org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils#truncate ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils#truncate ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: cloud-portal   文件:
private void addProvisioningHistoryToMap(ProvisionLog provisionLog, Map<Long, Integer> provisioningHistoryMap) {

		Date date = provisionLog.getDate();
		if (date.after(this.dateBefore)) {
			Date calculatedDate = DateUtils.truncate(date, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); // NOSONAR
			long timeInMillis = calculatedDate.getTime();
			Integer counter = provisioningHistoryMap.get(timeInMillis);
			if (counter == null) {
				counter = 0;
			counter = counter + 1;
			provisioningHistoryMap.put(timeInMillis, counter);
源代码2 项目: smarthome   文件:
 * Converts the time (hour.minute) to a calendar object.
public static Calendar timeToCalendar(Calendar calendar, double time) {
    if (time < 0.0) {
        return null;
    Calendar cal = (Calendar) calendar.clone();
    int hour = 0;
    int minute = 0;
    if (time == 24.0) {
        cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
    } else {
        hour = (int) time;
        minute = (int) ((time * 100) - (hour * 100));
    cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour);
    cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute);
    return DateUtils.truncate(cal, Calendar.MINUTE);
源代码3 项目: kfs   文件:
 * This method determines whether the account is expired or not. Note that if Expiration Date is the same date as testDate, then
 * this will return false. It will only return true if the account expiration date is one day earlier than testDate or earlier.
 * Note that this logic ignores all time components when doing the comparison. It only does the before/after comparison based on
 * date values, not time-values.
 * @param testDate - Calendar instance with the date to test the Account's Expiration Date against. This is most commonly set to
 *        today's date.
 * @return true or false based on the logic outlined above
public boolean isExpired(Calendar testDate) {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("entering isExpired(" + testDate + ")");

    // dont even bother trying to test if the accountExpirationDate is null
    if (accountExpirationDate == null) {
        return false;

    // remove any time-components from the testDate
    testDate = DateUtils.truncate(testDate, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

    // get a calendar reference to the Account Expiration
    // date, and remove any time components
    Calendar acctDate = Calendar.getInstance();
    acctDate = DateUtils.truncate(acctDate, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

