
下面列出了javax.script.AbstractScriptEngine#javax.script.SimpleBindings 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

private void scriptCustomization(final List<String> customizers, final String ext, final Map<String, Object> customBindings) {
    if (customizers == null || customizers.isEmpty()) {
    final ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByExtension(ext);
    if (engine == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("No engine for " + ext + ". Maybe add the JSR223 implementation as plugin dependency.");
    for (final String js : customizers) {
        try {
            final SimpleBindings bindings = new SimpleBindings();
            bindings.put("project", project);
            engine.eval(new StringReader(js), bindings);
        } catch (final ScriptException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e);
源代码2 项目: jdk8u_nashorn   文件:
public void userEngineScopeBindingsRetentionTest() throws ScriptException {
    final ScriptEngineManager m = new ScriptEngineManager();
    final ScriptEngine e = m.getEngineByName("nashorn");
    final ScriptContext newContext = new SimpleScriptContext();
    newContext.setBindings(new SimpleBindings(), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    e.eval("function foo() {}", newContext);

    // definition retained with user's ENGINE_SCOPE Binding
    assertTrue(e.eval("typeof foo", newContext).equals("function"));

    final Bindings oldBindings = newContext.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    // but not in another ENGINE_SCOPE binding
    newContext.setBindings(new SimpleBindings(), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    assertTrue(e.eval("typeof foo", newContext).equals("undefined"));

    // restore ENGINE_SCOPE and check again
    newContext.setBindings(oldBindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    assertTrue(e.eval("typeof foo", newContext).equals("function"));
源代码3 项目: hottub   文件:
public void userEngineScopeBindingsRetentionTest() throws ScriptException {
    final ScriptEngineManager m = new ScriptEngineManager();
    final ScriptEngine e = m.getEngineByName("nashorn");
    final ScriptContext newContext = new SimpleScriptContext();
    newContext.setBindings(new SimpleBindings(), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    e.eval("function foo() {}", newContext);

    // definition retained with user's ENGINE_SCOPE Binding
    assertTrue(e.eval("typeof foo", newContext).equals("function"));

    final Bindings oldBindings = newContext.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    // but not in another ENGINE_SCOPE binding
    newContext.setBindings(new SimpleBindings(), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    assertTrue(e.eval("typeof foo", newContext).equals("undefined"));

    // restore ENGINE_SCOPE and check again
    newContext.setBindings(oldBindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    assertTrue(e.eval("typeof foo", newContext).equals("function"));
public void shouldHandleMaps() {
    final TinkerGraph graph = TinkerFactory.createModern();
    final GraphTraversalSource g = graph.traversal();
    final Script script = GroovyTranslator.of("g", true).translate(g.V().id().is(new LinkedHashMap<Object,Object>() {{
        put(3, "32");
        put(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3.1d), 4);
    Bindings bindings = new SimpleBindings();
    assertEquals(6, bindings.size());
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(3), bindings.get("_args_0"));
    assertEquals("32", bindings.get("_args_1"));
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), bindings.get("_args_2"));
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(2), bindings.get("_args_3"));
    assertEquals(Double.valueOf(3.1), bindings.get("_args_4"));
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(4), bindings.get("_args_5"));
    assertEquals("g.V().id().is([(_args_0):(_args_1),([_args_2, _args_3, _args_4]):(_args_5)])", script.getScript());
    final Script standard = GroovyTranslator.of("g").translate(g.V().id().is(new LinkedHashMap<Object,Object>() {{
        put(3, "32");
        put(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3.1d), 4);
    bindings.put("g", g);
    assertParameterizedScriptOk(standard.getScript(), script.getScript(), bindings, true);
源代码5 项目: tinkerpop   文件:
public void shouldIncludeCustomTypeTranslationForSomethingSilly() throws Exception {
    final TinkerGraph graph =;
    final SillyClass notSillyEnough = SillyClass.from("not silly enough", 100);
    final GraphTraversalSource g = graph.traversal();

