
下面列出了org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException#org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

public static Collection<Object[]> inputs() {
    String[] urls = new String[] { COLLECTION_NAME, FILE_NAME, UNKNOWN_NAME };
    String[] methods = new String[] { "GET", "POST", "HEAD", "TRACE", "PUT", "DELETE" };

    List<Object[]> result = new ArrayList<>();

    for (Boolean listingsValue : booleans) {
        for (Boolean readOnlyValue : booleans) {
            for (Boolean traceValue : booleans) {
                for (String url : urls) {
                    for (String method : methods) {
                        result.add(new Object[] {
                                listingsValue, readOnlyValue, traceValue, url, method } );

    return result;
源代码2 项目: NeurophFramework   文件:
public static Collection<Object[]>  getParamters() {
	Object[][] objects = new Object[11][4];
	Random r = new Random();
	int row = 0;
	int ylow = 0;
	int yhigh = 0;
	int result = 0;
	for (int i = -5; i <= 5; i++) {
		ylow = r.nextInt(10);
		yhigh = ylow + 2;
		if (i > 0)
			result = yhigh;
			result = ylow;
		objects[row] = new Object[] { i, result, ylow, yhigh };
	return Arrays.asList(objects);
@Parameters(name = "{index}: input[{0}]")
public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
    return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
        { "/foo", "/foo"},
        { "/foo/", "/foo/"},
        { "/foo/bar", "/foo/bar"},
        { "/foo;", "/foo"},
        { "/foo;/", "/foo/"},
        { "/foo;/bar", "/foo/bar"},
        { "/foo;a=1", "/foo"},
        { "/foo;a=1/", "/foo/"},
        { "/foo;a=1/bar", "/foo/bar"},
        // Arguably not valid but does the right thing anyway
        { ";/foo", "/foo"},
        { ";a=1/foo", "/foo"},
        { ";/foo/bar", "/foo/bar"},
        { ";/foo;a=1/bar", "/foo/bar"},
源代码4 项目: netty-4.1.22   文件:
@Parameters(name = "{index}: serverEngine = {0}, clientEngine = {1}")
public static Collection<Object[]> data() throws Exception {
    List<SslContext> serverContexts = new ArrayList<SslContext>();
    serverContexts.add(SslContextBuilder.forServer(CERT_FILE, KEY_FILE).sslProvider(SslProvider.JDK).build());

    List<SslContext> clientContexts = new ArrayList<SslContext>();

    boolean hasOpenSsl = OpenSsl.isAvailable();
    if (hasOpenSsl) {
        serverContexts.add(SslContextBuilder.forServer(CERT_FILE, KEY_FILE)
    } else {
        logger.warn("OpenSSL is unavailable and thus will not be tested.", OpenSsl.unavailabilityCause());

