org.apache.commons.lang.reflect.FieldUtils#readField ( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: pom-manipulation-ext   文件:
public void checkLocalRepositoryWithDefaults() throws Exception
    Cli c = new Cli();
    File settings = writeSettings( temp.newFile());

    TestUtils.executeMethod( c, "run", new Object[] { new String[] { "-s", settings.toString()} } );

    ManipulationSession session = (ManipulationSession) FieldUtils.readField( c, "session", true );
    MavenSession ms = (MavenSession)FieldUtils.readField( session, "mavenSession", true );

    assertEquals( ms.getRequest().getLocalRepository().getBasedir(),
                  ms.getRequest().getLocalRepositoryPath().toString() );
    assertEquals( "File " + new File( ms.getRequest().getLocalRepository().getBasedir() ).getParentFile().toString()
                                  + " was not equal to " + System.getProperty( "user.home" ) + File.separatorChar
                                  + ".m2",
                  new File( ms.getRequest().getLocalRepository().getBasedir() ).getParentFile().toString(),
                  System.getProperty( "user.home" ) + File.separatorChar + ".m2" );

源代码2 项目: pom-manipulation-ext   文件:
public void checkLocalRepositoryWithExplicitMavenRepoAndSettings() throws Exception
    File folder = temp.newFolder();
    Cli c = new Cli();
    TestUtils.executeMethod( c, "run", new Object[] { new String[]
                    { "--settings=" + getClass().getResource("/settings-test.xml").getFile(),
                                    "-Dmaven.repo.local=" + folder.toString() }} );

    ManipulationSession session = (ManipulationSession) FieldUtils.readField( c, "session", true );
    MavenSession ms = (MavenSession)FieldUtils.readField( session, "mavenSession", true );

    assertEquals( ms.getLocalRepository().getBasedir(), folder.toString() );
    assertEquals( ms.getRequest().getLocalRepository().getBasedir(),
                  ms.getRequest().getLocalRepositoryPath().toString() );
源代码3 项目: das   文件:
default Object readField(Object target, String fieldName) {
    try {
        return FieldUtils.readField(target, fieldName, true);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
源代码4 项目: pom-manipulation-ext   文件:
public void checkTargetDefaultMatches() throws Exception
    Cli c = new Cli(); new String[] {} );

    ManipulationSession session = (ManipulationSession) FieldUtils.readField( c, "session", true );
    File defaultTarget = (File) FieldUtils.readField( c, "target", true );

    assertEquals( "Session file should match", defaultTarget, session.getPom() );
源代码5 项目: pom-manipulation-ext   文件:
public void checkLocalRepositoryWithSettings() throws Exception
    Cli c = new Cli();
    TestUtils.executeMethod( c, "run", new Object[] { new String[] { "-settings=" + getClass().getResource( "/settings-test.xml").getFile() }} );

    ManipulationSession session = (ManipulationSession) FieldUtils.readField( c, "session", true );
    MavenSession ms = (MavenSession)FieldUtils.readField( session, "mavenSession", true );

    assertEquals( ms.getRequest().getLocalRepository().getBasedir(),
                  ms.getRequest().getLocalRepositoryPath().toString() );
源代码6 项目: pom-manipulation-ext   文件:
public void checkLocalRepositoryWithExplicitMavenRepo() throws Exception
    File folder = temp.newFolder();
    Cli c = new Cli();
    TestUtils.executeMethod( c, "run", new Object[] { new String[] { "-Dmaven.repo.local=" + folder.toString() }} );

    ManipulationSession session = (ManipulationSession) FieldUtils.readField( c, "session", true );
    MavenSession ms = (MavenSession)FieldUtils.readField( session, "mavenSession", true );

    assertEquals( ms.getRequest().getLocalRepository().getBasedir(),
                  ms.getRequest().getLocalRepositoryPath().toString() );
<T extends AmazonWebServiceClient> String getEndpointFor(T client) {
    try {
        URI endpointUri = (URI) FieldUtils.readField(client, "endpoint", true);

        return endpointUri.toASCIIString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;
源代码8 项目: openhab1-addons   文件:
 * Returns the object of the (nested) property.
public static Object getNestedObject(Object instance, String propertyName) throws IllegalAccessException {
    if (PropertyUtils.isWeatherProperty(propertyName)) {
        return instance;

    while (PropertyResolver.hasNested(propertyName)) {
        instance = FieldUtils.readField(instance, PropertyResolver.first(propertyName), true);
        propertyName = PropertyResolver.removeFirst(propertyName);
    return instance;
源代码9 项目: pom-manipulation-ext   文件:
public void checkLocalRepositoryWithDefaultsAndModifiedUserSettings() throws Exception
    boolean restore = false;
    Path source = Paths.get ( System.getProperty( "user.home" ) + File.separatorChar + ".m2" + File.separatorChar + "settings.xml");
    Path backup = Paths.get( source.toString() + '.' + UUID.randomUUID().toString() );
    Path tmpSettings = Paths.get ( getClass().getResource("/settings-test.xml").toURI() );

        if ( source.toFile().exists() )
            System.out.println ("Backing up settings.xml to " + backup);
            restore = true;
            Files.move( source, backup, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
        Files.copy( tmpSettings, source );

        Cli c = new Cli();
        TestUtils.executeMethod( c, "run", new Object[] { new String[] {} } );

        ManipulationSession session = (ManipulationSession) FieldUtils.readField( c, "session", true );
        MavenSession ms = (MavenSession) FieldUtils.readField( session, "mavenSession", true );

        assertEquals( ms.getRequest().getLocalRepository().getBasedir(),
                      ms.getRequest().getLocalRepositoryPath().toString() );
        assertEquals( ms.getLocalRepository().getBasedir(),
                      System.getProperty( "user.home" ) + File.separatorChar + ".m2-mead-test" );

        if ( restore )
            Files.move( backup, source, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
            Files.delete( source );