    // without type translation we get uglinesss
    final String scriptBad = GroovyTranslator.of("g").
    assertEquals(String.format("g.inject(%s)", "not silly enough:100"), scriptBad);

    // with type translation we get valid gremlin
    final String scriptGood = GroovyTranslator.of("g", new SillyClassTranslator(false)).
    assertEquals(String.format("g.inject(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.groovy.jsr223.GroovyTranslatorTest.SillyClass.from('%s', (int) %s))", notSillyEnough.getX(), notSillyEnough.getY()), scriptGood);
    assertThatScriptOk(scriptGood, "g", g);

    final GremlinGroovyScriptEngine customEngine = new GremlinGroovyScriptEngine(new SillyClassTranslatorCustomizer());
    final Bindings b = new SimpleBindings();
    b.put("g", g);
    final Traversal t = customEngine.eval(g.inject(notSillyEnough).asAdmin().getBytecode(), b, "g");
    final SillyClass sc = (SillyClass);
    assertEquals(notSillyEnough.getX(), sc.getX());
    assertEquals(notSillyEnough.getY(), sc.getY());
    assertThat(t.hasNext(), is(false));
源代码6 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件:
public void userEngineScopeBindingsRetentionTest() throws ScriptException {
    final ScriptEngineManager m = new ScriptEngineManager();
    final ScriptEngine e = m.getEngineByName("nashorn");
    final ScriptContext newContext = new SimpleScriptContext();
    newContext.setBindings(new SimpleBindings(), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    e.eval("function foo() {}", newContext);

    // definition retained with user's ENGINE_SCOPE Binding
    assertTrue(e.eval("typeof foo", newContext).equals("function"));

    final Bindings oldBindings = newContext.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    // but not in another ENGINE_SCOPE binding
    newContext.setBindings(new SimpleBindings(), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    assertTrue(e.eval("typeof foo", newContext).equals("undefined"));

    // restore ENGINE_SCOPE and check again
    newContext.setBindings(oldBindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    assertTrue(e.eval("typeof foo", newContext).equals("function"));
源代码7 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
public void userEngineScopeBindingsRetentionTest() throws ScriptException {
    final ScriptEngineManager m = new ScriptEngineManager();
    final ScriptEngine e = m.getEngineByName("nashorn");
    final ScriptContext newContext = new SimpleScriptContext();
    newContext.setBindings(new SimpleBindings(), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    e.eval("function foo() {}", newContext);

    // definition retained with user's ENGINE_SCOPE Binding
    assertTrue(e.eval("typeof foo", newContext).equals("function"));

    final Bindings oldBindings = newContext.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    // but not in another ENGINE_SCOPE binding
    newContext.setBindings(new SimpleBindings(), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    assertTrue(e.eval("typeof foo", newContext).equals("undefined"));

    // restore ENGINE_SCOPE and check again
    newContext.setBindings(oldBindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    assertTrue(e.eval("typeof foo", newContext).equals("function"));
源代码8 项目: tomee   文件:
private void scriptCustomization(final List<String> customizers, final String ext, final String base) {
    if (customizers == null || customizers.isEmpty()) {
    final ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByExtension(ext);
    if (engine == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("No engine for " + ext + ". Maybe add the JSR223 implementation as plugin dependency.");
    for (final String js : customizers) {
        try {
            final SimpleBindings bindings = new SimpleBindings();
            bindings.put("catalinaBase", base);
            engine.eval(new StringReader(js), bindings);
        } catch (final ScriptException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e);
public void shouldRegisterLongCompilation() throws Exception {
    final GremlinGroovyScriptEngine engine = new GremlinGroovyScriptEngine(

    final int numberOfParameters = 3000;
    final Bindings b = new SimpleBindings();

