org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils#add ( )源码实例Demo

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private boolean validate() {
   this.unfoundProps = new Object[0];
   Iterator i$ = this.expectedProps.iterator();

   while(i$.hasNext()) {
      String prop = (String)i$.next();
      boolean validProp = this.config.containsKey(prop);
      boolean validMatchProp = this.config.containsKey(prop + ".1");
      if (validProp || validMatchProp) {
         validProp = true;

      if (!validProp) {
         LOG.warn("Could not find property:" + prop);
         this.unfoundProps = ArrayUtils.add(this.unfoundProps, prop);

   return ArrayUtils.isEmpty(this.unfoundProps);
源代码2 项目: freehealth-connector   文件:
protected static ValidatorHandler createValidatorForSchemaFiles(String... schemaFiles) throws TechnicalConnectorException {
   SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance("");

   try {
      Source[] sources = new Source[0];

      for(int i = 0; i < schemaFiles.length; ++i) {
         String schemaFile = schemaFiles[i];
         InputStream in = SchemaValidatorHandler.class.getResourceAsStream(schemaFile);
         if (in == null) {
            throw new TechnicalConnectorException(TechnicalConnectorExceptionValues.ERROR_XML_INVALID, new Object[]{"Unable to find schemaFile " + schemaFile});

         if (schemaFiles.length == 1) {
            sources = (Source[])((Source[])ArrayUtils.add(sources, new StreamSource(SchemaValidatorHandler.class.getResource(schemaFile).toExternalForm())));
         } else {
            Source source = new StreamSource(in);
            sources = (Source[])((Source[])ArrayUtils.add(sources, source));

      return schemaFactory.newSchema(sources).newValidatorHandler();
   } catch (Exception var7) {
      throw handleException(var7);
private boolean validate() {
   this.unfoundProps = new Object[0];
   Iterator i$ = this.expectedProps.iterator();

   while(i$.hasNext()) {
      String prop = (String)i$.next();
      boolean validProp = this.config.containsKey(prop);
      boolean validMatchProp = this.config.containsKey(prop + ".1");
      if (validProp || validMatchProp) {
         validProp = true;

      if (!validProp) {
         LOG.warn("Could not find property:" + prop);
         this.unfoundProps = ArrayUtils.add(this.unfoundProps, prop);

   return ArrayUtils.isEmpty(this.unfoundProps);
public Result<X509Certificate[]> poll(String requestId) throws TechnicalConnectorException {
   X509Certificate[] cert = new X509Certificate[0];
   GetCertificateRequest request = new GetCertificateRequest();
   Result<GetCertificateResponse> resp = RaUtils.invokeCertRa(request, "urn:be:fgov:ehealth:etee:certra:getcertificate", GetCertificateResponse.class);
   if (!resp.getStatus().equals(Status.OK)) {
      return resp.getStatus().equals(Status.PENDING) ? new Result(resp.getTime()) : new Result("Unable to obtain certificate", resp.getCause());
   } else {
      cert = (X509Certificate[])((X509Certificate[])ArrayUtils.add(cert, CertificateUtils.toX509Certificate(((GetCertificateResponse)resp.getResult()).getCertificate())));

      byte[] cacert;
      for(Iterator i$ = ((GetCertificateResponse)resp.getResult()).getCaCertificates().iterator(); i$.hasNext(); cert = (X509Certificate[])((X509Certificate[])ArrayUtils.add(cert, CertificateUtils.toX509Certificate(cacert)))) {
         cacert = (byte[])i$.next();

