
下面列出了org.joda.time.Duration#ZERO 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: monsoon   文件:
public void previousPair_using_exactInterval() {
    final Duration delta0 = Duration.ZERO;
    final Duration delta2 = Duration.standardMinutes(2);

    // Test 0 lookback, as it is a special case
    assertEquals(input.get(0).getTimestamp(), impl.getPreviousCollectionPair(delta0).getCurrentCollection().getTimestamp());
    assertEquals(input.get(1).getTimestamp(), impl.getPreviousCollectionPair(delta0).getPreviousCollection().getTimestamp());
    assertEquals(input.get(1).getTimestamp(), impl.getPreviousCollectionPair(delta0).getPreviousCollection(1).get().getTimestamp());
    assertEquals(input.get(2).getTimestamp(), impl.getPreviousCollectionPair(delta0).getPreviousCollection(2).get().getTimestamp());
    assertEquals(input.get(5).getTimestamp(), impl.getPreviousCollectionPair(delta0).getPreviousCollection(5).get().getTimestamp());
    assertEquals(Optional.empty(), impl.getPreviousCollectionPair(delta0).getPreviousCollection(6));

    // Test 2 lookback
    assertEquals(input.get(2).getTimestamp(), impl.getPreviousCollectionPair(delta2).getCurrentCollection().getTimestamp());
    assertEquals(input.get(3).getTimestamp(), impl.getPreviousCollectionPair(delta2).getPreviousCollection().getTimestamp());
    assertEquals(input.get(3).getTimestamp(), impl.getPreviousCollectionPair(delta2).getPreviousCollection(1).get().getTimestamp());
    assertEquals(input.get(4).getTimestamp(), impl.getPreviousCollectionPair(delta2).getPreviousCollection(2).get().getTimestamp());
    assertEquals(input.get(5).getTimestamp(), impl.getPreviousCollectionPair(delta2).getPreviousCollection(3).get().getTimestamp());
    assertEquals(Optional.empty(), impl.getPreviousCollectionPair(delta2).getPreviousCollection(4));
源代码2 项目: beam   文件:
public static <InputT, W extends BoundedWindow>
    TriggerStateMachineTester<InputT, W> forAdvancedTrigger(
        TriggerStateMachine stateMachine, WindowFn<Object, W> windowFn) throws Exception {
  ExecutableTriggerStateMachine executableTriggerStateMachine =

  // Merging requires accumulation mode or early firings can break up a session.
  // Not currently an issue with the tester (because we never GC) but we don't want
  // mystery failures due to violating this need.
  AccumulationMode mode =
          ? AccumulationMode.DISCARDING_FIRED_PANES
          : AccumulationMode.ACCUMULATING_FIRED_PANES;

  return new TriggerStateMachineTester<>(executableTriggerStateMachine, windowFn, Duration.ZERO);
源代码3 项目: astor   文件:
 * Gets the duration of this time interval.
 * <p>
 * The duration is equal to the end millis minus the start millis.
 * @return the duration of the time interval
 * @throws ArithmeticException if the duration exceeds the capacity of a long
public Duration toDuration() {
    long durMillis = toDurationMillis();
    if (durMillis == 0) {
        return Duration.ZERO;
    } else {
        return new Duration(durMillis);
源代码4 项目: fenixedu-academic   文件:
public Duration getTotalDuration() {
    Duration duration = Duration.ZERO;
    Collection<Lesson> lessons = getAssociatedLessonsSet();
    for (Lesson lesson : lessons) {
        duration =;
    return duration;
源代码5 项目: monsoon   文件:
public void constructor_hairtrigger() {
    Alert alert = new Alert(t0, alert_name, () -> "", Optional.of(true), Duration.ZERO, "test", EMPTY_MAP);

