( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: hadoop   文件:
private void codecTestMapFile(Class<? extends CompressionCodec> clazz,
    CompressionType type, int records) throws Exception {
  FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);"Creating MapFiles with " + records  + 
          " records using codec " + clazz.getSimpleName());
  Path path = new Path(new Path(
      System.getProperty("", "/tmp")),
    clazz.getSimpleName() + "-" + type + "-" + records);"Writing " + path);
  createMapFile(conf, fs, path, clazz.newInstance(), type, records);
  MapFile.Reader reader = new MapFile.Reader(path, conf);
  Text key1 = new Text("002");
  assertNotNull(reader.get(key1, new Text()));
  Text key2 = new Text("004");
  assertNotNull(reader.get(key2, new Text()));
源代码2 项目: deeplearning4j   文件:
public MapFileReader(List<String> paths, IndexToKey indexToKey, Class<? extends Writable> recordClass)
                throws IOException {

    this.indexToKey = indexToKey;
    this.recordClass = recordClass;
    this.readers = new MapFile.Reader[paths.size()];

    SequenceFile.Reader.Option[] opts = new SequenceFile.Reader.Option[0];

    Configuration config = new Configuration();
    for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) {
        readers[i] = new MapFile.Reader(new Path(paths.get(i)), config, opts);
        if (readers[i].getValueClass() != recordClass) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("MapFile record class: " + readers[i].getValueClass()
                            + ", but got class " + recordClass + ", path = " + paths.get(i));

    recordIndexesEachReader = indexToKey.initialize(readers, recordClass);
源代码3 项目: RDFS   文件:
/** Open the output generated by this format. */
public static MapFile.Reader[] getReaders(FileSystem ignored, Path dir,
                                          Configuration conf)
  throws IOException {
  FileSystem fs = dir.getFileSystem(conf);
  Path[] names = FileUtil.stat2Paths(fs.listStatus(dir));

  // sort names, so that hash partitioning works
  MapFile.Reader[] parts = new MapFile.Reader[names.length];
  for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
    parts[i] = new MapFile.Reader(fs, names[i].toString(), conf);
  return parts;
源代码4 项目: compiler   文件:
private static void closeMap(MapFile.Reader map) {
	if (map != null)
		try {
		} catch (final IOException e) {
	map = null;
源代码5 项目: hadoop   文件:
/** Get an entry from output generated by this class. */
public static <K extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable>
Writable getEntry(MapFile.Reader[] readers,
                                Partitioner<K, V> partitioner,
                                K key,
                                V value) throws IOException {
  int part = partitioner.getPartition(key, value, readers.length);
  return readers[part].get(key, value);
源代码6 项目: nutch-htmlunit   文件:
public static void main(String[] args)
  throws Exception {
  if (args == null || args.length < 2) {
    System.out.println("LinkDumper$Reader usage: <webgraphdb> <url>");

  // open the readers for the linkdump directory
  Configuration conf = NutchConfiguration.create();
  FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
  Path webGraphDb = new Path(args[0]);
  String url = args[1];
  MapFile.Reader[] readers = MapFileOutputFormat.getReaders(fs, new Path(
    webGraphDb, DUMP_DIR), conf);

  // get the link nodes for the url
  Text key = new Text(url);
  LinkNodes nodes = new LinkNodes();
    new HashPartitioner<Text, LinkNodes>(), key, nodes);

  // print out the link nodes
  LinkNode[] linkNodesAr = nodes.getLinks();
  System.out.println(url + ":");
  for (LinkNode node : linkNodesAr) {
    System.out.println("  " + node.getUrl() + " - "
      + node.getNode().toString());

  // close the readers
源代码7 项目: nutch-htmlunit   文件:
 * Closes a group of MapFile readers.
 * @param readers The MapFile readers to close.
 * @throws IOException If an error occurs while closing a reader.
public static void closeReaders(MapFile.Reader[] readers)
  throws IOException {
  // loop through the readers closing one by one
  if (readers != null) {
    for (int i = 0; i < readers.length; i++) {
      MapFile.Reader reader = readers[i];
      if (reader != null) {
源代码8 项目: big-c   文件:
/** Get an entry from output generated by this class. */
public static <K extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable>
Writable getEntry(MapFile.Reader[] readers,
                                Partitioner<K, V> partitioner,
                                K key,
                                V value) throws IOException {
  int part = partitioner.getPartition(key, value, readers.length);
  return readers[part].get(key, value);
源代码9 项目: big-c   文件:
/** Get an entry from output generated by this class. */
public static <K extends WritableComparable<?>, V extends Writable>
    Writable getEntry(MapFile.Reader[] readers, 
    Partitioner<K, V> partitioner, K key, V value) throws IOException {
  int part = partitioner.getPartition(key, value, readers.length);
  return readers[part].get(key, value);
 * Checks the merged segment and removes the stuff again.
 * @param the test directory
 * @param the merged segment
 * @return the final status
protected byte checkMergedSegment(Path testDir, Path mergedSegment) throws Exception  {
  // Get a MapFile reader for the <Text,CrawlDatum> pairs
  MapFile.Reader[] readers = MapFileOutputFormat.getReaders(fs, new Path(mergedSegment, CrawlDatum.FETCH_DIR_NAME), conf);
  Text key = new Text();
  CrawlDatum value = new CrawlDatum();
  byte finalStatus = 0x0;
  for (MapFile.Reader reader : readers) {
    while (, value)) {"Reading status for: " + key.toString() + " > " + CrawlDatum.getStatusName(value.getStatus()));
      // Only consider fetch status
      if (CrawlDatum.hasFetchStatus(value) && key.toString().equals("")) {
        finalStatus = value.getStatus();
    // Close the reader again

