org.apache.log4j.Logger#trace ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了org.apache.log4j.Logger#trace ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: swift-t   文件:
 * Dump data structures if tracing enabled
public void printTraceInfo(Logger logger, GlobalConstants consts) {
  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    // Print congruence sets nicely
    SetMultimap<ArgOrCV, ArgOrCV> sets = canonical.sets();
    for (Entry<ArgOrCV, Collection<ArgOrCV>> e: sets.asMap().entrySet()) {
      logger.trace(congType + " cong. class " + e.getKey() +
                     " => " + e.getValue());
    // print componentIndex and inaccessible directly
    int height = 0;
    CongruentSets curr = this;
    do {
      if (!curr.componentIndex.isEmpty()) {
        logger.trace("Components#" + height + ": " + curr.componentIndex);
      if (!varsFromParent) {
        logger.trace("Vars not inherited from parent");
      curr = curr.parent;
    } while (curr != null);
源代码2 项目: swift-t   文件:
private void placeRefcounts(Logger logger, GlobalVars globals, Function fn,
    Block block, RCTracker increments, Set<Var> parentAssignedAliasVars) {

  // First canonicalize so we can merge refcounts

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("Adding increments for block " + block.getType() + " of " +;

  reorderContinuations(logger, block);

  // Move any increment instructions up to this block
  // if they can be combined with increments here
  pullUpRefIncrements(block, increments);

  placer.placeAll(logger, globals, fn, block, increments,
源代码3 项目: swift-t   文件:
 * Try reordering statements.
 * @param logger
 * @param block
private void reorderInBlock(Logger logger, Function fn, Block block) {

  // Compute StatementInfo objects
  ArrayList<StatementInfo> stmtInfos =
          new ArrayList<StatementInfo>(block.getStatements().size());
  for (Statement stmt: block.getStatements()) {
    stmtInfos.add(StatementInfo.make(logger, fn, stmt));

  // Keep track of which instructions should go after (x -> goes before)
  // Instructions are identified by index of instruction before modifications
  ListMultimap<Integer, Integer> before = ArrayListMultimap.create();

  // Do two passes for forward and backward edges.  Treat as hard and soft
  // dependencies respectively to avoid creating cycles
  for (int i = 0; i < stmtInfos.size(); i++) {
    addDependencies(logger, fn, stmtInfos, i, true, before);

  for (int i = 0; i < stmtInfos.size(); i++) {
    addDependencies(logger, fn, stmtInfos, i, false, before);

  for (int i = 0; i < stmtInfos.size(); i++) {
    StatementInfo info1 = stmtInfos.get(i);
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Inst " + info1 + "(" + i + ") before: " + before.get(i));

  block.replaceStatements(rebuildInstructions(logger, block, before));
源代码4 项目: swift-t   文件:
private static void addOutputDep(Logger logger,
    Instruction inst, ListMultimap<Var, Var> dependencyGraph,
    ComponentGraph components, Var out, Var in) {
  if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
    logger.trace("Add dep " + out + " => " + in + " for inst " + inst);
  dependencyGraph.put(out, in);
源代码5 项目: swift-t   文件:
 * TODO: it is possible to extend this to further ops
 * TODO: only aliases so far are structs
 * @param inst
 * @param aliases
 * @return
private static Instruction tryPropagateAliases(Logger logger,
    Instruction inst, AliasTracker aliases, Set<Var> waitedForAliases) {
  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("Try propagate aliases for " + inst);
  if (inst.op.isRetrieve(false)) {
    Var src = inst.getInput(0).getVar();
    AliasKey srcKey = checkedGetCanonical(logger, aliases, waitedForAliases, src);

    Arg decr = Arg.ZERO;
    if (inst.getInputs().size() > 1) {
      decr = inst.getInput(1);
    if (srcKey != null && srcKey.isPlainStructAlias()) {
      return TurbineOp.structRetrieveSub(inst.getOutput(0), srcKey.var,
                              Arrays.asList(srcKey.path), decr);
    } else if (srcKey != null && srcKey.isFilenameAlias() && 
               decr.isInt() && decr.getInt() == 0) {
      return TurbineOp.getFilenameVal(inst.getOutput(0), srcKey.var);
  } else if (inst.op.isAssign(false)) {
    Var dst = inst.getOutput(0);

