
下面列出了javax.validation.groups.Default#org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotEmpty 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=200, description="Specify value of the environment variable. "
		+ "<b>Note:</b> Type <tt>@</tt> to <a href='$docRoot/pages/' target='_blank' tabindex='-1'>insert variable</a>, use <tt>\\</tt> to escape normal occurrences of <tt>@</tt> or <tt>\\</tt>")
public String getValue() {
	return value;
源代码2 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=100, name="LDAP URL", description=
   	"Specifies LDAP URL of the Active Directory server, for example: <i>ldap://ad-server</i>, or <i>ldaps://ad-server</i>")
public String getLdapUrl() {
	return super.getLdapUrl();
源代码3 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=300, description=""
		+ "To authenticate user against Active Directory and retrieve associated attributes and groups, OneDev "
		+ "would have to first authenticate itself against the Active Directory server and OneDev does that by "
		+ "sending 'manager' DN and password. The manager DN should be specified in form of "
		+ "<i>&lt;account name&gt;@&lt;domain&gt;</i>, for instance: <i>[email protected]</i>")
public String getManagerDN() {
	return super.getManagerDN();
源代码4 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=400, description="Specify command to check readiness of the service. This command will "
		+ "be interpretated by cmd.exe on Windows images, and by shell on Linux images. It will be "
		+ "executed repeatedly until a zero code is returned to indicate service ready. "
		+ "<b>Note:</b> Type <tt>@</tt> to <a href='$docRoot/pages/' target='_blank' tabindex='-1'>insert variable</a>, use <tt>\\</tt> to escape normal occurrences of <tt>@</tt> or <tt>\\</tt>")
public String getReadinessCheckCommand() {
	return readinessCheckCommand;
源代码5 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=200, description=""
		+ "In case user group relationship maintained at group side, this filter is used to determine belonging "
		+ "groups of current user. For example: <i>(&(uniqueMember={0})(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames))</i>. In "
		+ "this example, <i>{0}</i> represents DN of current user")
public String getGroupSearchFilter() {
	return groupSearchFilter;
源代码6 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=300, description=""
		+ "To authenticate user against LDAP and retrieve associated attributes and groups, OneDev would have to "
		+ "first authenticate itself against the LDAP server and OneDev does that by sending 'manager' DN and "
		+ "password")
public String getManagerDN() {
	return managerDN;
源代码7 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=800, description=""
		+ "Specifies name of the attribute inside the user LDAP entry whose value will be taken as user "
		+ "email. This field is normally set to <i>mail</i> according to RFC 2798")
public String getUserEmailAttribute() {
	return userEmailAttribute;
源代码8 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=100, description="Name of the provider will serve two purpose: "
		+ "<ul>"
		+ "<li>Display on login button"
		+ "<li>Form the authorization callback url which will be <i>&lt;server url&gt;/" + SsoProcessPage.MOUNTED_PATH + "/" + SsoProcessPage.STAGE_CALLBACK + "/&lt;name&gt;</i>"
		+ "</ul>")
@UrlSegment // will be used as part of callback url
public String getName() {
	return super.getName();
源代码9 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=100, description="Specify files relative to OneDev workspace. Use * or ? for pattern match. "
		+ "<b>Note:</b> Type <tt>@</tt> to <a href='$docRoot/pages/' target='_blank' tabindex='-1'>insert variable</a>, use <tt>\\</tt> to escape normal occurrences of <tt>@</tt> or <tt>\\</tt>")
@Patterns(interpolative = true, path=true)
public String getFilePatterns() {
	return filePatterns;
源代码10 项目: onedev   文件:
public String getName() {
	return super.getName();
源代码11 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=1100, description="Specify start page of the report relative to <a href='$docRoot/pages/' target='_blank'>job workspace</a>, for instance: api/index.html. "
		+ "<b>Note:</b> Type <tt>@</tt> to <a href='$docRoot/pages/' target='_blank' tabindex='-1'>insert variable</a>, use <tt>\\</tt> to escape normal occurrences of <tt>@</tt> or <tt>\\</tt>")
public String getStartPage() {
	return startPage;
源代码12 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=10000, name="Job Match Condition", description="Jobs applicable for this executor must match "
		+ "condition specified here")
