io.reactivex.Single#fromPublisher ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了io.reactivex.Single#fromPublisher ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: cyclops   文件:
public void setup(){
    just = Single.just(10);
    none = Single.error(new Exception("boo"));
    active = Single.fromPublisher(Future.future());
    just2 = Single.just(20);
源代码2 项目: tutorials   文件:
public void givenReactiveClient_whenRequested_ShouldPrintEvents() throws Exception {
    ReactiveRequest request = ReactiveRequest.newBuilder(httpClient, uri())
        .content(ReactiveRequest.Content.fromString(CONTENT, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE, UTF_8))
    Publisher<ReactiveRequest.Event> requestEvents = request.requestEvents();
    Publisher<ReactiveResponse.Event> responseEvents = request.responseEvents();

    List<Type> requestEventTypes = new ArrayList<>();
    List<ReactiveResponse.Event.Type> responseEventTypes = new ArrayList<>();



    Single<ReactiveResponse> response = Single.fromPublisher(request.response());
    int actualStatus = response.blockingGet()

    Assert.assertEquals(6, requestEventTypes.size());
    Assert.assertEquals(5, responseEventTypes.size());

    Assert.assertEquals(actualStatus, HttpStatus.OK_200);
源代码3 项目: smallrye-mutiny   文件:
public Single<T> apply(Uni<T> uni) {
    return Single.fromPublisher(uni.onItem().ifNull().continueWith(defaultValue).convert().toPublisher());
源代码4 项目: smallrye-mutiny   文件:
public Single<Optional<T>> apply(Uni<T> uni) {
    return Single.fromPublisher(;
源代码5 项目: smallrye-mutiny   文件:
public Single<T> apply(Uni<T> uni) {
    return Single.fromPublisher(uni.onItem().ifNull().failWith(NoSuchElementException::new).convert().toPublisher());
public Single<Long> count() {

    return Single.fromPublisher(collection.countDocuments());
源代码7 项目: immutables   文件:
public Single<WriteResult> delete(Criterion<T> criteria) {
  return Single.fromPublisher(writable.delete(criteria));
public Single<Long> countByDomain(String domain) {
    return Single.fromPublisher(applicationsCollection.countDocuments(eq(FIELD_DOMAIN, domain)));
源代码9 项目: cyclops   文件:
public static <T> Single<T> fromValue(MonadicValue<T> future){
    return Single.fromPublisher(future);
源代码10 项目: immutables   文件:
public Single<WriteResult> upsertAll(Iterable<? extends T> docs) {
  return Single.fromPublisher(writable.upsertAll(docs));
源代码11 项目: immutables   文件:
public Single<T> one() {
  return Single.fromPublisher(;
源代码12 项目: cyclops   文件:
public <T, R> AnyM<single, R> ap(AnyM<single,? extends Function<? super T,? extends R>> fn, AnyM<single, T> apply) {
    Single<T> f = future(apply);

    Single<? extends Function<? super T, ? extends R>> fnF = future(fn);

    Future<T> crF1 = Future.fromPublisher(f.toFlowable());
    Future<? extends Function<? super T, ? extends R>> crFnF = Future.fromPublisher(fnF.toFlowable());

    Single<R> res = Single.fromPublisher(,(a,b)->b.apply(a)));
    return SingleAnyM.anyM(res);

源代码13 项目: cyclops   文件:
 * Wait until all the provided Future's to complete
 * @see CompletableFuture#allOf(CompletableFuture...)
 * @param fts Singles to  wait on
 * @return Single that completes when all the provided Futures Complete. Empty Future result, or holds an Exception
 *         from a provided Future that failed.
public static <T> Single<T> allOf(Single<T>... fts) {

