org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil#copy ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil#copy ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: hbase   文件:
 * Commits the snapshot process by moving the working snapshot
 * to the finalized filepath
 * @param snapshotDir The file path of the completed snapshots
 * @param workingDir  The file path of the in progress snapshots
 * @param fs The file system of the completed snapshots
 * @param workingDirFs The file system of the in progress snapshots
 * @param conf Configuration
 * @throws SnapshotCreationException if the snapshot could not be moved
 * @throws IOException the filesystem could not be reached
public static void completeSnapshot(Path snapshotDir, Path workingDir, FileSystem fs,
  FileSystem workingDirFs, final Configuration conf)
  throws SnapshotCreationException, IOException {
  LOG.debug("Sentinel is done, just moving the snapshot from " + workingDir + " to "
    + snapshotDir);
  // If the working and completed snapshot directory are on the same file system, attempt
  // to rename the working snapshot directory to the completed location. If that fails,
  // or the file systems differ, attempt to copy the directory over, throwing an exception
  // if this fails
  URI workingURI = workingDirFs.getUri();
  URI rootURI = fs.getUri();
  if ((!workingURI.getScheme().equals(rootURI.getScheme()) ||
    workingURI.getAuthority() == null ||
    !workingURI.getAuthority().equals(rootURI.getAuthority()) ||
    workingURI.getUserInfo() == null ||
    !workingURI.getUserInfo().equals(rootURI.getUserInfo()) ||
    !fs.rename(workingDir, snapshotDir)) && !FileUtil.copy(workingDirFs, workingDir, fs,
    snapshotDir, true, true, conf)) {
    throw new SnapshotCreationException("Failed to copy working directory(" + workingDir
      + ") to completed directory(" + snapshotDir + ").");
源代码2 项目: submarine   文件:
 * We use staging dir as mock HDFS dir.
 * */
public boolean copyRemoteToLocal(String remoteUri, String localUri)
    throws IOException {
  // mock the copy from HDFS into a local copy
  Path remoteToLocalDir = new Path(convertToStagingPath(remoteUri));
  File old = new File(convertToStagingPath(localUri));
  if (old.isDirectory() && old.exists()) {
    if (!FileUtil.fullyDelete(old)) {
      throw new IOException("Cannot delete temp dir:"
          + old.getAbsolutePath());
  return FileUtil.copy(getDefaultFileSystem(), remoteToLocalDir,
      new File(localUri), false,
源代码3 项目: kylin-on-parquet-v2   文件:
void prepareForWrite(String workingDir, boolean isGlobal) throws IOException {
    if (!fileSystem.exists(basePath)) {"Global dict at {} doesn't exist, create a new one", basePath);


    logger.trace("Prepare to write Global dict at {}, isGlobal={}", workingDir, isGlobal);
    Path working = new Path(workingDir);

    if (fileSystem.exists(working)) {
        fileSystem.delete(working, true);
        logger.trace("Working directory {} exits, delete it first", working);

    // when build dict, copy all data into working dir and work on it, avoiding suddenly server crash made data corrupt
    Long[] versions = listAllVersions();
    if (versions.length > 0 && isGlobal) {
        Path latestVersion = getVersionDir(versions[versions.length - 1]);
        FileUtil.copy(fileSystem, latestVersion, fileSystem, working, false, true, conf);
    } else {
private String setupTopCustomerQueryBundleJobApp() throws IOException {
	String userName = System.getProperty("");
	String workFlowRoot = hadoopClusterService.getHDFSUri() + "/usr/"
			+ userName + "/oozie/bundle-hive-to-es-topqueries";

	// put oozie app in hadoop
	DistributedFileSystem fs = hadoopClusterService.getFileSystem();
	Path workFlowRootPath = new Path(workFlowRoot);
	fs.delete(workFlowRootPath, true);

	File wfDir = new ClassPathResource("oozie/bundle-hive-to-es-topqueries")
	LOG.debug("wfdir: {}", wfDir.getAbsolutePath());
	FileUtil.copy(wfDir, fs, workFlowRootPath, false, new Configuration());
	FileUtil.copy(new ClassPathResource("hive/hive-site.xml").getFile(),
			fs, new Path(workFlowRoot), false, new Configuration());
	return workFlowRoot;
源代码5 项目: RDFS   文件:
 * Try to locate and load the JobConf file for this job so to get more
 * details on the job (number of maps and of reduces)
private void loadJobFile() {
  try {
    String jobFile = getJobFile();
    FileSystem fs = location.getDFS();
    File tmp = File.createTempFile(getJobID().toString(), ".xml");
    if (FileUtil.copy(fs, new Path(jobFile), tmp, false, location
        .getConfiguration())) {
      this.jobConf = new JobConf(tmp.toString());

      this.totalMaps = jobConf.getNumMapTasks();
      this.totalReduces = jobConf.getNumReduceTasks();

