java.util.Map#containsKey ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.Map#containsKey ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: lams   文件:
private static Map<String, List<Button>> groupButtonsByName(Button[] btns, String buttonType) {
Map<String, List<Button>> buttonGroups = new HashMap<>();
if (btns != null) {
    for (Button btn : btns) {
	if (buttonType.equals(btn.getType())) {
	    String name = btn.getName();
	    log.debug("Got " + buttonType + " " + name + " and its value is " + btn.getValue());
	    if (!buttonGroups.containsKey(name)) {
	    } else {
		List<Button> buttons = new ArrayList<>();
		buttonGroups.put(name, buttons);
return buttonGroups;
源代码2 项目: dremio-oss   文件:
public Map<DatasetPath, List<UserBitShared.LayoutMaterializedViewProfile>> getDatasetGroupedLayoutList() {
  Map<DatasetPath, List<UserBitShared.LayoutMaterializedViewProfile>> map = Maps.newHashMap();

  UserBitShared.AccelerationProfile accelerationProfile = profile.getAccelerationProfile();
  List<UserBitShared.LayoutMaterializedViewProfile> layoutProfilesList = accelerationProfile.getLayoutProfilesList();

  for (UserBitShared.LayoutMaterializedViewProfile viewProfile : layoutProfilesList) {
    String reflectionDatasetPath = accelerationDetails.getReflectionDatasetPath(viewProfile.getLayoutId());

    DatasetPath path;

    if ("".equals(reflectionDatasetPath)) {
      path = new DatasetPath(Arrays.asList("unknown", "missing dataset"));
    } else {
      path = new DatasetPath(reflectionDatasetPath);

    if (!map.containsKey(path)) {
      map.put(path, new ArrayList<UserBitShared.LayoutMaterializedViewProfile>());

  return map;
源代码3 项目: lucene-solr   文件:
 * Register all metrics in the provided {@link MetricSet}, optionally skipping those that
 * already exist.
 * @param registry   registry name
 * @param metrics    metric set to register
 * @param strategy   the conflict resolution strategy to use if the named metric already exists.
 * @param metricPath (optional) additional top-most metric name path elements
 * @throws Exception if a metric with this name already exists.
public void registerAll(String registry, MetricSet metrics, ResolutionStrategy strategy, String... metricPath) throws Exception {
  MetricRegistry metricRegistry = registry(registry);
  synchronized (metricRegistry) {
    Map<String, Metric> existingMetrics = metricRegistry.getMetrics();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Metric> entry : metrics.getMetrics().entrySet()) {
      String fullName = mkName(entry.getKey(), metricPath);
      if (existingMetrics.containsKey(fullName)) {
        if (strategy == ResolutionStrategy.REPLACE) {
        } else if (strategy == ResolutionStrategy.IGNORE) {
        } // strategy == ERROR will fail when we try to register later
      metricRegistry.register(fullName, entry.getValue());
private void setMaxNumRecordsConfigIfSpecified(Job job) {
  TableCustomConfig tableCustomConfig = _tableConfig.getCustomConfig();
  if (tableCustomConfig == null) {
  Map<String, String> customConfigsMap = tableCustomConfig.getCustomConfigs();
  if (customConfigsMap != null && customConfigsMap
      .containsKey(InternalConfigConstants.PARTITION_MAX_RECORDS_PER_FILE)) {
    int maxNumRecords =
    Preconditions.checkArgument(maxNumRecords > 0,
        "The value of " + InternalConfigConstants.PARTITION_MAX_RECORDS_PER_FILE
            + " should be positive. Current value: " + maxNumRecords);"Setting {} to {}", InternalConfigConstants.PARTITION_MAX_RECORDS_PER_FILE, maxNumRecords);
        .set(InternalConfigConstants.PARTITION_MAX_RECORDS_PER_FILE, Integer.toString(maxNumRecords));
源代码5 项目: Knowage-Server   文件:
private String getColumnName(JSONObject jsonObject, Map<String, String> columnAliasToName) throws JSONException {
	if (jsonObject.isNull("id") && jsonObject.isNull("columnName")) {
		return getColumnAlias(jsonObject, columnAliasToName);
	} else {

		if (jsonObject.has("formula")) {
			// it is a calculated field
			return jsonObject.getString("formula");

		String id = jsonObject.getString("id");
		boolean isIdMatching = columnAliasToName.containsKey(id) || columnAliasToName.containsValue(id);

		String columnName = jsonObject.getString("columnName");
		boolean isColumnNameMatching = columnAliasToName.containsKey(columnName) || columnAliasToName.containsValue(columnName);