    return Single.fromPublisher(Future.allOf(futures(fts)));
源代码14 项目: cyclops   文件:
 * Lazily combine this Single with the supplied value via the supplied BiFunction
 * @param single Single to combine with another value
 * @param app Value to combine with supplied single
 * @param fn Combiner function
 * @return Combined Single
public static <T1, T2, R> Single<R> combine(Single<? extends T1> single, Value<? extends T2> app,
        BiFunction<? super T1, ? super T2, ? extends R> fn) {
    return Single.fromPublisher(Future.fromPublisher(single.toFlowable())
                            .zip(app, fn));
源代码15 项目: cyclops   文件:
 * Combine the provided Single with the first element (if present) in the provided Iterable using the provided BiFunction
 * @param single Single to combine with an Iterable
 * @param app Iterable to combine with a Single
 * @param fn Combining function
 * @return Combined Single
public static <T1, T2, R> Single<R> zip(Single<? extends T1> single, Iterable<? extends T2> app,
        BiFunction<? super T1, ? super T2, ? extends R> fn) {
    return Single.fromPublisher(Future.fromPublisher(single.toFlowable())
                            .zip(app, fn));
源代码16 项目: cyclops   文件:
 * Combine the provided Single with the first element (if present) in the provided Publisher using the provided BiFunction
 * @param single  Single to combine with a Publisher
 * @param fn Publisher to combine with a Single
 * @param app Combining function
 * @return Combined Single
public static <T1, T2, R> Single<R> zip(Single<? extends T1> single, BiFunction<? super T1, ? super T2, ? extends R> fn,
        Publisher<? extends T2> app) {
    Single<R> res = Single.fromPublisher(Future.fromPublisher(single.toFlowable()).zip(fn,app));
    return res;
源代码17 项目: cyclops   文件:
 * Construct a Single from Iterable by taking the first value from Iterable
 * @param t Iterable to populate Single from
 * @return Single containing first element from Iterable (or empty Single)
public static <T> Single<T> fromIterable(Iterable<T> t) {
    return Single.fromPublisher(Future.fromIterable(t));
源代码18 项目: cyclops   文件:
 * Block until a Quorum of results have returned as determined by the provided Predicate
 * <pre>
 * {@code
 * Single<ListX<Integer>> strings = Singles.quorum(status -> status.getCompleted() >0, Single.deferred(()->1),Single.empty(),Single.empty());

 * }
 * </pre>
 * @param breakout Predicate that determines whether the block should be
 *            continued or removed
 * @param fts FutureWs to  wait on results from
 * @param errorHandler Consumer to handle any exceptions thrown
 * @return Future which will be populated with a Quorum of results
public static <T> Single<Seq<T>> quorum(Predicate<Status<T>> breakout, Consumer<Throwable> errorHandler, Single<T>... fts) {

    return Single.fromPublisher(Futures.quorum(breakout,errorHandler,futures(fts)));

源代码19 项目: cyclops   文件:
 * Block until a Quorum of results have returned as determined by the provided Predicate
 * <pre>
 * {@code
 * Single<ListX<Integer>> strings = Singles.quorum(status -> status.getCompleted() >0, Single.deferred(()->1),Single.empty(),Single.empty());

 * }
 * </pre>
 * @param breakout Predicate that determines whether the block should be
 *            continued or removed
 * @param fts Singles to  wait on results from
 * @return Single which will be populated with a Quorum of results
public static <T> Single<Seq<T>> quorum(Predicate<Status<T>> breakout, Single<T>... fts) {

    return Single.fromPublisher(Futures.quorum(breakout,futures(fts)));

源代码20 项目: cyclops   文件:
 * Select the first Future to return with a successful result
 * <pre>
 * {@code
 * Single<Integer> ft = Single.empty();
  Single<Integer> result = Singles.firstSuccess(Single.deferred(()->1),ft);

result.get() //1
 * }
 * </pre>
 * @param fts Singles to race
 * @return First Single to return with a result
public static <T> Single<T> firstSuccess(Single<T>... fts) {
    return Single.fromPublisher(Future.firstSuccess(futures(fts)));
