org.apache.hadoop.fs.contract.ContractTestUtils#touch ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.apache.hadoop.fs.contract.ContractTestUtils#touch ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件:
private void testCreateDoesNotAddParentDirKeys() throws Exception {
  Path grandparent = new Path("/testCreateDoesNotAddParentDirKeys");
  Path parent = new Path(grandparent, "parent");
  Path child = new Path(parent, "child");
  ContractTestUtils.touch(fs, child);
  rootItemCount++; // grandparent

  OzoneKeyDetails key = getKey(child, false);
  assertEquals(key.getName(), o3fs.pathToKey(child));

  // Creating a child should not add parent keys to the bucket
  try {
    getKey(parent, true);
  } catch (IOException ex) {

  // List status on the parent should show the child file
  assertEquals("List status of parent should include the 1 child file", 1L,
  assertTrue("Parent directory does not appear to be a directory",
源代码2 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件:
private void testDeleteCreatesFakeParentDir() throws Exception {
  Path grandparent = new Path("/testDeleteCreatesFakeParentDir");
  Path parent = new Path(grandparent, "parent");
  Path child = new Path(parent, "child");
  ContractTestUtils.touch(fs, child);
  rootItemCount++; // grandparent

  // Verify that parent dir key does not exist
  // Creating a child should not add parent keys to the bucket
  try {
    getKey(parent, true);
  } catch (IOException ex) {

  // Delete the child key
  fs.delete(child, false);

  // Deleting the only child should create the parent dir key if it does
  // not exist
  String parentKey = o3fs.pathToKey(parent) + "/";
  OzoneKeyDetails parentKeyInfo = getKey(parent, true);
  assertEquals(parentKey, parentKeyInfo.getName());
源代码3 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件:
private void testListStatus() throws Exception {
  Path parent = new Path("/testListStatus");
  Path file1 = new Path(parent, "key1");
  Path file2 = new Path(parent, "key2");
  ContractTestUtils.touch(fs, file1);
  ContractTestUtils.touch(fs, file2);
  rootItemCount++; // parent

  // ListStatus on a directory should return all subdirs along with
  // files, even if there exists a file and sub-dir with the same name.
  FileStatus[] fileStatuses = o3fs.listStatus(parent);
  assertEquals("FileStatus did not return all children of the directory",
      2, fileStatuses.length);

  // ListStatus should return only the immediate children of a directory.
  Path file3 = new Path(parent, "dir1/key3");
  Path file4 = new Path(parent, "dir1/key4");
  ContractTestUtils.touch(fs, file3);
  ContractTestUtils.touch(fs, file4);
  fileStatuses = o3fs.listStatus(parent);
  assertEquals("FileStatus did not return all children of the directory",
      3, fileStatuses.length);
源代码4 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件:
 * Tests listStatus on a path with subdirs.
private void testListStatusOnSubDirs() throws Exception {
  // Create the following key structure
  //      /dir1/dir11/dir111
  //      /dir1/dir12
  //      /dir1/dir12/file121
  //      /dir2
  // ListStatus on /dir1 should return all its immediated subdirs only
  // which are /dir1/dir11 and /dir1/dir12. Super child files/dirs
  // (/dir1/dir12/file121 and /dir1/dir11/dir111) should not be returned by
  // listStatus.
  Path dir1 = new Path("/dir1");
  Path dir11 = new Path(dir1, "dir11");
  Path dir111 = new Path(dir11, "dir111");
  Path dir12 = new Path(dir1, "dir12");
  Path file121 = new Path(dir12, "file121");
  Path dir2 = new Path("/dir2");
  ContractTestUtils.touch(fs, file121);

  FileStatus[] fileStatuses = o3fs.listStatus(dir1);
  assertEquals("FileStatus should return only the immediate children", 2,

  // Verify that the two children of /dir1 returned by listStatus operation
  // are /dir1/dir11 and /dir1/dir12.
  String fileStatus1 = fileStatuses[0].getPath().toUri().getPath();
  String fileStatus2 = fileStatuses[1].getPath().toUri().getPath();
  assertTrue(fileStatus1.equals(dir11.toString()) ||
  assertTrue(fileStatus2.equals(dir11.toString()) ||
源代码5 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件:
public void testCreateDoesNotAddParentDirKeys() throws Exception {
  Path grandparent = new Path(testBucketPath,
  Path parent = new Path(grandparent, "parent");
  Path child = new Path(parent, "child");
  ContractTestUtils.touch(fs, child);