    AliasKey dstKey = checkedGetCanonical(logger, aliases, waitedForAliases, dst);
    logger.trace("ALIAS FOR " + dst + ": " + dstKey);
    if (dstKey != null && dstKey.isPlainStructAlias()) {
      return TurbineOp.structStoreSub(dstKey.var, Arrays.asList(dstKey.path),
    } else if (dstKey != null && dstKey.isFilenameAlias()) {
      return TurbineOp.setFilenameVal(dstKey.var, inst.getInput(0));
  return null;
源代码6 项目: swift-t   文件:
private static void updateCongruent(Logger logger, GlobalConstants consts,
          Function function, Instruction inst, int stmtIndex,
          Congruences state) throws OptUnsafeError {
  List<ValLoc> resVals = inst.getResults();
  List<Alias> aliases = inst.getAliases();

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("resVals: " + resVals);
    logger.trace("aliases: " + aliases);
  state.update(consts,, resVals, aliases,
源代码7 项目: swift-t   文件:
private void buildInfoRec(Logger logger, Map<FnID, Function> funcMap,
    Function f, Block block, ArrayInfo info,
    HierarchicalSet<Var> candidates) {
  addBlockCandidates(f, block, info, candidates);

  for (Statement stmt: block.getStatements()) {
    switch (stmt.type()) {
      case INSTRUCTION:
        updateInfo(logger, funcMap, block, info, stmt.instruction(),
        // Do nothing: handle conditionals below

  for (Continuation c: block.allComplexStatements()) {
    for (Block inner: c.getBlocks()) {
      buildInfoRec(logger, funcMap, f, inner, info, candidates.makeChild());

  // Compute bottom-up properties
  updateInfoBottomUp(logger, block, info, candidates);

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("Collected info on block: " +
                System.identityHashCode(block) + " " + block.getType());
    for (Var candidate: candidates) {
      logger.trace(candidate + " => " + info.getEntry(block, candidate));
源代码8 项目: swift-t   文件:
 * Find maximum hoist with compatible execution context
 * @param logger
 * @param state
 * @param maxHoist
 * @return
private int maxHoistContext(Logger logger, HoistTracking state,
                      ExecTarget target, int maxHoist) {
  int maxCorrectContext = 0;
   * Avoid hoisting work through dispatches.
  boolean respectDispatch = (target.targetContext() != null &&
      target.targetContext() != ExecContext.control() &&
      target.targetContext() != ExecContext.wildcard());

  HoistTracking curr = state;
  for (int hoist = 1; hoist <= maxHoist; hoist++) {
    // Don't go to parent if this was in a dispatch
    if (curr.dispatched && respectDispatch) {

    curr = state.parent;

    if (target.canRunIn(curr.execCx)) {
      maxCorrectContext = hoist;

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("Hoist limited to " + maxCorrectContext + " by execution " +
                 "target " + target);
  return maxCorrectContext;
源代码9 项目: swift-t   文件:
private void addDependencies(Logger logger, Function fn,
        ArrayList<StatementInfo> stmtInfos, int i, boolean forwardEdges,
        ListMultimap<Integer, Integer> before) {
  StatementInfo info1 = stmtInfos.get(i);

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
    logger.trace("addDependencies " + info1);

  // Find last instruction that writes inputs of inst1
  // Build a DAG of dependences between instructions
  for (int j = i + 1; j < stmtInfos.size(); j++) {
    StatementInfo info2 = stmtInfos.get(j);
    // TODO: should check for "expensive" statements to avoid
    // deferring execution by putting instruction after it
    if (forwardEdges && writesInputs(logger, info2, info1, false)) {
      // These edges wont create cycle - backward edge
      before.put(j, i);

    if (!forwardEdges && writesInputs(logger, info1, info2, true)) {
      // Check that there isn't a path from inst1 to inst2
      if (pathExists(before, j, i)) {
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
          logger.trace("Drop edge " + j + " => " + i + " to avoid cycle");
      } else {
        before.put(i, j);
源代码10 项目: swift-t   文件:
private void optRecurseOnBlock(Logger logger, Function f, Block block,
    ArrayInfo info, InitState init,
    HierarchicalSet<Var> cands, HierarchicalSet<Var> invalid) {
  addBlockCandidates(f, block, info, cands);

  for (Var cand: cands) {
    if (!invalid.contains(cand)) {
      AliasTracker blockAliases = info.getAliases(block);
      AliasKey candKey = blockAliases.getCanonical(cand);