    // generate a script that takes a long time to compile
    String script = "x = 0";
    for (int ix = 0; ix < numberOfParameters; ix++) {
        if (ix > 0 && ix % 100 == 0) {
            script = script + ";" + System.lineSeparator() + "x = x";
        script = script + " + x" + ix;
        b.put("x" + ix, ix);

    assertEquals(0, engine.getClassCacheLongRunCompilationCount());

    engine.eval(script, b);

    assertEquals(1, engine.getClassCacheLongRunCompilationCount());
源代码10 项目: tinkerpop   文件:
public void shouldPromoteDefinedVarsInInterpreterModeWithBindings() throws Exception {
    final GremlinGroovyScriptEngine engine = new GremlinGroovyScriptEngine(new InterpreterModeGroovyCustomizer());
    final Bindings b = new SimpleBindings();
    b.put("x", 2);
    engine.eval("def addItUp = { x, y -> x + y }", b);
    assertEquals(3, engine.eval("int xxx = 1 + x", b));
    assertEquals(4, engine.eval("yyy = xxx + 1", b));
    assertEquals(7, engine.eval("def zzz = yyy + xxx", b));
    assertEquals(4, engine.eval("zzz - xxx", b));
    assertEquals("accessible-globally", engine.eval("if (yyy > 0) { def inner = 'should-stay-local'; outer = 'accessible-globally' }\n outer", b));
    assertEquals("accessible-globally", engine.eval("outer", b));

    try {
        engine.eval("inner", b);
        fail("Should not have been able to access 'inner'");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        final Throwable root = ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(ex);
        assertThat(root, instanceOf(MissingPropertyException.class));

    assertEquals(10, engine.eval("addItUp(zzz,xxx)", b));
private void addScriptBindings(SlingScriptHelper scriptHelper, SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response)
        throws IOException {
    SimpleBindings bindings = new SimpleBindings();
    bindings.put(SLING, scriptHelper);
    bindings.put(RESOURCE, request.getResource());
    bindings.put(SlingModelsScriptEngineFactory.RESOLVER, request.getResource().getResourceResolver());
    bindings.put(REQUEST, request);
    bindings.put(RESPONSE, response);
    try {
        bindings.put(READER, request.getReader());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        bindings.put(READER, new BufferedReader(new StringReader("")));
    bindings.put(OUT, response.getWriter());
    bindings.put(LOG, logger);

    scriptEngineFactory.invokeBindingsValuesProviders(bindingsValuesProvidersByContext, bindings);

    SlingBindings slingBindings = new SlingBindings();

    request.setAttribute(SlingBindings.class.getName(), slingBindings);

public void execute(DebugSessionImpl debugSession, SuspendedExecutionImpl suspendedExecution) {
  CodeCompleterBuilder builder = new CodeCompleterBuilder();

  if (scopeId != null) {
    synchronized (suspendedExecution) {
      if(!suspendedExecution.isResumed) {
        ExecutionEntity executionEntity = suspendedExecution.getExecution();
        ScriptBindingsFactory bindingsFactory = Context.getProcessEngineConfiguration()
        Bindings scopeBindings = bindingsFactory.createBindings(executionEntity, new SimpleBindings());

