org.joda.time.LocalDate#isBefore ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.joda.time.LocalDate#isBefore ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: estatio   文件:
public static List<Interval> intervalsInRange(
        final LocalDate startDate,
        final LocalDate endDate,
        final String rrule) {
    if (startDate.compareTo(endDate) > 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                String.format("Start date %s is after end date %s", startDate.toString(), endDate.toString()));
    List<Interval> intervals = Lists.newArrayList();
    LocalDate start = startDate;
    Interval interval = null;
    do {
        interval = intervalContaining(start, rrule);
        if (interval != null) {
            start = interval.getEnd().toLocalDate();
    } while (interval != null && start.isBefore(endDate));
    return intervals;
protected ArrayList<DateHolder> generatePeriod() {
    ArrayList<DateHolder> dates = new ArrayList<DateHolder>();
    checkDate = new LocalDate(cPeriod);
    int counter = 0;
    int quantity = checkDate.weekOfWeekyear().getMaximumValue()/2;
    while ((openFuturePeriods > 0 || currentDate.isAfter(checkDate.plusWeeks(2))) && counter < quantity) {
        String year = checkDate.year().getAsString();
        String cDate = checkDate.toString();
        String nDate = checkDate.plusWeeks(2).minusDays(1).toString();

        String date = String.format(DATE_FORMAT, year, periodApi, counter+1);
        String label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, periodHumanReedable, counter+1, cDate, nDate);

        if (checkDate.isBefore(maxDate) && isInInputPeriods(date)) {
            DateHolder dateHolder = new DateHolder(date, checkDate.toString(), label);

        checkDate = checkDate.plusWeeks(2);

    return dates;
源代码3 项目: estatio   文件:
public String validateTerminate(
        final LocalDate terminationDate) {
    if (terminationDate.isBefore(getStartDate())) {
        return "Termination date can't be before start date";
    return null;
源代码4 项目: NCalendar   文件:
private LocalDate getAvailableDate(LocalDate localDate) {
    if (localDate.isBefore(mStartDate)) {
        return mStartDate;
    } else if (localDate.isAfter(mEndDate)) {
        return mEndDate;
    } else {
        return localDate;
private int getExpiryDays(int expiryDay){
    LocalDate periodDate = new LocalDate();
    LocalDate periodInitRange = new LocalDate();
    periodInitRange = periodInitRange.withWeekOfWeekyear(1);
        periodInitRange = periodInitRange.plusWeeks(2).withDayOfWeek(DateTimeConstants.MONDAY);
    } while (periodInitRange.isBefore(periodDate));
    periodInitRange = periodInitRange.minusWeeks(2);
    return Days.daysBetween(periodInitRange.minusDays(1), new LocalDate()).getDays() + expiryDay;
源代码6 项目: estatio   文件:
public String validateChangeEffectiveDates(
        final LocalDate effectiveStartDate,
        final LocalDate effectiveEndDate){
    if (effectiveStartDate!=null && effectiveEndDate!=null && effectiveEndDate.isBefore(effectiveStartDate)){
        return "The end date is before the start date";
    return null;
源代码7 项目: estatio   文件:
public void aggregateTurnoversForLease(final Lease lease, final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate, final boolean maintainOnly){
    //since we analyze all previous and next leases with all associated configs, any config with type prelimninary and frequency monthly will do
    TurnoverReportingConfig firstConfigCandidate = null;
    for (Occupancy o : lease.getOccupancies()){
        final TurnoverReportingConfig c = turnoverReportingConfigRepository
                .findByOccupancyAndTypeAndFrequency(o, Type.PRELIMINARY, Frequency.MONTHLY).stream().findFirst()
        if (c!=null && firstConfigCandidate==null ){
            firstConfigCandidate = c;

    if (firstConfigCandidate==null) return;

    LocalDate startDateToUse = startDate==null || startDate.isBefore(MIN_AGGREGATION_DATE) ? MIN_AGGREGATION_DATE.minusMonths(23).withDayOfMonth(1) : startDate.withDayOfMonth(1);
    LocalDate endDateToUse = endDate==null ? : endDate.withDayOfMonth(1);

    if (endDateToUse.isBefore(startDateToUse)) return;

