
下面列出了javax.crypto.spec.DHParameterSpec#getG() 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: RipplePower   文件:
public void initialize(
    AlgorithmParameterSpec params,
    SecureRandom random)
    throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
    if (!(params instanceof DHParameterSpec))
        throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("parameter object not a DHParameterSpec");
    DHParameterSpec dhParams = (DHParameterSpec)params;

    param = new DHKeyGenerationParameters(random, new DHParameters(dhParams.getP(), dhParams.getG(), null, dhParams.getL()));

    initialised = true;
源代码2 项目: ripple-lib-java   文件:
public void initialize(
    AlgorithmParameterSpec params,
    SecureRandom random)
    throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
    if (!(params instanceof ElGamalParameterSpec) && !(params instanceof DHParameterSpec))
        throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("parameter object not a DHParameterSpec or an ElGamalParameterSpec");

    if (params instanceof ElGamalParameterSpec)
        ElGamalParameterSpec elParams = (ElGamalParameterSpec)params;

        param = new ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters(random, new ElGamalParameters(elParams.getP(), elParams.getG()));
        DHParameterSpec dhParams = (DHParameterSpec)params;

        param = new ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters(random, new ElGamalParameters(dhParams.getP(), dhParams.getG(), dhParams.getL()));

    initialised = true;
源代码3 项目: RipplePower   文件:
protected void engineInit(
    AlgorithmParameterSpec paramSpec)
    throws InvalidParameterSpecException
    if (!(paramSpec instanceof ElGamalParameterSpec) && !(paramSpec instanceof DHParameterSpec))
        throw new InvalidParameterSpecException("DHParameterSpec required to initialise a ElGamal algorithm parameters object");

    if (paramSpec instanceof ElGamalParameterSpec)
        this.currentSpec = (ElGamalParameterSpec)paramSpec;
        DHParameterSpec s = (DHParameterSpec)paramSpec;

        this.currentSpec = new ElGamalParameterSpec(s.getP(), s.getG());
源代码4 项目: scipio-erp   文件:
 * Get a public key object for the ValueLink supplied public key
 * @return PublicKey object of ValueLinks's public key
 * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
 * @throws InvalidKeySpecException
public PublicKey getValueLinkPublicKey() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
    // read the valuelink public key
    String publicValue = (String) props.get("payment.valuelink.publicValue");
    byte[] publicKeyBytes = StringUtil.fromHexString(publicValue);

    // initialize the parameter spec
    DHParameterSpec dhParamSpec = this.getDHParameterSpec();

    // load the valuelink public key
    KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("DH");
    BigInteger publicKeyInt = new BigInteger(publicKeyBytes);
    DHPublicKeySpec dhPublicSpec = new DHPublicKeySpec(publicKeyInt, dhParamSpec.getP(), dhParamSpec.getG());
    PublicKey vlPublic = keyFactory.generatePublic(dhPublicSpec);

    return vlPublic;
源代码5 项目: RipplePower   文件:
public KeyPair generateKeyPair()
    if (!initialised)
        DHParameterSpec dhParams = BouncyCastleProvider.CONFIGURATION.getDHDefaultParameters(strength);

        if (dhParams != null)
            param = new ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters(random, new ElGamalParameters(dhParams.getP(), dhParams.getG(), dhParams.getL()));
            ElGamalParametersGenerator pGen = new ElGamalParametersGenerator();

            pGen.init(strength, certainty, random);
            param = new ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters(random, pGen.generateParameters());

        initialised = true;

    AsymmetricCipherKeyPair pair = engine.generateKeyPair();
    ElGamalPublicKeyParameters pub = (ElGamalPublicKeyParameters)pair.getPublic();
    ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters priv = (ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters)pair.getPrivate();

    return new KeyPair(new BCElGamalPublicKey(pub),
        new BCElGamalPrivateKey(priv));
源代码6 项目: openjsse   文件:
private static DHPublicKeySpec getDHPublicKeySpec(PublicKey key) {
    if (key instanceof DHPublicKey) {
        DHPublicKey dhKey = (DHPublicKey)key;
        DHParameterSpec params = dhKey.getParams();
        return new DHPublicKeySpec(dhKey.getY(),
                                params.getP(), params.getG());
    try {
        KeyFactory factory = JsseJce.getKeyFactory("DiffieHellman");
        return factory.getKeySpec(key, DHPublicKeySpec.class);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException e) {
        // unlikely
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get DHPublicKeySpec", e);
源代码7 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件:
 * Returns whether the Diffie-Hellman public key is valid or not.
 * Per RFC 2631 and NIST SP800-56A, the following algorithm is used to
 * validate Diffie-Hellman public keys:
 * 1. Verify that y lies within the interval [2,p-1]. If it does not,
 *    the key is invalid.
 * 2. Compute y^q mod p. If the result == 1, the key is valid.
 *    Otherwise the key is invalid.
private static void validateDHPublicKey(DHPublicKey publicKey)
        throws InvalidKeyException {
    DHParameterSpec paramSpec = publicKey.getParams();