  List<CodeCompletionHint> hints = builder.buildCompleter().complete(prefix);
源代码13 项目: easyooo-framework   文件:
private <T> T _eval(String scriptText, Map<String, Object> data)throws RuleException{
	Bindings bindings = new SimpleBindings();
	if(context != null){
		bindings.put(Names.GLOBAL, context);
	bindings.put(Names.LOCAL, data);
	// execution
	try {
		Object o = scriptEngine.eval(scriptText, bindings);
		if(o != null){
			return (T)o;
		return null;
	} catch (ScriptException e) {
		throw new RuleException("Execute the script error", e);
源代码14 项目: netty-cookbook   文件:
public static SimpleHttpResponse process(SimpleHttpRequest httpRequest)
		throws NoSuchMethodException, ScriptException, IOException {
	CompiledScript compiled;
	Compilable engine;
	String scriptFilePath = "./src/main/resources/templates/js/script.js";
	engine = (Compilable) engineFactory.getScriptEngine();
	compiled = ((Compilable) engine).compile(Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get(scriptFilePath),StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
	SimpleBindings global = new SimpleBindings();
	global.put("theReq", httpRequest);
	global.put("theResp", new SimpleHttpResponse());
	Object result = compiled.eval(global);
	SimpleHttpResponse resp = (SimpleHttpResponse) result;
	return resp;
源代码15 项目: tinkerpop   文件:
public void shouldRaiseExceptionInWithResultOfLifeCycle() throws Exception {
    final GremlinExecutor gremlinExecutor =;
    final GremlinExecutor.LifeCycle lc =
            .withResult(r -> {
                throw new RuntimeException("no worky");

    final AtomicBoolean exceptionRaised = new AtomicBoolean(false);

    final CompletableFuture<Object> future = gremlinExecutor.eval("1+1", "gremlin-groovy", new SimpleBindings(), lc);
    future.handle((r, t) -> {
        exceptionRaised.set(t != null && t instanceof RuntimeException && t.getMessage().equals("no worky"));
        return null;

    assertThat(exceptionRaised.get(), is(true));

源代码16 项目: tinkerpop   文件:
public void shouldOverrideAfterFailure() throws Exception {
    final AtomicInteger called = new AtomicInteger(0);
    final GremlinExecutor gremlinExecutor =,t) -> called.set(1)).create();
    try {
        gremlinExecutor.eval("10/0", null, new SimpleBindings(),
      ,t) -> called.set(200)).create()).get();
        fail("Should have failed with division by zero");
    } catch (Exception ignored) {


    // need to wait long enough for the callback to register

    assertEquals(200, called.get());
源代码17 项目: hottub   文件:
public static void contextOverwriteTest() throws ScriptException {
    final ScriptEngineManager m = new ScriptEngineManager();
    final ScriptEngine e = m.getEngineByName("nashorn");
    final Bindings b = new SimpleBindings();
    b.put("context", "hello");
    b.put("foo", 32);
    final ScriptContext newCtxt = new SimpleScriptContext();
    newCtxt.setBindings(b, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    assertEquals(e.eval("context"), "hello");
    assertEquals(((Number)e.eval("foo")).intValue(), 32);
源代码18 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件:
public Bindings createBindings() {
    if (_global_per_engine) {
        // just create normal SimpleBindings.
        // We use same 'global' for all Bindings.
        return new SimpleBindings();
    return createGlobalMirror(null);
源代码19 项目: a   文件:
 * 执行JS
private Object evalJS(String jsStr, String baseUrl) throws Exception {
    SimpleBindings bindings = new SimpleBindings();
    bindings.put("java", new AnalyzeRule(null));
    bindings.put("baseUrl", baseUrl);
    return SCRIPT_ENGINE.eval(jsStr, bindings);
源代码20 项目: a   文件:
 * 执行JS
private Object evalJS(String jsStr, String baseUrl) throws Exception {
    SimpleBindings bindings = new SimpleBindings();
    bindings.put("java", getAnalyzeRule());
    bindings.put("baseUrl", baseUrl);
    return SCRIPT_ENGINE.eval(jsStr, bindings);
源代码21 项目: tinkerpop   文件:
public Object apply(final Object a) {
    try {
        final Bindings bindings = new SimpleBindings();
        bindings.put(A, a);
        return this.engine.eval(this.script, bindings);
    } catch (final ScriptException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage());
源代码22 项目: hottub   文件:
public void userEngineScopeBindingsTest() throws ScriptException {
    final ScriptEngineManager m = new ScriptEngineManager();
    final ScriptEngine e = m.getEngineByName("nashorn");
    e.eval("function func() {}");