  } catch (IOException ioe) {
源代码6 项目: hadoop   文件:
private Path copyRemoteFiles(Path parentDir, Path originalPath,
    Configuration conf, short replication) throws IOException {
  // check if we do not need to copy the files
  // is jt using the same file system.
  // just checking for uri strings... doing no dns lookups
  // to see if the filesystems are the same. This is not optimal.
  // but avoids name resolution.

  FileSystem remoteFs = null;
  remoteFs = originalPath.getFileSystem(conf);
  if (compareFs(remoteFs, jtFs)) {
    return originalPath;
  // this might have name collisions. copy will throw an exception
  // parse the original path to create new path
  Path newPath = new Path(parentDir, originalPath.getName());
  FileUtil.copy(remoteFs, originalPath, jtFs, newPath, false, conf);
  jtFs.setReplication(newPath, replication);
  return newPath;
源代码7 项目: hadoop   文件:
public static void copyNameDirs(Collection<URI> srcDirs, Collection<URI> dstDirs,
    Configuration dstConf) throws IOException {
  URI srcDir = Lists.newArrayList(srcDirs).get(0);
  FileSystem dstFS = FileSystem.getLocal(dstConf).getRaw();
  for (URI dstDir : dstDirs) {
        "src and dst are the same: " + dstDir);
    File dstDirF = new File(dstDir);
    if (dstDirF.exists()) {
      if (!FileUtil.fullyDelete(dstDirF)) {
        throw new IOException("Unable to delete: " + dstDirF);
    }"Copying namedir from primary node dir "
        + srcDir + " to " + dstDir);
        new File(srcDir),
        dstFS, new Path(dstDir), false, dstConf);
private String setupHiveAddPartitionWorkflowApp() throws IOException {
	String userName = System.getProperty("");
	String workFlowRoot = hadoopClusterService.getHDFSUri() + "/usr/"
			+ userName + "/oozie/wf-hive-add-partition";

	// put oozie app in hadoop
	DistributedFileSystem fs = hadoopClusterService.getFileSystem();
	Path workFlowRootPath = new Path(workFlowRoot);
	fs.delete(workFlowRootPath, true);

	File wfDir = new ClassPathResource("oozie/wf-hive-add-partition")
	LOG.debug("wfdir: {}", wfDir.getAbsolutePath());
	FileUtil.copy(wfDir, fs, workFlowRootPath, false, new Configuration());
	FileUtil.copy(new ClassPathResource("hive/hive-site.xml").getFile(),
			fs, new Path(workFlowRoot), false, new Configuration());
	return workFlowRoot;
源代码9 项目: tinkerpop   文件:
public boolean cp(final String sourceLocation, final String targetLocation) {
    try {
        return FileUtil.copy(this.fs, new Path(sourceLocation), this.fs, new Path(targetLocation), false, new Configuration());
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e);
源代码10 项目: hadoop-gpu   文件:
public boolean rename(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException {
	if (pathToFile(src).renameTo(pathToFile(dst))) {
		return true;
	return FileUtil.copy(this, src, this, dst, true, getConf());
源代码11 项目: reef   文件:
public void onNext(final ResourceLaunchEvent resourceLaunchEvent) {
  try {
    LOG.log(Level.INFO, "resourceLaunch. {0}", resourceLaunchEvent.toString());

    final File localStagingFolder =

    final Configuration evaluatorConfiguration = Tang.Factory.getTang()

    final File configurationFile = new File(
        localStagingFolder, this.fileNames.getEvaluatorConfigurationName());
    this.configurationSerializer.toFile(evaluatorConfiguration, configurationFile);

    JobJarMaker.copy(resourceLaunchEvent.getFileSet(), localStagingFolder);

    final FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration());
    final Path hdfsFolder = new Path(fileSystem.getUri() + "/" + resourceLaunchEvent.getIdentifier() + "/");
    FileUtil.copy(localStagingFolder, fileSystem, hdfsFolder, false, new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration());