      return new Result(cert);
public Result<X509Certificate[]> poll(String requestId) throws TechnicalConnectorException {
   X509Certificate[] cert = new X509Certificate[0];
   GetCertificateRequest request = new GetCertificateRequest();
   Result<GetCertificateResponse> resp = RaUtils.invokeCertRa(request, "urn:be:fgov:ehealth:etee:certra:getcertificate", GetCertificateResponse.class);
   if (!resp.getStatus().equals(Status.OK)) {
      return resp.getStatus().equals(Status.PENDING) ? new Result(resp.getTime()) : new Result("Unable to obtain certificate", resp.getCause());
   } else {
      cert = (X509Certificate[])((X509Certificate[])ArrayUtils.add(cert, CertificateUtils.toX509Certificate(((GetCertificateResponse)resp.getResult()).getCertificate())));

      byte[] cacert;
      for(Iterator i$ = ((GetCertificateResponse)resp.getResult()).getCaCertificates().iterator(); i$.hasNext(); cert = (X509Certificate[])((X509Certificate[])ArrayUtils.add(cert, CertificateUtils.toX509Certificate(cacert)))) {
         cacert = (byte[])i$.next();

      return new Result(cert);
源代码6 项目: systemds   文件:
 * Append a column of value type LONG as the last column of
 * the data frame. The given array is wrapped but not copied
 * and hence might be updated in the future.
 * @param col array of longs
public void appendColumn(long[] col) {
	String[] colnames = getColumnNames(); //before schema modification
	_schema = (ValueType[]) ArrayUtils.add(_schema, ValueType.INT64);
	_colnames = (String[]) ArrayUtils.add(colnames, createColName(_schema.length));
	_coldata = (_coldata==null) ? new Array[]{new LongArray(col)} :
		(Array[]) ArrayUtils.add(_coldata, new LongArray(col));
	_numRows = col.length;
源代码7 项目: systemds   文件:
 * Append a column of value type DOUBLE as the last column of
 * the data frame. The given array is wrapped but not copied
 * and hence might be updated in the future.
 * @param col array of doubles
public void appendColumn(double[] col) {
	String[] colnames = getColumnNames(); //before schema modification
	_schema = (ValueType[]) ArrayUtils.add(_schema, ValueType.FP64);
	_colnames = (String[]) ArrayUtils.add(colnames, createColName(_schema.length));
	_coldata = (_coldata==null) ? new Array[]{new DoubleArray(col)} :
		(Array[]) ArrayUtils.add(_coldata, new DoubleArray(col));
	_numRows = col.length;
源代码8 项目: systemds   文件:
public LineageItem[] getLineageItems(ExecutionContext ec) {
	LineageItem[] ret = LineageItemUtils.getLineage(ec, input1, input2, input3, input4);
	if (formatProperties != null && formatProperties.getDescription() != null && !formatProperties.getDescription().isEmpty())
		ret = (LineageItem[])ArrayUtils.add(ret, new LineageItem(formatProperties.getDescription()));
	return new LineageItem[]{new LineageItem(input1.getName(), getOpcode(), ret)};
源代码9 项目: systemds   文件:
 * Append a column of value type DOUBLE as the last column of
 * the data frame. The given array is wrapped but not copied
 * and hence might be updated in the future.
 * @param col array of doubles
public void appendColumn(double[] col) {
	String[] colnames = getColumnNames(); //before schema modification
	_schema = (ValueType[]) ArrayUtils.add(_schema, ValueType.FP64);
	_colnames = (String[]) ArrayUtils.add(colnames, createColName(_schema.length));
	_coldata = (_coldata==null) ? new Array[]{new DoubleArray(col)} :
		(Array[]) ArrayUtils.add(_coldata, new DoubleArray(col));
	_numRows = col.length;
public void getJarFromCP() {
   try {
      Enumeration resEnum = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResources("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      String[] cpElements = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;

      while(resEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
         URL url = (URL)resEnum.nextElement();
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[CP Content] ");
         String substringAfterLast = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(StringUtils.substringBefore(url.getPath(), "!"), "/");
         if (!"MANIFEST.MF".equals(substringAfterLast)) {
            cpElements = (String[])((String[])ArrayUtils.add(cpElements, sb.toString()));

