
下面列出了 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: orbit-image-analysis   文件:
 * @see AbstractSolver#solve(AbstractMatrix, AbstractVector)
public AbstractVector solve(AbstractMatrix m, AbstractVector b) {
  if (m instanceof MtjMatrix && b instanceof MtjVector) {
    DenseVector result = new DenseVector(m.getRowDimension());
    no.uib.cipr.matrix.AbstractMatrix systemMatrix = ((MtjMatrix) m).getMatrix();
    DenseVector bMtj = ((MtjVector) b).getVector();
    CG cg = new CG(result);
    try {
      cg.solve(systemMatrix, bMtj, result);
    } catch (IterativeSolverNotConvergedException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
    return new MtjVector(result);
  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
源代码2 项目: orbit-image-analysis   文件:
public void testMultiply() {
  double[][] tmpMatrix = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 } };
  double[] tmpVector = { 1, 2, 3 };
  double[] resultExpected = { 14, 32 };
  DenseMatrix denseMatrix = new DenseMatrix(tmpMatrix);
  DenseVector denseVector = new DenseVector(tmpVector);
  AbstractMatrix abstractMatrix = new MtjMatrix(denseMatrix);
  AbstractVector abstractVector = new MtjVector(denseVector);

  AbstractVector resultActual = abstractMatrix.multiply(abstractVector);
  assertEquals(resultExpected.length, resultActual.getDimension());
  for (int i = 0; i < resultActual.getDimension(); i++) {
    assertEquals(resultExpected[i], resultActual.getEntry(i), Helper.TOLERANCE);

源代码3 项目: beast-mcmc   文件:
protected double calculateLogFieldLikelihood() {

        double currentLike = 0;
        DenseVector diagonal1 = new DenseVector(fieldLength);
        DenseVector currentGamma = new DenseVector(popSizeParameter.getParameterValues());

        SymmTridiagMatrix currentQ = getScaledWeightMatrix(precisionParameter.getParameterValue(0), lambdaParameter.getParameterValue(0));
        currentQ.mult(currentGamma, diagonal1);

//        currentLike += 0.5 * logGeneralizedDeterminant(currentQ) - 0.5 *;

        currentLike += 0.5 * (fieldLength - 1) * Math.log(precisionParameter.getParameterValue(0)) - 0.5 *;
        if (lambdaParameter.getParameterValue(0) == 1) {
            currentLike -= (fieldLength - 1) / 2.0 * LOG_TWO_TIMES_PI;
        } else {
            currentLike -= fieldLength / 2.0 * LOG_TWO_TIMES_PI;

        return currentLike;
源代码4 项目: beast-mcmc   文件:
protected double calculateLogFieldLikelihood() {

        double currentLike = 0;
        DenseVector diagonal1 = new DenseVector(fieldLength);
        DenseVector currentGamma = new DenseVector(popSizeParameter.getParameterValues());

        SymmTridiagMatrix currentQ = getScaledWeightMatrix(precisionParameter.getParameterValue(0), lambdaParameter.getParameterValue(0));
        currentQ.mult(currentGamma, diagonal1);

//        currentLike += 0.5 * logGeneralizedDeterminant(currentQ) - 0.5 *;

        currentLike += 0.5 * (fieldLength - 1) * Math.log(precisionParameter.getParameterValue(0)) - 0.5 *;
        if (lambdaParameter.getParameterValue(0) == 1) {
            currentLike -= (fieldLength - 1) / 2.0 * LOG_TWO_TIMES_PI;
        } else {
            currentLike -= fieldLength / 2.0 * LOG_TWO_TIMES_PI;

        return currentLike;
double getLogFieldLikelihood() {

            checkIntervals(); // TODO Is this really necessary?  Computation below does not appear to depend on intervals.

            DenseVector diagonal1 = new DenseVector(fieldLength);
            DenseVector currentGamma = getMeanAdjustedGamma();

            double currentLike = handleMissingValues();

            SymmTridiagMatrix currentQ = getScaledWeightMatrix(precisionParameter.getParameterValue(0), lambdaParameter.getParameterValue(0));
            currentQ.mult(currentGamma, diagonal1);

            currentLike += 0.5 * (fieldLength - 1) * Math.log(precisionParameter.getParameterValue(0)) - 0.5 *;
            if (lambdaParameter.getParameterValue(0) == 1) {
                currentLike -= (fieldLength - 1) / 2.0 * LOG_TWO_TIMES_PI;
            } else {
                currentLike -= fieldLength / 2.0 * LOG_TWO_TIMES_PI;