    List<Object[]> params = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
    for (SslContext sc: serverContexts) {
        for (SslContext cc: clientContexts) {
            params.add(new Object[] { sc, cc });
    return params;
@Parameters(name="population[{0}],product[{1}],currentVersion[{2}], retryAttempts[{3}], isUpgrade[{4}],targetVersion[{5}],targetImage[{6}]")
public static List<Object []> files() {
   return Arrays.<Object[]>asList(
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_GENERAL, "product0", "1.0",  null, false, null, null},	//product0 not exist in xml
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_BETA, "product0", "1.0",  null, false, null, null},	//product0 not exist in xml
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_GENERAL, "product1", "1.0",  null, true, "1.1", "mockitron/product1/1.1.bin"},	//ok
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_QA, "product1", "1.0",  null, true, "1.1", "mockitron/product1/1.1-qa.bin"},	//ok
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_GENERAL, "product1", "1.1",  null, false, null, null},	//current version already at targetVersion
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_BETA, "product1", "1.0",  null, false, null, null},	//does not support population 
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_BETA, "product2", "1.0",  null, true, "1.2", "mockitron/product2/1.2.bin"},	//ok
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_QA, "product2", "1.0",  null, false, null, null},	//does not support population
         new Object [] { "noexist", "product2", "1.0",  null, false, null, null},	//does not support population
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_GENERAL, "product1", "1.0",  6, false, "1.1", "mockitron/product1/1.1.bin"},	//max retryAttempts have reached
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_BETA, "product2", "1.0",  6, true, "1.2", "mockitron/product2/1.2.bin"},
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_GENERAL, "product2", "1.0",  100, false, "1.2", "mockitron/product2/1.2.bin"},	//max retryAttempts have reached
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_GENERAL, "product4", "1.0",  null, true, "1.1", "mockitron/product4/1.1.bin"},	//exact version match
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_BETA, "product4", "1.0",  null, false, null, null},	//does not support population
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_GENERAL, "product4", "1.1",  null, true, "1.2", "mockitron/product4/1.2.bin"},	//exact version match
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_BETA, "product4", "1.1",  null, false, null, null}	//does not support population
源代码6 项目: das   文件:
public static Collection data() {
    return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
            {1, TransactionAnnoClassMySql.class, TransactionTestMySqlUser.class},
            {2, TransactionAnnoClassMySql.class, TransactionTestMySqlUser.class},
            {3, TransactionAnnoClassMySql.class, TransactionTestMySqlUser.class},
            {1, TransactionAnnoClassMySqlNew.class, TransactionTestMySqlUserNew.class},
            {2, TransactionAnnoClassMySqlNew.class, TransactionTestMySqlUserNew.class},
            {3, TransactionAnnoClassMySqlNew.class, TransactionTestMySqlUserNew.class},
            {1, TransactionAnnoClassSqlServer.class, TransactionTestSqlServerUser.class},
            {2, TransactionAnnoClassSqlServer.class, TransactionTestSqlServerUser.class},
            {3, TransactionAnnoClassSqlServer.class, TransactionTestSqlServerUser.class},
            {1, TransactionAnnoClassSqlServerNew.class, TransactionTestSqlServerUserNew.class},
            {2, TransactionAnnoClassSqlServerNew.class, TransactionTestSqlServerUserNew.class},
            {3, TransactionAnnoClassSqlServerNew.class, TransactionTestSqlServerUserNew.class},
源代码7 项目: kbear   文件:
@Parameters(name = "{index}: rule={0}, route={1}")
public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
    List<Object[]> parameterValues = new ArrayList<>();

    parameterValues.add(new Object[] { "use cluster c1, topic t1",
            Route.newBuilder().setClusterId("c1").setTopicId("t1").build() });

    parameterValues.add(new Object[] { "use cluster c1", Route.newBuilder().setClusterId("c1").build() });

    parameterValues.add(new Object[] { "use cluster c1, topic t1 when",
            Route.newBuilder().setClusterId("c1").setTopicId("t1").build() });

    parameterValues.add(new Object[] { "use cluster c1, topic t1 when",
            Route.newBuilder().setClusterId("c1").setTopicId("t1").build() });

    parameterValues.add(new Object[] { "use cluster c1, topic t1 when and",
            Route.newBuilder().setClusterId("c1").setTopicId("t1").build() });

    parameterValues.add(new Object[] { "use cluster c1 when and",
            Route.newBuilder().setClusterId("c1").build() });

    return parameterValues;
源代码8 项目: org.hl7.fhir.core   文件:
@Parameters(name = "{index}: id {0}")
public static Iterable<Object[]> data() throws IOException {
  String contents = TestingUtilities.loadTestResource("validator", "manifest.json");

  Map<String, JsonObject> examples = new HashMap<String, JsonObject>();
  manifest = (JsonObject) new;
  for (Entry<String, JsonElement> e : manifest.getAsJsonObject("test-cases").entrySet()) {
    examples.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().getAsJsonObject());

  List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(examples.size());

  List<Object[]> objects = new ArrayList<Object[]>(examples.size());
  for (String id : names) {
    objects.add(new Object[]{id, examples.get(id)});
  return objects;
源代码9 项目: flink   文件:
public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
	return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
		{"file.txt",			false},

