( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: grpc-nebula-java   文件:
 * Generates a payload of desired type and size. Reads compressableBuffer or
 * uncompressableBuffer as a circular buffer.
private ByteString generatePayload(ByteString dataBuffer, int offset, int size) {
  ByteString payload = ByteString.EMPTY;
  // This offset would never pass the array boundary.
  int begin = offset;
  int end = 0;
  int bytesLeft = size;
  while (bytesLeft > 0) {
    end = Math.min(begin + bytesLeft, dataBuffer.size());
    // ByteString.substring returns the substring from begin, inclusive, to end, exclusive.
    payload = payload.concat(dataBuffer.substring(begin, end));
    bytesLeft -= (end - begin);
    begin = end % dataBuffer.size();
  return payload;
源代码2 项目: dremio-oss   文件:
public void testRopeByteString() throws Exception {
  ByteString literal = ByteString.copyFrom(smallData);

  ByteString data = literal;
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    data = data.concat(literal);

  final byte[] expected;
  try (ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    expected = baos.toByteArray();

  OptimisticByteOutput byteOutput = new OptimisticByteOutput(smallData.length * 4);
  UnsafeByteOperations.unsafeWriteTo(data, byteOutput);

  assertArrayEquals(expected, byteOutput.toByteArray());
源代码3 项目: fabric-sdk-java   文件:
public ByteString signByteStrings(ByteString... bs) throws CryptoException, InvalidArgumentException {
    if (bs == null) {
        return null;
    if (bs.length == 0) {
        return null;
    if (bs.length == 1 && bs[0] == null) {
        return null;

    ByteString f = bs[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < bs.length; ++i) {
        f = f.concat(bs[i]);

    return ByteString.copyFrom(sign(f.toByteArray()));
源代码4 项目: armeria   文件:
 * Generates a payload of desired type and size. Reads compressableBuffer or
 * uncompressableBuffer as a circular buffer.
private static ByteString generatePayload(ByteString dataBuffer, int offset, int size) {
    ByteString payload = ByteString.EMPTY;
    // This offset would never pass the array boundary.
    int begin = offset;
    int end = 0;
    int bytesLeft = size;
    while (bytesLeft > 0) {
        end = Math.min(begin + bytesLeft, dataBuffer.size());
        // ByteString.substring returns the substring from begin, inclusive, to end, exclusive.
        payload = payload.concat(dataBuffer.substring(begin, end));
        bytesLeft -= end - begin;
        begin = end % dataBuffer.size();
    return payload;
源代码5 项目: jelectrum   文件:
public static ByteString parseWitness(TransactionInput in)
  if (in.hasWitness())
  if (in.getWitness().getPushCount() == 2)
  if (in.getWitness().getPush(1).length == 33)
    try (TimeRecordAuto tra = new TimeRecordAuto("txutil_parse_input_witness"))
      ByteString h = ByteString.copyFrom( in.getWitness().getPush(1));
      h = Util.SHA256BIN(h);
      h = Util.RIPEMD160(h);
      ByteString prefix = HexUtil.hexStringToBytes("0014");

      ByteString out_script = prefix.concat(h);

      return Util.reverse(Util.SHA256BIN(out_script));

  return null;
源代码6 项目: grpc-java   文件:
 * Generates a payload of desired type and size. Reads compressableBuffer or
 * uncompressableBuffer as a circular buffer.
private ByteString generatePayload(ByteString dataBuffer, int offset, int size) {
  ByteString payload = ByteString.EMPTY;
  // This offset would never pass the array boundary.
  int begin = offset;
  int end = 0;
  int bytesLeft = size;
  while (bytesLeft > 0) {
    end = Math.min(begin + bytesLeft, dataBuffer.size());
    // ByteString.substring returns the substring from begin, inclusive, to end, exclusive.
    payload = payload.concat(dataBuffer.substring(begin, end));
    bytesLeft -= (end - begin);
    begin = end % dataBuffer.size();
  return payload;
源代码7 项目: etcd-java   文件:
public static ByteString plusOne(ByteString key) {
    int max = key.size() - 1;
    if (max < 0) {
        return singleByte(1);
    int lastPlusOne = key.byteAt(max) + 1;
    ByteString excludeLast = key.substring(0, max);
    return lastPlusOne == 0 ? plusOne(excludeLast)
            : excludeLast.concat(singleByte(lastPlusOne));
源代码8 项目: etcd-java   文件:
public void testCompaction() throws Exception {
    KvClient kvc = client.getKvClient();

