
下面列出了 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: grpc-java   文件:
/** Sends a unary rpc with raw oauth2 access token credentials. */
public void oauth2AuthToken(String jsonKey, InputStream credentialsStream, String authScope)
    throws Exception {
  GoogleCredentials utilCredentials =
  utilCredentials = utilCredentials.createScoped(Arrays.asList(authScope));
  AccessToken accessToken = utilCredentials.refreshAccessToken();

  OAuth2Credentials credentials = OAuth2Credentials.create(accessToken);

  TestServiceGrpc.TestServiceBlockingStub stub = blockingStub
  final SimpleRequest request = SimpleRequest.newBuilder()

  final SimpleResponse response = stub.unaryCall(request);
  assertTrue("Received username: " + response.getUsername(),
  assertTrue("Received oauth scope: " + response.getOauthScope(),
源代码2 项目: grpc-nebula-java   文件:
/** Sends a unary rpc with raw oauth2 access token credentials. */
public void oauth2AuthToken(String jsonKey, InputStream credentialsStream, String authScope)
    throws Exception {
  GoogleCredentials utilCredentials =
  utilCredentials = utilCredentials.createScoped(Arrays.asList(authScope));
  AccessToken accessToken = utilCredentials.refreshAccessToken();

  OAuth2Credentials credentials = OAuth2Credentials.create(accessToken);

  TestServiceGrpc.TestServiceBlockingStub stub = blockingStub
  final SimpleRequest request = SimpleRequest.newBuilder()

  final SimpleResponse response = stub.unaryCall(request);
  assertTrue("Received username: " + response.getUsername(),
  assertTrue("Received oauth scope: " + response.getOauthScope(),
public void testWithOAuth2Credential() {
  final AccessToken token = new AccessToken("allyourbase", new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE));
  final OAuth2Credentials oAuth2Credentials = new OAuth2Credentials() {
    public AccessToken refreshAccessToken() throws IOException {
      return token;
  interceptor = new ClientAuthInterceptor(oAuth2Credentials, executor);
  ClientCall<String, Integer> interceptedCall =
      interceptor.interceptCall(descriptor, CallOptions.DEFAULT, channel);
  Metadata headers = new Metadata();
  interceptedCall.start(listener, headers);
  assertEquals(listener, call.responseListener);
  assertEquals(headers, call.headers);
  Iterable<String> authorization = headers.getAll(AUTHORIZATION);
  Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"Bearer allyourbase"},
      Iterables.toArray(authorization, String.class));
public void oauth2Credential() {
  final AccessToken token = new AccessToken("allyourbase", new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE));
  final OAuth2Credentials credentials = new OAuth2Credentials() {
    public AccessToken refreshAccessToken() throws IOException {
      return token;

  GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials callCredentials =
      new GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials(credentials);
      new RequestInfoImpl(SecurityLevel.NONE), executor, applier);
  assertEquals(1, runPendingRunnables());

  Metadata headers = headersCaptor.getValue();
  Iterable<String> authorization = headers.getAll(AUTHORIZATION);
  assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"Bearer allyourbase"},
      Iterables.toArray(authorization, String.class));
public void googleCredential_privacyAndIntegrityAllowed() {
  final AccessToken token = new AccessToken("allyourbase", new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE));
  final Credentials credentials = GoogleCredentials.create(token);

  GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials callCredentials =
      new GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials(credentials);
      new RequestInfoImpl(SecurityLevel.PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY), executor, applier);

  Metadata headers = headersCaptor.getValue();
  Iterable<String> authorization = headers.getAll(AUTHORIZATION);
  assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"Bearer allyourbase"},
      Iterables.toArray(authorization, String.class));
public void googleCredential_integrityDenied() {
  final AccessToken token = new AccessToken("allyourbase", new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE));
  final Credentials credentials = GoogleCredentials.create(token);
  // Anything less than PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY should fail

  GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials callCredentials =
      new GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials(credentials);
      new RequestInfoImpl(SecurityLevel.INTEGRITY), executor, applier);

