org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodInvocation#getExpression ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodInvocation#getExpression ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: xtext-xtend   文件:
public boolean visit(final MethodInvocation it) {
  Expression _expression = it.getExpression();
  boolean _tripleNotEquals = (_expression != null);
  if (_tripleNotEquals) {
    if ((this.fallBackStrategy && this._aSTFlattenerUtils.isStaticMemberCall(it))) {
    } else {
  boolean _isEmpty = it.typeArguments().isEmpty();
  boolean _not = (!_isEmpty);
  if (_not) {
  return false;
private ITypeBinding getExpressionType(MethodInvocation invocation) {
	Expression expression= invocation.getExpression();
	ITypeBinding typeBinding= null;
	if (expression == null) {
		typeBinding= invocation.resolveMethodBinding().getDeclaringClass();
	} else {
		typeBinding= expression.resolveTypeBinding();
	if (typeBinding != null && typeBinding.isTypeVariable()) {
		ITypeBinding[] typeBounds= typeBinding.getTypeBounds();
		if (typeBounds.length > 0) {
			for (ITypeBinding typeBound : typeBounds) {
				ITypeBinding expressionType= getExpressionType(invocation, typeBound);
				if (expressionType != null) {
					return expressionType;
			typeBinding= typeBounds[0].getTypeDeclaration();
		} else {
			typeBinding= invocation.getAST().resolveWellKnownType("java.lang.Object"); //$NON-NLS-1$
	Assert.isNotNull(typeBinding, "Type binding of target expression may not be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
	return typeBinding;
public boolean visit(MethodInvocation node) {
	IBinding binding= node.resolveMethodBinding();
	if (isSourceAccess(binding)) {
		if (isMovedMember(binding)) {
			if (node.getExpression() != null)
				rewrite(node, fTarget);
		} else
			rewrite(node, fSource);

	} else if (isTargetAccess(binding)) {
		if (node.getExpression() != null) {
			fCuRewrite.getASTRewrite().remove(node.getExpression(), null);
	return super.visit(node);
private Type getNewCastTypeNode(ASTRewrite rewrite, ImportRewrite importRewrite) {
	AST ast= rewrite.getAST();

	ImportRewriteContext context= new ContextSensitiveImportRewriteContext((CompilationUnit) fNodeToCast.getRoot(), fNodeToCast.getStartPosition(), importRewrite);

	if (fCastType != null) {
		return importRewrite.addImport(fCastType, ast,context);

	ASTNode node= fNodeToCast;
	ASTNode parent= node.getParent();
	if (parent instanceof CastExpression) {
		node= parent;
		parent= parent.getParent();
	while (parent instanceof ParenthesizedExpression) {
		node= parent;
		parent= parent.getParent();
	if (parent instanceof MethodInvocation) {
		MethodInvocation invocation= (MethodInvocation) node.getParent();
		if (invocation.getExpression() == node) {
			IBinding targetContext= ASTResolving.getParentMethodOrTypeBinding(node);
			ITypeBinding[] bindings= ASTResolving.getQualifierGuess(node.getRoot(), invocation.getName().getIdentifier(), invocation.arguments(), targetContext);
			if (bindings.length > 0) {
				ITypeBinding first= getCastFavorite(bindings, fNodeToCast.resolveTypeBinding());

				Type newTypeNode= importRewrite.addImport(first, ast, context);
				addLinkedPosition(rewrite.track(newTypeNode), true, "casttype"); //$NON-NLS-1$
				for (int i= 0; i < bindings.length; i++) {
					addLinkedPositionProposal("casttype", bindings[i]); //$NON-NLS-1$
				return newTypeNode;
	Type newCastType= ast.newSimpleType(ast.newSimpleName("Object")); //$NON-NLS-1$
	addLinkedPosition(rewrite.track(newCastType), true, "casttype"); //$NON-NLS-1$
	return newCastType;
源代码5 项目:   文件:
public boolean visit(MethodInvocation node) {
	Expression receiver = node.getExpression();
	if (receiver == null) {
		SimpleName name = node.getName();
		if (fIgnoreBinding == null || !Bindings.equals(fIgnoreBinding, name.resolveBinding())) {
	} else {
	return false;
源代码6 项目:   文件:
public boolean visit(MethodInvocation node) {
	Expression exp = node.getExpression();
	if (exp != null) {
	return true;
public boolean visit(MethodInvocation node) {
	if(node.getExpression() == null) {
	} else {
		fResult&= new LoadTimeConstantChecker((IExpressionFragment) ASTFragmentFactory.createFragmentForFullSubtree(node.getExpression())).check();

