com.intellij.psi.PsiFile#getTextLength ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了com.intellij.psi.PsiFile#getTextLength ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

	public boolean isInContext(@NotNull PsiFile file, int offset) {
		// offset is where cursor or insertion point is I guess
		if ( !PsiUtilBase.getLanguageAtOffset(file, offset).isKindOf(ANTLRv4Language.INSTANCE) ) {
			return false;
		if ( offset==file.getTextLength() ) { // allow at EOF
		PsiElement element = file.findElementAt(offset);

//		String trace = DebugUtil.currentStackTrace();
//		System.out.println("isInContext: element " + element +", text="+element.getText());
//		System.out.println(trace);

		if ( element==null ) {
			return false;

		return isInContext(file, element, offset);
private TextRange getTokenRange(CommonToken ct, @NotNull PsiFile file) {
	int startIndex = ct.getStartIndex();
	int stopIndex = ct.getStopIndex();

	if ( startIndex >= file.getTextLength() ) {
		// can happen in case of a 'mismatched input EOF' error
		startIndex = stopIndex = file.getTextLength() - 1;

	if ( startIndex<0 ) {
		// can happen on empty files, in that case we won't be able to show any error :/
		startIndex = 0;

	return new TextRange(startIndex, stopIndex + 1);
源代码3 项目: consulo   文件:
private void diagnoseLengthMismatch(VirtualFile vFile, boolean wasIndexedAlready, @Nullable Document document, boolean saved, @Nullable PsiFile cachedPsi) {
  String message = "Outdated stub in index: " +
                   vFile +
                   " " +
                   getIndexingStampInfo(vFile) +
                   ", doc=" +
                   document +
                   ", docSaved=" +
                   saved +
                   ", wasIndexedAlready=" +
                   wasIndexedAlready +
                   ", queried at " +
  message += "\ndoc length=" + (document == null ? -1 : document.getTextLength()) + "\nfile length=" + vFile.getLength();
  if (cachedPsi != null) {
    message += "\ncached PSI " + cachedPsi.getClass();
    if (cachedPsi instanceof PsiFileImpl && ((PsiFileImpl)cachedPsi).isContentsLoaded()) {
      message += "\nPSI length=" + cachedPsi.getTextLength();
    List<Project> projects = ContainerUtil.findAll(ProjectManager.getInstance().getOpenProjects(), p -> PsiManagerEx.getInstanceEx(p).getFileManager().findCachedViewProvider(vFile) != null);
    message += "\nprojects with file: " + (LOG.isDebugEnabled() ? projects.toString() : projects.size());

  processError(vFile, message, new Exception());
源代码4 项目: consulo   文件:
private static void validateModel(FormattingModel model) throws FormattingModelInconsistencyException {
  FormattingDocumentModel documentModel = model.getDocumentModel();
  Document document = documentModel.getDocument();
  Block rootBlock = model.getRootBlock();
  if (rootBlock instanceof ASTBlock) {
    PsiElement rootElement = ((ASTBlock)rootBlock).getNode().getPsi();
    if (!rootElement.isValid()) {
      throw new FormattingModelInconsistencyException("Invalid root block PSI element");
    PsiFile file = rootElement.getContainingFile();
    Project project = file.getProject();
    PsiDocumentManager documentManager = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project);
    if (documentManager.isUncommited(document)) {
      throw new FormattingModelInconsistencyException("Uncommitted document");
    if (document.getTextLength() != file.getTextLength()) {
      throw new FormattingModelInconsistencyException("Document length " + document.getTextLength() + " doesn't match PSI file length " + file.getTextLength() + ", language: " + file.getLanguage());
源代码5 项目: consulo   文件:
private static PsiElement getSelectedPsiElement(final DataContext dataContext, final Project project) {
  PsiElement element = null;
  final Editor editor = dataContext.getData(CommonDataKeys.EDITOR);
  if (editor != null) {
    final PsiFile psiFile = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).getPsiFile(editor.getDocument());
    if (psiFile != null) {
      final int offset = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset();
      element = psiFile.findElementAt(offset);
      if (element == null && offset > 0 && offset == psiFile.getTextLength()) {
        element = psiFile.findElementAt(offset - 1);
  if (element == null) {
    final PsiElement[] elements = dataContext.getData(LangDataKeys.PSI_ELEMENT_ARRAY);
    element = elements != null && elements.length > 0 ? elements[0] : null;
  if (element == null) {
    final VirtualFile[] files = dataContext.getData(CommonDataKeys.VIRTUAL_FILE_ARRAY);
    if (files != null && files.length > 0) {
      element = PsiManager.getInstance(project).findFile(files[0]);
  return element;
源代码6 项目: consulo   文件:
private static int getCurrentTextContentLength(Project project, VirtualFile vFile, Document document, PsiFile psiFile) {
  if (vFile.getFileType().isBinary()) {
    return -1;
  if (psiFile instanceof PsiFileImpl && ((PsiFileImpl)psiFile).isContentsLoaded()) {
    return psiFile.getTextLength();

  if (document != null) {
    return PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).getLastCommittedText(document).length();
  return -1;
源代码7 项目: consulo   文件:
public FormattingProgressTask(@Nullable Project project, @Nonnull PsiFile file, @Nonnull Document document) {
  super(project, getTitle(file));
  myFile = new WeakReference<VirtualFile>(file.getVirtualFile());
  myDocument = new WeakReference<Document>(document);
  myFileTextLength = file.getTextLength();
  addCallback(EventType.CANCEL, new MyCancelCallback());
源代码8 项目: consulo   文件:
static void assertCommitSuccessful(Editor editor, PsiFile psiFile) {
  Document document = editor.getDocument();
  int docLength = document.getTextLength();
  int psiLength = psiFile.getTextLength();
  PsiDocumentManager manager = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(psiFile.getProject());
  boolean committed = !manager.isUncommited(document);
  if (docLength == psiLength && committed) {