    BigInteger p = paramSpec.getP();
    BigInteger g = paramSpec.getG();
    BigInteger y = publicKey.getY();

    validateDHPublicKey(p, g, y);
源代码8 项目: ripple-lib-java   文件:
public KeyPair generateKeyPair()
    if (!initialised)
        DHParameterSpec dhParams = BouncyCastleProvider.CONFIGURATION.getDHDefaultParameters(strength);

        if (dhParams != null)
            param = new ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters(random, new ElGamalParameters(dhParams.getP(), dhParams.getG(), dhParams.getL()));
            ElGamalParametersGenerator pGen = new ElGamalParametersGenerator();

            pGen.init(strength, certainty, random);
            param = new ElGamalKeyGenerationParameters(random, pGen.generateParameters());

        initialised = true;

    AsymmetricCipherKeyPair pair = engine.generateKeyPair();
    ElGamalPublicKeyParameters pub = (ElGamalPublicKeyParameters)pair.getPublic();
    ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters priv = (ElGamalPrivateKeyParameters)pair.getPrivate();

    return new KeyPair(new BCElGamalPublicKey(pub),
        new BCElGamalPrivateKey(priv));
源代码9 项目: Bytecoder   文件:
private static DHPublicKeySpec getDHPublicKeySpec(PublicKey key) {
    if (key instanceof DHPublicKey) {
        DHPublicKey dhKey = (DHPublicKey)key;
        DHParameterSpec params = dhKey.getParams();
        return new DHPublicKeySpec(dhKey.getY(),
                                params.getP(), params.getG());
    try {
        KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("DiffieHellman");
        return factory.getKeySpec(key, DHPublicKeySpec.class);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException e) {
        // unlikely
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get DHPublicKeySpec", e);
源代码10 项目: ripple-lib-java   文件:
protected void engineInit(
    Key                     key,
    AlgorithmParameterSpec  params,
    SecureRandom            random) 
    throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
    if (!(key instanceof DHPrivateKey))
        throw new InvalidKeyException("DHKeyAgreement requires DHPrivateKey for initialisation");
    DHPrivateKey    privKey = (DHPrivateKey)key;

    if (params != null)
        if (!(params instanceof DHParameterSpec))
            throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("DHKeyAgreement only accepts DHParameterSpec");
        DHParameterSpec p = (DHParameterSpec)params;

        this.p = p.getP();
        this.g = p.getG();
        this.p = privKey.getParams().getP();
        this.g = privKey.getParams().getG();

    this.x = this.result = privKey.getX();
源代码11 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件:
 * Returns whether the Diffie-Hellman public key is valid or not.
 * Per RFC 2631 and NIST SP800-56A, the following algorithm is used to
 * validate Diffie-Hellman public keys:
 * 1. Verify that y lies within the interval [2,p-1]. If it does not,
 *    the key is invalid.
 * 2. Compute y^q mod p. If the result == 1, the key is valid.
 *    Otherwise the key is invalid.
private static void validateDHPublicKey(DHPublicKey publicKey)
        throws InvalidKeyException {
    DHParameterSpec paramSpec = publicKey.getParams();

    BigInteger p = paramSpec.getP();
    BigInteger g = paramSpec.getG();
    BigInteger y = publicKey.getY();

    validateDHPublicKey(p, g, y);
源代码12 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
 * Returns whether the Diffie-Hellman public key is valid or not.
 * Per RFC 2631 and NIST SP800-56A, the following algorithm is used to
 * validate Diffie-Hellman public keys:
 * 1. Verify that y lies within the interval [2,p-1]. If it does not,
 *    the key is invalid.
 * 2. Compute y^q mod p. If the result == 1, the key is valid.
 *    Otherwise the key is invalid.
private static void validateDHPublicKey(DHPublicKey publicKey)
        throws InvalidKeyException {
    DHParameterSpec paramSpec = publicKey.getParams();

    BigInteger p = paramSpec.getP();
    BigInteger g = paramSpec.getG();
    BigInteger y = publicKey.getY();

    validateDHPublicKey(p, g, y);
源代码13 项目: scipio-erp   文件:
 * Get merchant Private Key
 * @return PrivateKey object for the merchant
public PrivateKey getPrivateKey() throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    byte[] privateKeyBytes = this.getPrivateKeyBytes();