    // if the Account Expiration Date is before the testDate
    return acctDate.before(testDate);
源代码4 项目: openhab1-addons   文件:
 * Converts the time (hour.minute) to a calendar object.
public static Calendar timeToCalendar(Calendar calendar, double time) {
    if (time < 0.0) {
        return null;
    Calendar cal = (Calendar) calendar.clone();
    int hour = 0;
    int minute = 0;
    if (time == 24.0) {
        cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
    } else {
        hour = (int) time;
        minute = (int) ((time * 100) - (hour * 100));
    cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour);
    cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute);
    return DateUtils.truncate(cal, Calendar.MINUTE);
源代码5 项目: datawave   文件:
 * Construct a date index entry
 * @param shardId
 * @param dataType
 * @param type
 * @param dateField
 * @param dateValue
 * @param visibility
 * @return The key and value
public KeyValue getDateIndexEntry(String shardId, String dataType, String type, String dateField, String dateValue, ColumnVisibility visibility) {
    Date date = null;
    try {
        // get the date to be indexed
        date = dateNormalizer.denormalize(dateValue);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Failed to normalize date value (skipping): " + dateValue, e);
        return null;
    // set the time to 00:00:00 (for key timestamp)
    date = DateUtils.truncate(date, Calendar.DATE);
    // format the date and the shardId date as yyyyMMdd
    String rowDate = DateIndexUtil.format(date);
    String shardDate = ShardIdFactory.getDateString(shardId);
    ColumnVisibility biased = new ColumnVisibility(flatten(visibility));
    // The row is the date plus the shard partition
    String row = rowDate + '_' + getDateIndexShardPartition(rowDate, type, shardDate, dataType, dateField, new String(biased.getExpression()));
    // the colf is the type (e.g. LOAD or ACTIVITY)
    // the colq is the event date yyyyMMdd \0 the datatype \0 the field name
    String colq = shardDate + '\0' + dataType + '\0' + dateField;
    // the value is a bitset denoting the shard
    Value shardList = createDateIndexValue(ShardIdFactory.getShard(shardId));
    // create the key
    Key key = new Key(row, type, colq, biased, date.getTime());
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        log.trace("Dateate index key: " + key + " for shardId " + shardId);
    return new KeyValue(key, shardList);
源代码6 项目: datawave   文件:
public static BatchScanner configureBatchScannerForDiscovery(DiscoveryQueryConfiguration config, ScannerFactory scannerFactory, String tableName,
                Collection<Range> seekRanges, Set<Text> columnFamilies, Multimap<String,String> literals, Multimap<String,String> patterns,
                Multimap<String,LiteralRange<String>> ranges, boolean reverseIndex) throws TableNotFoundException {
    // if we have no ranges, then nothing to scan
    if (seekRanges.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    BatchScanner bs = scannerFactory.newScanner(tableName, config.getAuthorizations(), config.getNumQueryThreads(), config.getQuery());
    if (!columnFamilies.isEmpty()) {
        for (Text family : columnFamilies) {
    // The begin date from the query may be down to the second, for doing lookups in the index we want to use the day because
    // the times in the index table have been truncated to the day.
    Date begin = DateUtils.truncate(config.getBeginDate(), Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    // we don't need to bump up the end date any more because it's not apart of the range set on the scanner
    Date end = config.getEndDate();
    LongRange dateRange = new LongRange(begin.getTime(), end.getTime());
    ShardIndexQueryTableStaticMethods.configureGlobalIndexDateRangeFilter(config, bs, dateRange);
    ShardIndexQueryTableStaticMethods.configureGlobalIndexDataTypeFilter(config, bs, config.getDatatypeFilter());
    configureIndexMatchingIterator(config, bs, literals, patterns, ranges, reverseIndex);
    IteratorSetting discoveryIteratorSetting = new IteratorSetting(config.getBaseIteratorPriority() + 50, DiscoveryIterator.class);
    discoveryIteratorSetting.addOption(REVERSE_INDEX, Boolean.toString(reverseIndex));
    discoveryIteratorSetting.addOption(SEPARATE_COUNTS_BY_COLVIS, config.getSeparateCountsByColVis().toString());
    if (config.getShowReferenceCount()) {
        discoveryIteratorSetting.addOption(SHOW_REFERENCE_COUNT, config.getShowReferenceCount().toString());
    return bs;
源代码7 项目: datawave   文件:
 * scan a global index (shardIndex or shardReverseIndex) for the specified ranges and create a set of fieldname/TermInformation values. The Key/Values
 * scanned are trimmed based on a set of terms to match, and a set of data types (found in the config)
 * @param config
 * @param scannerFactory
 * @param tableName
 * @param ranges
 * @param literals
 * @param patterns
 * @param reverseIndex
 * @param expansionFields
 * @return the batch scanner
 * @throws TableNotFoundException
public static BatchScanner configureBatchScanner(ShardQueryConfiguration config, ScannerFactory scannerFactory, String tableName, Collection<Range> ranges,
                Collection<String> literals, Collection<String> patterns, boolean reverseIndex, Collection<String> expansionFields)
                throws TableNotFoundException {
    // if we have no ranges, then nothing to scan
    if (ranges.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        log.trace("Scanning " + tableName + " against " + ranges + " with auths " + config.getAuthorizations());
    BatchScanner bs = scannerFactory.newScanner(tableName, config.getAuthorizations(), config.getNumQueryThreads(), config.getQuery());
    // The begin date from the query may be down to the second, for doing lookups in the index we want to use the day because
    // the times in the index table have been truncated to the day.
    Date begin = DateUtils.truncate(config.getBeginDate(), Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    // we don't need to bump up the end date any more because it's not apart of the range set on the scanner
    Date end = config.getEndDate();
    LongRange dateRange = new LongRange(begin.getTime(), end.getTime());
    ShardIndexQueryTableStaticMethods.configureGlobalIndexDateRangeFilter(config, bs, dateRange);
    ShardIndexQueryTableStaticMethods.configureGlobalIndexDataTypeFilter(config, bs, config.getDatatypeFilter());
    ShardIndexQueryTableStaticMethods.configureGlobalIndexTermMatchingIterator(config, bs, literals, patterns, reverseIndex, true, expansionFields);
    return bs;
源代码8 项目: datawave   文件:
public static BatchScanner configureBatchScannerForDiscovery(ShardQueryConfiguration config, ScannerFactory scannerFactory, String tableName,
                Collection<Range> ranges, Collection<String> literals, Collection<String> patterns, boolean reverseIndex, boolean uniqueTermsOnly,
                Collection<String> expansionFields) throws TableNotFoundException {
    // if we have no ranges, then nothing to scan
    if (ranges.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    BatchScanner bs = scannerFactory.newScanner(tableName, config.getAuthorizations(), config.getNumQueryThreads(), config.getQuery());
    // The begin date from the query may be down to the second, for doing lookups in the index we want to use the day because
    // the times in the index table have been truncated to the day.
    Date begin = DateUtils.truncate(config.getBeginDate(), Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    // we don't need to bump up the end date any more because it's not apart of the range set on the scanner
    Date end = config.getEndDate();
    LongRange dateRange = new LongRange(begin.getTime(), end.getTime());
    ShardIndexQueryTableStaticMethods.configureGlobalIndexDateRangeFilter(config, bs, dateRange);
    ShardIndexQueryTableStaticMethods.configureGlobalIndexDataTypeFilter(config, bs, config.getDatatypeFilter());
    ShardIndexQueryTableStaticMethods.configureGlobalIndexTermMatchingIterator(config, bs, literals, patterns, reverseIndex, uniqueTermsOnly,
    bs.addScanIterator(new IteratorSetting(config.getBaseIteratorPriority() + 50, DiscoveryIterator.class));
    return bs;
源代码9 项目: rya   文件:
public void setup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    final Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration();
    final long now = conf.getLong("DATE", System.currentTimeMillis());
    truncatedDate = DateUtils.truncate(new Date(now), Calendar.MINUTE);

