
下面列出了android.hardware.Camera.Area#android.hardware.camera2.params.Face 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: Camera2   文件:
 * Decorate the collector when the CaptureResult becomes available, which happens sometime
 * after picture is taken.  In the current implementation, we query this structure for
 * two fields: 1) CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACES and 2) CaptureResult.LENS_FOCUS_DISTANCE
 * @param captureResult CaptureResults to be queried for capture event information
public void decorateAtTimeOfCaptureRequestAvailable(CaptureResultProxy captureResult)
    Face[] facesCaptured = captureResult.get(CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACES);
    if (facesCaptured == null)
        mFaceProxies = null;
    } else
        mFaceProxies = new ArrayList<>(facesCaptured.length);
        for (Face face : facesCaptured)

    mLensFocusDistance = captureResult.get(CaptureResult.LENS_FOCUS_DISTANCE);
源代码2 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
 * Convert an api1 face into an active-array based api2 face.
 * <p>Out-of-ranges scores and ids will be clipped to be within range (with a warning).</p>
 * @param face a non-{@code null} api1 face
 * @param activeArraySize active array size of the sensor (e.g. max jpeg size)
 * @param zoomData the calculated zoom data corresponding to this request
 * @return a non-{@code null} api2 face
 * @throws NullPointerException if the {@code face} was {@code null}
public static Face convertFaceFromLegacy(Camera.Face face, Rect activeArray,
        ZoomData zoomData) {
    checkNotNull(face, "face must not be null");

    Face api2Face;

    Camera.Area fakeArea = new Camera.Area(face.rect, /*weight*/1);

    WeightedRectangle faceRect =
            convertCameraAreaToActiveArrayRectangle(activeArray, zoomData, fakeArea);

    Point leftEye = face.leftEye, rightEye = face.rightEye, mouth = face.mouth;
    if (leftEye != null && rightEye != null && mouth != null && leftEye.x != -2000 &&
            leftEye.y != -2000 && rightEye.x != -2000 && rightEye.y != -2000 &&
            mouth.x != -2000 && mouth.y != -2000) {
        leftEye = convertCameraPointToActiveArrayPoint(activeArray, zoomData,
                leftEye, /*usePreviewCrop*/true);
        rightEye = convertCameraPointToActiveArrayPoint(activeArray, zoomData,
                leftEye, /*usePreviewCrop*/true);
        mouth = convertCameraPointToActiveArrayPoint(activeArray, zoomData,
                leftEye, /*usePreviewCrop*/true);

        api2Face = faceRect.toFace(, leftEye, rightEye, mouth);
    } else {
        api2Face = faceRect.toFace();

    return api2Face;
public void onCaptureCompleted(@NonNull CameraCaptureSession session,
    @NonNull CaptureRequest request, @NonNull TotalCaptureResult result) {
  Face[] faces = result.get(CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACES);
  if (faceDetectorCallback != null) {
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
public FaceParsed camera2Parse(Face face, View view, PointF scale, int rotation,
    boolean isFrontCamera) {
  //Parse face
  RectF rect = new RectF(face.getBounds());
  Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
  matrix.setScale(isFrontCamera ? -1 : 1, 1);
  matrix.postScale(1f, 1f);
  matrix.postTranslate(view.getWidth(), view.getHeight());
  return getFace(rect, scale, view);
public FaceParsed camera1Parse(Camera.Face face, View view, PointF scale, int rotation,
    boolean isFrontCamera) {
  //Parse face
  RectF rect = new RectF(face.rect);
  Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
  matrix.setScale(isFrontCamera ? -1 : 1, 1);
  matrix.postScale(view.getWidth() / 2000f, view.getHeight() / 2000f);
  matrix.postTranslate(view.getWidth() / 2f, view.getHeight() / 2f);
  return getFace(rect, scale, view);
 * Update the {@code result} camera metadata map with the new value for the
 * {@code statistics.faces} and {@code statistics.faceDetectMode}.
 * <p>Face detect callbacks are processed in the background, and each call to
 * {@link #mapResultFaces} will have the latest faces as reflected by the camera1 callbacks.</p>
 * <p>If the scene mode was set to {@code FACE_PRIORITY} but face detection is disabled,
 * the camera will still run face detection in the background, but no faces will be reported
 * in the capture result.</p>
 * @param result a non-{@code null} result
 * @param legacyRequest a non-{@code null} request (read-only)
public void mapResultFaces(CameraMetadataNative result, LegacyRequest legacyRequest) {
    checkNotNull(result, "result must not be null");
    checkNotNull(legacyRequest, "legacyRequest must not be null");

    Camera.Face[] faces, previousFaces;
    int fdMode;
    boolean fdScenePriority;
    synchronized (mLock) {
        fdMode = mFaceDetectReporting ?

        if (mFaceDetectReporting) {
            faces = mFaces;
        } else {
            faces = null;

        fdScenePriority = mFaceDetectScenePriority;

        previousFaces = mFacesPrev;
        mFacesPrev = faces;

    CameraCharacteristics characteristics = legacyRequest.characteristics;
    CaptureRequest request = legacyRequest.captureRequest;
    Size previewSize = legacyRequest.previewSize;
    Camera.Parameters params = legacyRequest.parameters;

    Rect activeArray = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE);
    ZoomData zoomData = ParameterUtils.convertScalerCropRegion(activeArray,
            request.get(CaptureRequest.SCALER_CROP_REGION), previewSize, params);