		Assert.assertTrue(isIdMatching || isColumnNameMatching, "Column name [" + columnName + "] not found in dataset metadata");
		return isColumnNameMatching ? columnName : id;
源代码6 项目: arcusplatform   文件:
private void verifyMessageArguments(Map<String,Object> args, Map<String,AttributeDefinition> attrs, String type) {
   for (Map.Entry<String,AttributeDefinition> entry : attrs.entrySet()) {
      AttributeDefinition attr = entry.getValue();
      if (!attr.isOptional() && !args.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
         GroovyValidator.error(type + " must contain values for all required parameters: missing '" + attr.getName() + "'");

   for (String arg : args.keySet()) {
      if (!attrs.containsKey(arg)) {
         GroovyValidator.error("cannot " + type + " message with unknown parameter: '" + arg + "'");
源代码7 项目: JuniperBot   文件:
public List<GrantedAuthority> extractAuthorities(Map<String, Object> map) {
    String authorities = "ROLE_USER";
    if (map.containsKey(AUTHORITIES)) {
        authorities = asAuthorities(map.get(AUTHORITIES));
    return AuthorityUtils.commaSeparatedStringToAuthorityList(authorities);
 * Organize failing test cases by their class names
 * @param caseResultList all the failing test cases list
 * @return the map with class name and the set of test methods in each class
static Map<String, Set<String>> getFailingTestClassMethodMap(List<CaseResult> caseResultList) {
  Map<String, Set<String>> classMethodMap = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
  if (caseResultList != null) {
    for (CaseResult caseResult : caseResultList) {
      if (!classMethodMap.containsKey(caseResult.getClassName())) {
        classMethodMap.put(caseResult.getClassName(), new HashSet<String>());
  return classMethodMap;
源代码9 项目: helix   文件:
@Test(dependsOnMethods = "testMaintenanceModeInstanceDown")
public void testMaintenanceModeInstanceBack() {
  _participants[0] =
      new MockParticipantManager(ZK_ADDR, CLUSTER_NAME, _participants[0].getInstanceName());
  ExternalView externalView = _gSetupTool.getClusterManagementTool()
      .getResourceExternalView(CLUSTER_NAME, WorkflowGenerator.DEFAULT_TGT_DB);
  for (Map<String, String> stateMap : externalView.getRecord().getMapFields().values()) {
    if (stateMap.containsKey(_participants[0].getInstanceName())) {
      Assert.assertEquals(stateMap.get(_participants[0].getInstanceName()), "SLAVE");
源代码10 项目: hermes   文件:
private Collection<DatasourceAckFlushTask> createAckFlushTasks(Topic topic) {
	Map<String, DatasourceAckFlushTask> tasks = new HashMap<>();
	AckFlushHolder flushHolder = m_ackFlushHolders.get(topic.getName());
	if (flushHolder != null) {
		for (Partition partition : topic.getPartitions()) {
			DatasourceAckFlushTask dsTask = tasks.get(partition.getWriteDatasource());
			if (dsTask == null) {
				dsTask = new DatasourceAckFlushTask(partition.getReadDatasource(), topic.getId());
			for (ConsumerGroup consumer : topic.getConsumerGroups()) {
				OffsetMessage priorityOffsetMessage = flushHolder.getMaxAndResetOffsetMessageHolder(new Triple<>(partition.getId(), true, consumer.getId()));
				if (priorityOffsetMessage != null) {

				OffsetMessage nonPriorityOffsetMessage = flushHolder.getMaxAndResetOffsetMessageHolder(new Triple<>(partition.getId(), false, consumer.getId()));
				if (nonPriorityOffsetMessage != null) {

				Pair<Integer, Integer> offsetResendKey = new Pair<>(partition.getId(), consumer.getId());
				OffsetResend offsetResend = flushHolder.getMaxAndResetOffsetResendHolder(offsetResendKey);
				if (offsetResend != null) {

				if (!tasks.containsKey(partition.getWriteDatasource()) && dsTask.getExpectedAffectedOffsetCount() > 0) {
					tasks.put(partition.getWriteDatasource(), dsTask);
	return tasks.values();
源代码11 项目: translationstudio8   文件:
 * Split a text into a list of strings.  Reduce the texts to a string of
 * hashes where each Unicode character represents one line.
 * @param text String to encode.
 * @param lineArray List of unique strings.
 * @param lineHash Map of strings to indices.
 * @return Encoded string.
private String diff_linesToCharsMunge(String text, List<String> lineArray,
                                      Map<String, Integer> lineHash) {
  int lineStart = 0;
  int lineEnd = -1;
  String line;
  StringBuilder chars = new StringBuilder();
  // Walk the text, pulling out a substring for each line.
  // text.split('\n') would would temporarily double our memory footprint.
  // Modifying text would create many large strings to garbage collect.
  while (lineEnd < text.length() - 1) {
    lineEnd = text.indexOf('\n', lineStart);
    if (lineEnd == -1) {
      lineEnd = text.length() - 1;
    line = text.substring(lineStart, lineEnd + 1);
    lineStart = lineEnd + 1;