    this.plans = ProspectorUtils.planMap(manager.getPlans());
源代码10 项目: smarthome   文件:
private static Calendar adjustTime(Calendar cal, int minutes) {
    if (minutes > 0) {
        Calendar cTime = Calendar.getInstance();
        cTime = DateUtils.truncate(cal, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        cTime.add(Calendar.MINUTE, minutes);
        return cTime;
    return cal;
源代码11 项目: kfs   文件:
 * This method determines whether the account is expired or not. Note that if Expiration Date is the same date as testDate, then
 * this will return false. It will only return true if the account expiration date is one day earlier than testDate or earlier.
 * Note that this logic ignores all time components when doing the comparison. It only does the before/after comparison based on
 * date values, not time-values.
 * @param testDate - Calendar instance with the date to test the Account's Expiration Date against. This is most commonly set to
 *        today's date.
 * @return true or false based on the logic outlined above
public boolean isExpired(Calendar testDate) {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("entering isExpired(" + testDate + ")");

    // dont even bother trying to test if the accountExpirationDate is null
    if (this.accountExpirationDate == null) {
        return false;

    // remove any time-components from the testDate
    testDate = DateUtils.truncate(testDate, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

    // get a calendar reference to the Account Expiration
    // date, and remove any time components
    Calendar acctDate = Calendar.getInstance();
    acctDate = DateUtils.truncate(acctDate, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

    // if the Account Expiration Date is before the testDate
    if (acctDate.before(testDate)) {
        return true;
    else {
        return false;
源代码12 项目: kfs   文件:
public String getValue() {
    // get the current date from the service
    Date date = SpringContext.getBean(DateTimeService.class).getCurrentDate();

    // remove the time component
    date = DateUtils.truncate(date, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

    // format it as expected
    return DateFormatUtils.format(date, "MM/dd/yyyy");
源代码13 项目: datawave   文件:
public QueryMetric() {
    this.createDate = DateUtils.truncate(new Date(), Calendar.SECOND); = System.getProperty("");
源代码14 项目: dhis2-core   文件:
public void testImportDataValuesWithDataSetAllowsPeriods()
    throws Exception
    Date thisMonth = DateUtils.truncate( new Date(), Calendar.MONTH );

    dsA.setExpiryDays( 62 );
    dsA.setOpenFuturePeriods( 2 );

    dataSetService.updateDataSet( dsA );