    // since we look 24 months ahead the aggregations to be made are
    List<LocalDate> turnoverDates = new ArrayList<>();
    LocalDate d = startDateToUse.plusMonths(24);
    while (!d.isAfter(endDateToUse)){
        d = d.plusMonths(24);

    if (turnoverDates.isEmpty()) return;

    if (maintainOnly){
        aggregate(turnoverDates.get(0), firstConfigCandidate, null, true);
    } else {
        for (LocalDate toDate : turnoverDates) {
            aggregate(toDate, firstConfigCandidate, null, maintainOnly);

protected ArrayList<DateHolder> generatePeriod() {
    ArrayList<DateHolder> dates = new ArrayList<DateHolder>();
    checkDate = new LocalDate(cPeriod);
    int counter = 0;

    while ((openFuturePeriods > 0 || currentDate.isAfter(checkDate.plusMonths(6))) && counter < 2) {
        String year = checkDate.year().getAsString();
        String label;
        String date;

        if (checkDate.getMonthOfYear() > JUN) {
            label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, JUL_STR_LONG, DEC_STR_LONG, year);
            date = year + S2;
        } else {
            label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, JAN_STR_LONG, JUN_STR_LONG, year);
            date = year + S1;

        checkDate = checkDate.plusMonths(6);

        if (checkDate.isBefore(maxDate) && isInInputPeriods(date)) {
            DateHolder dateHolder = new DateHolder(date, checkDate.toString(), label);

    return dates;
源代码9 项目: estatio   文件:
public Occupancy $$(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) {
    if (!endDate.isBefore(startDate)){
        final List<TurnoverReportingConfig> configs = turnoverReportingConfigRepository.findByOccupancy(occupancy);
        LocalDate date = startDate;
        while (!date.isAfter(endDate)){
            for (TurnoverReportingConfig config : configs){
            date = date.plusDays(1);
    return occupancy;
源代码10 项目: dhis2-android-datacapture   文件:
protected ArrayList<DateHolder> generatePeriod() {
    ArrayList<DateHolder> dates = new ArrayList<DateHolder>();
    checkDate = new LocalDate(cPeriod);

    int counter = 0;
    int quantity = checkDate.dayOfYear().getMaximumValue();

    while ((openFuturePeriods > 0 || currentDate.isAfter(checkDate)) && counter < quantity) {

        String date = checkDate.toString(DATE_FORMAT);

        String dName = checkDate.dayOfMonth().getAsString();
        String mName = checkDate.monthOfYear().getAsText();
        String yName = checkDate.year().getAsString();

        String label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, dName, mName, yName);

        if (checkDate.isBefore(maxDate) && isInInputPeriods(date)) {
            DateHolder dateHolder = new DateHolder(date, checkDate.toString(), label);

        checkDate = checkDate.plusDays(1);

    return dates;
protected ArrayList<DateHolder> generatePeriod() {
    ArrayList<DateHolder> dates = new ArrayList<DateHolder>();
    checkDate = new LocalDate(cPeriod);
    int counter = 0;

    while ((openFuturePeriods > 0 || currentDate.isAfter(checkDate.plusMonths(3))) && counter < 4) {
        String label;
        String date;

        int cMonth = checkDate.getMonthOfYear();
        String cYearStr = checkDate.year().getAsString();

        if (cMonth < MAR) {
            date = cYearStr + Q1;
            label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, JAN_STR, MAR_STR, cYearStr);
        } else if ((cMonth >= MAR) && (cMonth < JUN)) {
            date = cYearStr + Q2;
            label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, APR_STR, JUN_STR, cYearStr);
        } else if ((cMonth >= JUN) && (cMonth < SEP)) {
            date = cYearStr + Q3;
            label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, JUL_STR, SEP_STR, cYearStr);
        } else {
            date = cYearStr + Q4;
            label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, OCT_STR, DEC_STR, cYearStr);

        if (checkDate.isBefore(maxDate) && isInInputPeriods(date)) {
            DateHolder dateHolder = new DateHolder(date, checkDate.toString(), label);

        checkDate = checkDate.plusMonths(3);

    return dates;
源代码12 项目: fenixedu-academic   文件:
static public LocalDate parseDate(String value) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
        return null;

    if (value.length() < 2) {
        return null;

