javax.naming.NamingException#getMessage ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了javax.naming.NamingException#getMessage ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
 * Constructs an Rdn from the given attribute set. See
 * {@link Attributes}.
 * <p>
 * The string attribute values are not interpreted as
 * <a href="">RFC 2253</a>
 * formatted RDN strings. That is, the values are used
 * literally (not parsed) and assumed to be unescaped.
 * @param attrSet The non-null and non-empty attributes containing
 * type/value mappings.
 * @throws InvalidNameException If contents of <tt>attrSet</tt> cannot
 *          be used to construct a valid RDN.
public Rdn(Attributes attrSet) throws InvalidNameException {
    if (attrSet.size() == 0) {
        throw new InvalidNameException("Attributes cannot be empty");
    entries = new ArrayList<>(attrSet.size());
    NamingEnumeration<? extends Attribute> attrs = attrSet.getAll();
    try {
        for (int nEntries = 0; attrs.hasMore(); nEntries++) {
            RdnEntry entry = new RdnEntry();
            Attribute attr =;
            entry.type = attr.getID();
            entry.value = attr.get();
            entries.add(nEntries, entry);
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        InvalidNameException e2 = new InvalidNameException(
        throw e2;
    sort(); // arrange entries for comparison
源代码2 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
 * Constructs an Rdn from the given attribute set. See
 * {@link Attributes}.
 * <p>
 * The string attribute values are not interpreted as
 * <a href="">RFC 2253</a>
 * formatted RDN strings. That is, the values are used
 * literally (not parsed) and assumed to be unescaped.
 * @param attrSet The non-null and non-empty attributes containing
 * type/value mappings.
 * @throws InvalidNameException If contents of <tt>attrSet</tt> cannot
 *          be used to construct a valid RDN.
public Rdn(Attributes attrSet) throws InvalidNameException {
    if (attrSet.size() == 0) {
        throw new InvalidNameException("Attributes cannot be empty");
    entries = new ArrayList<>(attrSet.size());
    NamingEnumeration<? extends Attribute> attrs = attrSet.getAll();
    try {
        for (int nEntries = 0; attrs.hasMore(); nEntries++) {
            RdnEntry entry = new RdnEntry();
            Attribute attr =;
            entry.type = attr.getID();
            entry.value = attr.get();
            entries.add(nEntries, entry);
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        InvalidNameException e2 = new InvalidNameException(
        throw e2;
    sort(); // arrange entries for comparison
源代码3 项目: JDKSourceCode1.8   文件:
 * Constructs an Rdn from the given attribute set. See
 * {@link Attributes}.
 * <p>
 * The string attribute values are not interpreted as
 * <a href="">RFC 2253</a>
 * formatted RDN strings. That is, the values are used
 * literally (not parsed) and assumed to be unescaped.
 * @param attrSet The non-null and non-empty attributes containing
 * type/value mappings.
 * @throws InvalidNameException If contents of <tt>attrSet</tt> cannot
 *          be used to construct a valid RDN.
public Rdn(Attributes attrSet) throws InvalidNameException {
    if (attrSet.size() == 0) {
        throw new InvalidNameException("Attributes cannot be empty");
    entries = new ArrayList<>(attrSet.size());
    NamingEnumeration<? extends Attribute> attrs = attrSet.getAll();
    try {
        for (int nEntries = 0; attrs.hasMore(); nEntries++) {
            RdnEntry entry = new RdnEntry();
            Attribute attr =;
            entry.type = attr.getID();
            entry.value = attr.get();
            entries.add(nEntries, entry);
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        InvalidNameException e2 = new InvalidNameException(
        throw e2;
    sort(); // arrange entries for comparison
源代码4 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
 * Constructs an Rdn from the given attribute set. See
 * {@link Attributes}.
 * <p>
 * The string attribute values are not interpreted as
 * <a href="">RFC 2253</a>
 * formatted RDN strings. That is, the values are used
 * literally (not parsed) and assumed to be unescaped.
 * @param attrSet The non-null and non-empty attributes containing
 * type/value mappings.
 * @throws InvalidNameException If contents of {@code attrSet} cannot
 *          be used to construct a valid RDN.