    assertEquals(t0, alert.getCur());
    assertEquals(t0, alert.getStart());
    assertEquals(alert_name, alert.getName());
    assertEquals(AlertState.FIRING, alert.getAlertState());
    assertEquals(true, alert.isFiring());
    assertEquals(Optional.of(true), alert.isTriggered());
源代码6 项目: astor   文件:
 * Is the length of this duration longer than the duration passed in.
 * @param duration  another duration to compare to, null means zero milliseconds
 * @return true if this duration is equal to than the duration passed in
public boolean isLongerThan(ReadableDuration duration) {
    if (duration == null) {
        duration = Duration.ZERO;
    return compareTo(duration) > 0;
源代码7 项目: nomulus   文件:
public void before() throws Exception {
  simpleQuery =
      Message.newQuery(Record.newRecord(Name.fromString(""), Type.A, DClass.IN));
  expectedResponse = responseMessageWithCode(simpleQuery, Rcode.NOERROR);
  when(mockFactory.createSocket(InetAddress.getByName(UPDATE_HOST), DnsMessageTransport.DNS_PORT))
  resolver = new DnsMessageTransport(mockFactory, UPDATE_HOST, Duration.ZERO);
public OutOfBandManagementDriverCommand(final ImmutableMap<OutOfBandManagement.Option, String> options, final Long timeoutSeconds) {
    this.options = options;
    if (timeoutSeconds != null && timeoutSeconds > 0) {
        this.timeout = new Duration(timeoutSeconds * 1000);
    } else {
        this.timeout = Duration.ZERO;
源代码9 项目: astor   文件:
 * Gets the duration of this time interval.
 * <p>
 * The duration is equal to the end millis minus the start millis.
 * @return the duration of the time interval
 * @throws ArithmeticException if the duration exceeds the capacity of a long
public Duration toDuration() {
    long durMillis = toDurationMillis();
    if (durMillis == 0) {
        return Duration.ZERO;
    } else {
        return new Duration(durMillis);
源代码10 项目: astor   文件:
 * Is the length of this duration shorter than the duration passed in.
 * @param duration  another duration to compare to, null means zero milliseconds
 * @return true if this duration is equal to than the duration passed in
public boolean isShorterThan(ReadableDuration duration) {
    if (duration == null) {
        duration = Duration.ZERO;
    return compareTo(duration) < 0;
源代码11 项目: beam   文件:
 * Demonstrates that attempting to output an element before the timestamp of the current element
 * with zero {@link DoFn#getAllowedTimestampSkew() allowed timestamp skew} throws.
public void testBackwardsInTimeNoSkew() {
  SkewingDoFn fn = new SkewingDoFn(Duration.ZERO);
  DoFnRunner<Duration, Duration> runner =
      new SimpleDoFnRunner<>(
          new ListOutputManager(),
          new TupleTag<>(),
          WindowingStrategy.of(new GlobalWindows()),