    LocalDate result = null;
    String normalizedValue = value;

    if (value.length() == "dMMyyyy".length()) {
        normalizedValue = "0".concat(value);

    for (String pattern : CORRECT_DATE_PATTERNS) {
        try {
            result = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(pattern).parseDateTime(normalizedValue).toLocalDate();
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

        if (result.isAfter(DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy").parseDateTime("1920").toLocalDate())
                && result.isBefore(DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyy").parseDateTime("2020").toLocalDate())) {
            return result;

    throw new IncorrectDateFormatException(value);
源代码13 项目: estatio   文件:
public String validateRenew(
        final String reference,
        final String name,
        final LocalDate startDate,
        final LocalDate endDate
) {
    if (endDate.isBefore(startDate)) {
        return "End date can not be before start date.";
    return leaseRepository.findLeaseByReferenceElseNull(reference) == null ? null : "Lease reference already exists.";
protected ArrayList<DateHolder> generatePeriod() {
    ArrayList<DateHolder> dates = new ArrayList<DateHolder>();
    checkDate = new LocalDate(cPeriod);
    int counter = 0;
    int quantity = checkDate.weekOfWeekyear().getMaximumValue();
    while ((openFuturePeriods > 0 || currentDate.isAfter(checkDate.plusWeeks(1).minusDays(1))) && counter < quantity) {
        String year = checkDate.year().getAsString();
        String cWeekNumber = "" + (Integer.parseInt(checkDate.weekOfWeekyear().getAsString())+ 1 );
        String cDate = checkDate.toString();
        String nDate = checkDate.plusWeeks(1).minusDays(1).toString();

        String date = String.format(DATE_FORMAT, year, W, cWeekNumber);
        String label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, W, cWeekNumber, cDate, nDate);

        if (checkDate.isBefore(maxDate) && isInInputPeriods(date)) {
            DateHolder dateHolder = new DateHolder(date, checkDate.toString(), label);

        checkDate = checkDate.plusWeeks(1);

    return dates;
protected ArrayList<DateHolder> generatePeriod() {
    ArrayList<DateHolder> dates = new ArrayList<DateHolder>();
    checkDate = new LocalDate(cPeriod);
    int counter = 0;
    int quantity = checkDate.weekOfWeekyear().getMaximumValue();
    while ((openFuturePeriods > 0 || currentDate.isAfter(checkDate.plusWeeks(1).minusDays(1))) && counter < quantity) {
        String year = checkDate.year().getAsString();
        String cWeekNumber = "" + (Integer.parseInt(checkDate.weekOfWeekyear().getAsString())+ 1 );
        String cDate = checkDate.toString();
        String nDate = checkDate.plusWeeks(1).minusDays(1).toString();

        String date = String.format(DATE_FORMAT, year, W, cWeekNumber);
        String label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, W, cWeekNumber, cDate, nDate);

        if (checkDate.isBefore(maxDate) && isInInputPeriods(date)) {
            DateHolder dateHolder = new DateHolder(date, checkDate.toString(), label);

        checkDate = checkDate.plusWeeks(1);