    Period tooEarly = createMonthlyPeriod( DateUtils.addMonths( thisMonth, 4 ) );
    Period okBefore = createMonthlyPeriod( DateUtils.addMonths( thisMonth, 1 ) );
    Period okAfter = createMonthlyPeriod( DateUtils.addMonths( thisMonth, -1 ) );
    Period tooLate = createMonthlyPeriod( DateUtils.addMonths( thisMonth, -4 ) );
    Period outOfRange =  createMonthlyPeriod( DateUtils.addMonths( thisMonth, 6 ) );

    periodService.addPeriod( tooEarly );
    periodService.addPeriod( okBefore );
    periodService.addPeriod( okAfter );
    periodService.addPeriod( tooLate );

    String importData =
        "<dataValueSet xmlns=\"\" idScheme=\"code\" dataSet=\"DS_A\" orgUnit=\"OU_A\">\n" +
        "  <dataValue dataElement=\"DE_A\" period=\"" + tooEarly.getIsoDate() + "\" value=\"10001\" />\n" +
        "  <dataValue dataElement=\"DE_B\" period=\"" + okBefore.getIsoDate() + "\" value=\"10002\" />\n" +
        "  <dataValue dataElement=\"DE_C\" period=\"" + okAfter.getIsoDate() + "\" value=\"10003\" />\n" +
        "  <dataValue dataElement=\"DE_D\" period=\"" + tooLate.getIsoDate() + "\" value=\"10004\" />\n" +
        "  <dataValue dataElement=\"DE_D\" period=\"" + outOfRange.getIsoDate() + "\" value=\"10005\" />\n" +

    in = new ByteArrayInputStream( importData.getBytes( StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ) );

    ImportSummary summary = dataValueSetService.saveDataValueSet( in );

    assertEquals( summary.getConflicts().toString(), 3, summary.getConflicts().size() );
    assertEquals( 2, summary.getImportCount().getImported() );
    assertEquals( 0, summary.getImportCount().getUpdated() );
    assertEquals( 0, summary.getImportCount().getDeleted() );
    assertEquals( 3, summary.getImportCount().getIgnored() );
    assertEquals( ImportStatus.WARNING, summary.getStatus() );

    Collection<DataValue> dataValues = mockDataValueBatchHandler.getInserts();

    assertNotNull( dataValues );
    assertEquals( 2, dataValues.size() );
    assertTrue( dataValues.contains( new DataValue( deB, okBefore, ouA, ocDef, ocDef ) ) );
    assertTrue( dataValues.contains( new DataValue( deC, okAfter, ouA, ocDef, ocDef ) ) );
源代码15 项目: smarthome   文件:
 * Truncates the time from the calendar object.
public static Calendar truncateToMidnight(Calendar calendar) {
    return DateUtils.truncate(calendar, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
源代码16 项目: smarthome   文件:
 * Returns true, if cal1 is greater or equal than cal2, ignoring seconds.
public static boolean isTimeGreaterEquals(Calendar cal1, Calendar cal2) {
    Calendar truncCal1 = DateUtils.truncate(cal1, Calendar.MINUTE);
    Calendar truncCal2 = DateUtils.truncate(cal2, Calendar.MINUTE);
    return truncCal1.getTimeInMillis() >= truncCal2.getTimeInMillis();
源代码17 项目: openhab1-addons   文件:
 * Truncates the time from the calendar object.
public static Calendar truncateToMidnight(Calendar calendar) {
    return DateUtils.truncate(calendar, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
源代码18 项目: datawave   文件:
 * Given a date, truncate it to year, month, date and increment the day by one to determine the following day.
 * @param endDate
 * @return
public static Date getEndDateForIndexLookup(Date endDate) {
    Date newDate = DateUtils.truncate(endDate, Calendar.DATE);
    return DateUtils.addDays(newDate, 1);