  // An element output at the current timestamp is fine.
      WindowedValue.timestampedValueInGlobalWindow(Duration.ZERO, new Instant(0)));
  thrown.expectMessage("must be no earlier");
      String.format("timestamp of the current input (%s)", new Instant(0).toString()));
          "the allowed skew (%s)", PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(Duration.ZERO.toPeriod())));
  // An element output before (current time - skew) is forbidden
      WindowedValue.timestampedValueInGlobalWindow(Duration.millis(1L), new Instant(0)));
源代码12 项目: nomulus   文件:
public void setup() {
  inject.setStaticField(Ofy.class, "clock", clock);
  action = new RdeStagingAction();
  action.clock = clock;
  action.mrRunner = makeDefaultRunner();
  action.lenient = false;
  action.reducerFactory = new RdeStagingReducer.Factory();
  action.reducerFactory.taskQueueUtils = new TaskQueueUtils(new Retrier(new SystemSleeper(), 1));
  action.reducerFactory.lockHandler = new FakeLockHandler(true);
  action.reducerFactory.gcsBufferSize = 0;
  action.reducerFactory.bucket = "rde-bucket";
  action.reducerFactory.lockTimeout = Duration.standardHours(1);
  action.reducerFactory.stagingKeyBytes = PgpHelper.convertPublicKeyToBytes(encryptKey);
  action.pendingDepositChecker = new PendingDepositChecker();
  action.pendingDepositChecker.brdaDayOfWeek = DateTimeConstants.TUESDAY;
  action.pendingDepositChecker.brdaInterval = Duration.standardDays(7);
  action.pendingDepositChecker.clock = clock;
  action.pendingDepositChecker.rdeInterval = Duration.standardDays(1);
  action.response = response;
  action.transactionCooldown = Duration.ZERO; = Optional.empty();
  action.modeStrings = ImmutableSet.of();
  action.tlds = ImmutableSet.of();
  action.watermarks = ImmutableSet.of();
  action.revision = Optional.empty();
源代码13 项目: monsoon   文件:
public Duration hintDuration() { return Duration.ZERO; }
源代码14 项目: beam   文件:
/** Create a new {@link WindowMappingFn} with {@link Duration#ZERO zero} maximum lookback. */
protected WindowMappingFn() {
源代码15 项目: beam   文件:
/** Indicates that there is more work to be done for the current element. */
public static ProcessContinuation resume() {
  return new AutoValue_DoFn_ProcessContinuation(true, Duration.ZERO);
源代码16 项目: beam   文件:
/** Create a new {@link UnboundedCountingSource}. */
// package-private to return a typed UnboundedCountingSource rather than the UnboundedSource type.
static UnboundedCountingSource createUnboundedFrom(long start) {
  return new UnboundedCountingSource(start, 1, 1L, Duration.ZERO, new NowTimestampFn());
源代码17 项目: beam   文件:
 * Assigns timestamps into half-open intervals of the form [N * period, N * period + size), where
 * 0 is the epoch.
 * <p>If {@link SlidingWindows#every} is not called, the period defaults to the largest time unit
 * smaller than the given duration. For example, specifying a size of 5 seconds will result in a
 * default period of 1 second.
public static SlidingWindows of(Duration size) {
  return new SlidingWindows(getDefaultPeriod(size), size, Duration.ZERO);
源代码18 项目: beam   文件:
 * For a {@link SerializableFunction} {@code fn} from {@code T} to {@link Instant}, outputs a
 * {@link PTransform} that takes an input {@link PCollection PCollection&lt;T&gt;} and outputs a
 * {@link PCollection PCollection&lt;T&gt;} containing every element {@code v} in the input where
 * each element is output with a timestamp obtained as the result of {@code fn.apply(v)}.
 * <p>If the input {@link PCollection} elements have timestamps, the output timestamp for each
 * element must not be before the input element's timestamp minus the value of {@link
 * #getAllowedTimestampSkew()}. If an output timestamp is before this time, the transform will
 * throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} when executed. Use {@link
 * #withAllowedTimestampSkew(Duration)} to update the allowed skew.
 * <p>CAUTION: Use of {@link #withAllowedTimestampSkew(Duration)} permits elements to be emitted
 * behind the watermark. These elements are considered late, and if behind the {@link
 * Window#withAllowedLateness(Duration) allowed lateness} of a downstream {@link PCollection} may
 * be silently dropped. See for details on a
 * replacement.
 * <p>Each output element will be in the same windows as the input element. If a new window based
 * on the new output timestamp is desired, apply a new instance of {@link Window#into(WindowFn)}.
 * <p>This transform will fail at execution time with a {@link NullPointerException} if for any
 * input element the result of {@code fn.apply(v)} is {@code null}.
 * <p>Example of use in Java 8:
 * <pre>{@code
 * PCollection<Record> timestampedRecords = records.apply(
 *     WithTimestamps.of((Record rec) -> rec.getInstant());
 * }</pre>
public static <T> WithTimestamps<T> of(SerializableFunction<T, Instant> fn) {
  return new WithTimestamps<>(fn, Duration.ZERO);
源代码19 项目: beam   文件:
 * Returns the allowed timestamp skew duration, which is the maximum duration that timestamps can
 * be shifted backward in {@link WindowedContext#outputWithTimestamp}.
 * <p>The default value is {@code Duration.ZERO}, in which case timestamps can only be shifted
 * forward to future. For infinite skew, return {@code Duration.millis(Long.MAX_VALUE)}.
 * @deprecated This method permits a {@link DoFn} to emit elements behind the watermark. These
 *     elements are considered late, and if behind the {@link Window#withAllowedLateness(Duration)
 *     allowed lateness} of a downstream {@link PCollection} may be silently dropped. See
 * for details on a replacement.
public Duration getAllowedTimestampSkew() {
  return Duration.ZERO;
源代码20 项目: beam   文件:
 * Creates an {@link UnboundedSource} that will produce numbers starting from {@code 0} up to
 * {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}, with element timestamps supplied by the specified function.
 * <p>After {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}, the source never produces more output. (In practice, this
 * limit should never be reached.)
 * <p>Note that the timestamps produced by {@code timestampFn} may not decrease.
 * @deprecated use {@link GenerateSequence} and call {@link
 *     GenerateSequence#withTimestampFn(SerializableFunction)} instead
public static UnboundedSource<Long, CounterMark> unboundedWithTimestampFn(
    SerializableFunction<Long, Instant> timestampFn) {
  return new UnboundedCountingSource(0, 1, 1L, Duration.ZERO, timestampFn);