org.eclipse.ui.IMemento#getChild ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.eclipse.ui.IMemento#getChild ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: tlaplus   文件:
 * Load history elements from memento.
 * @param memento
 *            memento from which the history will be retrieved
public void load(IMemento memento) {

	XMLMemento historyMemento = (XMLMemento) memento

	if (historyMemento == null) {

	IMemento[] mementoElements = historyMemento
	for (int i = 0; i < mementoElements.length; ++i) {
		IMemento mementoElement = mementoElements[i];
		Object object = restoreItemFromMemento(mementoElement);
		if (object != null) {
 * Restores the state of the filter actions from a memento.
 * <p>
 * Note: This method does not refresh the viewer.
 * </p>
 * @param memento the memento from which the state is restored
public void restoreState(IMemento memento) {
	if (memento == null)
	IMemento customFilters= memento.getChild(TAG_CUSTOM_FILTERS);
	if (customFilters == null)
	String userDefinedPatternsEnabled= customFilters.getString(TAG_USER_DEFINED_PATTERNS_ENABLED);
	if (userDefinedPatternsEnabled == null)

	fUserDefinedPatternsEnabled= Boolean.valueOf(userDefinedPatternsEnabled).booleanValue();

源代码3 项目: eclipse-cs   文件:
private IEditorInput getRestoredInput(IEditorReference e) {

    IMemento editorMem = null;
    if (CheckstyleUIPlugin.isE3()) {
      editorMem = getMementoE3(e);
    } else {
      editorMem = getMementoE4(e);

    if (editorMem == null) {
      return null;
    IMemento inputMem = editorMem.getChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_INPUT);
    String factoryID = null;
    if (inputMem != null) {
      factoryID = inputMem.getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_FACTORY_ID);
    if (factoryID == null) {
      return null;
    IAdaptable input = null;

    IElementFactory factory = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getElementFactory(factoryID);
    if (factory == null) {
      return null;

    input = factory.createElement(inputMem);
    if (input == null) {
      return null;

    if (!(input instanceof IEditorInput)) {
      return null;
    return (IEditorInput) input;
源代码4 项目: neoscada   文件:
public void init ( final IViewSite site, final IMemento memento ) throws PartInitException
    super.init ( site, memento );

    if ( memento == null )

    final IMemento child = memento.getChild ( CHILD_CONFIGURATION );
    if ( child == null )

    final String data = child.getTextData ();
    if ( data == null || data.isEmpty () )

        this.configuration = load ( new ByteArrayInputStream ( Base64.decodeBase64 ( data ) ) );
    catch ( final Exception e )
        StatusManager.getManager ().handle ( StatusHelper.convertStatus ( Activator.PLUGIN_ID, e ), StatusManager.LOG );
源代码5 项目: neoscada   文件:
public void loadFrom ( final IMemento memento )
    if ( memento == null )

            this.initialColWidth = new LinkedList<Integer> ();
            final IMemento tableMemento = memento.getChild ( "tableCols" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
            if ( tableMemento != null )
                int i = 0;
                Integer w;
                while ( ( w = tableMemento.getInteger ( "col_" + i ) ) != null ) //$NON-NLS-1$
                    this.initialColWidth.add ( w );

        for ( final IMemento child : memento.getChildren ( "item" ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$
            final Item item = Item.loadFrom ( child );
            if ( item != null )
                this.list.add ( item );
    catch ( final Exception e )
        Activator.getDefault ().getLog ().log ( new Status ( IStatus.ERROR, Activator.PLUGIN_ID, Messages.RealTimeListViewer_ErrorLoadingData, e ) );
private static IMemento getChildMementoOrThrowException(
    IMemento parentMemento, String childMementoType)
    throws PersistenceException {
  IMemento childMemento = parentMemento.getChild(childMementoType);
  if (childMemento == null) {
    throw new PersistenceException("There is no child memento with type "
        + childMementoType);

  return childMemento;
private void restoreUserDefinedPatterns(IMemento memento) {
	IMemento userDefinedPatterns= memento.getChild(TAG_USER_DEFINED_PATTERNS);
	if(userDefinedPatterns != null) {
		IMemento children[]= userDefinedPatterns.getChildren(TAG_CHILD);
		String[] patterns= new String[children.length];
		for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
			patterns[i]= children[i].getString(TAG_PATTERN);