      BlockVarInfo vi = info.getEntry(block, cand);
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
        logger.trace("Candidate: " + cand + " in block " +
                System.identityHashCode(block) + " " + block.getType());
      if (vi.otherModRec) {
        logger.trace("Can't optimize due to other inserts!");
      } else if ((vi.insertImmOnce && vi.insertImmHere) ||
                  (vi.noInserts() && vi.declaredHere)) {
        // Criteria 1: declared here && no inserts here or in children
        // TODO
        // Criteria 2: declared in ancestor && not modified on any
        //        non-mutually-exclusive path

        // Optimize here: cases where only inserted in this block,
        // or no inserts at all
        logger.trace("Can optimize!");
        replaceInserts(logger, block, blockAliases, init, cand, candKey);
        invalid.add(cand); // Don't try to opt in descendants
      } else if (vi.insertImmOnce) {
        logger.trace("Try to optimize in descendant block!");
        // Do nothing: handle in child block
      } else {
        logger.trace("Optimization not valid!");
        // Invalid: can't do optimization anywhere

  for (Statement stmt: block.getStatements()) {
    switch (stmt.type()) {
      case INSTRUCTION:
        // Update which variables are initialized
        InitVariables.updateInitVars(logger, stmt, init, false);
      case CONDITIONAL:
        // Recurse and optimize, plus also update init vars
        optRecurseOnCont(logger, f, stmt.conditional(), info, init,
                         cands, invalid);

  for (Continuation cont: block.getContinuations()) {
    optRecurseOnCont(logger, f, cont, info, init, cands, invalid);
源代码11 项目: openemm   文件:
protected final void logMessage(final Logger logger, final String msg, final Throwable t) {
	logger.trace(msg, t);
源代码12 项目: swift-t   文件:
 * @param logger
 * @param ancestorBlock the block the instructions are moved from
 * @param ancestors
 * @param currBlock the block they are moved too (a descendant of the prior
 *              block)
 * @param currContext
 * @param currBlockIt  all changes to instructions in curr block
 *    are made through this iterator, and it is rewound to the previous position
 *    before the function exits
 * @param waitMap map of variable names to instructions/continuations they block
 *                  on
 * @param writtenV
 * @return true if change made, list of moved continuations
private Pair<Boolean, Set<Continuation>> relocateDependentInstructions(
    Logger logger,
    Block ancestorBlock, ExecContext ancestorContext,
    StackLite<Continuation> ancestors,
    Block currBlock, ExecContext currContext, ListIterator<Statement> currBlockIt,
    SetMultimap<Var, InstOrCont> waitMap, Var writtenV) {
  boolean changed = false;
  // Remove from outer block
  Set<InstOrCont> waits = waitMap.get(writtenV);
  Set<Instruction> movedI = new HashSet<Instruction>();
  Set<Continuation> movedC = new HashSet<Continuation>();
  // Rely on later forward Dataflow pass to remove
  // unneeded wait vars

   * NOTE: instructions/ continuations retain the same relative
   * order they were in in the original block, this should help
   * optimization pass
  for (InstOrCont ic: waits) {
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Pushing down: " + ic.toString());
    boolean relocated;
    switch (ic.type()) {
      case CONTINUATION: {
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
          logger.trace("Relocating " + ic.continuation().getType());
        relocated = relocateContinuation(ancestors, currBlock,
            currContext, movedC, ic.continuation());

      case INSTRUCTION:
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
          logger.trace("Relocating " + ic.instruction());
        relocated = relocateInstruction(ancestors, currContext,
            currBlock, currBlockIt, movedI, ic.instruction());
        throw new STCRuntimeError("how on earth did we get here...");
    changed = changed || relocated;
  // Remove instructions from old block

  // Rewind iterator so that next instruction returned
  // will be the first one added
  ICUtil.rewindIterator(currBlockIt, movedI.size());

  // Rebuild wait map to reflect changes
  updateWaiterMap(waitMap, movedC, movedI);
  return Pair.create(changed, movedC);
源代码13 项目: swift-t   文件:
 * @param logger
 * @param f
 * @param globalVars
 * @return true if changes made
private static boolean eliminateIter(Logger logger, Function f,
                                      GlobalVars globalVars) {
  /* All vars defined in function blocks that could possibly be eliminated */
  HashSet<Var> removeCandidates = new HashSet<Var>();

  /* Set of vars that are definitely required */
  HashSet<Var> needed = new HashSet<Var>();