		{".file.txt",			true},
		{"dir/.file.txt",		true},
		{".dir/file.txt",		false},

		{"_file.txt",			true},
		{"dir/_file.txt",		true},
		{"_dir/file.txt",		false},

		// Check filtering Hadoop's unfinished files
		{FilePathFilter.HADOOP_COPYING,			true},
		{"dir/" + FilePathFilter.HADOOP_COPYING,		true},
		{FilePathFilter.HADOOP_COPYING + "/file.txt",	false},
源代码10 项目: arcusplatform   文件:
@Parameters(name = "soundsEnabled? [{0}] silent? [{1}] sounds: {2}")
public static Iterable<Object[]> sounds() {
	return Arrays.asList(
			new Object[] { false, true,  KeyPad.SOUNDS_ON, ImmutableSet.of() },
			new Object[] { false, true,  KeyPad.SOUNDS_ALARM_ONLY, ImmutableSet.of() },
			new Object[] { false, true,  KeyPad.SOUNDS_KEYPAD_ONLY, ImmutableSet.of() },
			new Object[] { false, true,  KeyPad.SOUNDS_OFF, ImmutableSet.of() },
			new Object[] { true,  true,  KeyPad.SOUNDS_ON, KeyPad.SOUNDS_KEYPAD_ONLY },
			new Object[] { true,  true,  KeyPad.SOUNDS_ALARM_ONLY, KeyPad.SOUNDS_KEYPAD_ONLY },
			new Object[] { true,  true,  KeyPad.SOUNDS_KEYPAD_ONLY, KeyPad.SOUNDS_KEYPAD_ONLY },
			new Object[] { true,  true,  KeyPad.SOUNDS_OFF, KeyPad.SOUNDS_KEYPAD_ONLY },
			new Object[] { false, false, KeyPad.SOUNDS_ON, KeyPad.SOUNDS_ALARM_ONLY },
			new Object[] { false, false, KeyPad.SOUNDS_ALARM_ONLY, KeyPad.SOUNDS_ALARM_ONLY },
			new Object[] { false, false, KeyPad.SOUNDS_KEYPAD_ONLY, KeyPad.SOUNDS_ALARM_ONLY },
			new Object[] { false, false, KeyPad.SOUNDS_OFF, KeyPad.SOUNDS_ALARM_ONLY },
			new Object[] { true,  false, KeyPad.SOUNDS_ON, KeyPad.SOUNDS_ON },
			new Object[] { true,  false, KeyPad.SOUNDS_ALARM_ONLY, KeyPad.SOUNDS_ON },
			new Object[] { true,  false, KeyPad.SOUNDS_KEYPAD_ONLY, KeyPad.SOUNDS_ON },
			new Object[] { true,  false, KeyPad.SOUNDS_OFF, KeyPad.SOUNDS_ON }
@Parameters(name = "Code: {0}, Original: {1}")
public static Object[][] scenarios() {
  // Tests specified in EIP-1283.
  return new Object[][] {
    {"0x60006000556000600055", 0, 412, 0},
    {"0x60006000556001600055", 0, 20212, 0},
    {"0x60016000556000600055", 0, 20212, 19800},
    {"0x60016000556002600055", 0, 20212, 0},
    {"0x60016000556001600055", 0, 20212, 0},
    {"0x60006000556000600055", 1, 5212, 15000},
    {"0x60006000556001600055", 1, 5212, 4800},
    {"0x60006000556002600055", 1, 5212, 0},
    {"0x60026000556003600055", 1, 5212, 0},
    {"0x60026000556001600055", 1, 5212, 4800},
    {"0x60026000556002600055", 1, 5212, 0},
    {"0x60016000556000600055", 1, 5212, 15000},
    {"0x60016000556002600055", 1, 5212, 0},
    {"0x60016000556001600055", 1, 412, 0},
    {"0x600160005560006000556001600055", 0, 40218, 19800},
    {"0x600060005560016000556000600055", 1, 10218, 19800},
    {"0x60026000556000600055", 1, 5212, 15000},
public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
  return Arrays.asList(
      new Object[][] {
        {4096, 4096, new GasLimitRangeAndDeltaValidationRule(4095, 4097), true},
        // In Range, no change = valid,
        {4096, 4096, new GasLimitRangeAndDeltaValidationRule(4094, 4095), false},
        // Out of Range, no change = invalid,
        {4099, 4096, new GasLimitRangeAndDeltaValidationRule(4000, 4200), true},
        // In Range, <1/1024 change = valid,
        {4093, 4096, new GasLimitRangeAndDeltaValidationRule(4000, 4200), true},
        // In Range, ,1/1024 change = valid,
        {4092, 4096, new GasLimitRangeAndDeltaValidationRule(4000, 4200), false},
        // In Range, >1/1024 change = invalid,
        {4100, 4096, new GasLimitRangeAndDeltaValidationRule(4000, 4200), false}
        // In Range, >1/1024 change = invalid,
源代码13 项目: besu   文件:
public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
  return Arrays.asList(
      new Object[][] {
        {FEE_MARKET.getInitialBasefee(), 7000000, 962500000},
        {1100000000, FEE_MARKET.getTargetGasUsed(), 1100000000},
        {1100000000, 9000000, 1086250000},
        {1086250000, 9000000, 1072671875},
        {1072671875, 9000000, 1059263476},
        {1059263476, 10001000, 1059276716},
        {1059276716, 16000000, 1138722469},
        {MARKER_BASE_FEE, 0, 918084097},
        {MARKER_BASE_FEE, 5, 918084161},
        {MARKER_BASE_FEE, 5000, 918149673},
        {MARKER_BASE_FEE, 500000, 924641839},
        {MARKER_BASE_FEE, FEE_MARKET.getMaxGas(), 1180393837}
源代码14 项目: kbear   文件:
@Parameters(name = "{index}: id={0}, record={1}, ids={2}, records={3}, all={4}, topicId={5}, topicRecords={6}, consumerGroupId={7}, consumerGroupRecords={8}")
public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
    List<RouteRule> records = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(ROUTE_RULE, ROUTE_RULE_2));