            return currentLike;
源代码6 项目: SONDY   文件:
public double computeEdgesWeight(Community c, List<Node> nodeList){		
    double totalWeight =0;
    if(c.getChild1() == null){
        DenseVector nodesC = c.getVertexIndexes();			
        for(VectorEntry ve : nodesC){
            int id = (int)ve.get();												
            Set<Edge<Node>> edges = structure.getEdges(nodeList.get(id));
            for(Edge e:edges){
                        totalWeight += e.getWeight(); 
    return totalWeight;
源代码7 项目: SONDY   文件:
public void explore(Community c){
    if(c.getChild1() == null){
        DenseVector nodesC = c.getVertexIndexes();
        EDCoWEvent event = new EDCoWEvent();
        for(VectorEntry ve : nodesC){
            int id = (int)ve.get();
源代码8 项目: matrix-toolkits-java   文件:
 * Sets up the preconditioner for the given matrix
 * @param LU
 *            Matrix to use internally. For best performance, its non-zero
 *            pattern should conform to that of the system matrix
 * @param tau
 *            Drop tolerance
 * @param p
 *            Number of entries to keep on each row in of the factored
 *            matrix. This is in addition to the entries of the original
 *            matrix
public ILUT(FlexCompRowMatrix LU, double tau, int p) {
    if (!LU.isSquare())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "ILU only applies to square matrices");

    this.LU = LU;
    this.tau = tau;
    this.p = p;

    int n = LU.numRows();
    lower = new ArrayList<IntDoubleEntry>(n);
    upper = new ArrayList<IntDoubleEntry>(n);
    y = new DenseVector(n);
    diagind = new int[n];
源代码9 项目: matrix-toolkits-java   文件:
public Vector solve(Vector b, Vector x) {
    if (!(b instanceof DenseVector) || !(x instanceof DenseVector))
        return super.solve(b, x);

    double[] bd = ((DenseVector) b).getData();
    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData();

    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) {

        // Get row i
        SparseVector row = LU.getRow(i);
        int[] index = row.getIndex();
        double[] data = row.getData();

        // xi = bi - sum[j<i] Lij * xj
        double sum = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < diagind[i]; ++j)
            sum += data[j] * xd[index[j]];

        xd[i] = bd[i] - sum;

    return x;
源代码10 项目: matrix-toolkits-java   文件:
public Vector transSolve(Vector b, Vector x) {
    if (!(x instanceof DenseVector))
        return super.transSolve(b, x);


    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData();

    for (int i = numRows - 1; i >= 0; --i) {

        // Get row i
        SparseVector row = LU.getRow(i);
        int[] index = row.getIndex();
        double[] data = row.getData();

        // At this stage, x[i] is known, so move it over to the right
        // hand side for the remaining equations
        for (int j = 0; j < diagind[i]; ++j)
            xd[index[j]] -= data[j] * xd[i];


    return x;
源代码11 项目: matrix-toolkits-java   文件:
public Vector solve(Vector b, Vector x) {
    if (!(b instanceof DenseVector) || !(x instanceof DenseVector))
        return super.solve(b, x);

    double[] bd = ((DenseVector) b).getData();
    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData();

    for (int i = numRows - 1; i >= 0; --i) {

        // Get row i
        SparseVector row = LU.getRow(i);
        int[] index = row.getIndex();
        int used = row.getUsed();
        double[] data = row.getData();

        // xi = (bi - sum[j>i] Uij * xj) / Uii
        double sum = 0;
        for (int j = diagind[i] + 1; j < used; ++j)
            sum += data[j] * xd[index[j]];

        xd[i] = (bd[i] - sum) / data[diagind[i]];

    return x;
public Vector solve(Vector b, Vector x) {
    if (!(b instanceof DenseVector) || !(x instanceof DenseVector))
        return super.solve(b, x);

    double[] bd = ((DenseVector) b).getData();
    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData();

    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) {

        // xi = bi - sum[j<i] Lij * xj
        double sum = 0;
        for (int j = rowptr[i]; j < diagind[i]; ++j)
            sum += data[j] * xd[colind[j]];

        xd[i] = bd[i] - sum;

    return x;
public Vector transSolve(Vector b, Vector x) {
    if (!(x instanceof DenseVector))
        return super.transSolve(b, x);


    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData();

    for (int i = numRows - 1; i >= 0; --i)

        // At this stage, x[i] is known, so move it over to the right hand
        // side for the remaining equations
        for (int j = rowptr[i]; j < diagind[i]; ++j)
            xd[colind[j]] -= data[j] * xd[i];

    return x;
源代码14 项目: matrix-toolkits-java   文件:
public Vector transMultAdd(double alpha, Vector x, Vector y) {
    if (!(x instanceof DenseVector) || !(y instanceof DenseVector))
        return super.transMultAdd(alpha, x, y);

    checkTransMultAdd(x, y);

    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData(), yd = ((DenseVector) y)

    // y = 1/alpha * y
    y.scale(1. / alpha);

    // y = A'x + y
    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) {
        SparseVector v = rowD[i];
        int[] index = v.getIndex();
        double[] data = v.getData();
        int length = v.getUsed();
        for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j)
            yd[index[j]] += data[j] * xd[i];

