
下面列出了 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: hadoop   文件:
protected FileStatus[] listStatus(JobConf job) throws IOException {
  FileStatus[] files = super.listStatus(job);
  for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
    FileStatus file = files[i];
    if (file.isDirectory()) {     // it's a MapFile
      Path dataFile = new Path(file.getPath(), MapFile.DATA_FILE_NAME);
      FileSystem fs = file.getPath().getFileSystem(job);
      // use the data file
      files[i] = fs.getFileStatus(dataFile);
  return files;
源代码2 项目: big-c   文件:
protected FileStatus[] listStatus(JobConf job) throws IOException {
  FileStatus[] files = super.listStatus(job);
  for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
    FileStatus file = files[i];
    if (file.isDirectory()) {     // it's a MapFile
      Path dataFile = new Path(file.getPath(), MapFile.DATA_FILE_NAME);
      FileSystem fs = file.getPath().getFileSystem(job);
      // use the data file
      files[i] = fs.getFileStatus(dataFile);
  return files;
源代码3 项目: compiler   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	System.out.println("generating data and index file");
	if (SEQ_FILE_PATH.isEmpty()) {
		System.out.println("Missing path to sequence file. Please specify it in the properties file.");
	Configuration conf = new Configuration();
	FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
	for (String name : new String[]{"ast", "commit"}) {
		Path dataFile = new Path(SEQ_FILE_PATH + "/" + name + "/" + MapFile.DATA_FILE_NAME);
		MapFile.fix(fs, dataFile.getParent(), LongWritable.class, BytesWritable.class, false, conf);
源代码4 项目: mr4c   文件:
public MapFileSource(FileSystem fs, Path dir) throws IOException {
	m_fs = fs;
	m_config = m_fs.getConf();
	Path root = new Path(fs.getUri());
	m_dir = new Path(root, dir);
	m_dirStr = m_dir.toUri().getPath();
	m_dataPath = new Path(m_dir,MapFile.DATA_FILE_NAME);
	m_indexPath = new Path(m_dir,MapFile.INDEX_FILE_NAME);
	m_metaPath = new Path(m_dir,"metadata");
源代码5 项目: RDFS   文件:
protected LocatedFileStatus[] listLocatedStatus(JobConf job) throws IOException {
  LocatedFileStatus[] files = super.listLocatedStatus(job);
  for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
    FileStatus file = files[i];
    if (file.isDir()) {     // it's a MapFile
      Path dataFile = new Path(file.getPath(), MapFile.DATA_FILE_NAME);
      FileSystem fs = file.getPath().getFileSystem(job);
      // use the data file
      files[i] = fs.listLocatedStatus(dataFile).next();
  return files;
源代码6 项目: hadoop-gpu   文件:
protected FileStatus[] listStatus(JobConf job) throws IOException {
  FileStatus[] files = super.listStatus(job);
  for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
    FileStatus file = files[i];
    if (file.isDir()) {     // it's a MapFile
      Path dataFile = new Path(file.getPath(), MapFile.DATA_FILE_NAME);
      FileSystem fs = file.getPath().getFileSystem(job);
      // use the data file
      files[i] = fs.getFileStatus(dataFile);
  return files;
源代码7 项目: mrgeo   文件:
public List<InputSplit> getSplits(JobContext context) throws IOException
  long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

  Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration();

  // In order to be used in MrGeo, this InputFormat must return instances
  // of TiledInputSplit. To do that, we need to determine the start and end
  // tile id's for each split. First we read the splits file and get the
  // partition info, then we break the partition into blocks, which become the
  // actual splits used.
  ImageInputFormatContext ifContext = ImageInputFormatContext.load(conf);
  int zoom = ifContext.getZoomLevel();
  int tilesize = ifContext.getTileSize();

  HdfsMrsImageDataProvider dp = createHdfsMrsImageDataProvider(context.getConfiguration());
  Path inputWithZoom = new Path(dp.getResourcePath(true), "" + zoom);

  // This appears to never be used
//  org.mrgeo.hdfs.tile.FileSplit splitfile = createFileSplit();
//  splitfile.readSplits(inputWithZoom);

  MrsPyramidMetadataReader metadataReader = dp.getMetadataReader();
  MrsPyramidMetadata metadata =;

  org.mrgeo.hdfs.tile.FileSplit fsplit = createFileSplit();

  FileSplitInfo[] splits =
      (FileSplitInfo[]) fsplit.getSplits();

  List<InputSplit> result = new ArrayList<>(splits.length);

  Bounds requestedBounds = ifContext.getBounds();
  for (FileSplitInfo split : splits)
    Path part = new Path(inputWithZoom, split.getName());
    Path dataFile = new Path(part, MapFile.DATA_FILE_NAME);

    long endTileId = split.getEndId();
    long startTileId = split.getStartId();

    if (requestedBounds != null)
      // Do not include splits that can't possibly intersect the requested bounds. This
      // is an HDFS-specific efficiency to avoid needlessly processing splits.
      Tile startTile = TMSUtils.tileid(startTileId, zoom);
      Bounds startTileBounds = TMSUtils.tileBounds(startTile, zoom, tilesize);
      Tile endTile = TMSUtils.tileid(endTileId, zoom);
      Bounds endTileBounds = TMSUtils.tileBounds(endTile, zoom, tilesize);

      if (startTileBounds.s > requestedBounds.n || endTileBounds.n < requestedBounds.s)
        // Ignore the split because it's either completely above or completey below
        // the requested bounds.
        result.add(new TiledInputSplit(new FileSplit(dataFile, 0, 0, null), startTileId, endTileId,
            zoom, metadata.getTilesize()));
      // If no bounds were specified by the caller, then we include
      // all splits.
      result.add(new TiledInputSplit(new FileSplit(dataFile, 0, 0, null),
          startTileId, endTileId, zoom, metadata.getTilesize()));

  // The following code is useful for debugging. The gaps can be compared against the
  // contents of the actual index file for the partition to see if there are any gaps
  // in areas where there actually is tile information.
//    long lastEndTile = -1;
//    for (InputSplit split: result)
//    {
//      if (lastEndTile >= 0)
//      {
//        long startTileId = ((TiledInputSplit)split).getStartId();
//        if (startTileId > lastEndTile + 1)
//        {
//          log.error("Gap in splits: " + lastEndTile + " - " + startTileId);
//        }
//        lastEndTile = ((TiledInputSplit)split).getEndId();
//      }
//    }

  long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"Time to generate splits: " + (end - start) + " ms");

  return result;