  // Remove the test directory again
  fs.delete(testDir, true);"Final fetch status for: > " + CrawlDatum.getStatusName(finalStatus));

  // Return the final status
  return finalStatus;
源代码11 项目: anthelion   文件:
/** Open the output generated by this format. */
private MapFile.Reader[] getReaders(String subDir) throws IOException {
  Path dir = new Path(segmentDir, subDir);
  FileSystem fs = dir.getFileSystem(conf);
  Path[] names = FileUtil.stat2Paths(fs.listStatus(dir, SegmentPathFilter.INSTANCE));

  // sort names, so that hash partitioning works
  MapFile.Reader[] parts = new MapFile.Reader[names.length];
  for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
    parts[i] = new MapFile.Reader(fs, names[i].toString(), conf);
  return parts;
源代码12 项目: hadoop-gpu   文件:
/** Get an entry from output generated by this class. */
public static <K extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable>
Writable getEntry(MapFile.Reader[] readers,
                                Partitioner<K, V> partitioner,
                                K key,
                                V value) throws IOException {
  int part = partitioner.getPartition(key, value, readers.length);
  return readers[part].get(key, value);
源代码13 项目: anthelion   文件:
public static void main(String[] args)
  throws Exception {
  if (args == null || args.length < 2) {
    System.out.println("LinkDumper$Reader usage: <webgraphdb> <url>");

  // open the readers for the linkdump directory
  Configuration conf = NutchConfiguration.create();
  FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
  Path webGraphDb = new Path(args[0]);
  String url = args[1];
  MapFile.Reader[] readers = MapFileOutputFormat.getReaders(fs, new Path(
    webGraphDb, DUMP_DIR), conf);

  // get the link nodes for the url
  Text key = new Text(url);
  LinkNodes nodes = new LinkNodes();
    new HashPartitioner<Text, LinkNodes>(), key, nodes);

  // print out the link nodes
  LinkNode[] linkNodesAr = nodes.getLinks();
  System.out.println(url + ":");
  for (LinkNode node : linkNodesAr) {
    System.out.println("  " + node.getUrl() + " - "
      + node.getNode().toString());

  // close the readers
源代码14 项目: mrgeo   文件:
public void generateSplits(Path parent, Configuration conf) throws IOException
  List<FileSplitInfo> list = new ArrayList<>();

  // get a Hadoop file system handle
  FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(parent);

  // get the list of paths of the subdirectories of the parent
  Path[] paths = FileUtil.stat2Paths(fs.listStatus(parent));


  int partition = 0;
  // look inside each subdirectory for a data dir and keep track
  for (Path p : paths)
    Path mapfile = null;
    FileStatus[] dirFiles = fs.listStatus(p);
    for (FileStatus dirFile : dirFiles)
      if (dirFile.getPath().getName().equals("data"))
        mapfile = dirFile.getPath().getParent();

    if (mapfile != null)
      RasterWritable val = new RasterWritable();
      MapFile.Reader reader = createMapFileReader(conf, mapfile);
      TileIdWritable firstKey = (TileIdWritable) reader.getClosest(new TileIdWritable(0), val);
      TileIdWritable lastKey = (TileIdWritable) reader.getClosest(new TileIdWritable(Long.MAX_VALUE), val, true);
      if (firstKey != null && lastKey != null)
        list.add(new FileSplitInfo(firstKey.get(), lastKey.get(), mapfile.getName(), partition));


  splits = list.toArray(new FileSplitInfo[list.size()]);
源代码15 项目: mrgeo   文件:
public void testGenerateSplitsFromPath() throws Exception
  // Setup a mock directory structure
  Path rootPath = new Path(FileSplitTest.class.getName() + "-testRootPath");
  Path path1 = new Path(rootPath, FileSplitTest.class.getName() + "-testPath1");
  Path path2 = new Path(rootPath, FileSplitTest.class.getName() + "-testPath2");
  Path path3 = new Path(rootPath, FileSplitTest.class.getName() + "-testPath3");
  Path path1_1 = new Path(path1, "notDataDir");
  Path path1_2 = new Path(path1, "data");
  Path path2_1 = new Path(path2, "data");
  Path path3_1 = new Path(path3, "notDataDir");