    List<Object[]> parameterValues = new ArrayList<>();
    parameterValues.add(new Object[] { ROUTE_RULE_ID, ROUTE_RULE, Arrays.asList(ROUTE_RULE_ID),
            Arrays.asList(ROUTE_RULE), ALL_ROUTE_RULES, TopicRepositoryTest.TOPIC_ID, TOPIC_ROUTE_RULES,
            ConsumerGroupRepositoryTest.CONSUMER_GROUP_ID, CONSUMER_GROUP_ROUTE_RULES });
    parameterValues.add(new Object[] { ROUTE_RULE_ID, ROUTE_RULE, Arrays.asList(ROUTE_RULE_ID, ROUTE_RULE_ID_2),
            records, ALL_ROUTE_RULES, TopicRepositoryTest.TOPIC_ID_2, TOPIC_2_ROUTE_RULES,
            ConsumerGroupRepositoryTest.CONSUMER_GROUP_ID_2, CONSUMER_GROUP_2_ROUTE_RULES });
    parameterValues.add(new Object[] { UNKNOWN_ROUTE_RULE_ID, null, Collections.emptyList(),
            Collections.emptyList(), ALL_ROUTE_RULES, TopicRepositoryTest.TOPIC_ID, TOPIC_ROUTE_RULES,
            ConsumerGroupRepositoryTest.CONSUMER_GROUP_ID_3, CONSUMER_GROUP_3_ROUTE_RULES });
    return parameterValues;
源代码15 项目: grcuda   文件:
public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
    return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
public static Iterable<? extends ClientHttpRequestFactory> data() {
	return Arrays.asList(
			new SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory(),
			new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(),
			new org.springframework.http.client.Netty4ClientHttpRequestFactory(),
			new OkHttp3ClientHttpRequestFactory()
public static Collection<Object[]> inputs() {
    List<Object[]> result = new ArrayList<>();
    result.add(new Object[] { "localhost" });
    result.add(new Object[] { "" });
    result.add(new Object[] { "" });
    result.add(new Object[] { "" });
    result.add(new Object[] { "" });
    result.add(new Object[] { "[::1]" });
    result.add(new Object[] { "[0123:4567:89AB:CDEF:0123:4567:89AB:CDEF]" });
    return result;
源代码18 项目: Tomcat8-Source-Read   文件:
public static Collection<Object[]> inputs() {
    /// Note: These files are saved using the encoding indicated by the BOM
    List<Object[]> result = new ArrayList<>();
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-none-prolog-none.jsp",        Integer.valueOf(200), Boolean.TRUE });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-none-prolog-none.jspx",       Integer.valueOf(200), Boolean.TRUE });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-none-prolog-utf16be.jspx",    Integer.valueOf(200), Boolean.TRUE });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-none-prolog-utf16le.jspx",    Integer.valueOf(200), Boolean.TRUE });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-none-prolog-utf8.jspx",       Integer.valueOf(200), Boolean.TRUE });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-utf8-prolog-none.jsp",        Integer.valueOf(200), Boolean.TRUE });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-utf8-prolog-none.jspx",       Integer.valueOf(200), Boolean.TRUE });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-utf8-prolog-utf16be.jspx",    Integer.valueOf(500), null });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-utf8-prolog-utf16le.jspx",    Integer.valueOf(500), null });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-utf8-prolog-utf8.jspx",       Integer.valueOf(200), Boolean.TRUE });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-utf16be-prolog-none.jsp",     Integer.valueOf(200), Boolean.TRUE });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-utf16be-prolog-none.jspx",    Integer.valueOf(200), Boolean.TRUE });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-utf16be-prolog-utf16be.jspx", Integer.valueOf(200), Boolean.TRUE });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-utf16be-prolog-utf16le.jspx", Integer.valueOf(500), null });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-utf16be-prolog-utf8.jspx",    Integer.valueOf(500), null });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-utf16le-prolog-none.jsp",     Integer.valueOf(200), Boolean.TRUE });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-utf16le-prolog-none.jspx",    Integer.valueOf(200), Boolean.TRUE });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-utf16le-prolog-utf16be.jspx", Integer.valueOf(500), null });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-utf16le-prolog-utf16le.jspx", Integer.valueOf(200), Boolean.TRUE });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bom-utf16le-prolog-utf8.jspx",    Integer.valueOf(500), null });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bug60769a.jspx",    Integer.valueOf(500), null });
    result.add(new Object[] { "bug60769b.jspx",    Integer.valueOf(200), Boolean.TRUE });
    return result;
源代码19 项目: NeurophFramework   文件:
public static Collection<Object[]> getParamters() {
    return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{{new DoubleArray(new double[]{.5, .10, .5, .3}), 0.0075},
    {new DoubleArray(new double[]{-.1, .10, 2, 3}), -.060},
    {new DoubleArray(new double[]{-1, -.5, -.10, .1}), -.0050},
    {new DoubleArray(new double[]{1, .5, .10, .9}), .045},
    {new DoubleArray(new double[]{1, 2, 4, 0}), 0}});