    // TODO[JIRA REEF-102]: Replace REEFExecutor with a simple launch command (we only need to launch REEFExecutor)
    final List<String> command =
        getLaunchCommand(resourceLaunchEvent, this.executors.getMemory(resourceLaunchEvent.getIdentifier()));
        new EvaluatorLaunch(resourceLaunchEvent.getIdentifier(), StringUtils.join(command, ' ')));
  } catch (final IOException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
源代码12 项目: zeppelin   文件:
private Path copyFileToRemote(
        Path destDir,
        Path srcPath,
        Short replication) throws IOException {
  FileSystem destFs = destDir.getFileSystem(hadoopConf);
  FileSystem srcFs = srcPath.getFileSystem(hadoopConf);

  Path destPath = new Path(destDir, srcPath.getName());"Uploading resource " + srcPath + " to " + destPath);
  FileUtil.copy(srcFs, srcPath, destFs, destPath, false, hadoopConf);
  destFs.setReplication(destPath, replication);
  destFs.setPermission(destPath, APP_FILE_PERMISSION);

  return destPath;
源代码13 项目: hugegraph-loader   文件:
public void copy(String srcPath, String destPath) {
    try {
        FileUtil.copy(new File(srcPath), this.hdfs, new Path(destPath),
                      false, this.conf);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
                  "Failed to copy file '%s' to '%s'", srcPath, destPath));
源代码14 项目: big-c   文件:
 * Test that findContainingJar works correctly even if the
 * path has a "+" sign or spaces in it
public void testFindContainingJarWithPlus() throws Exception {
  new File(TEST_DIR_WITH_SPECIAL_CHARS).mkdirs();
  Configuration conf = new Configuration();

  FileSystem localfs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);

  FileUtil.copy(localfs, new Path(JAR_RELATIVE_PATH),
                localfs, new Path(TEST_DIR_WITH_SPECIAL_CHARS, "test.jar"),
                false, true, conf);
  testJarAtPath(TEST_DIR_WITH_SPECIAL_CHARS + File.separator + "test.jar");
源代码15 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件:
private static void copyPath(FileSystem srcFs, Path src, FileSystem dstFs, Path dst, boolean deleteSource,
    boolean overwrite, Configuration conf) throws IOException {

      String.format("Cannot copy from %s to %s because src does not exist", src, dst));
  Preconditions.checkArgument(overwrite || !dstFs.exists(dst),
      String.format("Cannot copy from %s to %s because dst exists", src, dst));

  try {
    boolean isSourceFileSystemLocal = srcFs instanceof LocalFileSystem || srcFs instanceof RawLocalFileSystem;
    if (isSourceFileSystemLocal) {
      try {
        dstFs.copyFromLocalFile(deleteSource, overwrite, src, dst);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IOException(String.format("Failed to copy %s to %s", src, dst), e);
    } else if (!FileUtil.copy(srcFs, src, dstFs, dst, deleteSource, overwrite, conf)) {
      throw new IOException(String.format("Failed to copy %s to %s", src, dst));
  } catch (Throwable t1) {
    try {
      deleteIfExists(dstFs, dst, true);
    } catch (Throwable t2) {
      // Do nothing
    throw t1;
源代码16 项目: systemds   文件:
public static void copyFileOnHDFS(String originalDir, String newDir) throws IOException {
	Path originalPath = new Path(originalDir);
	Path newPath = new Path(newDir);
	boolean deleteSource = false;
	boolean overwrite = true;
	JobConf job = new JobConf(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf());
	FileSystem fs = IOUtilFunctions.getFileSystem(originalPath, job);
	if (fs.exists(originalPath)) {
		FileUtil.copy(fs, originalPath, fs, newPath, deleteSource, overwrite, job);
源代码17 项目: Bats   文件:
public void copyInitialState(Path origAppDir) throws IOException
  // locate previous snapshot
  long copyStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
  String newAppDir = this.dag.assertAppPath();

  FSRecoveryHandler recoveryHandler = new FSRecoveryHandler(origAppDir.toString(), conf);
  // read snapshot against new dependencies
  Object snapshot = recoveryHandler.restore();
  if (snapshot == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("No previous application state found in " + origAppDir);
  InputStream logIs = recoveryHandler.getLog();

  // modify snapshot state to switch app id
  ((StreamingContainerManager.CheckpointState)snapshot).setApplicationId(this.dag, conf);
  Path checkpointPath = new Path(newAppDir, LogicalPlan.SUBDIR_CHECKPOINTS);