    // initialize the parameter spec
    DHParameterSpec dhParamSpec = this.getDHParameterSpec();

    // load the private key
    KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("DH");
    BigInteger privateKeyInt = new BigInteger(privateKeyBytes);
    DHPrivateKeySpec dhPrivateSpec = new DHPrivateKeySpec(privateKeyInt, dhParamSpec.getP(), dhParamSpec.getG());
    PrivateKey privateKey = keyFactory.generatePrivate(dhPrivateSpec);

    return privateKey;
源代码14 项目: hottub   文件:
 * Returns whether the Diffie-Hellman public key is valid or not.
 * Per RFC 2631 and NIST SP800-56A, the following algorithm is used to
 * validate Diffie-Hellman public keys:
 * 1. Verify that y lies within the interval [2,p-1]. If it does not,
 *    the key is invalid.
 * 2. Compute y^q mod p. If the result == 1, the key is valid.
 *    Otherwise the key is invalid.
private static void validateDHPublicKey(DHPublicKey publicKey)
        throws InvalidKeyException {
    DHParameterSpec paramSpec = publicKey.getParams();

    BigInteger p = paramSpec.getP();
    BigInteger g = paramSpec.getG();
    BigInteger y = publicKey.getY();

    validateDHPublicKey(p, g, y);
源代码15 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件:
 * Returns whether the Diffie-Hellman public key is valid or not.
 * Per RFC 2631 and NIST SP800-56A, the following algorithm is used to
 * validate Diffie-Hellman public keys:
 * 1. Verify that y lies within the interval [2,p-1]. If it does not,
 *    the key is invalid.
 * 2. Compute y^q mod p. If the result == 1, the key is valid.
 *    Otherwise the key is invalid.
private static void validateDHPublicKey(DHPublicKey publicKey)
        throws InvalidKeyException {
    DHParameterSpec paramSpec = publicKey.getParams();

    BigInteger p = paramSpec.getP();
    BigInteger g = paramSpec.getG();
    BigInteger y = publicKey.getY();

    validateDHPublicKey(p, g, y);
源代码16 项目: openjdk-8   文件:
 * Returns whether the Diffie-Hellman public key is valid or not.
 * Per RFC 2631 and NIST SP800-56A, the following algorithm is used to
 * validate Diffie-Hellman public keys:
 * 1. Verify that y lies within the interval [2,p-1]. If it does not,
 *    the key is invalid.
 * 2. Compute y^q mod p. If the result == 1, the key is valid.
 *    Otherwise the key is invalid.
private static void validateDHPublicKey(DHPublicKey publicKey)
        throws InvalidKeyException {
    DHParameterSpec paramSpec = publicKey.getParams();

    BigInteger p = paramSpec.getP();
    BigInteger g = paramSpec.getG();
    BigInteger y = publicKey.getY();

    validateDHPublicKey(p, g, y);
源代码17 项目: wycheproof   文件:
 * Tests whether a provider accepts invalid public keys that result in predictable shared secrets.
 * This test is based on RFC 2785, Section 4 and NIST SP 800-56A, If an attacker can modify both
 * public keys in an ephemeral-ephemeral key agreement scheme then it may be possible to coerce
 * both parties into computing the same predictable shared key.
 * <p>Note: the test is quite whimsical. If the prime p is not a safe prime then the provider
 * itself cannot prevent all small-subgroup attacks because of the missing parameter q in the
 * Diffie-Hellman parameters. Implementations must add additional countermeasures such as the ones
 * proposed in RFC 2785.
 * <p>CVE-2016-1000346: BouncyCastle before v.1.56 did not validate the other parties public key.
public void testSubgroupConfinement() throws Exception {
  KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DH");
  DHParameterSpec params = ike2048();
  BigInteger p = params.getP();
  BigInteger g = params.getG();
  PrivateKey priv = keyGen.generateKeyPair().getPrivate();
  KeyAgreement ka = KeyAgreement.getInstance("DH");
  BigInteger[] weakPublicKeys = {
  for (BigInteger weakKey : weakPublicKeys) {
    try {
      KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("DH");
      DHPublicKeySpec weakSpec = new DHPublicKeySpec(weakKey, p, g);
      PublicKey pub = kf.generatePublic(weakSpec);
      ka.doPhase(pub, true);
      byte[] kAB = ka.generateSecret();
          "Generated secrets with weak public key:"
              + weakKey.toString()
              + " secret:"
              + TestUtil.bytesToHex(kAB));
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) {
      // this is expected
源代码18 项目: j2objc   文件:
 * Returns whether the Diffie-Hellman public key is valid or not.
 * Per RFC 2631 and NIST SP800-56A, the following algorithm is used to
 * validate Diffie-Hellman public keys:
 * 1. Verify that y lies within the interval [2,p-1]. If it does not,
 *    the key is invalid.
 * 2. Compute y^q mod p. If the result == 1, the key is valid.
 *    Otherwise the key is invalid.
private static void validateDHPublicKey(DHPublicKey publicKey)
        throws InvalidKeyException {
    DHParameterSpec paramSpec = publicKey.getParams();