    // y = alpha*y = alpha * A'x + y
    return y.scale(alpha);
源代码15 项目: matrix-toolkits-java   文件:
public Vector multAdd(double alpha, Vector x, Vector y) {
    if (!(x instanceof DenseVector) || !(y instanceof DenseVector))
        return super.multAdd(alpha, x, y);

    checkMultAdd(x, y);

    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData(), yd = ((DenseVector) y)

    // y = 1/alpha * y
    y.scale(1 / alpha);

    // y = A*x + y
    for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; ++i)
        for (int j = columnPointer[i]; j < columnPointer[i + 1]; ++j)
            yd[rowIndex[j]] += data[j] * xd[i];

    // y = alpha*y = alpha*A*x + y
    return y.scale(alpha);
源代码16 项目: matrix-toolkits-java   文件:
public Vector transMult(Vector x, Vector y) {
    if (!(x instanceof DenseVector) || !(y instanceof DenseVector))
        return super.transMult(x, y);

    checkTransMultAdd(x, y);

    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData();
    double[] yd = ((DenseVector) y).getData();

    for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; ++i) {
        double dot = 0;
        for (int j = columnPointer[i]; j < columnPointer[i + 1]; ++j)
            dot += data[j] * xd[rowIndex[j]];
        yd[i] = dot;

    return y;
源代码17 项目: matrix-toolkits-java   文件:
public Vector transMultAdd(double alpha, Vector x, Vector y) {
    if (!(x instanceof DenseVector) || !(y instanceof DenseVector))
        return super.transMultAdd(alpha, x, y);

    checkTransMultAdd(x, y);

    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData();
    double[] yd = ((DenseVector) y).getData();

    for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; ++i) {
        double dot = 0;
        for (int j = columnPointer[i]; j < columnPointer[i + 1]; ++j)
            dot += data[j] * xd[rowIndex[j]];
        yd[i] += alpha * dot;

    return y;
源代码18 项目: matrix-toolkits-java   文件:
public Vector solve(Vector b, Vector x) {
    if (!(b instanceof DenseVector) || !(x instanceof DenseVector))
        return super.solve(b, x);

    double[] bd = ((DenseVector) b).getData();
    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData();

    for (int i = numRows - 1; i >= 0; --i) {

        // xi = (bi - sum[j>i] Uij * xj) / Uii
        double sum = 0;
        for (int j = diagind[i] + 1; j < rowptr[i + 1]; ++j)
            sum += data[j] * xd[colind[j]];

        xd[i] = (bd[i] - sum) / data[diagind[i]];

    return x;
源代码19 项目: matrix-toolkits-java   文件:
public Vector transSolve(Vector b, Vector x) {
    if (!(x instanceof DenseVector))
        return super.transSolve(b, x);


    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData();

    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) {

        // Solve for the current entry
        xd[i] /= data[diagind[i]];

        // Move this known solution over to the right hand side for the
        // remaining equations
        for (int j = diagind[i] + 1; j < rowptr[i + 1]; ++j)
            xd[colind[j]] -= data[j] * xd[i];

    return x;
源代码20 项目: matrix-toolkits-java   文件:
public Vector mult(Vector x, Vector y) {
    if (!(x instanceof DenseVector) || !(y instanceof DenseVector))
        return super.mult(x, y);

    checkMultAdd(x, y);

    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData();
    double[] yd = ((DenseVector) y).getData();;

    for (int i = 0; i < ind.length; ++i) {
        int row = ind[i] < 0 ? -ind[i] : 0;
        int column = ind[i] > 0 ? ind[i] : 0;
        double[] locDiag = diag[i];
        for (int j = 0; j < locDiag.length; ++j, ++row, ++column)
            yd[row] += locDiag[j] * xd[column];

    return y;
源代码21 项目: matrix-toolkits-java   文件:
public Vector multAdd(double alpha, Vector x, Vector y) {
    if (!(x instanceof DenseVector) || !(y instanceof DenseVector))
        return super.multAdd(alpha, x, y);

    checkMultAdd(x, y);

    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData();
    double[] yd = ((DenseVector) y).getData();

    for (int i = 0; i < ind.length; ++i) {
        int row = ind[i] < 0 ? -ind[i] : 0;
        int column = ind[i] > 0 ? ind[i] : 0;
        double[] locDiag = diag[i];
        for (int j = 0; j < locDiag.length; ++j, ++row, ++column)
            yd[row] += alpha * locDiag[j] * xd[column];

    return y;
源代码22 项目: matrix-toolkits-java   文件:
public Vector transMultAdd(double alpha, Vector x, Vector y) {
    if (!(x instanceof DenseVector) || !(y instanceof DenseVector))
        return super.transMultAdd(alpha, x, y);

    checkTransMultAdd(x, y);