    if (lineHash.containsKey(line)) {
      chars.append(String.valueOf((char) (int) lineHash.get(line)));
    } else {
      lineHash.put(line, lineArray.size() - 1);
      chars.append(String.valueOf((char) (lineArray.size() - 1)));
  return chars.toString();
源代码12 项目: xtext-core   文件:
protected <S, P> void filterUnambiguousPaths(final Pda<S, P> pda, S state, Map<S, Integer> dist,
		Map<S, List<S>> followers) {
	if (followers.containsKey(state))
	List<S> f = Lists.newArrayList(pda.getFollowers(state));
	if (f.size() <= 1) {
		followers.put(state, f);
		if (f.size() == 1)
			filterUnambiguousPaths(pda, f.get(0), dist, followers);
	int closestDist = dist.get(f.get(0));
	S closest = f.get(0);
	for (int i = 1; i < f.size(); i++) {
		int d = dist.get(f.get(i));
		if (d < closestDist) {
			closestDist = d;
			closest = f.get(i);
	IsPop<S, P> isPop = new IsPop<S, P>(pda);
	Set<S> closestPops = nfaUtil.findFirst(pda, Collections.singleton(closest), isPop);
	Iterator<S> it = f.iterator();
	while (it.hasNext()) {
		S next =;
		if (next != closest) {
			Set<S> nextPops = nfaUtil.findFirst(pda, Collections.singleton(next), isPop);
			if (!closestPops.equals(nextPops))
	followers.put(state, f);
	for (S follower : f)
		filterUnambiguousPaths(pda, follower, dist, followers);
源代码13 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件:
private static void addMethod(Map<Signature, Method> sigs, Method method) {
    Signature signature = new Signature(method);
    if (!sigs.containsKey(signature)) {
        sigs.put(signature, method);
    } else if (!method.getDeclaringClass().isInterface()){
         * Superclasses beat interfaces.
        Method old = sigs.get(signature);
        if (old.getDeclaringClass().isInterface()) {
            sigs.put(signature, method);
源代码14 项目: quetzal   文件:
 * Determine variable mappings between two query triples.  Note a variable cannot be mapped to multiple variables.  If it is, this is an inconsistent mapping
 * at a local level that can be dropped
 * @param other
 * @return
public Map<Variable, Variable> getVariableMappings(QueryTriple other) {
 Map<Variable, Variable> ret = HashMapFactory.make();
 if (subject.isVariable() && other.getSubject().isVariable()) {
	 if (ret.containsKey(subject.getVariable())) {
		 if (!ret.get(subject.getVariable()).equals(other.getSubject().getVariable())) {
			 return null;		
	 } else {
		 ret.put(subject.getVariable(), other.getSubject().getVariable());
 if (predicate.isVariable() && other.getPredicate().isVariable()) {
	 if (ret.containsKey(predicate.getVariable())) {
		 if (!ret.get(predicate.getVariable()).equals(other.getPredicate().getVariable())) {
			 return null;		
	 } else {
		 ret.put(predicate.getVariable(), other.getPredicate().getVariable());
 if (object.isVariable() && other.getObject().isVariable()) {
	 if (ret.containsKey(object.getVariable())) {
		 if (!ret.get(object.getVariable()).equals(other.getObject().getVariable())) {
			 return null;		
	 } else {
		 ret.put(object.getVariable(), other.getObject().getVariable());
 return ret;
源代码15 项目: flowable-engine   文件:
protected void initProcessInstanceStateChangedCallbacks(ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl processEngineConfiguration) {
    if (processEngineConfiguration.getProcessInstanceStateChangedCallbacks() == null) {
        processEngineConfiguration.setProcessInstanceStateChangedCallbacks(new HashMap<>());
    Map<String, List<RuntimeInstanceStateChangeCallback>> callbacks = processEngineConfiguration.getProcessInstanceStateChangedCallbacks();
    if (!callbacks.containsKey(CallbackTypes.PLAN_ITEM_CHILD_PROCESS)) {
        callbacks.put(CallbackTypes.PLAN_ITEM_CHILD_PROCESS, new ArrayList<>());
    callbacks.get(CallbackTypes.PLAN_ITEM_CHILD_PROCESS).add(new ChildProcessInstanceStateChangeCallback(cmmnEngineConfiguration));
源代码16 项目: rice   文件:
 * Retrieves the class of the bean defined by the xml element.
 * @param bean the xml element for the bean being parsed
 * @return the class associated with the provided tag
protected Class<?> getBeanClass(Element bean) {
    Map<String, BeanTagInfo> beanType = CustomTagAnnotations.getBeanTags();