  OzoneKeyDetails key = getKey(child, false);
  OFSPath childOFSPath = new OFSPath(child);
  Assert.assertEquals(key.getName(), childOFSPath.getKeyName());

  // Creating a child should not add parent keys to the bucket
  try {
    getKey(parent, true);
  } catch (IOException ex) {

  // List status on the parent should show the child file
      "List status of parent should include the 1 child file",
      1L, fs.listStatus(parent).length);
      "Parent directory does not appear to be a directory",
源代码6 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件:
public void testDeleteCreatesFakeParentDir() throws Exception {
  Path grandparent = new Path(testBucketPath,
  Path parent = new Path(grandparent, "parent");
  Path child = new Path(parent, "child");
  ContractTestUtils.touch(fs, child);

  // Verify that parent dir key does not exist
  // Creating a child should not add parent keys to the bucket
  try {
    getKey(parent, true);
  } catch (IOException ex) {

  // Delete the child key
  Assert.assertTrue(fs.delete(child, false));

  // Deleting the only child should create the parent dir key if it does
  // not exist
  OFSPath parentOFSPath = new OFSPath(parent);
  String parentKey = parentOFSPath.getKeyName() + "/";
  OzoneKeyDetails parentKeyInfo = getKey(parent, true);
  Assert.assertEquals(parentKey, parentKeyInfo.getName());

  // Recursive delete with DeleteIterator
  Assert.assertTrue(fs.delete(grandparent, true));
源代码7 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件:
public void testListStatus() throws Exception {
  Path parent = new Path(testBucketPath, "testListStatus");
  Path file1 = new Path(parent, "key1");
  Path file2 = new Path(parent, "key2");

  FileStatus[] fileStatuses = ofs.listStatus(testBucketPath);
  Assert.assertEquals("Should be empty", 0, fileStatuses.length);

  ContractTestUtils.touch(fs, file1);
  ContractTestUtils.touch(fs, file2);

  fileStatuses = ofs.listStatus(testBucketPath);
  Assert.assertEquals("Should have created parent",
      1, fileStatuses.length);
  Assert.assertEquals("Parent path doesn't match",
      fileStatuses[0].getPath().toUri().getPath(), parent.toString());

  // ListStatus on a directory should return all subdirs along with
  // files, even if there exists a file and sub-dir with the same name.
  fileStatuses = ofs.listStatus(parent);
      "FileStatus did not return all children of the directory",
      2, fileStatuses.length);

  // ListStatus should return only the immediate children of a directory.
  Path file3 = new Path(parent, "dir1/key3");
  Path file4 = new Path(parent, "dir1/key4");
  ContractTestUtils.touch(fs, file3);
  ContractTestUtils.touch(fs, file4);
  fileStatuses = ofs.listStatus(parent);
      "FileStatus did not return all children of the directory",
      3, fileStatuses.length);
源代码8 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件:
 * Tests listStatus on a path with subdirs.
public void testListStatusOnSubDirs() throws Exception {
  // Create the following key structure
  //      /dir1/dir11/dir111
  //      /dir1/dir12
  //      /dir1/dir12/file121
  //      /dir2
  // ListStatus on /dir1 should return all its immediated subdirs only
  // which are /dir1/dir11 and /dir1/dir12. Super child files/dirs
  // (/dir1/dir12/file121 and /dir1/dir11/dir111) should not be returned by
  // listStatus.
  Path dir1 = new Path(testBucketPath, "dir1");
  Path dir11 = new Path(dir1, "dir11");
  Path dir111 = new Path(dir11, "dir111");
  Path dir12 = new Path(dir1, "dir12");
  Path file121 = new Path(dir12, "file121");
  Path dir2 = new Path(testBucketPath, "dir2");
  ContractTestUtils.touch(fs, file121);

  FileStatus[] fileStatuses = ofs.listStatus(dir1);
      "FileStatus should return only the immediate children",
      2, fileStatuses.length);

  // Verify that the two children of /dir1 returned by listStatus operation
  // are /dir1/dir11 and /dir1/dir12.
  String fileStatus1 = fileStatuses[0].getPath().toUri().getPath();
  String fileStatus2 = fileStatuses[1].getPath().toUri().getPath();
  Assert.assertTrue(fileStatus1.equals(dir11.toString()) ||
  Assert.assertTrue(fileStatus2.equals(dir11.toString()) ||