    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData();
    double[] yd = ((DenseVector) y).getData();

    for (int i = 0; i < ind.length; ++i) {
        int row = ind[i] < 0 ? -ind[i] : 0;
        int column = ind[i] > 0 ? ind[i] : 0;
        double[] locDiag = diag[i];
        for (int j = 0; j < locDiag.length; ++j, ++row, ++column)
            yd[column] += alpha * locDiag[j] * xd[row];

    return y;
源代码23 项目: matrix-toolkits-java   文件:
public Vector multAdd(double alpha, Vector x, Vector y) {
    if (!(x instanceof DenseVector) || !(y instanceof DenseVector))
        return super.multAdd(alpha, x, y);

    checkMultAdd(x, y);

    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData();
    double[] yd = ((DenseVector) y).getData();

    // y = 1/alpha * y
    y.scale(1. / alpha);

    // y = A*x + y
    for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; ++i) {
        SparseVector v = colD[i];
        int[] index = v.getIndex();
        double[] data = v.getData();
        int length = v.getUsed();
        for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j)
            yd[index[j]] += data[j] * xd[i];

    // y = alpha*y = alpha * A'x + y
    return y.scale(alpha);
源代码24 项目: matrix-toolkits-java   文件:
public void testBug27() {
    double[] tfVector = {0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0};
    DenseVector dense = new DenseVector(tfVector, false);
    SparseVector vectorTF = new SparseVector(dense);

    assertTrue(vectorTF.getUsed() == 2); // vectorTF.getUsed() returns 5

    for (Iterator<VectorEntry> it = vectorTF.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        VectorEntry ve =;
        int index = ve.index();
        double value = ve.get();
        assertTrue(tfVector[index] == value);
源代码25 项目: orbit-image-analysis   文件:
 * @see AbstractMatrix#multiply(AbstractVector)
public AbstractVector multiply(AbstractVector vector) {
  if (vector.getDimension() != this.matrix.numColumns()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimension mismatch");
  if (vector instanceof MtjVector) {
    DenseVector v = ((MtjVector) vector).getVector();
    DenseVector result = new DenseVector(this.matrix.numRows());
    this.matrix.mult(v, result);
    return new MtjVector(result);
  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
源代码26 项目: orbit-image-analysis   文件:
 * @see ApacheVector#subtract(AbstractVector)
public AbstractVector subtract(AbstractVector v) {
  if (v instanceof MtjVector) {
    DenseVector tmp = ((MtjVector) v).getVector();
    return new MtjVector(tmp);
  } else {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
源代码27 项目: orbit-image-analysis   文件:
 * @see ApacheVector#getSubVector(int, int)
public AbstractVector getSubVector(int index, int n) {
  DenseVector subVector = new DenseVector(n);
  for (int i = index, j = 0; i < index + n; i++, j++) {
    double value = this.vector.get(i);
    subVector.set(j, value);
  return new MtjVector(subVector);
源代码28 项目: orbit-image-analysis   文件:
public void testGetSubVector() {
  double[] x = new double[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
  double[] expected = new double[] { 4, 5, 6 };

  DenseVector vector = new DenseVector(x);
  AbstractVector v = new MtjVector(vector);
  AbstractVector resultActual = v.getSubVector(4, 3);

  assertEquals(resultActual.getDimension(), expected.length);
  for (int i = 0; i < resultActual.getDimension(); i++) {
    assertEquals(expected[i], resultActual.getEntry(i), Helper.TOLERANCE);
源代码29 项目: orbit-image-analysis   文件:
public void testSetSubVector() {
  double[] x = new double[] { 1, 2 };
  double[] expected = new double[] { 0, 1, 2, 0 };

  AbstractVector vActual = new MtjVector(4);
  DenseVector tmp = new DenseVector(x);
  AbstractVector subVector = new MtjVector(tmp);
  vActual.setSubVector(1, subVector);
  assertEquals(expected.length, vActual.getDimension());
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    assertEquals(expected[i], vActual.getEntry(i), Helper.TOLERANCE);

源代码30 项目: beast-mcmc   文件:
public SplineBasis(String name, Variable<Double> knotLocations, Variable<Double> knotValues, int degree) {
    this.knotLocations = knotLocations;
    this.knotValues = knotValues;
    addVariable(knotValues); = degree;
    updateBasis = true;

    n = knotValues.getSize();
    h = new double[n - 1];
    deltaY = new double[n - 1];

    hMatrix = new BandMatrix(n, 1, 1);
    yByH = new DenseVector(n);
    z = new DenseVector(n);


    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    buffer.append("Constructing spline basis:\n");
    buffer.append("\tDegree: ").append(degree).append("\n");
    buffer.append("\tRange: [").append(getLowerBound()).append(", ").append(getUpperBound()).append("\n");