  // Setup the FileSystem
  FileSystem mockFS = new FileSystemBuilder()
      .fileStatus(rootPath, new FileStatusBuilder().path(path1).build())
      .fileStatus(rootPath, new FileStatusBuilder().path(path2).build())
      .fileStatus(rootPath, new FileStatusBuilder().path(path3).build())
      .fileStatus(path1, new FileStatusBuilder().path(path1_1).build())
      .fileStatus(path1, new FileStatusBuilder().path(path1_2).build())
      .fileStatus(path2, new FileStatusBuilder().path(path2_1).build())
      .fileStatus(path3, new FileStatusBuilder().path(path3_1).build())

  // setup map file readers for each of the data directories
  RasterWritable mockValue = new RasterWritable();
  TileIdWritable[] path1Keys = {new TileIdWritable(2L), new TileIdWritable(4L), new TileIdWritable(6L)};
  RasterWritable[] path1Values = {mockValue, mockValue, mockValue};
  TileIdWritable[] path2Keys = {new TileIdWritable(5L), new TileIdWritable(6L), new TileIdWritable(7L)};
  RasterWritable[] path2Values = {mockValue, mockValue, mockValue};
  MapFile.Reader mockMapFileReaderPath1 = new MapFileReaderBuilder()

  MapFile.Reader mockMapFileReaderPath2 = new MapFileReaderBuilder()

  // Setup a Configuration
  Configuration mockConfiguration = new ConfigurationBuilder().build();

  FileSplit spySubject = new FileSplit();
  subject = spy(spySubject);
  doReturn(mockMapFileReaderPath1).when(subject).createMapFileReader(mockConfiguration, path1);
  doReturn(mockMapFileReaderPath2).when(subject).createMapFileReader(mockConfiguration, path2);
  subject.generateSplits(rootPath, mockConfiguration);

  // Verify we got splits for path 1 and 2
  SplitInfo[] splits = subject.getSplits();
  Assert.assertEquals(2, splits.length);
  verifySplit(path1, path1Keys, splits, 0);
  verifySplit(path2, path2Keys, splits, 1);
源代码16 项目: DataVec   文件:
public void close() throws IOException {
    for (MapFile.Reader r : readers) {
源代码17 项目: deeplearning4j   文件:
public List<Pair<Long, Long>> initialize(MapFile.Reader[] readers, Class<? extends Writable> valueClass)
                throws IOException {

    List<Pair<Long, Long>> l = new ArrayList<>(readers.length);
    for (MapFile.Reader r : readers) {
        //Get the first and last keys:
        long first = -1;
        long last = -1;

        //First key: no method for this for some inexplicable reason :/
        LongWritable k = new LongWritable();
        Writable v = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(valueClass, null);
        boolean hasNext =, v);
            //This map file is empty - no data
            l.add(new Pair<>(-1L, -1L));
        first = k.get();

        //Last key: easy
        last = k.get();

        l.add(new Pair<>(first, last));

    //Check that things are actually contiguous:
    List<Pair<Long, Long>> sorted = new ArrayList<>(l.size());
    for(Pair<Long,Long> p : l){
        if(p.getLeft() >= 0){
    Collections.sort(sorted, new Comparator<Pair<Long, Long>>() {
        public int compare(Pair<Long, Long> o1, Pair<Long, Long> o2) {
            return, o2.getFirst());

    if (sorted.size() == 0){
        throw new IllegalStateException("Map file is empty - no data available");
    if (sorted.get(0).getFirst() != 0L) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Minimum key value is not 0: got " + sorted.get(0).getFirst());

    for (int i = 0; i < sorted.size() - 1; i++) {
        long currLast = sorted.get(i).getSecond();
        long nextFirst = sorted.get(i + 1).getFirst();

        if(nextFirst == -1){
            //Skip empty map file

        if (currLast + 1 != nextFirst) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "Keys are not contiguous between readers: first/last indices (inclusive) " + "are "
                                            + sorted
                                            + ".\n LongIndexKey assumes unique and contiguous LongWritable keys");

    readerIndices = l;
    return readerIndices;
源代码18 项目: nutch-htmlunit   文件:
private Writable getEntry(MapFile.Reader[] readers, Text url,
                          Writable entry) throws IOException {
  return MapFileOutputFormat.getEntry(readers, PARTITIONER, url, entry);
源代码19 项目: mrgeo   文件:
protected MapFile.Reader createMapFileReader(Configuration conf, Path mapfile) throws IOException
  return new MapFile.Reader(mapfile, conf);
源代码20 项目: anthelion   文件:
private void closeReaders(MapFile.Reader[] readers) throws IOException {
  for (int i = 0; i < readers.length; i++) {