    if (!beanType.containsKey(bean.getLocalName())) {
        return null;

    // retrieve the connected class in the tag map using the xml tag's name.
    return beanType.get(bean.getLocalName()).getBeanClass();
源代码17 项目: sakai   文件:
private HierarchyNode checkAndAddNode(HierarchyNode parentNode, String title, String description, String term){
	HierarchyNode node = null;
	if(title != null && !"".equals(title)){

		Map<String, List<String>> nodeIds = dao.getNodesBySiteRef(new String[]{title}, DelegatedAccessConstants.HIERARCHY_ID);
		boolean hasChild = false;
		String childNodeId = "";
		if(nodeIds != null && nodeIds.containsKey(title) && nodeIds.get(title).size() > 0){
			for(String id : nodeIds.get(title)){
					hasChild = true;
					childNodeId = id;
				}else if(title.startsWith("/site/")){
					//If this is a site, there should (and can only be) 1 parent, delete
					//delete the other nodes since they are old
			//if this parent/child relationship hasn't been created, create it
			HierarchyNode newNode = hierarchyService.addNode(DelegatedAccessConstants.HIERARCHY_ID,;
			hierarchyService.saveNodeMetaData(, title, description, term);
			node = newNode;
			//since we don't want to keep lookup up the parent id after every child is added,
			//(b/c the data is stale), just add this id to the set
			//just grab the node
			node = hierarchyService.getNodeById(childNodeId);
			if(!node.description.equals(description) || !node.title.equals(title)){
				node = hierarchyService.saveNodeMetaData(, title, description, term);
	return node;
源代码18 项目: helix   文件:
 * Update the rebalanced ideal states according to the real active nodes.
 * Since the rebalancing might be done with the delayed logic, the rebalanced ideal states
 * might include inactive nodes.
 * This overwrite will adjust the final mapping, so as to ensure the result is completely valid.
 * @param idealStateMap the calculated ideal states.
 * @param clusterData the cluster data cache.
 * @param resourceMap the rebalanaced resource map.
 * @param baseline the baseline assignment.
 * @param algorithm the rebalance algorithm.
private void applyRebalanceOverwrite(Map<String, IdealState> idealStateMap,
    ResourceControllerDataProvider clusterData, Map<String, Resource> resourceMap,
    Map<String, ResourceAssignment> baseline, RebalanceAlgorithm algorithm)
    throws HelixRebalanceException {
  ClusterModel clusterModel;
  try {
    // Note this calculation uses the baseline as the best possible assignment input here.
    // This is for minimizing unnecessary partition movement.
    clusterModel = ClusterModelProvider
        .generateClusterModelFromExistingAssignment(clusterData, resourceMap, baseline);
  } catch (Exception ex) {
    throw new HelixRebalanceException(
        "Failed to generate cluster model for delayed rebalance overwrite.",
        HelixRebalanceException.Type.INVALID_CLUSTER_STATUS, ex);
  Map<String, IdealState> activeIdealStates =
      convertResourceAssignment(clusterData, calculateAssignment(clusterModel, algorithm));
  for (String resourceName : idealStateMap.keySet()) {
    // The new calculated ideal state before overwrite
    IdealState newIdealState = idealStateMap.get(resourceName);
    if (!activeIdealStates.containsKey(resourceName)) {
      throw new HelixRebalanceException(
          "Failed to calculate the complete partition assignment with all active nodes. Cannot find the resource assignment for "
              + resourceName, HelixRebalanceException.Type.FAILED_TO_CALCULATE);
    // The ideal state that is calculated based on the real alive/enabled instances list
    IdealState newActiveIdealState = activeIdealStates.get(resourceName);
    // The current ideal state that exists in the IdealState znode
    IdealState currentIdealState = clusterData.getIdealState(resourceName);
    Set<String> enabledLiveInstances = clusterData.getEnabledLiveInstances();
    int numReplica = currentIdealState.getReplicaCount(enabledLiveInstances.size());
    int minActiveReplica = DelayedRebalanceUtil.getMinActiveReplica(ResourceConfig
            currentIdealState), currentIdealState, numReplica);
    Map<String, List<String>> finalPreferenceLists =
            newIdealState.getPreferenceLists(), enabledLiveInstances,
            Math.min(minActiveReplica, numReplica));