      String[] arr$ = cpElements;
      int len$ = cpElements.length;

      for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
         String cpElement = arr$[i$];
   } catch (IOException var7) {
      LOG.error(var7.getMessage(), var7);

源代码11 项目: systemds   文件:
 * Append a column of value type INT as the last column of 
 * the data frame. The given array is wrapped but not copied 
 * and hence might be updated in the future.
 * @param col array of longs
public void appendColumn(int[] col) {
	String[] colnames = getColumnNames(); //before schema modification
	_schema = (ValueType[]) ArrayUtils.add(_schema, ValueType.INT32);
	_colnames = (String[]) ArrayUtils.add(colnames, createColName(_schema.length));
	_coldata = (_coldata==null) ? new Array[]{new IntegerArray(col)} :
		(Array[]) ArrayUtils.add(_coldata, new IntegerArray(col));
	_numRows = col.length;
源代码12 项目: freehealth-connector   文件:
private String[] extractTextContent(NodeList nodelist) {
   String[] result = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;

   for(int i = 0; i < nodelist.getLength(); ++i) {
      Element el = (Element)nodelist.item(i);
      result = (String[])((String[])ArrayUtils.add(result, el.getTextContent()));

   return result;
public void getJarFromCP() {
   try {
      Enumeration resEnum = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResources("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      String[] cpElements = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;

      while(resEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
         URL url = (URL)resEnum.nextElement();
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[CP Content] ");
         String substringAfterLast = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(StringUtils.substringBefore(url.getPath(), "!"), "/");
         if (!"MANIFEST.MF".equals(substringAfterLast)) {
            cpElements = (String[])((String[])ArrayUtils.add(cpElements, sb.toString()));

      String[] arr$ = cpElements;
      int len$ = cpElements.length;

      for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
         String cpElement = arr$[i$];
   } catch (IOException var7) {
      LOG.error(var7.getMessage(), var7);

源代码14 项目: moneta   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	String[] localArgs = args;
	if (!containsConfiguration(args)) {
		// Add default config if nothing specified
		localArgs = (String[]) ArrayUtils.add(args, "/moneta-config.yaml");
	new MonetaDropwizardApplication().run(localArgs);
源代码15 项目: systemds   文件:
 * Append a column of value type INT as the last column of 
 * the data frame. The given array is wrapped but not copied 
 * and hence might be updated in the future.
 * @param col array of longs
public void appendColumn(int[] col) {
	String[] colnames = getColumnNames(); //before schema modification
	_schema = (ValueType[]) ArrayUtils.add(_schema, ValueType.INT32);
	_colnames = (String[]) ArrayUtils.add(colnames, createColName(_schema.length));
	_coldata = (_coldata==null) ? new Array[]{new IntegerArray(col)} :
		(Array[]) ArrayUtils.add(_coldata, new IntegerArray(col));
	_numRows = col.length;
源代码16 项目: kylin-on-parquet-v2   文件:
private void initDerivedMap(TblColRef[] hostCols, DeriveType type, JoinDesc join, TblColRef[] derivedCols,
        String[] extra) {
    if (hostCols.length == 0 || derivedCols.length == 0)
        throw new IllegalStateException("host/derived columns must not be empty");

    // Although FK derives PK automatically, user unaware of this can declare PK as derived dimension explicitly.
    // In that case, derivedCols[] will contain a FK which is transformed from the PK by initDimensionColRef().
    // Must drop FK from derivedCols[] before continue.
    for (int i = 0; i < derivedCols.length; i++) {
        if (ArrayUtils.contains(hostCols, derivedCols[i])) {
            derivedCols = (TblColRef[]) ArrayUtils.remove(derivedCols, i);
            if (extra != null)
                extra = (String[]) ArrayUtils.remove(extra, i);

    if (derivedCols.length == 0)

    for (int i = 0; i < derivedCols.length; i++) {
        TblColRef derivedCol = derivedCols[i];
        boolean isOneToOne = type == DeriveType.PK_FK || ArrayUtils.contains(hostCols, derivedCol)
                || (extra != null && extra[i].contains("1-1"));
        derivedToHostMap.put(derivedCol, new DeriveInfo(type, join, hostCols, isOneToOne));