  FileSystem fs = FileSystem.newInstance(origAppDir.toUri(), conf);
  // remove the path that was created by the storage agent during deserialization and replacement
  fs.delete(checkpointPath, true);

  // write snapshot to new location
  recoveryHandler = new FSRecoveryHandler(newAppDir, conf);;
  OutputStream logOs = recoveryHandler.rotateLog();
  IOUtils.copy(logIs, logOs);

  List<String> excludeDirs = Arrays.asList(LogicalPlan.SUBDIR_CHECKPOINTS, LogicalPlan.SUBDIR_EVENTS, LogicalPlan.SUBDIR_STATS);
  // copy sub directories that are not present in target
  FileStatus[] lFiles = fs.listStatus(origAppDir);

  // In case of MapR/MapR-FS, f.getPath().toString() returns path as maprfs:///<orig app dir>
  // whereas origAppDir.toString & newAppDir are in maprfs:/<orig or new app dir> format
  // e.g.
  // f.getPath().toString -> maprfs:///user/dtadmin/datatorrent/apps/application_1481890072066_0004/checkpoints
  // origAppDir -> maprfs:/user/dtadmin/datatorrent/apps/application_1481890072066_0004
  // newAppDir -> maprfs:/user/dtadmin/datatorrent/apps/application_1481890072066_0005

  String origAppDirPath = Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(origAppDir).toString();
  String newAppDirPath = Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(new Path(newAppDir)).toString();

  for (FileStatus f : lFiles) {
    if (f.isDirectory() && !excludeDirs.contains(f.getPath().getName())) {
      String targetPath = f.getPath().toString().replace(origAppDirPath, newAppDirPath);
      if (!fs.exists(new Path(targetPath))) {
        LOG.debug("Copying {} size {} to {}", f.getPath(), f.getLen(), targetPath);
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        FileUtil.copy(fs, f.getPath(), fs, new Path(targetPath), false, conf);
        LOG.debug("Copying {} to {} took {} ms", f.getPath(), f.getLen(), targetPath, System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
      } else {
        LOG.debug("Ignoring {} as it already exists under {}", f.getPath(), targetPath);
  }"Copying initial state took {} ms", System.currentTimeMillis() - copyStart);
源代码18 项目: hbase   文件:
public void testDeleteWhenTempDirIsNotEmpty() throws Exception {
  final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
  final String FAM = "fam";
  final byte[][] splitKeys = new byte[][] {
    Bytes.toBytes("b"), Bytes.toBytes("c"), Bytes.toBytes("d")

  // create the table
    getMasterProcedureExecutor(), tableName, splitKeys, FAM);

  // get the current store files for the regions
  List<HRegion> regions = UTIL.getHBaseCluster().getRegions(tableName);
  // make sure we have 4 regions serving this table
  assertEquals(4, regions.size());

  // load the table
  try (Table table = UTIL.getConnection().getTable(tableName)) {
    UTIL.loadTable(table, Bytes.toBytes(FAM));

  // disable the table so that we can manipulate the files

  final MasterFileSystem masterFileSystem =
  final Path tableDir = CommonFSUtils.getTableDir(masterFileSystem.getRootDir(), tableName);
  final Path tempDir = masterFileSystem.getTempDir();
  final Path tempTableDir = CommonFSUtils.getTableDir(tempDir, tableName);
  final FileSystem fs = masterFileSystem.getFileSystem();

  // copy the table to the temporary directory to make sure the temp directory is not empty
  if (!FileUtil.copy(fs, tableDir, fs, tempTableDir, false, UTIL.getConfiguration())) {

  // delete the table
  final ProcedureExecutor<MasterProcedureEnv> procExec = getMasterProcedureExecutor();
  long procId = ProcedureTestingUtility.submitAndWait(procExec,
    new DeleteTableProcedure(procExec.getEnvironment(), tableName));
  ProcedureTestingUtility.assertProcNotFailed(procExec, procId);
  MasterProcedureTestingUtility.validateTableDeletion(getMaster(), tableName);

  // check if the temporary directory is deleted

  // check for the existence of the archive directory
  for (HRegion region : regions) {
    Path archiveDir = HFileArchiveTestingUtil.getRegionArchiveDir(UTIL.getConfiguration(),
源代码19 项目: hbase   文件:
 * Test replicateEntries with a bulk load entry for 25 HFiles
public void testReplicateEntriesForHFiles() throws Exception {
  Path dir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDirOnTestFS("testReplicateEntries");
  Path familyDir = new Path(dir, Bytes.toString(FAM_NAME1));
  int numRows = 10;
  List<Path> p = new ArrayList<>(1);
  final String hfilePrefix = "hfile-";