    return dates;
void parseLegionBoard(SubstitutionSchedule substitutionSchedule, JSONArray changes, JSONArray courses,
                         JSONArray teachers) throws IOException, JSONException {
       if (changes == null) {
	// Link course IDs to their names
	HashMap<String, String> coursesHashMap = null;
	if (courses != null) {
		coursesHashMap = new HashMap<>();
		for (int i = 0; i < courses.length(); i++) {
			JSONObject course = courses.getJSONObject(i);
			coursesHashMap.put(course.getString("id"), course.getString("name"));
	// Link teacher IDs to their names
	HashMap<String, String> teachersHashMap = null;
	if (teachers != null) {
		teachersHashMap = new HashMap<>();
		for (int i = 0; i < teachers.length(); i++) {
			JSONObject teacher = teachers.getJSONObject(i);
			teachersHashMap.put(teacher.getString("id"), teacher.getString("name"));
	// Add changes to SubstitutionSchedule
	LocalDate currentDate =;
	SubstitutionScheduleDay substitutionScheduleDay = new SubstitutionScheduleDay();
	for (int i = 0; i < changes.length(); i++) {
		final JSONObject change = changes.getJSONObject(i);
		final Substitution substitution = getSubstitution(change, coursesHashMap, teachersHashMap);
		final LocalDate startingDate = new LocalDate(change.getString("startingDate"));
		final LocalDate endingDate = new LocalDate(change.getString("endingDate"));
		// Handle multi-day changes
		if (!startingDate.isEqual(endingDate)) {
			if (!substitutionScheduleDay.getSubstitutions().isEmpty()) {
			for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
				final LocalDate date =;
				if ((date.isAfter(startingDate) || date.isEqual(startingDate)) &&
					(date.isBefore(endingDate) || date.isEqual(endingDate))) {
					substitutionScheduleDay = new SubstitutionScheduleDay();
                       currentDate = date;
		// If starting date of change does not equal date of SubstitutionScheduleDay
		if (!startingDate.isEqual(currentDate)) {
			if (!substitutionScheduleDay.getSubstitutions().isEmpty()) {
			substitutionScheduleDay = new SubstitutionScheduleDay();
               currentDate = startingDate;
源代码17 项目: estatio   文件:
private String validateNewProject(final String reference, final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) {
    if (projectRepository.findByReference(reference) != null)
        return "There is already a project with this reference";
    return startDate != null && endDate != null && !startDate.isBefore(endDate) ? "End date must be after start date" : null;
源代码18 项目: estatio   文件:
public String validate$$(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate, final boolean maintainOnly){
    if (startDate!=null && endDate!=null){
        if (endDate.isBefore(startDate)) return "The end date cannot be before the start date";
    return null;
protected ArrayList<DateHolder> generatePeriod() {
    int counter = 0;
    ArrayList<DateHolder> dates = new ArrayList<DateHolder>();
    checkDate = new LocalDate(cPeriod);

    while ((openFuturePeriods > 0 || currentDate.isAfter(checkDate.plusMonths(2))) && counter < 6) {
        int cMonth = checkDate.getMonthOfYear();
        String year = checkDate.year().getAsString();

        String date;
        String label;

        if (cMonth < FEB) {
            date = year + B1;
            label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, JAN_STR, FEB_STR, year);
        } else if ((cMonth >= FEB) && (cMonth < APR)) {
            date = year + B2;
            label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, MAR_STR, APR_STR, year);
        } else if ((cMonth >= APR) && (cMonth < JUN)) {
            date = year + B3;
            label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, MAY_STR, JUN_STR, year);
        } else if ((cMonth >= JUN) && (cMonth < AUG)) {
            date = year + B4;
            label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, JUL_STR, AUG_STR, year);
        } else if ((cMonth >= AUG) && (cMonth < OCT)) {
            date = year + B5;
            label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, SEP_STR, OCT_STR, year);
        } else {
            date = year + B6;
            label = String.format(DATE_LABEL_FORMAT, NOV_STR, DEC_STR, year);

        if (checkDate.isBefore(maxDate) && isInInputPeriods(date)) {
            DateHolder dateHolder = new DateHolder(date, checkDate.toString(), label);

        checkDate = checkDate.plusMonths(2);

    return dates;
源代码20 项目: estatio   文件:
public String validateDownloadToExcelForAllProperties(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate, final Country country, final String fileName) {
    if (endDate.isBefore(startDate))
        return "End date cannot be before start date";
    return null;