
下面列出了io.reactivex.functions.Function3#io.reactivex.functions.BiPredicate 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: NullAway   文件:
private Observable<NullableContainer<String>> filterThenDistinctUntilChanged(
    Observable<NullableContainer<String>> observable) {
  return observable
          new Predicate<NullableContainer<String>>() {
            public boolean test(NullableContainer<String> container) throws Exception {
              return container.get() != null;
          new BiPredicate<NullableContainer<String>, NullableContainer<String>>() {
            public boolean test(NullableContainer<String> nc1, NullableContainer<String> nc2) {
              return nc1.get().length() == nc2.get().length()
                  && nc1.get().contains(nc2.get())
                  && nc2.get().contains(nc1.get());
源代码2 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
public static <T, R> BiPredicate<T, R> alwaysTrue() {
    // TODO make holder
    return new BiPredicate<T, R>() {

        public boolean test(T t1, R t2) throws Exception {
            return true;
源代码3 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
public static <T, R> BiPredicate<T, R> alwaysFalse() {
    // TODO make holder
    return new BiPredicate<T, R>() {

        public boolean test(T t1, R t2) throws Exception {
            return false;
源代码4 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
public static <T, R> BiPredicate<T, R> throwing() {
    // TODO make holder
    return new BiPredicate<T, R>() {

        public boolean test(T t1, R t2) throws Exception {
            throw new ThrowingException();

源代码5 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
private TransformerStateMachine(Callable<? extends State> initialState,
        Function3<? super State, ? super In, ? super FlowableEmitter<Out>, ? extends State> transition,
        BiPredicate<? super State, ? super FlowableEmitter<Out>> completion,
        BackpressureStrategy backpressureStrategy, int requestBatchSize) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(requestBatchSize > 0, "initialRequest must be greater than zero");
    this.initialState = initialState;
    this.transition = transition;
    this.completion = completion;
    this.backpressureStrategy = backpressureStrategy;
    this.requestBatchSize = requestBatchSize;
源代码6 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
public static <State, In, Out> FlowableTransformer<In, Out> create(Callable<? extends State> initialState,
        Function3<? super State, ? super In, ? super FlowableEmitter<Out>, ? extends State> transition,
        BiPredicate<? super State, ? super FlowableEmitter<Out>> completion,
        BackpressureStrategy backpressureStrategy, int requestBatchSize) {
    return new TransformerStateMachine<State, In, Out>(initialState, transition, completion, backpressureStrategy,
源代码7 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
private static <State, Out, In> Function<Notification<In>, Flowable<Notification<Out>>> execute(
        final Function3<? super State, ? super In, ? super FlowableEmitter<Out>, ? extends State> transition,
        final BiPredicate<? super State, ? super FlowableEmitter<Out>> completion, final Mutable<State> state,
        final BackpressureStrategy backpressureStrategy) {

    return new Function<Notification<In>, Flowable<Notification<Out>>>() {

        public Flowable<Notification<Out>> apply(final Notification<In> in) {

            return Flowable.create(new FlowableOnSubscribe<Notification<Out>>() {

                public void subscribe(FlowableEmitter<Notification<Out>> emitter) throws Exception {
                    FlowableEmitter<Out> w = wrap(emitter);
                    if (in.isOnNext()) {
                        state.value = transition.apply(state.value, in.getValue(), w);
                        if (!emitter.isCancelled())
                        else {
                            // this is a special emission to indicate that
                            // the transition called unsubscribe. It will be
                            // filtered later.
                    } else if (in.isOnComplete()) {
                        if (completion.test(state.value, w) && !emitter.isCancelled()) {
                    } else if (!emitter.isCancelled()) {

            }, backpressureStrategy);
源代码8 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
public FlowableCollectWhile(Flowable<T> source, Callable<R> collectionFactory,
        BiFunction<? super R, ? super T, ? extends R> add,
        BiPredicate<? super R, ? super T> condition, boolean emitRemainder) {
    this.source = source;
    this.collectionFactory = collectionFactory;
    this.add = add;
    this.condition = condition;
    this.emitRemainder = emitRemainder;
源代码9 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
CollectWhileSubscriber(Callable<R> collectionFactory,
        BiFunction<? super R, ? super T, ? extends R> add,
        BiPredicate<? super R, ? super T> condition, Subscriber<? super R> child,
        boolean emitRemainder) {
    this.collectionFactory = collectionFactory;
    this.add = add;
    this.condition = condition;
    this.child = child;
    this.emitRemainder = emitRemainder;
源代码10 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
public static <State, In, Out> FlowableTransformer<In, Out> stateMachine(Callable<? extends State> initialState,
        Function3<? super State, ? super In, ? super FlowableEmitter<Out>, ? extends State> transition,
        BiPredicate<? super State, ? super FlowableEmitter<Out>> completion,
        BackpressureStrategy backpressureStrategy, int requestBatchSize) {
    return TransformerStateMachine.create(initialState, transition, completion, backpressureStrategy,
源代码11 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
 * Buffers the source {@link Flowable} into {@link List}s, emitting Lists when
 * the size of a list reaches {@code maxSize} or if the elapsed time since last
 * emission from the source reaches the given duration.
 * @param maxSize
 *            max size of emitted lists
 * @param duration
 *            function that based on the last emission calculates the elapsed
 *            time to be used before emitting a buffered list
 * @param unit
 *            unit of {@code duration}
 * @param scheduler
 *            scheduler to use to schedule emission of a buffer (as a list) if
 *            the time since last emission from the source reaches duration
 * @param <T>
 *            type of the source stream items
 * @return source with operator applied
public static <T> FlowableTransformer<T, List<T>> buffer(final int maxSize,
        final Function<? super T, ? extends Long> duration, final TimeUnit unit, final Scheduler scheduler) {