  FileViewProvider viewProvider = psiFile.getViewProvider();

  String message = "unsuccessful commit:";
  message += "\nmatching=" + (psiFile == manager.getPsiFile(document));
  message += "\ninjectedEditor=" + (editor instanceof EditorWindow);
  message += "\ninjectedFile=" + InjectedLanguageManager.getInstance(psiFile.getProject()).isInjectedFragment(psiFile);
  message += "\ncommitted=" + committed;
  message += "\nfile=" + psiFile.getName();
  message += "\nfile class=" + psiFile.getClass();
  message += "\nfile.valid=" + psiFile.isValid();
  message += "\nfile.physical=" + psiFile.isPhysical();
  message += "\nfile.eventSystemEnabled=" + viewProvider.isEventSystemEnabled();
  message += "\nlanguage=" + psiFile.getLanguage();
  message += "\ndoc.length=" + docLength;
  message += "\npsiFile.length=" + psiLength;
  String fileText = psiFile.getText();
  if (fileText != null) {
    message += "\npsiFile.text.length=" + fileText.length();
  FileASTNode node = psiFile.getNode();
  if (node != null) {
    message += "\nnode.length=" + node.getTextLength();
    String nodeText = node.getText();
    message += "\nnode.text.length=" + nodeText.length();
  VirtualFile virtualFile = viewProvider.getVirtualFile();
  message += "\nvirtualFile=" + virtualFile;
  message += "\nvirtualFile.class=" + virtualFile.getClass();
  message += "\n" + DebugUtil.currentStackTrace();

  throw new RuntimeExceptionWithAttachments("Commit unsuccessful", message, new Attachment(virtualFile.getPath() + "_file.txt", StringUtil.notNullize(fileText)), createAstAttachment(psiFile, psiFile),
                                            new Attachment("docText.txt", document.getText()));
源代码9 项目: consulo   文件:
static void assertHostInfo(PsiFile hostCopy, OffsetMap hostMap) {
  if (hostMap.getOffset(CompletionInitializationContext.START_OFFSET) > hostCopy.getTextLength()) {
    throw new AssertionError("startOffset outside the host file: " + hostMap.getOffset(CompletionInitializationContext.START_OFFSET) + "; " + hostCopy);
public TextEditorHighlightingPass createHighlightingPass(@Nonnull final PsiFile file, @Nonnull final Editor editor) {
  final long psiModificationCount = PsiManager.getInstance(myProject).getModificationTracker().getModificationCount();
  if (psiModificationCount == myPsiModificationCount) {
    return null; //optimization

  if (myFileToolsCache.containsKey(file) && !myFileToolsCache.get(file)) {
    return null;
  ProperTextRange visibleRange = VisibleHighlightingPassFactory.calculateVisibleRange(editor);
  return new LocalInspectionsPass(file, editor.getDocument(), 0, file.getTextLength(), visibleRange, true, new DefaultHighlightInfoProcessor()) {
    List<LocalInspectionToolWrapper> getInspectionTools(@Nonnull InspectionProfileWrapper profile) {
      List<LocalInspectionToolWrapper> tools = super.getInspectionTools(profile);
      List<LocalInspectionToolWrapper> result =;
      myFileToolsCache.put(file, !result.isEmpty());
      return result;

    protected String getPresentableName() {
      return DaemonBundle.message("pass.whole.inspections");

    void inspectInjectedPsi(@Nonnull List<PsiElement> elements,
                            boolean onTheFly,
                            @Nonnull ProgressIndicator indicator,
                            @Nonnull InspectionManager iManager,
                            boolean inVisibleRange,
                            @Nonnull List<LocalInspectionToolWrapper> wrappers) {
      // already inspected in LIP

    protected void applyInformationWithProgress() {
      myPsiModificationCount = PsiManager.getInstance(myProject).getModificationTracker().getModificationCount();
源代码11 项目: consulo   文件:
public TextEditorHighlightingPass createMainHighlightingPass(@Nonnull PsiFile file, @Nonnull Document document, @Nonnull HighlightInfoProcessor highlightInfoProcessor) {
  // no applying to the editor - for read-only analysis only
  return new GeneralHighlightingPass(file.getProject(), file, document, 0, file.getTextLength(), true, new ProperTextRange(0, document.getTextLength()), null, highlightInfoProcessor);
 * Checks that the {@param outline} matches the current version of {@param file}.
 * <p>
 * An outline and file match if they have the same length.
private boolean isOutdated(@NotNull FlutterOutline outline, @NotNull PsiFile file) {
  final DartAnalysisServerService das = DartAnalysisServerService.getInstance(file.getProject());
  return file.getTextLength() != outline.getLength()
         && file.getTextLength() != das.getConvertedOffset(file.getVirtualFile(), outline.getLength());
 * Checks that the {@param outline} matches the current version of {@param file}.
 * <p>
 * An outline and file match if they have the same length.
private boolean isOutdated(@NotNull FlutterOutline outline, @NotNull PsiFile file) {
  final DartAnalysisServerService das = DartAnalysisServerService.getInstance(file.getProject());
  return file.getTextLength() != outline.getLength()
         && file.getTextLength() != das.getConvertedOffset(file.getVirtualFile(), outline.getLength());