    Array<TblColRef> hostColArray = new Array<TblColRef>(hostCols);
    List<DeriveInfo> infoList = hostToDerivedMap.get(hostColArray);
    if (infoList == null) {
        infoList = new ArrayList<DeriveInfo>();
        hostToDerivedMap.put(hostColArray, infoList);

    // Merged duplicated derived column
    List<TblColRef> whatsLeft = new ArrayList<>();
    for (TblColRef derCol : derivedCols) {
        boolean merged = false;
        for (DeriveInfo existing : infoList) {
            if (existing.type == type && existing.join.getPKSide().equals(join.getPKSide())) {
                if (ArrayUtils.contains(existing.columns, derCol)) {
                    merged = true;
                if (type == DeriveType.LOOKUP) {
                    existing.columns = (TblColRef[]) ArrayUtils.add(existing.columns, derCol);
                    merged = true;
        if (!merged)
    if (whatsLeft.size() > 0) {
        infoList.add(new DeriveInfo(type, join, whatsLeft.toArray(new TblColRef[whatsLeft.size()]),
public OperatorVersion[] getIncompatibleVersionChanges() {
	return (OperatorVersion[]) ArrayUtils.add(super.getIncompatibleVersionChanges(),
源代码18 项目: spring-zookeeper   文件:
public void setLocation(Resource location) {
    zkLocation = (ZookeeperResource) location;
    super.setLocations((Resource[]) ArrayUtils.add(localLocations, zkLocation));
源代码19 项目: rebuild   文件:
public void chartList(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
	ID user = getRequestUser(request);
	String type = request.getParameter("type");

	Object[][] charts = null;
	if ("builtin".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
		charts = new Object[0][];
	} else {
	    ID useBizz = user;
	    String sql = "select chartId,title,chartType,modifiedOn,belongEntity from ChartConfig where (1=1) and createdBy = ? order by modifiedOn desc";
		if (UserHelper.isAdmin(user)) {
               sql = sql.replace("createdBy = ", "createdBy.roleId = ");
               useBizz = RoleService.ADMIN_ROLE;

		if ("entity".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
		    String entity = request.getParameter("entity");
		    Entity entityMeta = MetadataHelper.getEntity(entity);
		    String entitySql = String.format("belongEntity = '%s'", StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(entity));
		    if (entityMeta.getMasterEntity() != null) {
                   entitySql += String.format(" or belongEntity = '%s'", entityMeta.getMasterEntity().getName());
               } else if (entityMeta.getSlaveEntity() != null) {
                   entitySql += String.format(" or belongEntity = '%s'", entityMeta.getSlaveEntity().getName());

		    sql = sql.replace("1=1", entitySql);

           charts = Application.createQueryNoFilter(sql).setParameter(1, useBizz).array();
		for (Object[] o : charts) {
		    o[3] = Moment.moment((Date) o[3]).fromNow();
		    o[4] = EasyMeta.getLabel(MetadataHelper.getEntity((String) o[4]));

	// 内置图表
       if (!"entity".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
           for (BuiltinChart b : ChartsFactory.getBuiltinCharts()) {
               Object[] c = new Object[]{ b.getChartId(), b.getChartTitle(), b.getChartType(), b.getChartDesc() };
               charts = (Object[][]) ArrayUtils.add(charts, c);

	writeSuccess(response, charts);
源代码20 项目: rapidminer-studio   文件:
public OperatorVersion[] getIncompatibleVersionChanges() {
	return (OperatorVersion[]) ArrayUtils.add(super.getIncompatibleVersionChanges(), BEFORE_TIME_READ_FIX);