    Thread noise = new Thread() {
        public void run() {
            ByteString n = bs("/tmp/noise-");
            ByteString k = n.concat(bs("0"));
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
                k = n.concat(bs("" + i));
                PutResponse pr = kvc.put(k, n).sync();
                if (i == 500) {
                    kvc.compact(pr.getHeader().getRevision(), false);
    try (RangeCache rc = new RangeCache(client, bs("tmp/"), false)) {

        rc.start().get(1L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


源代码9 项目: snowblossom   文件:
private static ByteString applyChecksum(String label, ByteString data)
  MessageDigest md = DigestUtil.getMD();

  byte[] hash = md.digest();

  ByteString checksum = ByteString.copyFrom(hash, 0, HASH_BYTES);

  return data.concat(checksum);
源代码10 项目: snowblossom   文件:
private static void validateChecksum(String label, ByteString data, ByteString checksum)
  throws ValidationException
  ByteString expected = applyChecksum(label, data);
  ByteString have = data.concat(checksum);

  if (!expected.equals(have)) throw new ValidationException("Checksum mismatch");

源代码11 项目: tikv-client-lib-java   文件:
private static ByteString shiftByStatus(ByteString v, Status s) {
  switch (s) {
    case EQUAL:
      return v;
    case LESS:
      return v.substring(0, v.size() - 1);
    case GREATER:
      return v.concat(ByteString.copyFrom(new byte[] {1, 0}));
  	throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only EQUAL,LESS,GREATER allowed");
源代码12 项目: bazel-buildfarm   文件:
public synchronized void write(ByteString value, long offset) {
  int size = value.size();
  int contentSize = content.size();
  int index = (int) offset;
  if (index == contentSize) {
    if (size > 0) {
      if (contentSize == 0) {
        content = value;
      } else {
  } else {
    /* eliminating EMPTY adds here - saw crashes to that effect */
    ByteString newContent = null;
    if (index > 0) { // pre
      if (index < contentSize) {
        newContent = content.substring(0, index);
      } else {
        newContent = content;

        if (index != contentSize) { // pad
          ByteString pad = ByteString.copyFrom(ByteBuffer.allocate(index - contentSize));
          newContent = newContent.concat(pad);

    newContent = newContent == null ? value : newContent.concat(value);

    if (index + size < contentSize) { // post
      newContent = newContent.concat(content.substring(index + size));

    content = newContent;
public void readSpanningChunks() throws IOException {
  ByteString hello = copyFromUtf8("Hello, ");
  ByteString world = copyFromUtf8("World");
  InputStream in = newInput(of(hello, world));
  ByteString helloWorld = hello.concat(world);
  byte[] data = new byte[helloWorld.size()];

public void readSpanningChunksWithEmptyChunk() throws IOException {
  ByteString hello = copyFromUtf8("Hello, ");
  ByteString world = copyFromUtf8("World");
  InputStream in = newInput(of(hello, EMPTY, world));
  ByteString helloWorld = hello.concat(world);
  byte[] data = new byte[helloWorld.size()];

源代码15 项目: hedera-sdk-java   文件:
static ByteString rightPad32(ByteString input) {
    int rem = 32 - input.size() % 32;
    return rem == 32 ? input : input.concat(padding.substring(0, rem));
源代码16 项目: snowblossom   文件:
private static void descend(
  ByteString prefix, 
  ByteString search, 
  UserServiceBlockingStub stub,
  List<TransactionBridge> bridges,
  Map<ByteString, TrieNode> node_map,
  ByteString expected_hash,
  ByteString utxo_root)
  throws ValidationException
  if (prefix.size() > search.size())
    if (!node_map.containsKey(prefix))
      logger.log(Level.FINE,"Doing additional scan into " + HexUtil.getHexString(prefix) + ".");
      for(TrieNode n : getNodesByPrefix(prefix, stub, false, utxo_root))
        node_map.put(n.getPrefix(), n);

  if (!node_map.containsKey(prefix))
    throw new ValidationException("No node at prefix: " + HexUtil.getHexString(prefix) + ".");