	return false;
源代码8 项目: api-mining   文件:
public String getFullyQualifiedMethodNameFor(final Expression exp, final String parentClassName,
		final Table<ASTNode, String, String> variableScopeNameTypes) {
	String fqName;
	String name;
	if (exp.getNodeType() == ASTNode.CLASS_INSTANCE_CREATION) {
		name = "<init>";
		fqName = getNameOfType(((ClassInstanceCreation) exp).getType());
	} else { // MethodInvocation
		final MethodInvocation node = (MethodInvocation) exp;
		name = node.getName().toString();
		if (node.getExpression() == null) {
			if (methodImports.containsKey(name))
				fqName = methodImports.get(name);
			else if (methodReturnTypes.containsKey(parentClassName + "." + name))
				fqName = parentClassName; // local
			else if (wildcardMethodImports.isEmpty())
				fqName = currentPackage; // package local method
				fqName = "UNRESOLVED";
		} else if (node.getExpression().getNodeType() == ASTNode.THIS_EXPRESSION) {
			if (methodReturnTypes.containsKey(parentClassName + "." + name))
				fqName = parentClassName; // local
			else // superclass method
				fqName = "SUPER";
		} else {
			fqName = getFQMethodClassFor(node.getExpression(), parentClassName, variableScopeNameTypes);
	if (fqName.equals("UNRESOLVED"))
	return fqName + "." + name;
源代码9 项目: RefactoringMiner   文件:
public OperationInvocation(CompilationUnit cu, String filePath, MethodInvocation invocation) {
	this.locationInfo = new LocationInfo(cu, filePath, invocation, CodeElementType.METHOD_INVOCATION);
	this.methodName = invocation.getName().getIdentifier();
	this.typeArguments = invocation.arguments().size();
	this.arguments = new ArrayList<String>();
	List<Expression> args = invocation.arguments();
	for(Expression argument : args) {
	if(invocation.getExpression() != null) {
		this.expression = invocation.getExpression().toString();
		processExpression(invocation.getExpression(), this.subExpressions);
源代码10 项目: JDeodorant   文件:
public static boolean isCollectionSizeInvocation(Expression expression)
	if (expression instanceof MethodInvocation)
		MethodInvocation methodInvocation = (MethodInvocation) expression;
		Expression callingExpression      = methodInvocation.getExpression();
		IMethodBinding methodBinding      = methodInvocation.resolveMethodBinding();
		if (methodBinding != null && callingExpression != null)
			return (methodBinding.getName().equals("size") && AbstractLoopUtilities.isCollection(callingExpression.resolveTypeBinding()));
	return false;
源代码11 项目: eip-designer   文件:
public boolean visit(MethodInvocation node) {
   if (inConfigure) {
      // We're in a fluent API usage...
      if (node.getExpression() != null) {
      } else {
         // Reset stack for next expression.
   return super.visit(node);
源代码12 项目: JDeodorant   文件:
public boolean visit(MethodInvocation expr) {
	if (expr.getExpression() != null) {
	return false;
public final boolean visit(final MethodInvocation node) {
	if (fAnonymousClass > 0) {
		final IMethodBinding binding= node.resolveMethodBinding();
		if (binding != null) {
			if (node.getExpression() == null && !Modifier.isStatic(binding.getModifiers()))
	return true;
public boolean visit(MethodInvocation node) {
	if (fTypeCounter == 0) {
		Expression receiver= node.getExpression();
		if (receiver == null && !isStaticallyImported(node.getName())) {
	return true;
 * Checks
 * <ul>
 * <li>whether the given infix expression is the argument of a StringBuilder#append() or
 * StringBuffer#append() invocation, and</li>
 * <li>the append method is called on a simple variable, and</li>
 * <li>the invocation occurs in a statement (not as nested expression)</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param infixExpression the infix expression
 * @return the name of the variable we were appending to, or <code>null</code> if not matching
private static SimpleName getEnclosingAppendBuffer(InfixExpression infixExpression) {
	if (infixExpression.getLocationInParent() == MethodInvocation.ARGUMENTS_PROPERTY) {
		MethodInvocation methodInvocation= (MethodInvocation)infixExpression.getParent();

		// ..not in an expression.. (e.g. not sb.append("high" + 5).append(6);)
		if (methodInvocation.getParent() instanceof Statement) {

			// ..of a function called append:
			if ("append".equals(methodInvocation.getName().getIdentifier())) { //$NON-NLS-1$
				Expression expression= methodInvocation.getExpression();

				// ..and the append is being called on a Simple object:
				if (expression instanceof SimpleName) {
					IBinding binding= ((SimpleName)expression).resolveBinding();
					if (binding instanceof IVariableBinding) {
						String typeName= ((IVariableBinding)binding).getType().getQualifiedName();