  /* List of vars that were written.  Need to ensure that all variables
   * that are keys in writeEffect are tracked. */
  List<Component> modifiedComponents = new ArrayList<Component>();
   * Graph of dependencies from vars to other vars. If edge exists v1 -> v2
   * this means that if v1 is required, then v2 is required
  ListMultimap<Var, Var> dependencyGraph = ArrayListMultimap.create();

  /* Track components so that we know if a write from A may flow to B*/
  ComponentGraph components = new ComponentGraph();

  walkFunction(logger, f, removeCandidates, needed, dependencyGraph,
               modifiedComponents, components);

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("Dead code elimination in function " + + "\n" +
                 "removal candidates: " + removeCandidates + "\n" +
                 "definitely needed: "+ needed + "\n" +
                 "dependencies: \n" + printDepGraph(dependencyGraph, 4) +
                 "modifiedComponents: " + modifiedComponents + "\n" +
                 "components: \n" + components);

   * Add in component info.
   * Take into account that we might modify value of containing
   * structure, e.g. array
  for (Component written: modifiedComponents) {
    Set<Var> potentialAliases = components.findPotentialAliases(written);

    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
      logger.trace("Modified var " + written + " potential aliases: " +
    for (Var maybeAffected: potentialAliases) {
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
        logger.trace("Add transitive dep " + maybeAffected +
                      " => " + written);
      // Need to keep var that we wrote the affected var through
      dependencyGraph.put(maybeAffected, written.var);

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
    logger.trace("dependencies after component updates: \n" +
                 printDepGraph(dependencyGraph, 4));
   * Expand set of needed based on dependency graph
  StackLite<Var> workStack = new StackLite<Var>();

  while (!workStack.isEmpty()) {
    Var neededVar = workStack.pop();
    // This loop converges as dependencyGraph is taken apart
    List<Var> deps = dependencyGraph.removeAll(neededVar);
    if (deps != null) {


  if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    logger.debug("Final variables to be eliminated: " + removeCandidates);
  if (removeCandidates.isEmpty()) {
    return false;
  } else {
    return true;
源代码14 项目: swift-t   文件:
private void piggybackOnContinuations(Logger logger, Function fn,
    Block block, RCTracker tracker, RCDir dir, RefCountType rcType,
    RefCountCandidates candidates, UseFinder subblockWalker, boolean reverse) {
  // Try to piggyback on continuations, starting at bottom up
  ListIterator<Continuation> cit = reverse ? block.continuationEndIterator()
                                            : block.continuationIterator();
  while ((reverse && cit.hasPrevious()) || (!reverse && cit.hasNext())) {
    Continuation cont;
    if (reverse) {
      cont = cit.previous();
    } else {
      cont =;

    if (RCUtil.isAsyncForeachLoop(cont)) {
      AbstractForeachLoop loop = (AbstractForeachLoop) cont;

      VarCount piggybacked;
      do {
        /* Process one at a time so that candidates is correctly updated
         * for each call based on previous changes */
        piggybacked = loop.tryPiggyBack(candidates, rcType, dir);

        if (piggybacked != null) {
          if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("Piggybacked on foreach: " + piggybacked + " " +
                   rcType + " " + piggybacked.count);
          candidates.add(piggybacked.var, -piggybacked.count);
          tracker.cancel(tracker.getRefCountVar(piggybacked.var), rcType,
      } while (piggybacked != null);

    // Walk continuation to find usages
    TreeWalk.walkSyncChildren(logger, fn, cont, subblockWalker);
    removeCandidates(subblockWalker.getUsedVars(), tracker, candidates);
源代码15 项目: swift-t   文件:
 * @param rootBlock
 * @return true if the block makes progress of the specified type
public static boolean blockProgress(Block rootBlock, Category type) {
  Logger logger = Logging.getSTCLogger();
  StackLite<Block> stack = new StackLite<Block>();
  while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
    Block block = stack.pop();
    for (Statement stmt: block.getStatements()) {
      if (stmt.type() == StatementType.INSTRUCTION) {
        Instruction i = stmt.instruction();
        if (type == Category.CHEAP) {
          if (!i.isCheap()) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
              logger.trace("non-cheap instruction found: " + i);
            return false;
        } else if (type == Category.CHEAP_WORKER) {
          if (!isCheapWorkerInst(i)) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
              logger.trace("non-cheap-worker instruction found: " + i);
            return false;
        } else {
          assert(type == Category.NON_PROGRESS);
          if (i.isProgressEnabling() || !i.isCheap()) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
              logger.trace("progress instruction found: " + i);
            return false;
    for (Continuation c: block.allComplexStatements()) {
      if (!c.isAsync()) {
        for (Block inner: c.getBlocks()) {
  return true;
源代码16 项目: swift-t   文件:
private boolean trySquash(Logger logger, WaitStatement wait,
        ExecContext waitContext, Block waitBlock, WaitStatement innerWait) {