public Rdn(Attributes attrSet) throws InvalidNameException {
    if (attrSet.size() == 0) {
        throw new InvalidNameException("Attributes cannot be empty");
    entries = new ArrayList<>(attrSet.size());
    NamingEnumeration<? extends Attribute> attrs = attrSet.getAll();
    try {
        for (int nEntries = 0; attrs.hasMore(); nEntries++) {
            RdnEntry entry = new RdnEntry();
            Attribute attr =;
            entry.type = attr.getID();
            entry.value = attr.get();
            entries.add(nEntries, entry);
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        InvalidNameException e2 = new InvalidNameException(
        throw e2;
    sort(); // arrange entries for comparison
源代码5 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
 * Constructs an Rdn from the given attribute set. See
 * {@link Attributes}.
 * <p>
 * The string attribute values are not interpreted as
 * <a href="">RFC 2253</a>
 * formatted RDN strings. That is, the values are used
 * literally (not parsed) and assumed to be unescaped.
 * @param attrSet The non-null and non-empty attributes containing
 * type/value mappings.
 * @throws InvalidNameException If contents of <tt>attrSet</tt> cannot
 *          be used to construct a valid RDN.
public Rdn(Attributes attrSet) throws InvalidNameException {
    if (attrSet.size() == 0) {
        throw new InvalidNameException("Attributes cannot be empty");
    entries = new ArrayList<>(attrSet.size());
    NamingEnumeration<? extends Attribute> attrs = attrSet.getAll();
    try {
        for (int nEntries = 0; attrs.hasMore(); nEntries++) {
            RdnEntry entry = new RdnEntry();
            Attribute attr =;
            entry.type = attr.getID();
            entry.value = attr.get();
            entries.add(nEntries, entry);
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        InvalidNameException e2 = new InvalidNameException(
        throw e2;
    sort(); // arrange entries for comparison
源代码6 项目: hottub   文件:
 * Constructs an Rdn from the given attribute set. See
 * {@link Attributes}.
 * <p>
 * The string attribute values are not interpreted as
 * <a href="">RFC 2253</a>
 * formatted RDN strings. That is, the values are used
 * literally (not parsed) and assumed to be unescaped.
 * @param attrSet The non-null and non-empty attributes containing
 * type/value mappings.
 * @throws InvalidNameException If contents of <tt>attrSet</tt> cannot
 *          be used to construct a valid RDN.
public Rdn(Attributes attrSet) throws InvalidNameException {
    if (attrSet.size() == 0) {
        throw new InvalidNameException("Attributes cannot be empty");
    entries = new ArrayList<>(attrSet.size());
    NamingEnumeration<? extends Attribute> attrs = attrSet.getAll();
    try {
        for (int nEntries = 0; attrs.hasMore(); nEntries++) {
            RdnEntry entry = new RdnEntry();
            Attribute attr =;
            entry.type = attr.getID();
            entry.value = attr.get();
            entries.add(nEntries, entry);
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        InvalidNameException e2 = new InvalidNameException(
        throw e2;
    sort(); // arrange entries for comparison
public Binding nextElement() {
    try {
        return nextElementInternal();
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
源代码8 项目: tomee   文件:
Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException {
    try {
        return SystemInstance.get().getComponent(ContainerSystem.class).getJNDIContext().lookup(jndiName);
    } catch (final NamingException e) {
        throw new InvalidObjectException(e.getMessage());
源代码9 项目: cxf   文件:
public Destination resolveDestinationName(Session session, String destinationName, boolean pubSubDomain)
    throws JMSException {
    if (jndiTemplate != null) {
        try {
            return jndiTemplate.lookup(destinationName, Destination.class);
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
    if (pubSubDomain) {
        return session.createTopic(destinationName);
    return session.createQueue(destinationName);
源代码10 项目: ews-java-api   文件:
 * Performs Dns query.
 * @param <T>              the generic type
 * @param cls              DnsRecord Type
 * @param domain           the domain
 * @param dnsServerAddress IPAddress of DNS server to use (may be null)
 * @return DnsRecord The DNS record list (never null but may be empty)
 * @throws DnsException the dns exception