						// And the object's type is a StringBuilder or StringBuffer:
						if ("java.lang.StringBuilder".equals(typeName) || "java.lang.StringBuffer".equals(typeName)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
							return (SimpleName)expression;
	return null;
public boolean visit(MethodInvocation node) {
  if (node.getExpression() != null) {
    return true;
  // node is of the form `methodName(...)`, and not eg., `Foo.methodName()`.

  org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SimpleName simpleName = node.getName();

  if (compilationUnit.findDeclaringNode(simpleName.resolveBinding()) != null) {
    // simpleName is defined somewhere in this compilation unit - so no need to import it.
    return true;

  // Do not report methods that appear in inner/anonymous classes that have a superclass:
  // Jade doesn't currently fetch inherited symbols for inner/anonymous classes, which
  // leads to inherited methods being imported. (b/35660499, b/35727475)
  // This isn't perfect because another class might call a same-named method; if this
  // becomes a problem, I'll use a blacklist.
  AbstractTypeDeclaration containingClass = getContainingClass(node);
  if (!(containingClass.getParent() instanceof CompilationUnit)
      && containingClass instanceof TypeDeclaration
      && ((TypeDeclaration) containingClass).getSuperclassType() != null) {
    return true;
  if (isDescendantOfAnonymousClassDeclaration(node)) {
    return true;

  // Work around Eclipse JDT Bug,
  // where `simpleName.resolveBinding() == null` happens even though 'simpleName' is
  // defined in the current compilation unit.
  Set<String> methods = methodsOfClass.get(containingClass);
  if (methods.isEmpty()) {
  if (!methods.contains(simpleName.getIdentifier())) {
    int startPosition = simpleName.getStartPosition();
  return true;
 * @param status the status
 * @return <code>true</code> if explicit cast is needed otherwise <code>false</code>
private boolean needsExplicitCast(RefactoringStatus status) {
	// if the return type of the method is the same as the type of the
	// returned expression then we don't need an explicit cast.
	if (fSourceProvider.returnTypeMatchesReturnExpressions())
			return false;

	List<Expression> returnExprs= fSourceProvider.getReturnExpressions();
	// it is inferred that only methods consisting of a single
	// return statement can be inlined as parameters in other
	// method invocations
	if (returnExprs.size() != 1)
		return false;

	if (fTargetNode.getLocationInParent() == MethodInvocation.ARGUMENTS_PROPERTY) {
		MethodInvocation methodInvocation= (MethodInvocation)fTargetNode.getParent();
		if(methodInvocation.getExpression() == fTargetNode)
			return false;
		IMethodBinding method= methodInvocation.resolveMethodBinding();
		if (method == null) {
				JavaStatusContext.create(fCUnit, methodInvocation));
			return false;
		ITypeBinding[] parameters= method.getParameterTypes();
		int argumentIndex= methodInvocation.arguments().indexOf(fInvocation);

		ITypeBinding parameterType= returnExprs.get(0).resolveTypeBinding();
		if (method.isVarargs() && argumentIndex >= parameters.length - 1) {
			argumentIndex= parameters.length - 1;
			parameterType= parameterType.createArrayType(1);
		parameters[argumentIndex]= parameterType;

		ITypeBinding type= ASTNodes.getReceiverTypeBinding(methodInvocation);
		TypeBindingVisitor visitor= new AmbiguousMethodAnalyzer(
			fTypeEnvironment, method, fTypeEnvironment.create(parameters));
		if(!visitor.visit(type)) {
			return true;
		} else if (type.isInterface()) {
			return !Bindings.visitInterfaces(type, visitor);
		} else if (Modifier.isAbstract(type.getModifiers())) {
			return !Bindings.visitHierarchy(type, visitor);
		} else {
			// it is not needed to visit interfaces if receiver is a concrete class
			return !Bindings.visitSuperclasses(type, visitor);
	} else {
		ITypeBinding explicitCast= ASTNodes.getExplicitCast(returnExprs.get(0), (Expression)fTargetNode);
		return explicitCast != null;
源代码18 项目: JDeodorant   文件:
public static List<ASTNode> getVariableDeclarationsAndAssignmentsContainingAccessUsingVariable(Statement body, ControlVariable variable)
	StatementExtractor statementExtractor = new StatementExtractor();
	ExpressionExtractor expressionExtractor = new ExpressionExtractor();
	ArrayList<ASTNode> returnList = new ArrayList<ASTNode>();
	List<Statement> variableDeclarationStatements = statementExtractor.getVariableDeclarationStatements(body);
	List<Expression> assignments = expressionExtractor.getAssignments(body);
	for (Statement currentStatement : variableDeclarationStatements)
		List<VariableDeclarationFragment> fragments = ((VariableDeclarationStatement)currentStatement).fragments();
		for (VariableDeclarationFragment fragment : fragments)
			Expression initializer = fragment.getInitializer();
			if (isAccessUsingVariable(initializer, variable))
	for (Expression currentExpression : assignments)
		Assignment currentAssignment = (Assignment)currentExpression;
		Expression rightHandSide = currentAssignment.getRightHandSide();
		if (isAccessUsingVariable(rightHandSide, variable))
	List<Expression> methodInvocations = expressionExtractor.getMethodInvocations(body);
	for (Expression expression : methodInvocations)
		if (expression instanceof MethodInvocation)
			MethodInvocation methodInvocation = (MethodInvocation)expression;
			Expression methodInvocationExpression = methodInvocation.getExpression();
			if(methodInvocationExpression != null)
				if (isAccessUsingVariable(methodInvocationExpression, variable))
	return returnList;
 * {@inheritDoc}
public boolean visit(final MethodInvocation node) {
	if (!fRemoveMethodQualifiers)
		return true;