源代码20 项目: NeurophFramework   文件:
public static Collection<Object[]> getParamters() {
	double[] inputs = new double[] { -3.0, -2.9, -2.8, -2.7, -2.6, -2.5, -2.4, -2.3, -2.2, -2.1, -2.0, -1.9, -1.8,
			-1.7, -1.6, -1.5, -1.4, -1.3, -1.2, -1.1, -1.0, -0.9, -0.8, -0.7, -0.6, -0.5, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1, 0,
			0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1,
			2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9 };
	double[] expectedOutput = new double[] { 0.04742587317756678, 0.05215356307841774, 0.057324175898868755,
			0.06297335605699651, 0.06913842034334684, 0.07585818002124359, 0.08317269649392241, 0.09112296101485619,
			0.0997504891196852, 0.10909682119561302, 0.11920292202211766, 0.13010847436299797, 0.14185106490048793,
			0.15446526508353484, 0.16798161486607568, 0.18242552380635652, 0.19781611144141847, 0.2141650169574416,
			0.23147521650098266, 0.24973989440488267, 0.2689414213699955, 0.28905049737499644, 0.31002551887238794,
			0.3318122278318344, 0.35434369377420505, 0.37754066879814596, 0.40131233988754855, 0.4255574831883416,
			0.45016600268752266, 0.4750208125210606, 0.5000000000000007, 0.5249791874789407, 0.5498339973124786,
			0.5744425168116597, 0.5986876601124527, 0.6224593312018554, 0.6456563062257962, 0.6681877721681668,
			0.6899744811276132, 0.7109495026250047, 0.7310585786300056, 0.7502601055951181, 0.7685247834990184,
			0.7858349830425594, 0.8021838885585824, 0.8175744761936442, 0.832018385133925, 0.8455347349164659,
			0.8581489350995127, 0.8698915256370027, 0.8807970779778829, 0.8909031788043876, 0.9002495108803152,
			0.9088770389851442, 0.916827303506078, 0.9241418199787569, 0.9308615796566535, 0.9370266439430037,
			0.9426758241011315, 0.9478464369215825 };