public static <T extends DnsRecord> List<T> dnsQuery(Class<T> cls, String domain, String dnsServerAddress) throws
                                                                                                           DnsException {

  List<T> dnsRecordList = new ArrayList<T>();
  try {
    // Create initial context
    DirContext ictx = new InitialDirContext(getEnv(dnsServerAddress));

    // Retrieve SRV record context attribute for the specified domain
    Attributes contextAttributes = ictx.getAttributes(domain,
        new String[] {EWSConstants.SRVRECORD});
    if (contextAttributes != null) {
      NamingEnumeration<?> attributes = contextAttributes.getAll();
      if (attributes != null) {
        while (attributes.hasMore()) {
          Attribute attr = (Attribute);
          NamingEnumeration<?> srvValues = attr.getAll();
          if (srvValues != null) {
            while (srvValues.hasMore()) {
              T dnsRecord = cls.newInstance();

              // Loads the DNS SRV record
  } catch (NamingException ne) {
    throw new DnsException(ne.getMessage());
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new DnsException(e.getMessage());
  return dnsRecordList;
源代码11 项目: rice   文件:
EntityNamePrincipalName.Builder mapBuilderFromContext(DirContextOperations context) {
    final EntityNamePrincipalName.Builder person = EntityNamePrincipalName.Builder.create();

    try {
        person.setDefaultName((EntityName.Builder) getDefaultNameMapper().mapFromContext(context));
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());

    return person;
源代码12 项目: RDMP1   文件:
 * Creates object without parameter
protected BaseTableDAO(String configPath) throws SQLException {
	logger = Logger.getLogger(configPath, this.getClass());
	try {
	} catch (NamingException namingException) {
		throw new SQLException(namingException.getMessage());

	connCreated = true;
源代码13 项目: cxf   文件:
public X509Certificate findByIssuerSerial(String issuer, String serial) {
    if (issuer == null || serial == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Issuer and serial applications are expected in request");
    String filter = String.format(filterIssuerSerialTemplate, issuer, serial);
    try {
        Attribute attr = ldapSearch.findAttribute(rootDN, filter, ldapConfig.getAttrCrtBinary());
        return getCert(attr);
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
源代码14 项目: lams   文件:
public void initialize() {
    try {
        this.workManager = (WorkManager) new InitialContext().lookup(workManagerName);
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Could not locate WorkManager: " + e.getMessage(), e);
源代码15 项目: keycloak   文件:
public Set<LDAPCapabilityRepresentation> queryServerCapabilities() {
    Set<LDAPCapabilityRepresentation> result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    try {
        List<String> attrs = new ArrayList<>();
        List<SearchResult> searchResults = operationManager
            .search("", "(objectClass=*)", Collections.unmodifiableCollection(attrs), SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE);
        if (searchResults.size() != 1) {
            throw new ModelException("Could not query root DSE: unexpected result size");
        SearchResult rootDse = searchResults.get(0);
        Attributes attributes = rootDse.getAttributes();
        for (String attr: attrs) {
            Attribute attribute = attributes.get(attr);
            if (null != attribute) {
                CapabilityType capabilityType = CapabilityType.fromRootDseAttributeName(attr);
                NamingEnumeration<?> values = attribute.getAll();
                while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
                    Object o = values.nextElement();
                    LDAPCapabilityRepresentation capability = new LDAPCapabilityRepresentation(o, capabilityType);
          "rootDSE query: " + capability);
        return result;
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        throw new ModelException("Failed to query root DSE: " + e.getMessage(), e);
源代码16 项目: ldapchai   文件:
private void convertNamingException( final NamingException e )
        throws ChaiOperationException, ChaiUnavailableException
    // important safety tip: naming exceptions sometimes come with null messages....
    final StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder();
    errorMsg.append( e.getClass().getName() );
    if ( e.getMessage() != null )
        errorMsg.append( ": " ).append( e.getMessage() );