    List<Face> convertedFaces = new ArrayList<>();
    if (faces != null) {
        for (Camera.Face face : faces) {
            if (face != null) {
                        ParameterUtils.convertFaceFromLegacy(face, activeArray, zoomData));
            } else {
                Log.w(TAG, "mapResultFaces - read NULL face from camera1 device");

    if (DEBUG && previousFaces != faces) { // Log only in verbose and IF the faces changed
        Log.v(TAG, "mapResultFaces - changed to " + ListUtils.listToString(convertedFaces));

    result.set(CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACES, convertedFaces.toArray(new Face[0]));
    result.set(CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE, fdMode);

    // Override scene mode with FACE_PRIORITY if the request was using FACE_PRIORITY
    if (fdScenePriority) {
源代码7 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
private Face[] getFaces() {
    Integer faceDetectMode = get(CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE);
    byte[] faceScores = get(CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_SCORES);
    Rect[] faceRectangles = get(CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_RECTANGLES);
    int[] faceIds = get(CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_IDS);
    int[] faceLandmarks = get(CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_LANDMARKS);

    if (areValuesAllNull(faceDetectMode, faceScores, faceRectangles, faceIds, faceLandmarks)) {
        return null;

    if (faceDetectMode == null) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Face detect mode metadata is null, assuming the mode is SIMPLE");
        faceDetectMode = CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_SIMPLE;
    } else if (faceDetectMode > CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_FULL) {
        // Face detect mode is larger than FULL, assuming the mode is FULL
        faceDetectMode = CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_FULL;
    } else {
        if (faceDetectMode == CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_OFF) {
            return new Face[0];
        if (faceDetectMode != CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_SIMPLE &&
                faceDetectMode != CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_FULL) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Unknown face detect mode: " + faceDetectMode);
            return new Face[0];

    // Face scores and rectangles are required by SIMPLE and FULL mode.
    if (faceScores == null || faceRectangles == null) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Expect face scores and rectangles to be non-null");
        return new Face[0];
    } else if (faceScores.length != faceRectangles.length) {
        Log.w(TAG, String.format("Face score size(%d) doesn match face rectangle size(%d)!",
                faceScores.length, faceRectangles.length));

    // To be safe, make number of faces is the minimal of all face info metadata length.
    int numFaces = Math.min(faceScores.length, faceRectangles.length);
    // Face id and landmarks are only required by FULL mode.
    if (faceDetectMode == CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_FULL) {
        if (faceIds == null || faceLandmarks == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Expect face ids and landmarks to be non-null for FULL mode," +
                    "fallback to SIMPLE mode");
            faceDetectMode = CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_SIMPLE;
        } else {
            if (faceIds.length != numFaces ||
                    faceLandmarks.length != numFaces * FACE_LANDMARK_SIZE) {
                Log.w(TAG, String.format("Face id size(%d), or face landmark size(%d) don't" +
                        "match face number(%d)!",
                        faceIds.length, faceLandmarks.length * FACE_LANDMARK_SIZE, numFaces));
            // To be safe, make number of faces is the minimal of all face info metadata length.
            numFaces = Math.min(numFaces, faceIds.length);
            numFaces = Math.min(numFaces, faceLandmarks.length / FACE_LANDMARK_SIZE);

    ArrayList<Face> faceList = new ArrayList<Face>();
    if (faceDetectMode == CaptureResult.STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_SIMPLE) {
        for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; i++) {
            if (faceScores[i] <= Face.SCORE_MAX &&
                    faceScores[i] >= Face.SCORE_MIN) {
                faceList.add(new Face(faceRectangles[i], faceScores[i]));
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; i++) {
            if (faceScores[i] <= Face.SCORE_MAX &&
                    faceScores[i] >= Face.SCORE_MIN &&
                    faceIds[i] >= 0) {
                Point leftEye = new Point(faceLandmarks[i*FACE_LANDMARK_SIZE],
                Point rightEye = new Point(faceLandmarks[i*FACE_LANDMARK_SIZE+2],
                Point mouth = new Point(faceLandmarks[i*FACE_LANDMARK_SIZE+4],
                Face face = new Face(faceRectangles[i], faceScores[i], faceIds[i],
                        leftEye, rightEye, mouth);
    Face[] faces = new Face[faceList.size()];
    return faces;
源代码8 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
public <T> void setValue(CameraMetadataNative metadata, T value) {
源代码9 项目: Camera2   文件:
public static Camera2FaceProxy from(Face face)
    Camera2FaceProxy convertedFace = new Camera2FaceProxy(face.getBounds(), face.getScore());
    return convertedFace;
源代码10 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
 * Convert to a face; the rect is considered to be the bounds, and the weight
 * is considered to be the score.
 * <p>If the score is out of range of {@value Face#SCORE_MIN}, {@value Face#SCORE_MAX},
 * the score is clipped first and a warning is printed to logcat.</p>
 * <p>If the id is negative, the id is changed to 0 and a warning is printed to
 * logcat.</p>
 * <p>All other parameters are passed-through as-is.</p>
 * @return a new face with the optional features set
public Face toFace(
        int id, Point leftEyePosition, Point rightEyePosition, Point mouthPosition) {
    int idSafe = clipLower(id, /*lo*/0, rect, "id");
    int score = clip(weight,

    return new Face(rect, score, idSafe, leftEyePosition, rightEyePosition, mouthPosition);
源代码11 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
 * Convert to a face; the rect is considered to be the bounds, and the weight
 * is considered to be the score.
 * <p>If the score is out of range of {@value Face#SCORE_MIN}, {@value Face#SCORE_MAX},
 * the score is clipped first and a warning is printed to logcat.</p>
 * <p>All other parameters are passed-through as-is.</p>
 * @return a new face without the optional features
public Face toFace() {
    int score = clip(weight,

    return new Face(rect, score);
void onGetFaces(Face[] faces);