    final BiPredicate<List<T>, MyOptional<T>> condition = new BiPredicate<List<T>, MyOptional<T>>() {
        public boolean test(List<T> list, MyOptional<T> x) throws Exception {
            return list.size() < maxSize && x.isPresent();
    Function<MyOptional<T>, Long> timeout = new Function<MyOptional<T>, Long>() {
        public Long apply(MyOptional<T> t) throws Exception {
            return duration.apply(t.get());
    final FlowableTransformer<MyOptional<T>, MyOptional<T>> insert = insert(timeout, unit,
            Functions.constant(MyOptional.<T>empty()), scheduler);

    final FlowableTransformer<MyOptional<T>, List<T>> collectWhile = collectWhile( //
            // factory
            ListFactoryHolder.<T>factory(), //
            // add function
            MyOptional.<T>addIfPresent(), //
            // condition

    return new FlowableTransformer<T, List<T>>() {
        public Publisher<List<T>> apply(Flowable<T> source) {

            return source //
                    .map(MyOptional.<T>of()) //
                    .compose(insert) //
                    // need this filter because sometimes nothing gets added to list
                    .filter(MyOptional.<T>listHasElements()); //
源代码12 项目: coordinators   文件:
 * Returns an observable of the tic tac toe board. First value is provided immediately,
 * succeeding values are guaranteed to be distinct from previous values. Values are
 * always provided on the main thread.
public Observable<Value[][]> grid() {
  return grid.distinctUntilChanged(new BiPredicate<Value[][], Value[][]>() {
    @Override public boolean test(Value[][] a, Value[][] b) throws Exception {
      return Arrays.equals(a, b);
源代码13 项目: coordinators   文件:
 * Returns an observable of the tic tac toe board. First value is provided immediately,
 * succeeding values are guaranteed to be distinct from previous values. Values are
 * always provided on the main thread.
Observable<Value[][]> grid() {
  return grid.distinctUntilChanged(new BiPredicate<Value[][], Value[][]>() {
    @Override public boolean test(Value[][] a, Value[][] b) throws Exception {
      return Arrays.equals(a, b);
源代码14 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
public static <T, R> FlowableTransformer<T, R> collectWhile(final Callable<R> collectionFactory,
        final BiFunction<? super R, ? super T, ? extends R> add,
        final BiPredicate<? super R, ? super T> condition) {
    return collectWhile(collectionFactory, add, condition, true);
源代码15 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
public static <T> FlowableTransformer<T, List<T>> toListWhile(
        final BiPredicate<? super List<T>, ? super T> condition, boolean emitRemainder) {
    return collectWhile(ListFactoryHolder.<T>factory(), ListFactoryHolder.<T>add(), condition, emitRemainder);
源代码16 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
public static <T> FlowableTransformer<T, List<T>> toListWhile(
        final BiPredicate<? super List<T>, ? super T> condition) {
    return toListWhile(condition, true);
源代码17 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
public static <T> FlowableTransformer<T, List<T>> bufferWhile(
        final BiPredicate<? super List<T>, ? super T> condition, boolean emitRemainder) {
    return toListWhile(condition, emitRemainder);
源代码18 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
public static <T> FlowableTransformer<T, List<T>> bufferWhile(
        final BiPredicate<? super List<T>, ? super T> condition) {
    return toListWhile(condition);
源代码19 项目: rxjava2-extras   文件:
 * Returns a transformer that emits collections of items with the collection
 * boundaries determined by the given {@link BiPredicate}.
 * <p>
 * <img src=
 * ""
 * alt="image">
 * @param collectionFactory
 *            factory to create a new collection
 * @param add
 *            method to add an item to a collection
 * @param condition
 *            while true will continue to add to the current collection. Do not
 *            modify the given collection!
 * @param emitRemainder
 *            whether to emit the remainder as a collection
 * @param <T>
 *            item type
 * @param <R>
 *            collection type
 * @return transform that collects while some conditions is returned then starts
 *         a new collection
public static <T, R> FlowableTransformer<T, R> collectWhile(final Callable<R> collectionFactory,
        final BiFunction<? super R, ? super T, ? extends R> add, final BiPredicate<? super R, ? super T> condition,
        final boolean emitRemainder) {
    return new FlowableTransformer<T, R>() {

        public Publisher<R> apply(Flowable<T> source) {
            return new FlowableCollectWhile<T, R>(source, collectionFactory, add, condition, emitRemainder);