    Throwable cause = e.getCause();
    int safetyCounter = 0;
    while ( cause != null && safetyCounter < 10 )
        errorMsg.append( ", cause:" ).append( cause.getClass().getName() );
        if ( cause.getMessage() != null )
            errorMsg.append( ": " ).append( cause.getMessage() );
        cause = cause.getCause();

    if ( errorIsRetryable( e ) )
        throw new ChaiUnavailableException( errorMsg.toString(), ChaiError.COMMUNICATION, false, false );

    throw ChaiOperationException.forErrorMessage( errorMsg.toString() );
 * Get user name list from DN list.
 * @param userListFromSearch
 * @return
 * @throws UserStoreException
private List<String> getUserNamesFromDNList(List<String> userListFromSearch) throws UserStoreException {

    List<String> userNameList = new ArrayList<>();
    DirContext dirContext = this.connectionSource.getContext();
    String userNameProperty = realmConfig.getUserStoreProperty(LDAPConstants.USER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
    String displayNameAttribute = realmConfig.getUserStoreProperty(LDAPConstants.DISPLAY_NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
    String[] requiredAttributes = {userNameProperty, displayNameAttribute};

    for (String user : userListFromSearch) {
        try {
            String displayName = null;
            String userName = null;
            Attributes userAttributes = dirContext.getAttributes(escapeDNForSearch(user), requiredAttributes);

            if (userAttributes != null) {
                Attribute userNameAttribute = userAttributes.get(userNameProperty);
                if (userNameAttribute != null) {
                    userName = (String) userNameAttribute.get();
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(displayNameAttribute)) {
                    Attribute displayAttribute = userAttributes.get(displayNameAttribute);
                    if (displayAttribute != null) {
                        displayName = (String) displayAttribute.get();
            String domainName =
            /* Username will be null in the special case where the username attribute has changed to another
            and having different userNameProperty than the current user-mgt.xml. */
            if (userName != null) {
                user = UserCoreUtil.getCombinedName(domainName, userName, displayName);
            } else {
                // Skip listing users which are not applicable to current user-mgt.xml
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug(String.format("User %s doesn't have the user name property %s", user,
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            log.error(String.format("Error in reading user information in the user store for the user %s, %s",
                    user, e.getMessage()));
            throw new UserStoreException(e.getMessage(), e);
    return userNameList;
 * Parse the search result of non group filtering and get the user list.
 * @param answer
 * @param returnedAttributes
 * @return
 * @throws UserStoreException
private List<String> getUserListFromNonGroupFilterResult(NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> answer,
                                                         List<String> returnedAttributes)
        throws UserStoreException {

    List<String> finalUserList = new ArrayList<>();
    String userAttributeSeparator = ",";
    NamingEnumeration<?> attrs = null;

    try {
        while (answer.hasMoreElements()) {
            SearchResult searchResult =;
            Attributes attributes = searchResult.getAttributes();
            if (attributes == null) {
            Attribute attribute = attributes.get(returnedAttributes.get(0));
            if (attribute == null) {
            StringBuffer attrBuffer = new StringBuffer();
            for (attrs = attribute.getAll(); attrs.hasMore(); ) {
                String attr = (String);
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(attr.trim())) {
                    String attrSeparator = realmConfig.getUserStoreProperty(MULTI_ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR);
                    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(attrSeparator.trim())) {
                        userAttributeSeparator = attrSeparator;
                    attrBuffer.append(attr + userAttributeSeparator);
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug(returnedAttributes.get(0) + " : " + attr);
            String propertyValue = attrBuffer.toString();
            Attribute serviceNameObject = attributes.get(returnedAttributes.get(1));
            String serviceNameAttributeValue = null;
            if (serviceNameObject != null) {
                serviceNameAttributeValue = (String) serviceNameObject.get();
            /* Length needs to be more than userAttributeSeparator.length() for a valid attribute,
            since we attach userAttributeSeparator. */
            if (propertyValue.trim().length() > userAttributeSeparator.length()) {
                if (LDAPConstants.SERVER_PRINCIPAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE.equals(serviceNameAttributeValue)) {
                propertyValue = propertyValue.substring(0, propertyValue.length() -
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        log.error(String.format("Error occurred while getting user list from non group filter %s", e.getMessage()));
        throw new UserStoreException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {
        // Close the naming enumeration and free up resources
    return finalUserList;
源代码19 项目: development   文件:
@Interceptors({ ServiceProviderInterceptor.class })
public List<VOUserDetails> searchLdapUsers(final String userIdPattern)
        throws ValidationException {