  Status status = statusCaptor.getValue();
  assertEquals(Status.Code.UNAUTHENTICATED, status.getCode());
public void serviceAccountToJwt() throws Exception {
  KeyPair pair = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA").generateKeyPair();
  ServiceAccountCredentials credentials = new ServiceAccountCredentials(
      null, "[email protected]", pair.getPrivate(), null, null) {
    public AccessToken refreshAccessToken() {
      throw new AssertionError();

  GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials callCredentials =
      new GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials(credentials);
  callCredentials.applyRequestMetadata(new RequestInfoImpl(), executor, applier);
  assertEquals(0, runPendingRunnables());

  Metadata headers = headersCaptor.getValue();
  String[] authorization = Iterables.toArray(headers.getAll(AUTHORIZATION), String.class);
  assertEquals(1, authorization.length);
  assertTrue(authorization[0], authorization[0].startsWith("Bearer "));
  // JWT is reasonably long. Normal tokens aren't.
  assertTrue(authorization[0], authorization[0].length() > 300);
public void serviceAccountWithScopeNotToJwt() throws Exception {
  final AccessToken token = new AccessToken("allyourbase", new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE));
  KeyPair pair = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA").generateKeyPair();
  ServiceAccountCredentials credentials = new ServiceAccountCredentials(
      null, "[email protected]", pair.getPrivate(), null, Arrays.asList("somescope")) {
    public AccessToken refreshAccessToken() {
      return token;

  GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials callCredentials =
      new GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials(credentials);
  callCredentials.applyRequestMetadata(new RequestInfoImpl(), executor, applier);
  assertEquals(1, runPendingRunnables());

  Metadata headers = headersCaptor.getValue();
  Iterable<String> authorization = headers.getAll(AUTHORIZATION);
  assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"Bearer allyourbase"},
      Iterables.toArray(authorization, String.class));
源代码9 项目: startup-os   文件:
public FirestoreProtoClient(String project, String token) {
  GoogleCredentials credentials = GoogleCredentials.create(new AccessToken(token, null));
  FirebaseOptions options =
      new FirebaseOptions.Builder().setCredentials(credentials).setProjectId(project).build();
  try {
  } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
    if (e.getMessage().contains("already exists")) {
      // Firestore is probably already initialized - do nothing
    } else {
      throw e;
  client = FirestoreClient.getFirestore();
  storage = StorageOptions.newBuilder().setCredentials(credentials).build().getService();
源代码10 项目: firebase-admin-java   文件:
 * Starts the TokenRefresher if not already started. Starts listening to credentials changed
 * events, and schedules refresh events every time the OAuth2 token changes. If no active
 * token is present, or if the available token is set to expire soon, this will also schedule
 * a refresh event to be executed immediately.
 * <p>This operation is idempotent. Calling it multiple times, or calling it after the
 * refresher has been stopped has no effect.
final synchronized void start() {
  // Allow starting only from the ready state.
  if (!state.compareAndSet(State.READY, State.STARTED)) {

  logger.debug("Starting the proactive token refresher");
  AccessToken accessToken = credentials.getAccessToken();
  long refreshDelay;
  if (accessToken != null) {
    // If the token is about to expire (i.e. expires in less than 5 minutes), schedule a
    // refresh event with 0 delay. Otherwise schedule a refresh event at the regular token
    // expiry time, minus 5 minutes.
    refreshDelay = Math.max(getRefreshDelay(accessToken), 0L);
  } else {
    // If there is no token fetched so far, fetch one immediately.
    refreshDelay = 0L;
源代码11 项目: firebase-admin-java   文件:
public void getToken(boolean forceRefresh, final GetTokenCompletionListener listener) {
  try {
    if (forceRefresh) {

    // The typical way to use a GoogleCredentials instance is to call its getRequestMetadata(),
    // and include the metadata in your request. Since we are accessing the token directly via
    // getAccessToken(), we must first call getRequestMetadata() to ensure the token is available
    // (refreshed if necessary).