  TrieNode node = node_map.get(prefix);
  if (!node.getHash().equals(expected_hash))
    throw new ValidationException("Hash mismatch at prefix: " + HexUtil.getHexString(prefix) + ".");
  if (node.getIsLeaf())
    bridges.add(new TransactionBridge(node));
  for(ChildEntry ce : node.getChildrenList())
    ByteString next = prefix.concat(ce.getKey());
    if (next.size() <= search.size())
      if (search.startsWith(next))
        descend(next, search, stub, bridges, node_map, ce.getHash(), utxo_root);
    if (next.size() > search.size())
      if (next.startsWith(search))
        descend(next, search, stub, bridges, node_map, ce.getHash(), utxo_root);

源代码17 项目: tikv-client-lib-java   文件:
public static ByteString getNextKeyInByteOrder(ByteString key) {
  return key.concat(ZERO_BYTE);
源代码18 项目: tikv-client-lib-java   文件:
public static List<Coprocessor.KeyRange> split(Coprocessor.KeyRange range, int splitFactor) {
  if (splitFactor > 32 || splitFactor <= 0 || (splitFactor & (splitFactor - 1)) != 0) {
    throw new TiClientInternalException(
        "splitFactor must be positive integer power of 2 and no greater than 16");

  ByteString startKey = range.getStart();
  ByteString endKey = range.getEnd();
  // we don't cut infinite
  if (startKey.isEmpty() || endKey.isEmpty()) {
    return ImmutableList.of(range);

  ImmutableList.Builder<Coprocessor.KeyRange> resultList = ImmutableList.builder();
  int maxSize = Math.max(startKey.size(), endKey.size());
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) {
    byte sb = i < startKey.size() ? startKey.byteAt(i) : 0;
    byte eb = i < endKey.size() ? endKey.byteAt(i) : 0;
    if (sb != eb) {

  ByteString sRemaining = i < startKey.size() ? startKey.substring(i) : ByteString.EMPTY;
  ByteString eRemaining = i < endKey.size() ? endKey.substring(i) : ByteString.EMPTY;

  CodecDataInput cdi = new CodecDataInput(sRemaining);
  int uss = cdi.readPartialUnsignedShort();

  cdi = new CodecDataInput(eRemaining);
  int ues = cdi.readPartialUnsignedShort();

  int delta = (ues - uss) / splitFactor;
  if (delta <= 0) {
    return ImmutableList.of(range);

  ByteString prefix = startKey.size() > endKey.size() ?
                      startKey.substring(0, i) : endKey.substring(0, i);
  ByteString newStartKey = startKey;
  ByteString newEndKey;
  for (int j = 0; j < splitFactor; j++) {
    uss += delta;
    if (j == splitFactor - 1) {
      newEndKey = endKey;
    } else {
      CodecDataOutput cdo = new CodecDataOutput();
      newEndKey = prefix.concat(cdo.toByteString());
    resultList.add(makeCoprocRange(newStartKey, newEndKey));
    newStartKey = newEndKey;

源代码19 项目: fabric-sdk-java   文件:
public TransactionContext(Channel channel, User user, CryptoSuite cryptoPrimitives) {

        this.user = user; = channel;
        //TODO clean up when public classes are interfaces.
        this.verify = !"".equals(channel.getName());  //if name is not blank not system channel and need verify.

        //  this.txID = transactionID;
        this.cryptoPrimitives = cryptoPrimitives;

        // Get the signing identity from the user
        this.signingIdentity = IdentityFactory.getSigningIdentity(cryptoPrimitives, user);

        // Serialize signingIdentity
        this.identity = signingIdentity.createSerializedIdentity();

        ByteString no = getNonce();

        ByteString comp = no.concat(identity.toByteString());

        byte[] txh = cryptoPrimitives.hash(comp.toByteArray());

        //    txID = Hex.encodeHexString(txh);
        txID = new String(Utils.toHexString(txh));
        toString = "TransactionContext{ txID: " + txID + ", mspid: " + user.getMspId() + ", user: " + user.getName() + "}";