public String getJobMatch() {
	return jobMatch;
源代码13 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=200, description="Specify docker image of the service. "
		+ "<b>Note:</b> Type <tt>@</tt> to <a href='$docRoot/pages/' target='_blank' tabindex='-1'>insert variable</a>, use <tt>\\</tt> to escape normal occurrences of <tt>@</tt> or <tt>\\</tt>")
public String getImage() {
	return image;
源代码14 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=200, description="Specify path to cache. Non-absolute path is considered to be relative to job workspace. "
		+ "Specify \".\" (without quote) to cache workspace itself. "
		+ "Note: Type @ to insert variable, use \\ to escape normal occurrences of @ or \\")
public String getPath() {
	return path;
源代码15 项目: onedev   文件:
public String getNewValue() {
	return newValue;
源代码16 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=100, name="new field")
public String getNewField() {
	return newField;
源代码17 项目: onedev   文件:
public String getName() {
	return super.getName();
源代码18 项目: onedev   文件:
@NotEmpty(message="Please choose revision to create branch from")
public String getRevision() {
	return revision;
源代码19 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=150, description="Specify the group to grant permissions for anonymous access")
public String getAnonymousGroup() {
	return anonymousGroup;
源代码20 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(name="Specified default value")
public String getValue() {
	return value;
源代码21 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(description="Groovy script to be evaluated. It should return a <i>String</i> value. "
		+ "Check <a href='$docRoot/pages/' target='_blank'>scripting help</a> for details")
public String getScriptName() {
	return scriptName;
源代码22 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=1000, name="Title", group="Issue Detail", description="Specify title of the issue. "
		+ "<b>Note:</b> Type <tt>@</tt> to <a href='$docRoot/pages/' target='_blank' tabindex='-1'>insert variable</a>, use <tt>\\</tt> to escape normal occurrences of <tt>@</tt> or <tt>\\</tt>")
public String getIssueTitle() {
	return issueTitle;
源代码23 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(description="Groovy script to be evaluated. It should return login name of an user. "
		+ "Check <a href='$docRoot/pages/' target='_blank'>scripting help</a> for details")
public String getScriptName() {
	return scriptName;
源代码24 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(description="Groovy script to be evaluated. The return value should be a list of user login names to "
		+ "be used as choices. Check <a href='$docRoot/pages/' target='_blank'>scripting help</a> for details")
public String getScriptName() {
	return scriptName;
源代码25 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(description="Groovy script to be evaluated. It should return a <i>boolean</i> value. "
		+ "Check <a href='$docRoot/pages/' target='_blank'>scripting help</a> for details")
public String getScriptName() {
	return scriptName;
源代码26 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(description="Groovy script to be evaluated. It should return a <i>Date</i> value. "
		+ "Check <a href='$docRoot/pages/' target='_blank'>scripting help</a> for details")
public String getScriptName() {
	return scriptName;
源代码27 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(description="Groovy script to be evaluated. It should return list of string. "
		+ "Check <a href='$docRoot/pages/' target='_blank'>scripting help</a> for details")
public String getScriptName() {
	return scriptName;
源代码28 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(order=100, description="Specify name of the role. <b class='red'>NOTE: </b> "
		+ "Permission to view issues will be granted implicitly even if no other permissions "
		+ "are specified here")
public String getName() {
	return name;
源代码29 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(description="Groovy script to be evaluated. It should return a <i>string</i> value. "
		+ "Check <a href='$docRoot/pages/' target='_blank'>scripting help</a> for details")
public String getScriptName() {
	return scriptName;
源代码30 项目: onedev   文件:
@Editable(description="Groovy script to be evaluated. The return value should be a value to color map, "
		+ "for instance:<br>"
		+ "<code>return [\"Successful\":\"#00ff00\", \"Failed\":\"#ff0000\"]</code>, "
		+ "Use <tt>null</tt> if the value does not have a color. Check <a href='$docRoot/pages/' target='_blank'>scripting help</a> for details")
public String getScriptName() {
	return scriptName;