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("Attempting squash of  wait(" + wait.getWaitVars() + ") " +
        + " " + wait.getMode() +
                  " with wait(" + innerWait.getWaitVars() + ") " +
        + " " + innerWait.getMode());
  ExecContext innerContext = innerWait.childContext(waitContext);

  // Check that locations are compatible
  if (!compatibleLocPar(wait.targetLocation(), innerWait.targetLocation(),
                           wait.parallelism(), innerWait.parallelism())) {
    logger.trace("Locations incompatible");
    return false;

  // Check that recursiveness matches
  if (wait.isRecursive() != innerWait.isRecursive()) {
    logger.trace("Recursiveness incompatible");
    return false;

  // Check that contexts are compatible
  ExecContext possibleMergedContext;
  if (innerContext.equals(waitContext)) {
    possibleMergedContext = waitContext;
  } else {
    if (waitContext.isAnyWorkContext()) {
      // Don't try to move work from worker context to another context
      logger.trace("Contexts incompatible (outer is " + waitContext +
                   " and inner is " + innerContext);
      return false;
    } else if (waitContext.isWildcardContext()) {
      logger.trace("Outer is wildcard: maybe change to worker");
      possibleMergedContext = innerContext;
    } else {
      assert(innerContext.isAnyWorkContext() ||
      // Inner wait is on worker, try to see if we can
      // move context of outer wait to worker
      logger.trace("Outer is control: maybe change to worker");
      possibleMergedContext = innerContext;

  // Check that wait variables not defined in this block
  for (WaitVar waitVar: innerWait.getWaitVars()) {
    if (waitBlock.variables().contains(waitVar.var)) {
      logger.trace("Squash failed: wait var declared inside");
      return false;

  if (!ProgressOpcodes.isNonProgress(waitBlock, possibleMergedContext)) {
    // Progress might be deferred by squashing
    logger.trace("Squash failed: progress would be deferred");
    return false;

  // Pull inner up
  if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
    logger.trace("Squash wait(" + innerWait.getWaitVars() + ")" +
               " up into wait(" + wait.getWaitVars() + ")");

  if (innerWait.getMode() == WaitMode.TASK_DISPATCH ||
          wait.getMode() == WaitMode.TASK_DISPATCH) {
    // In either case, need to make sure tasks get dispatched
  if (!possibleMergedContext.equals(waitContext)) {

  // Fixup any local waits in block
  fixupNonDispatched(innerWait, possibleMergedContext);
  fixupNonDispatched(wait, possibleMergedContext);

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("Squash succeeded: wait(" + wait.getWaitVars() + ") "
                + + " " + wait.getMode());
  return true;
源代码17 项目: swift-t   文件:
public Pair<Boolean, List<Continuation>> tryUnroll(Logger logger,
    FnID function, Block outerBlock) {
  logger.trace("DesiredUnroll for " + loopName + ": " + desiredUnroll);
  boolean expandLoops = isExpandLoopsEnabled();
  boolean fullUnroll = isFullUnrollEnabled();

  if (!Types.isIntVal(start)) {
     * TODO: only unroll integer ranges now - don't want to deal with
     * floating point rounding issues
    return NO_UNROLL;

  if (!this.unrolled && this.desiredUnroll > 1) {
    // Unroll explicitly marked loops
    if (this.loopCounterVar != null) {
      logger.warn("Can't unroll range loop with counter variable yet," +
                  " ignoring unroll annotation");
      return NO_UNROLL;
    return Pair.create(true, doUnroll(logger, function, outerBlock,
  } else if (expandLoops || fullUnroll) {
    long instCount = loopBody.getInstructionCount();
    long iterCount = constIterCount();

    if (instCount == 0) {
      return NO_UNROLL;

    if (expandLoops && iterCount >= 0) {
      // See if the loop has a small number of iterations, could just expand;
      if (iterCount <= getUnrollMaxIters(true)) {
        long extraInstructions = instCount * (iterCount - 1);
        if (extraInstructions <= getUnrollMaxExtraInsts(true)) {
          return Pair.create(true, doUnroll(logger, function, outerBlock,
    if (!fullUnroll) {
      logger.trace("Full unrolled not enabled");
      return NO_UNROLL;