    AccessToken accessToken = credentials.getAccessToken();
    listener.onSuccess(wrapOAuthToken(accessToken, authVariable));
  } catch (Exception e) {
源代码12 项目: firebase-admin-java   文件:
public void onChanged(OAuth2Credentials credentials) throws IOException {
  // When this event fires, it is guaranteed that credentials.getAccessToken() will return a
  // valid OAuth2 token.
  final AccessToken accessToken = credentials.getAccessToken();

  // Notify the TokenChangeListener on database's thread pool to make sure that
  // all database work happens on database worker threads.
      new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
          listener.onTokenChange(wrapOAuthToken(accessToken, authVariable));
public void testGetTokenError() throws InterruptedException {
  MockGoogleCredentials credentials = new MockGoogleCredentials("mock-token") {
    public AccessToken refreshAccessToken() throws IOException {
      throw new RuntimeException("Test error");
  FirebaseOptions options = new FirebaseOptions.Builder()
  FirebaseApp app = FirebaseApp.initializeApp(options);

  JvmAuthTokenProvider provider = new JvmAuthTokenProvider(app, DIRECT_EXECUTOR);
  TestGetTokenListener listener = new TestGetTokenListener();
  provider.getToken(true, listener);
  assertEquals("java.lang.RuntimeException: Test error", listener.get());
源代码14 项目: firebase-admin-java   文件:
public void testCustomTokenWithIAM() throws Exception {
  FirebaseApp masterApp = IntegrationTestUtils.ensureDefaultApp();
  GoogleCredentials credentials = ImplFirebaseTrampolines.getCredentials(masterApp);
  AccessToken token = credentials.getAccessToken();
  if (token == null) {
    token = credentials.refreshAccessToken();
  FirebaseOptions options = new FirebaseOptions.Builder()
      .setServiceAccountId(((ServiceAccountSigner) credentials).getAccount())
  FirebaseApp customApp = FirebaseApp.initializeApp(options, "tempApp");
  try {
    FirebaseAuth auth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance(customApp);
    String customToken = auth.createCustomTokenAsync("user1").get();
    String idToken = signInWithCustomToken(customToken);
    FirebaseToken decoded = auth.verifyIdTokenAsync(idToken).get();
    assertEquals("user1", decoded.getUid());
  } finally {
源代码15 项目: firebase-admin-java   文件:
public void createOptionsWithCustomFirebaseCredential() {
  FirebaseOptions firebaseOptions =
      new FirebaseOptions.Builder()
          .setCredentials(new GoogleCredentials() {
            public AccessToken refreshAccessToken() {
              return null;


  GoogleCredentials credentials = firebaseOptions.getCredentials();
源代码16 项目: curiostack   文件:
private CompletableFuture<AccessToken> refresh(Type type) {
  return fetchToken(type)
          (msg, t) -> {
            if (t != null) {
              throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to refresh GCP access token.", t);
            final TokenResponse response;
            try {
              response = OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(msg.content().array(), TokenResponse.class);
            } catch (IOException e) {
              throw new UncheckedIOException("Error parsing token refresh response.", e);
            long expiresAtMilliseconds =
                clock.millis() + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(response.expiresIn());
            return new AccessToken(
                type == Type.ID_TOKEN ? response.idToken() : response.accessToken(),
                new Date(expiresAtMilliseconds));
源代码17 项目: black-mirror   文件:
protected void onPostExecute(AccessToken accessToken) {
    mAccessTokenTask = null;
    final ManagedChannel channel = new OkHttpChannelProvider()
            .builderForAddress(HOSTNAME, PORT)
            .nameResolverFactory(new DnsNameResolverProvider())
            .intercept(new GoogleCredentialsInterceptor(new GoogleCredentials(accessToken)
    mApi = SpeechGrpc.newStub(channel);