	Expression expression= node.getExpression();
	if (!(expression instanceof ThisExpression))
		return true;

	final SimpleName name= node.getName();
	if (name.resolveBinding() == null)
		return true;

	if (hasConflict(expression.getStartPosition(), name, ScopeAnalyzer.METHODS | ScopeAnalyzer.CHECK_VISIBILITY))
		return true;

	Name qualifier= ((ThisExpression)expression).getQualifier();
	if (qualifier != null) {
		ITypeBinding declaringClass= ((IMethodBinding)name.resolveBinding()).getDeclaringClass();
		if (declaringClass == null)
			return true;

		ITypeBinding caller= getDeclaringType(node);
		if (caller == null)
			return true;

		ITypeBinding callee= (ITypeBinding)qualifier.resolveBinding();
		if (callee == null)
			return true;

		if (callee.isAssignmentCompatible(declaringClass) && caller.isAssignmentCompatible(declaringClass))
			return true;

	fOperations.add(new CompilationUnitRewriteOperation() {
		public void rewriteAST(CompilationUnitRewrite cuRewrite, LinkedProposalModel model) throws CoreException {
			ASTRewrite rewrite= cuRewrite.getASTRewrite();
			TextEditGroup group= createTextEditGroup(FixMessages.CodeStyleFix_removeThis_groupDescription, cuRewrite);
			rewrite.remove(node.getExpression(), group);
	return super.visit(node);
private RefactoringStatus updateMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation originalInvocation, IMember enclosing, CompilationUnitRewrite unitRewriter) throws JavaModelException {

		RefactoringStatus status= new RefactoringStatus();

		// If the method invocation utilizes type arguments, skip this
		// call as the new target method may have additional parameters
		if (originalInvocation.typeArguments().size() > 0)
			return createWarningAboutCall(enclosing, originalInvocation, RefactoringCoreMessages.IntroduceIndirectionRefactoring_call_warning_type_arguments);

		MethodInvocation newInvocation= unitRewriter.getAST().newMethodInvocation();
		List<Expression> newInvocationArgs= newInvocation.arguments();
		List<Expression> originalInvocationArgs= originalInvocation.arguments();

		// static call => always use a qualifier
		String qualifier= unitRewriter.getImportRewrite().addImport(fIntermediaryTypeBinding);
		newInvocation.setExpression(ASTNodeFactory.newName(unitRewriter.getAST(), qualifier));

		final Expression expression= originalInvocation.getExpression();

		if (!isStaticTarget()) {
			// Add the expression as the first parameter
			if (expression == null) {
				// There is no expression for this call. Use a (possibly qualified) "this" expression.
				ThisExpression expr= unitRewriter.getAST().newThisExpression();
				RefactoringStatus qualifierStatus= qualifyThisExpression(expr, originalInvocation, enclosing, unitRewriter);
				if (qualifierStatus.hasEntries())
					// warning means don't include this invocation
					return status;
			} else {
				Expression expressionAsParam= (Expression) unitRewriter.getASTRewrite().createMoveTarget(expression);
		} else {
			if (expression != null) {
				// Check if expression is the type name. If not, there may
				// be side effects (e.g. inside methods) -> don't update
				if (! (expression instanceof Name) || ASTNodes.getTypeBinding((Name) expression) == null)
					return createWarningAboutCall(enclosing, originalInvocation, RefactoringCoreMessages.IntroduceIndirectionRefactoring_call_warning_static_expression_access);

		for (int i= 0; i < originalInvocationArgs.size(); i++) {
			Expression originalInvocationArg= originalInvocationArgs.get(i);
			Expression movedArg= (Expression) unitRewriter.getASTRewrite().createMoveTarget(originalInvocationArg);

		unitRewriter.getASTRewrite().replace(originalInvocation, newInvocation,

		return status;