	} else
		setUserDefinedPatterns(new String[0]);
private void restoreXmlDefinedFilters(IMemento memento) {
	IMemento xmlDefinedFilters= memento.getChild(TAG_XML_DEFINED_FILTERS);
	if(xmlDefinedFilters != null) {
		IMemento[] children= xmlDefinedFilters.getChildren(TAG_CHILD);
		for (int i= 0; i < children.length; i++) {
			String id= children[i].getString(TAG_FILTER_ID);
			Boolean isEnabled= Boolean.valueOf(children[i].getString(TAG_IS_ENABLED));
			FilterItem item= fFilterItems.get(id);
			if (item != null) {
				item.enabled= isEnabled.booleanValue();
private void restoreLRUFilters(IMemento memento) {
	IMemento lruFilters= memento.getChild(TAG_LRU_FILTERS);
	if(lruFilters != null) {
		IMemento[] children= lruFilters.getChildren(TAG_CHILD);
		for (int i= 0; i < children.length; i++) {
			String id= children[i].getString(TAG_FILTER_ID);
			if (fFilterItems.containsKey(id) && !fLRUFilterIdsStack.contains(id))
private ISelection restoreSelectionState(IMemento memento) {
	if (memento == null)
		return null;

	IMemento childMem;
	childMem= memento.getChild(TAG_SELECTED_ELEMENTS);
	if (childMem != null) {
		ArrayList<Object> list= new ArrayList<Object>();
		IMemento[] elementMem= childMem.getChildren(TAG_SELECTED_ELEMENT);
		for (int i= 0; i < elementMem.length; i++) {
			String javaElementHandle= elementMem[i].getString(TAG_SELECTED_ELEMENT_PATH);
			if (javaElementHandle == null) {
				// logical package
				IMemento[] packagesMem= elementMem[i].getChildren(TAG_LOGICAL_PACKAGE);
				LogicalPackage lp= null;
				for (int j= 0; j < packagesMem.length; j++) {
					javaElementHandle= packagesMem[j].getString(TAG_SELECTED_ELEMENT_PATH);
					Object pack= JavaCore.create(javaElementHandle);
					if (pack instanceof IPackageFragment && ((IPackageFragment)pack).exists()) {
						if (lp == null)
							lp= new LogicalPackage((IPackageFragment)pack);
				if (lp != null)
			} else {
				IJavaElement element= JavaCore.create(javaElementHandle);
				if (element != null && element.exists())
		return new StructuredSelection(list);
	return null;
源代码11 项目: bonita-studio   文件:
 * Given the rootMemento, gets the memento that already exists for the
 * palette entry or creates a new one in the rootMemento (and the necessary
 * palette container mementos) if one does not exist yet. The root memento's
 * tree structure matches that of the palette root. If a palette entry in
 * stack A, in drawer B is customized, the root memento will have a child
 * memento for drawer B which has a child memento for stack A which has a
 * child memento for the entry. The memento's use the palette entry's id.
 * @param rootMemento
 *            the root memento representing the palette root
 * @param paletteEntry
 *            the palette entry for which a memento should be retrieved or
 *            created
 * @return returns the memento that already exists for the palette entry or
 *         creates a new one in the rootMemento if one does not exist yet or
 *         null if the memento could not be created (most likely because the
 *         palete id is not acceptable).
private IMemento getMementoForEntry(IMemento rootMemento, PaletteEntry paletteEntry) {

	ArrayList<String> idList = new ArrayList<String>();

	PaletteContainer parent = paletteEntry.getParent();
	while (parent != null && !PaletteRoot.PALETTE_TYPE_ROOT.equals(parent.getType())) {
		parent = parent.getParent();

	// go through ids in reverse order and create the mementos as necessary
	IMemento containerMemento = rootMemento;
	for (int i = idList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		String id = idList.get(i);
		IMemento memento = containerMemento.getChild(id);
		if (memento == null) {
			try {
				memento = containerMemento.createChild(id);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				Trace.catching(GefPlugin.getInstance(), GefDebugOptions.EXCEPTIONS_CATCHING, getClass(),
						"Invalid palette id encountered when saving the palette customizations.", //$NON-NLS-1$
				Log.warning(GefPlugin.getInstance(), GefStatusCodes.IGNORED_EXCEPTION_WARNING,
						"Invalid palette id encountered when saving the palette customizations.", //$NON-NLS-1$
				return null;
		containerMemento = memento;

	return containerMemento;