    ArgumentValidator.notNull("userIdPattern", userIdPattern);

    Organization organization = dm.getCurrentUser().getOrganization();

    LdapConnector connector = getLdapConnectionForOrganization(
    Properties dirProperties = connector.getDirProperties();
    Map<SettingType, String> attrMap = connector.getAttrMap();
    String baseDN = connector.getBaseDN();

    List<SettingType> attrList = new ArrayList<>(attrMap.keySet());
    ILdapResultMapper<VOUserDetails> mapper = new LdapVOUserDetailsMapper(
            null, attrMap);
    try {
        // read user from LDAP
        List<VOUserDetails> voUserList =,
                baseDN, getLdapSearchFilter(attrMap, userIdPattern), mapper,

        int size = voUserList.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            VOUserDetails voUser = voUserList.get(i);
            PlatformUser user = getPlatformUserByOrgAndReamUserId(
                    organization, voUser.getRealmUserId());
            if (null != user) {
                // update the domain object with possibly changed LDAP
                // attributes and return a complete value object
                UserDataAssembler.updatePlatformUser(voUser, attrList,
                voUserList.set(i, UserDataAssembler.toVOUserDetails(user));
            } else {
                // set some mandatory attributes
                String locale = voUser.getLocale();
                if (locale == null || locale.trim().length() == 0) {
        return voUserList;
    } catch (NamingException e) {
        Object[] params = new Object[] {
                dirProperties.get(Context.PROVIDER_URL), e.getMessage() };
        ValidationException vf = new ValidationException(
                ReasonEnum.LDAP_CONNECTION_REFUSED, null, params);
        logger.logError(Log4jLogger.SYSTEM_LOG, vf,
        throw vf;
源代码20 项目: linstor-server   文件:
private AccessContext signInLDAP(IdentityName idName, byte[] password)
    throws SignInException
    AccessContext signInContext = null;

    Hashtable<String, String> ldapEnv = new Hashtable<>();
    ldapEnv.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
    ldapEnv.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, ctrlCfg.getLdapUri());
    ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
    String ldapDN = ctrlCfg.getLdapDn().replaceAll("\\{user}", idName.displayValue);
    ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, ldapDN);
    ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, new String(password, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

        DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(ldapEnv);

        if (!ctrlCfg.getLdapSearchFilter().isEmpty())
            SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls();

            final String searchFilter = ctrlCfg.getLdapSearchFilter().replaceAll("\\{user}", idName.displayValue);

            NamingEnumeration result =, searchFilter, searchControls);

            if (!result.hasMore())
                throw new InvalidCredentialsException(
                    "Sign-in failed: LDAP search filter didn't find a match.",
                    // Description
                    "Sign-in failed",
                    // Cause
                    "Search filter expression didn't match any item.",
                    // Correction
                    "Adapt LDAP search_base,search_filter or add user to searched group.",
                    // No error details


        signInContext = publicCtx;
        errorLog.logInfo("LDAP User %s successfully authenticated.", idName.displayValue);
    catch (NamingException nExc)
        throw new InvalidCredentialsException(
            "Sign-in failed: Invalid sign in credentials",
            // Description
            "Sign-in failed",
            // Cause
            "The credentials for the sign-in are not valid or LDAP access not correctly configured.",
            // Correction
            "The name of a valid identity and a matching password must be provided " +
                "to sign in to the system or LDAP access correctly configured.",
    return signInContext;