    // Schedule access token refresh before it expires
    if (mHandler != null) {
                        - System.currentTimeMillis()
源代码18 项目: Saiy-PS   文件:
 * Utility method to construct the {@link RecognitionGoogleCloud} instance
 * @param recognitionListener the {@link RecognitionListener}
 * @return the {@link RecognitionGoogleCloud} instance
public RecognitionGoogleCloud getGoogleCloudRecognition(@NonNull final RecognitionMic recogMic,
                                                        @NonNull final SaiyRecognitionListener recognitionListener) {
    if (DEBUG) {
        MyLog.i(CLS_NAME, "getGoogleCloudRecognition");

    if (servingRemote()) {

        return new RecognitionGoogleCloud(mContext, recognitionListener,
                new AccessToken(getCallback().getParcel().getGOOGLE_CLOUD_ACCESS_TOKEN(),
                        new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()
                                + getCallback().getParcel().getGOOGLE_CLOUD_ACCESS_EXPIRY())),
    } else {
        return new RecognitionGoogleCloud(mContext, recognitionListener,
                VRLanguageGoogle.getLanguage(getVRLocale()), GoogleConfiguration.ACCESS_TOKEN, recogMic);
源代码19 项目: styx   文件:
private String getServiceAccountIdTokenUsingAccessToken(GoogleCredentials credentials, String targetAudience)
    throws IOException {
  final Oauth2 oauth2 = new Oauth2.Builder(httpTransport, JSON_FACTORY, null)
  final AccessToken accessToken = accessToken(withScopes(credentials,
  final Tokeninfo info = oauth2.tokeninfo()
  final String principal = info.getEmail();
  if (principal == null) {
    throw new IOException("Unable to look up principal email, credentials missing email scope?");
  if (!SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PATTERN.matcher(principal).matches()) {
    throw new IOException("Principal is not a service account, unable to acquire id token: " + principal);
  return getServiceAccountIdTokenUsingAccessToken(credentials, principal, targetAudience);
源代码20 项目: android-docs-samples   文件:
protected void onPostExecute(AccessToken accessToken) {
    mAccessTokenTask = null;
    final ManagedChannel channel = new OkHttpChannelProvider()
            .builderForAddress(HOSTNAME, PORT)
            .nameResolverFactory(new DnsNameResolverProvider())
            .intercept(new GoogleCredentialsInterceptor(new GoogleCredentials(accessToken)
    mApi = SpeechGrpc.newStub(channel);

    // Schedule access token refresh before it expires
    if (mHandler != null) {
                        - System.currentTimeMillis()
private boolean needsRefresh(final AccessToken accessToken) {
  if (accessToken == null) {
    // has not yet been fetched
    return true;

  final Date expirationTime = credentials.getAccessToken().getExpirationTime();

  // Don't refresh if expiration time hasn't been provided.
  if (expirationTime == null) {
    return false;

  // refresh the token if it expires "soon"
  final long expiresIn = expirationTime.getTime() - clock.millis();

  return expiresIn <= minimumExpiryMillis;
public RegistryAuth authFor(final String imageName) throws DockerException {
  final String[] imageParts = imageName.split("/", 2);
  if (imageParts.length < 2 || !GCR_REGISTRIES.contains(imageParts[0])) {
    // not an image on GCR
    return null;

  final AccessToken accessToken;
  try {
    accessToken = getAccessToken();
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new DockerException(e);
  return authForAccessToken(accessToken);
public RegistryConfigs authForBuild() throws DockerException {
  final AccessToken accessToken;
  try {
    accessToken = getAccessToken();
  } catch (IOException e) {
    // do not fail as the GCR access token may not be necessary for building the image currently
    // being built
    log.warn("unable to get access token for Google Container Registry, "
             + "configuration for building image will not contain RegistryAuth for GCR",
    return RegistryConfigs.empty();

  final Map<String, RegistryAuth> configs = new HashMap<>(GCR_REGISTRIES.size());
  for (String serverName : GCR_REGISTRIES) {
    configs.put(serverName, authForAccessToken(accessToken));
  return RegistryConfigs.create(configs);
public Optional<AccessToken> get() {
  Optional<AccessToken> tokenOpt = Optional.absent();

  if (enabled) {
    if (staticToken != null) {
      tokenOpt = Optional.of(staticToken);
    } else {
      try {
        synchronized (lock) {
          if (credentials == null) {
            credentials = getCredentialsWithScopes(tokenScopes);