    if (this.unrolled) {
      // Don't do extra unrolling unless we're just expanding a small loop
      return NO_UNROLL;
    // Finally, maybe unroll a few iterations
    long threshold = getUnrollMaxExtraInsts(false);
    long unrollFactor = Math.min(getUnrollMaxIters(false),
                                 (threshold / instCount) + 1);
    if (unrollFactor > 1) {
      return Pair.create(true, doUnroll(logger, function, outerBlock,
  return NO_UNROLL;
源代码18 项目: spliceengine   文件:
public static void trace(Logger logger, String messageFormat,Object...args){
源代码19 项目: swift-t   文件:
 * Try to push down waits from current block into child blocks
 * @param logger
 * @param fn
 * @param block
 * @param currContext
 * @return
private boolean pushDownWaits(Logger logger, Program prog, Function fn,
                              Block block, ExecContext currContext) {
  SetMultimap<Var, InstOrCont> waitMap = buildWaiterMap(prog, block);

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("waitMap keys: " + waitMap.keySet());

  if (waitMap.isEmpty()) {
    // If waitMap is empty, can't push anything down, so just shortcircuit
    return false;
  boolean changed = false;

  HashSet<Continuation> allPushedDown = new HashSet<Continuation>();
  ArrayList<Continuation> contCopy =
              new ArrayList<Continuation>(block.getContinuations());
  for (Continuation c: contCopy) {
    if (allPushedDown.contains(c)) {
      // Was moved
    ExecContext newContext = canPushDownInto(c, currContext);
    if (newContext != null) {
      for (Block innerBlock: c.getBlocks()) {
        StackLite<Continuation> ancestors =
                                      new StackLite<Continuation>();
        PushDownResult pdRes =
             pushDownWaitsRec(logger, fn, block, currContext, ancestors,
                              innerBlock, newContext, waitMap);
         changed = changed || pdRes.anyChanges;
        /* The list of continuations might be modified as continuations are
         * pushed down - track which ones are relocated */
  return changed;
源代码20 项目: swift-t   文件:
private void structBuildRec(Logger logger, Block block) {
  // Track all assigned struct paths
  ListMultimap<Var, List<String>> assignedPaths = ArrayListMultimap.create();

  // Find all struct assign statements in block
  for (Statement stmt: block.getStatements()) {
    if (stmt.type() == StatementType.INSTRUCTION) {
      Instruction inst = stmt.instruction();
      if (inst.op == Opcode.STRUCT_STORE_SUB) {
        Var struct = inst.getOutput(0);
        List<Arg> inputs = inst.getInputs();
        List<Arg> fields = inputs.subList(1, inputs.size());
        assignedPaths.put(struct, Arg.extractStrings(fields));

  // Check if all fields were assigned
  for (Var candidate: assignedPaths.keySet()) {
    StructType candidateType = (StructType)candidate.type().getImplType();
    Set<List<String>> expectedPaths = allAssignablePaths(candidateType);
    List<List<String>> assigned = assignedPaths.get(candidate);

    logger.trace("Check candidate " + + "\n" +
                 "expected: " + expectedPaths + "\n" +
                 "assigned: " + assigned);

    for (List<String> path: assigned) {
      Type fieldType;
      try {
        fieldType = candidateType.fieldTypeByPath(path);
      } catch (TypeMismatchException e) {
        throw new STCRuntimeError(e.getMessage());

      Set<List<String>> assignedSubPaths;
      if (Types.isStruct(fieldType)) {
        // Handle case where we assign a substruct
        StructType structFieldType = (StructType)fieldType.getImplType();
        assignedSubPaths = allAssignablePaths(structFieldType, path);
      } else {
        assignedSubPaths = Collections.singleton(path);

      for (List<String> assignedPath: assignedSubPaths) {
        boolean found = expectedPaths.remove(assignedPath);
        if (!found) {
          logger.warn("Invalid or double-assigned struct field: " +
              + "." + assignedPath);
    if (expectedPaths.isEmpty()) {
      doStructBuildTransform(logger, block, candidate, assigned.size());
    } else if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
      logger.trace("Fields not assigned: " + expectedPaths);

  for (Continuation cont: block.allComplexStatements()) {
    for (Block cb: cont.getBlocks()) {
      structBuildRec(logger, cb);