	double[] derivative = new double[] { 0.04517665973091215, 0.04943356893664325, 0.05403811475638432,
			0.05900771248391526, 0.06435829917577355, 0.0701037165451082, 0.07625499905185227, 0.0828195669907412,
			0.08980032904006877, 0.09719470480062545, 0.1049935854035066, 0.11318025926193107, 0.12172934028708552,
			0.13060574696620814, 0.1397637919330611, 0.14914645207033295, 0.15868489749561474, 0.16829836246906036,
			0.17789444064680585, 0.18736987954752075, 0.19661193324148205, 0.20550030734226363, 0.21390969652029455,
			0.2217128732931092, 0.22878424045665744, 0.23500371220159464, 0.24026074574152926, 0.244458311690746,
			0.24751657271186, 0.249376040192892, 0.25, 0.2493760401928919, 0.2475165727118599, 0.24445831169074576,
			0.24026074574152904, 0.2350037122015943, 0.2287842404566571, 0.2217128732931088, 0.21390969652029416,
			0.2055003073422632, 0.19661193324148155, 0.18736987954752036, 0.1778944406468053, 0.1682983624690598,
			0.1586848974956143, 0.1491464520703325, 0.13976379193306066, 0.13060574696620764, 0.12172934028708502,
			0.1131802592619306, 0.1049935854035062, 0.09719470480062495, 0.08980032904006844, 0.08281956699074092,
			0.07625499905185193, 0.0701037165451078, 0.06435829917577321, 0.05900771248391504, 0.0540381147563841,
			0.049433568936643 };

