org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart#isDirty ( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: CogniCrypt   文件:
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
	final AnalysisKickOff akf = new AnalysisKickOff();
	IEditorPart openEditor = UIUtils.getCurrentlyOpenEditor();

	// check if there are unsaved changes
	if (openEditor != null && openEditor.isDirty()) {
		int answr = saveFile(Utils.getCurrentlyOpenFile());
		// save file and analyze
		if (answr == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
		// no analyze no save file
		else if (answr == JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION) {
			return null;
	if (akf.setUp(JavaCore.create(Utils.getCurrentlySelectedIProject()))) {;
	return null;
源代码2 项目: xds-ide   文件:
public static Map<IFile, IDocument> evalDirtyDocs(IFile filter) {
    Map<IFile, IDocument> result = new HashMap<IFile, IDocument>();
    IWorkbench workbench = SearchCorePlugin.getDefault().getWorkbench();
    IWorkbenchWindow[] windows = workbench.getWorkbenchWindows();
    for (int i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {
        IWorkbenchPage[] pages = windows[i].getPages();
        for (int x = 0; x < pages.length; x++) {
            IEditorReference[] editorRefs = pages[x].getEditorReferences();
            for (int z = 0; z < editorRefs.length; z++) {
                IEditorPart ep = editorRefs[z].getEditor(false);
                if (ep instanceof ITextEditor && ep.isDirty()) { // only
                                                                 // dirty
                                                                 // editors
                    evaluateTextEditor(result, ep, filter);
    return result;
源代码3 项目: birt   文件:
private static void checkAndAddToEditorLists(
		List<IEditorPart> openedEditorRefs,
		List<IEditorPart> openedDirtyEditorRefs, IEditorReference fileRef )
	if ( fileRef != null )
		IEditorPart part = (IEditorPart) fileRef.getPart( false );
		if ( part != null )
			if ( part.isDirty( ) )
				openedDirtyEditorRefs.add( part );
			openedEditorRefs.add( part );
源代码4 项目: birt   文件:
 * Saves any modified files after confirmation from the user (if needed).
 * @return true if the files were saved, false otherwise.
public static boolean checkAndSaveAllFiles( )
	ArrayList<IEditorPart> editorsToSave = new ArrayList<IEditorPart>( );
	IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench( );
	IWorkbenchWindow windows[] = workbench.getWorkbenchWindows( );
	for ( int currWindow = 0; currWindow < windows.length; currWindow++ )
		IWorkbenchPage pages[] = windows[currWindow].getPages( );
		for ( int currPage = 0; currPage < pages.length; currPage++ )
			IEditorReference editors[] = pages[currPage].getEditorReferences( );
			for ( IEditorReference currEditorRef : editors )
				IEditorPart currEditor = currEditorRef.getEditor( false );

				if ( currEditor != null && currEditor.isDirty( ) )
					editorsToSave.add( currEditor );

	// Ask to save open files
	return checkAndSaveDirtyFiles( editorsToSave );
源代码5 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件:
protected void saveDeclaringEditor(IRenameElementContext context, IWorkbenchPage workbenchPage) {
	IEditorPart declaringEditor = getOpenEditor(context.getTargetElementURI(), workbenchPage);
	if (declaringEditor != null && declaringEditor.isDirty())
		declaringEditor.doSave(new NullProgressMonitor());
源代码6 项目: gwt-eclipse-plugin   文件:
 * Forces re-validation of a set of compilation units by the JDT Java Builder.
 * @param cus the compilation units to re-validate
 * @param description a brief description of the external job that forcing the
 *          re-validation. This shows up in the Eclipse status bar while
 *          re-validation is taking place.
public static void revalidateCompilationUnits(
    final Set<ICompilationUnit> cus, String description) {
  WorkspaceJob revalidateJob = new WorkspaceJob(description) {
    public IStatus runInWorkspace(IProgressMonitor monitor)
        throws CoreException {
      final IWorkingCopyManager wcManager = JavaPlugin.getDefault().getWorkingCopyManager();

      for (ICompilationUnit cu : cus) {
        if (!cu.getResource().exists()) {
              "Cannot revalidate non-existent compilation unit {0}",

        final IEditorPart editorPart = getOpenEditor(cu);

         * If the .java file is open in an editor (without unsaved changes),
         * make a "null" edit by inserting an empty string at the top of the
         * file and then tell the editor to save. If incremental building is
         * enabled, this will trigger a re-validation of the file.
        if (editorPart != null && !editorPart.isDirty()) {
          // Need to do the editor stuff from the UI thread
          Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              try {
                // Get the working copy open in the editor
                ICompilationUnit wc = wcManager.getWorkingCopy(editorPart.getEditorInput());
                wc.getBuffer().replace(0, 0, "");
                editorPart.doSave(new NullProgressMonitor());
              } catch (JavaModelException e) {
        } else {
           * If the .java file is not currently open, or if it's open with
           * unsaved changes, trigger re-validation by touching the underlying
           * resource.
      return StatusUtilities.OK_STATUS;
源代码7 项目: birt   文件:
 * @see org.eclipse.ui.IActionDelegate#run(org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction)
public void run( IAction action )
	IFile file = getSelectedFile( );
	if ( file != null )
		String url = file.getLocation( ).toOSString( );
			ModuleHandle handle = SessionHandleAdapter.getInstance( )
					.getSessionHandle( )
					.openDesign( url );

			if ( handle == null )
				action.setEnabled( false );

			IEditorPart editor = url );

			if ( editor != null && editor.isDirty( ) )
				MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog( UIUtil.getDefaultShell( ),
						Messages.getString( "PublishTemplateAction.SaveBeforeGenerating.dialog.title" ), //$NON-NLS-1$
						Messages.getFormattedString( "PublishTemplateAction.SaveBeforeGenerating.dialog.message", new Object[]{file.getName( )} ), //$NON-NLS-1$
						new String[]{
								Messages.getString( "PublishTemplateAction.SaveBeforeGenerating.dialog.button.yes" ), //$NON-NLS-1$
								Messages.getString( "" ) //$NON-NLS-1$
						0 );
				switch ( ) )
					case 0 :
						editor.doSave( null );
					case 1 :
					default :

			WizardDialog dialog = new BaseWizardDialog( UIUtil.getDefaultShell( ),
					new PublishTemplateWizard( (ReportDesignHandle) handle ) );
			dialog.setPageSize( 500, 250 ); );

			handle.close( );
		catch ( Exception e )
			ExceptionUtil.handle( e );
		action.setEnabled( false );
源代码8 项目: bonita-studio   文件:
protected boolean isDirty() {
    final IEditorPart part = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().getActiveEditor();
    return part != null && part.isDirty();