    final ScriptContext newContext = new SimpleScriptContext();
    newContext.setBindings(new SimpleBindings(), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    // we are using a new bindings - so it should have 'func' defined
    final Object value = e.eval("typeof func", newContext);
源代码23 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
public static void contextOverwriteTest() throws ScriptException {
    final ScriptEngineManager m = new ScriptEngineManager();
    final ScriptEngine e = m.getEngineByName("nashorn");
    final Bindings b = new SimpleBindings();
    b.put("context", "hello");
    b.put("foo", 32);
    final ScriptContext newCtxt = new SimpleScriptContext();
    newCtxt.setBindings(b, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    assertEquals(e.eval("context"), "hello");
    assertEquals(((Number)e.eval("foo")).intValue(), 32);
源代码24 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
public static void testMegamorphicGetInGlobal() throws Exception {
    final ScriptEngineManager m = new ScriptEngineManager();
    final ScriptEngine engine = m.getEngineByName("nashorn");
    final String script = "foo";
    // "foo" is megamorphic because of different global scopes.
    // Make sure ScriptContext variable search works even after
    // it becomes megamorphic.
    for (int index = 0; index < 25; index++) {
        final Bindings bindings = new SimpleBindings();
        bindings.put("foo", index);
        final Number value = (Number)engine.eval(script, bindings);
        assertEquals(index, value.intValue());
源代码25 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
public void program() throws ScriptException {
    ScriptContext sc = new SimpleScriptContext();
    Bindings global = new SimpleBindings();
    sc.setBindings(global, ScriptContext.GLOBAL_SCOPE);
    sc.setBindings(engineBindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    global.put("text", "programText");
    String value = engine.eval("text", sc).toString();
    Assert.assertEquals(value, "programText");
    engine.put("program", this);
    // eval again from here!
    value = engine.eval("text", sc).toString();
    Assert.assertEquals(value, "programText");
源代码26 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
public void method() throws ScriptException {
    // a context with a new global bindings, same engine bindings
    final ScriptContext sc = new SimpleScriptContext();
    final Bindings global = new SimpleBindings();
    sc.setBindings(global, ScriptContext.GLOBAL_SCOPE);
    sc.setBindings(engineBindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    global.put("text", "methodText");
    String value = engine.eval("text", sc).toString();
    Assert.assertEquals(value, "methodText");
源代码27 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
public Bindings createBindings() {
    if (_global_per_engine) {
        // just create normal SimpleBindings.
        // We use same 'global' for all Bindings.
        return new SimpleBindings();
    return createGlobalMirror(null);
源代码28 项目: tinkerpop   文件:
 * Get the {@link Graph} and {@link TraversalSource} list as a set of bindings.
public final Bindings getAsBindings() {
    final Bindings bindings = new SimpleBindings();
    return bindings;
源代码29 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
public void userEngineScopeBindingsNoLeakTest() throws ScriptException {
    final ScriptEngineManager m = new ScriptEngineManager();
    final ScriptEngine e = m.getEngineByName("nashorn");
    final ScriptContext newContext = new SimpleScriptContext();
    newContext.setBindings(new SimpleBindings(), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    e.eval("function foo() {}", newContext);

    // in the default context's ENGINE_SCOPE, 'foo' shouldn't exist
    assertTrue(e.eval("typeof foo").equals("undefined"));
源代码30 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
public static void engineOverwriteTest() throws ScriptException {
    final ScriptEngineManager m = new ScriptEngineManager();
    final ScriptEngine e = m.getEngineByName("nashorn");
    final Bindings b = new SimpleBindings();
    b.put("engine", "hello");
    b.put("foo", 32);
    final ScriptContext newCtxt = new SimpleScriptContext();
    newCtxt.setBindings(b, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    assertEquals(e.eval("engine"), "hello");
    assertEquals(((Number)e.eval("foo")).intValue(), 32);