        tokenOpt = Optional.of(credentials.getAccessToken());
      } catch (IOException | RuntimeException e) {
        LOG.debug("Exception (possibly benign) while loading Google Credentials", e);
        return Optional.absent();

  return tokenOpt;
源代码25 项目: helios   文件:
AuthenticatingHttpConnector(final String user,
                            final Supplier<Optional<AccessToken>> accessTokenSupplier,
                            final Optional<AgentProxy> agentProxyOpt,
                            final Optional<CertKeyPaths> clientCertificatePath,
                            final EndpointIterator endpointIterator,
                            final DefaultHttpConnector delegate,
                            final List<Identity> identities) {
  this.user = user;
  this.accessTokenSupplier = accessTokenSupplier;
  this.agentProxy = agentProxyOpt;
  this.clientCertificatePath = clientCertificatePath;
  this.endpointIterator = endpointIterator;
  this.delegate = delegate;
  this.identities = identities;
源代码26 项目: grpc-java   文件:
public void testWithOAuth2Credential() {
  final AccessToken token = new AccessToken("allyourbase", new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE));
  final OAuth2Credentials oAuth2Credentials = new OAuth2Credentials() {
    public AccessToken refreshAccessToken() throws IOException {
      return token;
  interceptor = new ClientAuthInterceptor(oAuth2Credentials, executor);
  ClientCall<String, Integer> interceptedCall =
      interceptor.interceptCall(descriptor, CallOptions.DEFAULT, channel);
  Metadata headers = new Metadata();
  interceptedCall.start(listener, headers);
  assertEquals(listener, call.responseListener);
  assertEquals(headers, call.headers);
  Iterable<String> authorization = headers.getAll(AUTHORIZATION);
  Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"Bearer allyourbase"},
      Iterables.toArray(authorization, String.class));
public void oauth2Credential() {
  final AccessToken token = new AccessToken("allyourbase", new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE));
  OAuth2Credentials credentials = new OAuth2Credentials() {
    public AccessToken refreshAccessToken() throws IOException {
      return token;

  GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials callCredentials =
      new GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials(credentials);
      new RequestInfoImpl(SecurityLevel.NONE), executor, applier);
  assertEquals(1, runPendingRunnables());

  Metadata headers = headersCaptor.getValue();
  Iterable<String> authorization = headers.getAll(AUTHORIZATION);
  assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"Bearer allyourbase"},
      Iterables.toArray(authorization, String.class));
public void googleCredential_privacyAndIntegrityAllowed() {
  final AccessToken token = new AccessToken("allyourbase", new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE));
  final Credentials credentials = GoogleCredentials.create(token);

  GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials callCredentials =
      new GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials(credentials);
      new RequestInfoImpl(SecurityLevel.PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY), executor, applier);

  Metadata headers = headersCaptor.getValue();
  Iterable<String> authorization = headers.getAll(AUTHORIZATION);
  assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"Bearer allyourbase"},
      Iterables.toArray(authorization, String.class));
public void googleCredential_integrityDenied() {
  final AccessToken token = new AccessToken("allyourbase", new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE));
  final Credentials credentials = GoogleCredentials.create(token);
  // Anything less than PRIVACY_AND_INTEGRITY should fail

  GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials callCredentials =
      new GoogleAuthLibraryCallCredentials(credentials);
      new RequestInfoImpl(SecurityLevel.INTEGRITY), executor, applier);

  Status status = statusCaptor.getValue();
  assertEquals(Status.Code.UNAUTHENTICATED, status.getCode());
源代码30 项目: gcp-token-broker   文件:
public static AccessToken submitDirectAuth(BrokerServerInfo serverInfo, String owner, Iterable<String> scopes, String target) {
    BrokerGateway gateway = new BrokerGateway(serverInfo);
    GetAccessTokenRequest request = GetAccessTokenRequest.newBuilder()
    GetAccessTokenResponse response = gateway.getStub().getAccessToken(request);
    String tokenString = response.getAccessToken();
    long expiresAt = response.getExpiresAt();
    return new AccessToken(tokenString, new Date(expiresAt));