源代码19 项目: dkpro-jwpl   文件:
 * Methods computing stuff that have to iterate over all categories and access category articles can plug-in here.
 * Recently plugin-in:
 *      numberOfCategorizedArticles
 *      distributionOfArticlesByCategory
 * @param pWiki The wikipedia object.
 * @param catGraph The category graph.
 * @throws WikiPageNotFoundException
private void iterateCategoriesGetArticles(Wikipedia pWiki, CategoryGraph catGraph) throws WikiPageNotFoundException {
    Map<Integer,Integer> localDegreeDistribution = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();
    Set<Integer> localCategorizedArticleSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
    Set<Integer> categoryNodes = catGraph.getGraph().vertexSet();
    // iterate over all categories
    int progress = 0;
    for (int node : categoryNodes) {
        ApiUtilities.printProgressInfo(progress, categoryNodes.size(), 100, ApiUtilities.ProgressInfoMode.TEXT, "iterate over categories");

        // get the category
        Category cat = pWiki.getCategory(node);
        if (cat != null) {
            Set<Integer> pages = new HashSet<Integer>(cat.__getPages());

            // update degree distribution map
            int numberOfArticles = pages.size();
            if (localDegreeDistribution.containsKey(numberOfArticles)) {
                int count = localDegreeDistribution.get(numberOfArticles);
                localDegreeDistribution.put(numberOfArticles, count);
            else {
                localDegreeDistribution.put(numberOfArticles, 1);

            // add the page to the categorized articles set, if it is to already in it
            for (int page : pages) {
                if (!localCategorizedArticleSet.contains(page)) {
        else {
  "{} is not a category.", node);
    this.degreeDistribution = localDegreeDistribution;
    this.categorizedArticleSet = localCategorizedArticleSet;
 * Match input parameter values with the parameters declared to be used in the call.
 * @param parameterSource the input values
 * @return a Map containing the matched parameter names with the value taken from the input
public Map<String, Object> matchInParameterValuesWithCallParameters(SqlParameterSource parameterSource) {
	// For parameter source lookups we need to provide case-insensitive lookup support
	// since the database meta-data is not necessarily providing case sensitive parameter names.
	Map<String, String> caseInsensitiveParameterNames =

	Map<String, String> callParameterNames = new HashMap<>(this.callParameters.size());
	Map<String, Object> matchedParameters = new HashMap<>(this.callParameters.size());
	for (SqlParameter parameter : this.callParameters) {
		if (parameter.isInputValueProvided()) {
			String parameterName = parameter.getName();
			String parameterNameToMatch = obtainMetaDataProvider().parameterNameToUse(parameterName);
			if (parameterNameToMatch != null) {
				callParameterNames.put(parameterNameToMatch.toLowerCase(), parameterName);
			if (parameterName != null) {
				if (parameterSource.hasValue(parameterName)) {
							SqlParameterSourceUtils.getTypedValue(parameterSource, parameterName));
				else {
					String lowerCaseName = parameterName.toLowerCase();
					if (parameterSource.hasValue(lowerCaseName)) {
								SqlParameterSourceUtils.getTypedValue(parameterSource, lowerCaseName));
					else {
						String englishLowerCaseName = parameterName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
						if (parameterSource.hasValue(englishLowerCaseName)) {
									SqlParameterSourceUtils.getTypedValue(parameterSource, englishLowerCaseName));
						else {
							String propertyName = JdbcUtils.convertUnderscoreNameToPropertyName(parameterName);
							if (parameterSource.hasValue(propertyName)) {
										SqlParameterSourceUtils.getTypedValue(parameterSource, propertyName));
							else {
								if (caseInsensitiveParameterNames.containsKey(lowerCaseName)) {
									String sourceName = caseInsensitiveParameterNames.get(lowerCaseName);
											SqlParameterSourceUtils.getTypedValue(parameterSource, sourceName));
								else if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Unable to locate the corresponding parameter value for '" +
											parameterName + "' within the parameter values provided: " +

	if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
		logger.debug("Matching " + caseInsensitiveParameterNames.values() + " with " + callParameterNames.values());
		logger.debug("Found match for " + matchedParameters.keySet());
	return matchedParameters;