	Object[][] objects = new Object[inputs.length][3];
	for (int j = 0; j < inputs.length; j++) {
		objects[j] = new Object[] { inputs[j], expectedOutput[j], derivative[j] };
	return Arrays.asList(objects);
@Parameters(name = "server [{0}], client [{1}]")
public static Iterable<Object[]> arguments() {
	return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
			{new JettyWebSocketTestServer(), new JettyWebSocketClient()},
			{new TomcatWebSocketTestServer(), new StandardWebSocketClient()},
			{new UndertowTestServer(), new JettyWebSocketClient()}
源代码22 项目: java-technology-stack   文件:
@Parameters(name = "date [{0}], time zone [{1}]")
public static List<Object[]> getParameters() {
	List<Object[]> list = new ArrayList<>();
	list.add(new Object[] { new Date(), TimeZone.getTimeZone("PST") });
	list.add(new Object[] { new Date(), TimeZone.getTimeZone("CET") });
	return list;
@Parameters(name="population[{0}], hubRequired[{1}], brand[{2}], expectedProducts[{3}], expectedFilteredProducts[{4}]")
public static List<Object []> files() {
   return Arrays.<Object[]>asList(
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_GENERAL, true, "GE", "6c56c8, 979695, 700faf, 671eee, 359d72, bc45b5, 798086, 4ff66a", "4ff66a, bc45b5, 798086, 0c9a66"},
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_BETA, true, "Schlage", "23af19, 6c56c8, 979695, 700faf, 671eee, 359d72, bc45b5, 798086, 4ff66a", "6c56c8, 979695, 700faf, 671eee, 359d72, bc45b5, 798086, 4ff66a"},
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_GENERAL, false, "Whirlpool", "3981d9, 7dfa41, 162918", "7dfa41, 162918"},
         new Object [] { Population.NAME_BETA, false, "Iris", "3981d9, 7dfa41, 162918", "3981d9, 7dfa41, 4ff66a"}
源代码24 项目: flink   文件:
@Parameters(name = "{index}: {0}")
public static List<Object[]> testData() {
	return Arrays.asList(
		new Object[][]{
			{new CharType(2), new CharType(2)},
			{createMultisetType(new IntType()), createMultisetType(new BigIntType())},
			{createArrayType(new IntType()), createArrayType(new BigIntType())},
			{createMapType(new IntType()), createMapType(new BigIntType())},
			{createRowType(new IntType()), createRowType(new BigIntType())},
			{createDistinctType(new IntType()), createDistinctType(new BigIntType())},
			{createUserType(new IntType()), createUserType(new BigIntType())},
			{createHumanType(), createHumanType()}
源代码25 项目: arcusplatform   文件:
public static Iterable<Object []> files() {
   return Arrays.asList(
         new Object [] { "SchedulerHandler.driver" },
         new Object [] { "SchedulerHandlerWithCapability.driver" }
源代码26 项目: arcusplatform   文件:
@Parameters(name="phoneNumber[{0}], expectedCountryCode[{2}], expectedAreaCode[{3}],expectedNumberPart1[{4}],expectedNumberPart2[{5}], comparedPhoneNumber[{6}]")
public static List<Object []> files() {
   return Arrays.<Object[]>asList(
         new Object [] { "122223334444"},  //too many digits
         new Object [] { "223334444"},	//too few digits
         new Object [] { "62223334444"}	//wrong country code            
源代码27 项目: kbear   文件:
@Parameters(name = "{index}: topics={0}, messageCount={1}, sendInterval={2}")
public static Collection<Object[]> data() throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException {
    List<Object[]> parameterValues = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> topics;
    int messageCount;
    long sendInterval;

    topics = Arrays.asList(TestData.TOPIC_6);
    messageCount = 10;
    sendInterval = 100;
    parameterValues.add(new Object[] { topics, messageCount, sendInterval });

    topics = Arrays.asList(TestData.TOPIC_7);
    messageCount = 100;
    sendInterval = 0;
    parameterValues.add(new Object[] { topics, messageCount, sendInterval });

    topics = Arrays.asList(TestData.TOPIC_6, TestData.TOPIC_7);
    messageCount = 100;
    sendInterval = 0;
    parameterValues.add(new Object[] { topics, messageCount, sendInterval });

    topics = Arrays.asList(TestData.TOPIC_6, TestData.TOPIC_7, TestData.TOPIC_8);
    messageCount = 10;
    sendInterval = 100;
    parameterValues.add(new Object[] { topics, messageCount, sendInterval });

    return parameterValues;
public static Iterable<Object []> serviceLevels() {
   return ImmutableList.of(
         new Object [] { PlaceCapability.SERVICELEVEL_BASIC },
         new Object [] { PlaceCapability.SERVICELEVEL_PREMIUM },
         new Object [] { PlaceCapability.SERVICELEVEL_PREMIUM_PROMON }
源代码29 项目: grpc-nebula-java   文件:
 * Auto called by test.
@Parameters(name = "{index}: useGzipInflatingBuffer={0}")
public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
  return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
          {false}, {true}
源代码30 项目: connector-sdk   文件:
public static Object[] data() {
  String domain = System.getProperty(DOMAIN_PROPERTY_NAME);
  return new FakeIdentityRepository[] {
      new FakeIdentityRepository.Builder(domain)
              new String[][] {generateUserNames(1, 5)},
              new String[][] {generateGroupNames(1, 5)})
              new String[][] {generateUserNames(2, 7)},
              new String[][] {generateGroupNames(2, 7)})