    BigInteger p = paramSpec.getP();
    BigInteger g = paramSpec.getG();
    BigInteger y = publicKey.getY();

    validateDHPublicKey(p, g, y);
源代码19 项目: openjsse   文件:
public void consume(ConnectionContext context,
        ByteBuffer message) throws IOException {
    // The consuming happens in server side only.
    ServerHandshakeContext shc = (ServerHandshakeContext)context;

    DHEPossession dhePossession = null;
    for (SSLPossession possession : shc.handshakePossessions) {
        if (possession instanceof DHEPossession) {
            dhePossession = (DHEPossession)possession;

    if (dhePossession == null) {
        // unlikely
        throw shc.conContext.fatal(Alert.HANDSHAKE_FAILURE,
            "No expected DHE possessions for client key exchange");

    SSLKeyExchange ke = SSLKeyExchange.valueOf(
    if (ke == null) {
        // unlikely
        throw shc.conContext.fatal(Alert.INTERNAL_ERROR,
                "Not supported key exchange type");

    DHClientKeyExchangeMessage ckem =
            new DHClientKeyExchangeMessage(shc, message);
    if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl,handshake")) {
            "Consuming DH ClientKeyExchange handshake message", ckem);

    // create the credentials
    try {
        DHParameterSpec params = dhePossession.publicKey.getParams();
        DHPublicKeySpec spec = new DHPublicKeySpec(
                new BigInteger(1, ckem.y),
                params.getP(), params.getG());
        KeyFactory kf = JsseJce.getKeyFactory("DiffieHellman");
        DHPublicKey peerPublicKey =

        // check constraints of peer DHPublicKey
        if (!shc.algorithmConstraints.permits(
                peerPublicKey)) {
            throw new SSLHandshakeException(
                "DHPublicKey does not comply to algorithm constraints");

        NamedGroup namedGroup = NamedGroup.valueOf(params);
                new DHECredentials(peerPublicKey, namedGroup));
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException | e) {
        throw (SSLHandshakeException)(new SSLHandshakeException(
                "Could not generate DHPublicKey").initCause(e));

    // update the states
    SSLKeyDerivation masterKD = ke.createKeyDerivation(shc);
    SecretKey masterSecret =
            masterKD.deriveKey("MasterSecret", null);

    SSLTrafficKeyDerivation kd =
    if (kd == null) {
        // unlikely
        throw shc.conContext.fatal(Alert.INTERNAL_ERROR,
            "Not supported key derivation: " + shc.negotiatedProtocol);
    } else {
        shc.handshakeKeyDerivation =
            kd.createKeyDerivation(shc, masterSecret);
源代码20 项目: RipplePower   文件:
public KeyPair generateKeyPair()
    if (!initialised)
        Integer paramStrength = Integers.valueOf(strength);

        if (params.containsKey(paramStrength))
            param = (DHKeyGenerationParameters)params.get(paramStrength);
            DHParameterSpec dhParams = BouncyCastleProvider.CONFIGURATION.getDHDefaultParameters(strength);

            if (dhParams != null)
                param = new DHKeyGenerationParameters(random, new DHParameters(dhParams.getP(), dhParams.getG(), null, dhParams.getL()));
                synchronized (lock)
                    // we do the check again in case we were blocked by a generator for
                    // our key size.
                    if (params.containsKey(paramStrength))
                        param = (DHKeyGenerationParameters)params.get(paramStrength);

                        DHParametersGenerator pGen = new DHParametersGenerator();

                        pGen.init(strength, certainty, random);

                        param = new DHKeyGenerationParameters(random, pGen.generateParameters());

                        params.put(paramStrength, param);


        initialised = true;

    AsymmetricCipherKeyPair pair = engine.generateKeyPair();
    DHPublicKeyParameters pub = (DHPublicKeyParameters)pair.getPublic();
    DHPrivateKeyParameters priv = (DHPrivateKeyParameters)pair.getPrivate();

    return new KeyPair(new BCDHPublicKey(pub),
        new BCDHPrivateKey(priv));