;
    this.sslKeyPassword = sslKeyPassword;
    this.sslCert = sslCert;
    this.sslContextBuilderCustomizer = sslContextBuilderCustomizer;
源代码30 项目: sofa-dashboard   文件:
private <T> T queryOne(HostAndPort hostAndPort, String schemeName, Class<T> descriptorType) {
    List<StoreRecord> records = exporter.getLatestRecords(hostAndPort, schemeName,
        .map(it -> JsonUtils.parseObject(it, descriptorType))