  // 1. Generate 25 hfile ranges
  Random rng = new SecureRandom();
  Set<Integer> numbers = new HashSet<>();
  while (numbers.size() < 50) {
  List<Integer> numberList = new ArrayList<>(numbers);
  Map<String, Long> storeFilesSize = new HashMap<>(1);

  // 2. Create 25 hfiles
  Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
  FileSystem fs = dir.getFileSystem(conf);
  Iterator<Integer> numbersItr = numberList.iterator();
  for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
    Path hfilePath = new Path(familyDir, hfilePrefix + i);
    HFileTestUtil.createHFile(conf, fs, hfilePath, FAM_NAME1, FAM_NAME1,
      Bytes.toBytes(, Bytes.toBytes(, numRows);
    storeFilesSize.put(hfilePath.getName(), fs.getFileStatus(hfilePath).getLen());

  // 3. Create a BulkLoadDescriptor and a WALEdit
  Map<byte[], List<Path>> storeFiles = new HashMap<>(1);
  storeFiles.put(FAM_NAME1, p);
  org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALEdit edit = null;
  WALProtos.BulkLoadDescriptor loadDescriptor = null;

  try (Connection c = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
      RegionLocator l = c.getRegionLocator(TABLE_NAME1)) {
    RegionInfo regionInfo = l.getAllRegionLocations().get(0).getRegion();
    loadDescriptor =
            storeFiles, storeFilesSize, 1);
    edit = org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALEdit.createBulkLoadEvent(regionInfo,
  List<WALEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>(1);

  // 4. Create a WALEntryBuilder
  WALEntry.Builder builder = createWALEntryBuilder(TABLE_NAME1);

  // 5. Copy the hfile to the path as it is in reality
  for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
    String pathToHfileFromNS =
        new StringBuilder(100).append(TABLE_NAME1.getNamespaceAsString()).append(Path.SEPARATOR)
            .append(hfilePrefix + i).toString();
    String dst = baseNamespaceDir + Path.SEPARATOR + pathToHfileFromNS;
    Path dstPath = new Path(dst);
    FileUtil.copy(fs, p.get(0), fs, dstPath, false, conf);

  try (ResultScanner scanner = table1.getScanner(new Scan())) {
    // 6. Assert no existing data in table
  // 7. Replicate the bulk loaded entry
  SINK.replicateEntries(entries, CellUtil.createCellScanner(edit.getCells().iterator()),
    replicationClusterId, baseNamespaceDir, hfileArchiveDir);
  try (ResultScanner scanner = table1.getScanner(new Scan())) {
    // 8. Assert data is replicated
  // Clean up the created hfiles or it will mess up subsequent tests
源代码20 项目: big-c   文件:
@Test (timeout = 30000)
public void testNewNamenodeTakesOverWriter() throws Exception {
  File nn1Dir = new File(
      MiniDFSCluster.getBaseDirectory() + "/TestNNWithQJM/image-nn1");
  File nn2Dir = new File(
      MiniDFSCluster.getBaseDirectory() + "/TestNNWithQJM/image-nn2");

  // Start the cluster once to generate the dfs dirs
  MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf)

  // Shutdown the cluster before making a copy of the namenode dir
  // to release all file locks, otherwise, the copy will fail on
  // some platforms.

  try {
    // Start a second NN pointed to the same quorum.
    // We need to copy the image dir from the first NN -- or else
    // the new NN will just be rejected because of Namespace mismatch.
    FileUtil.copy(nn1Dir, FileSystem.getLocal(conf).getRaw(),
        new Path(nn2Dir.getAbsolutePath()), false, conf);

    // Start the cluster again
    cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf)


    Configuration conf2 = new Configuration();
    MiniDFSCluster cluster2 = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf2)
    // Check that the new cluster sees the edits made on the old cluster
    try {
    } finally {
    // Check that, if we try to write to the old NN
    // that it aborts.
    try {
      cluster.getFileSystem().mkdirs(new Path("/x"));
      fail("Did not abort trying to write to a fenced NN");
    } catch (RemoteException re) {
          "Could not sync enough journals to persistent storage", re);
  } finally {